Audio Mimir...

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Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
Audio Mimir...

quite some time ago i came across a D+D audio sampler cd with various soundtracks (composed i believe by midnight syndicate, although i may be wrong) among them was a sample of a cd that was effectivly an audio mimir.

and the creators explaining that cd is a great medium as you can skip straight to the track you want to hear and it adds a bit more depth and realism to the game. 

it occurs to me now, that it would be not only possible but also amazingly viable and useful to do somthing in an mp3 format. 

if its done as an audio wiki kind of thing, where anyone could add to it and download the bits that they need, it would feel like an actual in game mirmir, and all you would need is somthing to play the mp3 (or ogg or whatever format) 

the main problem i would forsee is that it would take somewhere to host it.

any thoughts on this idea?


also, i recall seeing an advert on the old planewalker site where you could buy the old audio mirmir on mp3 as well as other planescape e-books.

does anyone recall where that site is.


many thanks


Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
That'd be a lot of work and

That'd be a lot of work and I think it's nearly impossible that every cutter follows the same template for the tracks - that means if you want to make it similar to the mimir from Player's Guide to the Outlands, complete with short introduction by the mimir's metallic voice and a following text by some planar blood.

 Maybe someone could create a reading voice similar to Microsoft Sam that uses the mimir-voice. Smiling


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
it would only be alot of

it would only be alot of work for the initial set up.

and it wouldnt have to all follow the same format so long as the introduction sounded like it was read by the same person, im sure there are more than a few good voice synthazysers around to make the introduction on.




Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
This isn't the first time

This isn't the first time the idea has been brought up actually. Loki, a *long* time ago, before real life tried to eat him, had some connections he was thinking of using to get short entries recorded for us. He was asking for scripts at the time from us on the forums and didn't get a lot of response so it never launched. Then, as I said, life came up and smacked his schedule a good one....

It's possible he might still be up for it, I'll ask him and see. 

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Aren't the entries of the

Aren't the entries of the Encyclopedia a good starting point for mimirizing?


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Eldan's picture
Joined: 2006-12-04
I think most encyclopedia

I think most encyclopedia articles couldn't be used, since they are written from too much of a OOC perspective, i.e. contain information that no one in the game world could possibly know.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Aye, much of the fun of the

Aye, much of the fun of the mimir files from the Outlands CD were that they were completely in character. They suffered from misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies as well as in-character 'technical difficulties'. That's what made them fun. Eye-wink

Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
I'm just trying to keep it

I'm just trying to keep it simple... Sticking out tongue Eye-wink


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
the way that that CD was set

the way that that CD was set up, was it was more like a field reasercher had gone around tracking people down to try and talk into the mimir.

i think what would be better is some that are scripted and others that are just canded, or do a bit of a creature comforts and have a few players having an IC discussion in a "remember the time when we..." kind of way.

tis kind of cool.

in addition, you can d/load it  for free from the WOTC ste here


Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
I'm hoping to get some

I'm hoping to get some access to good recording equipment after Yule. Before I was experimenting with a setup where they were called in via phone and ripped to a downloadable mp3. Post Xmas I may have some new toys for podcasting in which case this project will get seriously fired up again. The rough part is content. The majority of entries on PW are too dry and I average 2500-3500 words a day in deadlines t keep a roof over my wifes head. I can write a few, but the lion's share will need to come from elsewhere. 


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
What are the specs for our

What are the specs for our entries then - Yule is a long ways off, so we should be able to start up a thread much like the Planar Adventures one to get some set up and ready to go in advance.

What are our targets for word count, tone/mood, and in character vs. out of character?

Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
it would need to be

it would need to be completley in character, no rules or anything like that.

the general tone we want will be mixed, some for example would be in hushed tones, others would be quite relaxed and sound like they are in a tavern. 

as long as the sound quality is alright.

also there are various royalty free sound tracks and music bites strewn about the internet (such as those on that could be mixed into the background for added depth and professionalism.



Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I plan to leave the

I plan to leave the background music and roks to the professional sound editor. Eye-wink

My questions are more for the scripts - what are our requirements for those in terms of length? How many words does it take to fill up 30 seconds, a minute, 3 minutes? And how long should we aim a track to be on average, not counting outliers like broken-mimir samples, or other things where the shortness is the point.

That information will tell us how long each script needs to be.

Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
well i dont think that each

well i dont think that each script should be the same length.

i do think however that an upper limit should be set, of, say 1.5 - 2 minuets? 

you can get alot of info into that.

 as for the script writing itself i have no idea as its not something i have ever attempted before.



Calmar's picture
Joined: 2006-06-07
Are they supposed to be all

Are they supposed to be all the same length? Could be depending on the subject.


"La la la, I'm a girl, I'm a pretty little girl!"

--Bel the Pit Fiend, Lord of the First (in a quiet hour of privacy)

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I did say "average", right?

I did say "average", right? *checks her post* Yep - that I did. As in - some are longer. Some are shorter. Some right on the button. That sounds reasonable to me at least. Eye-wink Whatever length we pick as our average it'll give us a more solid idea what the work is going to need for scripts, and for recording.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Three to seven paragraphs

Three to seven paragraphs should be about right from my experience last time.

In character, mix of accurate, inaccurate, and downright BS for the info.

We'll see what comes up in the way of equipment come Yule.  May have mixing software by then.

I also think we should start filling in the gaps in the TSR Mimir CD. It overed Sigil and the Gate Towns and the Outlands.

That means we need entries for each outer plane, each Inner Plane, each Transitive Plane, and various demiplanes. I would also suggest that entries for each faction, sect ad guild would be good. From there it can be anything, but that is the core of it. At least as I see it.  


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
sounds good. thinking

sounds good.

thinking about it, a good place to start would be with catagorys like how viola has done it on

 then we will know what articles we need and where the are needed.


Jem's picture
Joined: 2006-05-10
I have some recording

I have some recording equipment and would be willing to record some tracks for this project.  I'm no professional editor but I can write a few scripts and record them as mp3s for the use of whoever is aggregating them.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
I've got hosting space here

I've got hosting space here and youcan upload a file to an article. I can add the ability to tag mp3s with the right labels to make categories. Do we want to make a seconary thread onthe forums off of this one and collect the scripts there, in one place - or use this thread for it? That way we can also track what stage in processing the script is (submitted, recorded, up and active on the site) so we don't end up with two recordings since we have two folkswho can do it.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Since I'll probably be

Since I'll probably be working on coordinating a lot of this let me suggest a new thread for scripts, input, etc. First though lets lay out exactly what we want to have as parameters on this thread. Internet is in and out due to thunderstorms here on the Gulf Coast so I'll have to go into more detail later on.....


DungeonMasterLoki aka George Williams

Planewalker Manager - If you have questions get in touch!
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Dungeon Master of the Planejammer Campaign Series , Celebrating over 30 years!

Renfield286's picture
Joined: 2008-07-10
Great, so we have a

Great, so we have a plan?


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