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Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Hey everyone. In my current game the party has come into posession of an artifactual suit of armor, serving as the prison of a ancient deposed devil prince. The armor not only gives the wearer incredible power, but may well be used as a tool to upset the political hierarchy of the hells.

Said party has decided to aution this item off in Sigil; inviting representatives from factions and other potentially interested parties. The group has taken enormous precautions to limit the threat of violence (I did say limit) and as one of their number is a Guvner, they've filed all the proper paperwork and made certain everything is handled legally.

But, I need some ideas for just what the factions and other powers are willing to bid. While many of the factions may not be interested in the item for their own use, neither will they want it to fall into the hands of rival groups - thus I imagine most will have a representative in attendance. Aside from them, a devil, demon and daemon rep will be on hand - each attempting to keep it from the other.

So, I need ideas for bids. Ultimately I'd like three potential bids from each group, an opening, escalating and final bid. Additionally, if you come up with any other groups which should be interested, feel free to mention the possibility and add some thoughts for their bids as well.

I appreciate any help you can give me.


420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27

'Jack of tears' wrote:
Hey everyone. In my current game the party has come into posession of an artifactual suit of armor, serving as the prison of a ancient deposed devil prince.
Is the current structure of the Nine Hells in Planescape the same as Manual of the Planes and Book of Vile Darkness?

If so, I wouldn't be surprised to see Asmodeus himself there (in disguise of course) since he has the most interest in keeping control over the status-quo of Hell's current hirearchy. The party could end up owing him by the time he walks away with his new armor.

He isn't considered a "Power" in the sense of not being able to enter Sigil is he?


Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27

I'd argue Asmodeus is probably at least reaching Power status, and considering the potential problems with allowing him to come to Sigil, I'd just as soon avoid Asmodeus's presence, at least story-wise. However, representatives of Asmodeus authorized to bid on his behalf certainly would be there, if he wasn't himself. I would argue the same for the Oinoloth, as well as perhaps a few of the Tanar'ric Abyssal lords, as well as any Upper Planar leaders. In short, you'd have at least a 10-15 way bidding war.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

'420'][QUOTE='Jack of tears' wrote:
He isn't considered a "Power" in the sense of not being able to enter Sigil is he?
... Yes. He is. He's a powerfully unbalancing force by nature of what he is - portals are unlikely to work for him to get to the city. Even if not a power -he's a danger - and the Lady won't let that play either. However, his duly appointed legal forces on the other hand could....

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06

... auctioning off an ancient and powerful suit of armor with the power to change the balance of Hell? Your players certainly have chutzpah. I'd like to think that if one of my PCs ever ran across something like that, he'd dump it someplace discreet, send an anonymous tip to Prince Talisid as to its location, and then retire to the base of the Spire. Just to be safe.

(Slight side digression - Membership in the Athar isn't just good for annoying the heck out of every divine Power in existence, it also provides you with a nice handy bolthole for when you get in WAY over your head! Apply today!)

But in any case, we're talking fiends here, and fiends Do Not Play Fair. I would expect several of their bids to be in the form not of valuables or treasure, but concepts of existence. Like deceit - "If you give it to them, they'll use it to invade your homeworld. We can show you." Or coercion - "We bid... your own eternal souls, honored auctioneers. We've a way to damn all your souls for eternity... but we won't use it, if you just hand the armor over to us." Or pride - "You control, at this moment, one of the keystones of the multiverse! Why give it up? Use it - in our service! Behind our banner, you will make the gods themselves tremble in their sleep!" Or possibly guilt - "The armor's not something you can entrust to them. But we, we have no real use for it, except to deny it to our enemies. It's been lost for eons, after all, and we've not suffered its passing. Give it to us, and we'll make sure it stays gone. And you'll be free of all guilt regarding the evil it might have one day done." Or fear - "Give it to anyone but us, and you'll be tricked, betrayed, backstabbed and tortured beyond all the limits of pain. And the ones you deny this prize to will help, to gain some small measure of vengeance for the power they've lost. But put it in our care, and we'll not only be properly grateful, but protect you from the others' wrath. You can trust us..." And of course, there's always wrath - "Pitiful, foolish mortals. You treat this as a prize to be sold, like so many larvae. But we know better. You're alone, frail flesh, without any real power - and one day you'll slip, and we'll take what is rightfully ours. Along with your still-beating hearts. Unless you were to simply gift it to us..."

In short, if this stays an auction, I'll be real surprised. It's got all the potential in the world to turn out to be a tug-of-war on a cosmic scale, with the hearts and minds of the PCs as the rope...

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27

Heck, even the Celestials and the good-aligned Powers will be trying to sway the PCs to give them the armor. They certainly won't want the fiends to have it; anything that might potentially strengthen the fiends is bad news for them.

They'll be just as prone to using demagoguery and sway tactics here. They'll mention how allowing the spread of evil hurts the inhabitant of the multiverse, or perhaps that a gift might land the PCs a spot in the Upper Planes after death, by helping them atone for past actions. They'll hit you on your virtues, rather than your vices, but the end goal is the same.

Even the Rilmani might have a say in this; they'll mention 'balance of the planes' or something similar.

Your PCs have given you a VERY good chance to screw them good. Use it. This isn't just an auction. This is a war. In fact, it's likely to be 15-20 different wars that each feature two alignment-based groups fighting, plus a number of ones based off of factional belief.

Frankly, the sky will be the limit for this auction, if it somehow manages to finish with an actual auction-style sale.

This isn't session hook territory... this is campaign hook territory.

In short, as a PC, never auction off anything capable of affecting Planar balance. Sell it directly, and without fanfare.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28

Rick Jones from The Incredible Hulk fame had this great mini-series way back in the day (I'm thinking 10 years ago) where pretty much he was thought to be responsible for singlehandedly annihilating the Skrull Menace. In comic-speak, this is a huge deal, and once word of it got out, pretty much every single alien race in the Marvel universe promptly descended on Rick Jones' house in order to either buy the secret from him, beat it out of him, or dissect his brain for said secret.

It was great. His latest girlfriend turned out to be an alien in disguise. Aliens harassed him in the toilet. Aliens appeared out of windows or telephones or vases, offering him crazy-exotic alien slave-girls in return for the secret. An entire armada of lizard people with ray-guns showed up at his front door and proceeded to blow his house up. Basically, all hell broke loose. Finally, a coalition of aliens kidnapped him, took him aboard their space-ship, and pretty much drew the information right out of his head without his say-so. In short, powers far greater than he took it away from him and put it up on auction.

Unless we're talking about crazy-powerful PCs here, just throwing up some mega-powerful artifact for auction, especially an artifact they aren't ready to control... It just invites all sorts of zany hijinks and disaster (many of which have all ready been pointed out).

Unleash all hell upon your PCs. They deserve it.

Especially a Yugoloth popping up in their toilet and making them an offer they can't refuse.

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

>>... auctioning off an ancient and powerful suit of armor with the power to change the balance of Hell? Your players certainly have chutzpah. <<

Trust me, that is one thing my players have in abundance.

>>This isn't session hook territory... this is campaign hook territory.<<

I am aware of the implications such a thing possesses, trust me. The armor was, in a way, the reward for succeeding at a previous campaign. (I believe in the old addage "nothing ever ends, it only gets more interesting.")

Keep in mind, though, that my players have been planing this carefully. They've taken significant precautions to prevent the item from being stolen or having their identities easily decerned. They are informing interested parties only days before the auction occurs, so as to give no one much time to make preparations. They've hired powerful security, applied powerful magics, and arranged for many eventualities. If there is one mistake my players never make it is underestimating their gm.

The meat of their plan, though, boils down to getting it auctioned off quickly and making it someone else's problem. Which is why I need some ideas. Whether they'll succeed is really up to their ingenuity - as I never make anything impossible and my players can be very canny.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27

Now I'm getting a mental image of A'Kin doing that.

I can't help but find the image more than a little amusing.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27

'Jack of tears' wrote:
They are informing interested parties only days before the auction occurs, so as to give no one much time to make preparations.

Days? They gave the others too much time. Hours would have been better.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19

'The Great Hippo' wrote:
Rick Jones from The Incredible Hulk fame had this great mini-series way back in the day (I'm thinking 10 years ago) where pretty much he was thought to be responsible for singlehandedly annihilating the Skrull Menace. In comic-speak, this is a huge deal, and once word of it got out, pretty much every single alien race in the Marvel universe promptly descended on Rick Jones' house in order to either buy the secret from him, beat it out of him, or dissect his brain for said secret.

It was great. His latest girlfriend turned out to be an alien in disguise. Aliens harassed him in the toilet. Aliens appeared out of windows or telephones or vases, offering him crazy-exotic alien slave-girls in return for the secret. An entire armada of lizard people with ray-guns showed up at his front door and proceeded to blow his house up. Basically, all hell broke loose. Finally, a coalition of aliens kidnapped him, took him aboard their space-ship, and pretty much drew the information right out of his head without his say-so. In short, powers far greater than he took it away from him and put it up on auction.

Unless we're talking about crazy-powerful PCs here, just throwing up some mega-powerful artifact for auction, especially an artifact they aren't ready to control... It just invites all sorts of zany hijinks and disaster (many of which have all ready been pointed out).

Unleash all hell upon your PCs. They deserve it.

Especially a Yugoloth popping up in their toilet and making them an offer they can't refuse.

Why no HULK SMASH? I'd imagine that annoyance at aliens would turn to anger rather quickly. Especially once they abduct you, and try to rip the info out of your mind.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28

Why no HULK SMASH? I'd imagine that annoyance at aliens would turn to anger rather quickly. Especially once they abduct you, and try to rip the info out of your mind.

This was Rick Jones, the Hulk's best friend. The Hulk was busy dealing with the Mastermind's wacky hijinks at the time. Besides, he was professor Hulk at that time, not dumb-hulk (who frankly is just cooler).

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17

Just a thought...since the auctioned artifact in question has the bona-fide spirit of a (very powerful) being inside it, what does IT WANT? Will the Devil Prince be able to affect the outcome of the auction?

Oh, and no fiend worth the title would actually PAY more for such an item than TAKING IT BY FORCE might cost 'em. That being the case, if things start to spiral out of control, the Lady herself might put in a "bid" (and woe to any berk who isn't fast enough in retreat)

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21

'Azure' wrote:
Oh, and no fiend worth the title would actually PAY more for such an item than TAKING IT BY FORCE might cost 'em.

that sounds good to me. Fiendish powers aren't known to nicely pay for things.......just set up an NPC who is pretending to help them sell it, and have him try and steal it. Or, run something were an attemped theft happens.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01

And don't forget that those that choose not to bid might be as important as those that do. What would happen if the Yuggoloths as a race decided not to bid, then refused to say why to anyone that thinks to ask? Are they just waiting to take it from the winner? Do they know something that no one else knows? I use the yuggoloths as an example because they are the quintessential schemers, but any one group that has good reason to bid and conspicuously avoids it would work

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

I want to begin by saying I appreciate everyone's imput thus far. However, while advice on how to handle the auction is welcome, I have that part of the scenario covered.

What I really need is ideas for bids; because if the auction goes forth I would like to have some interesting offers for the party to ponder. While I do have a number of ideas lined up, I had thought people here might be able to suggest things I'd never thought of.

Therefor, while I appreciate your warnings and scenario ideas, I would appreciate the other much more.

Thank you.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27

Part of the problem is that none of the parties would want to pay the money to actually BUY the thing. It's obviously artifact-grade armor, but that means it's going to be extraordinarily difficult to judge on cash. Expect it to cost a hundred thousand gp as a starting bid; it will go up from there, should the auction actually go off.

Sebbal's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12

In my opinion, as it was in older DND books, magical items should never been bought...NEVER. especially the more powerfull ones... Why? because you can't compare the usefullness of gold coin with the usefullness of a magical item... High-ups have to pay Taxes in Sigil, the spend for their personnal guards, army and mercenaries, and so on... They need their gold coin to do that. Even thought they have 1 000 000 gp, they probably need half of that each month... They can't spend it all on a stupid mortal auction...

And remember someone had to spend his time and effort to make it. In the case of an artifact, that means the times and effort of a power! No ones would want to pay in money wath it would be worth since it would probably mean they would have to spend all their solid money on it and would have nothing left to pay «the monthly bills» if you know what I mean...

I think that the best the different party could offers is not money, but other magical items, titles, status, rulership over a layer of the abyss, 100 years of servitude from a Arcanoloth, and so on... Things that are hard to compare one to another... If they really are into money (and they are really stupid if they are) have all the party to bid a ridiculous amount... or not at all. Simply 'cause they know the others will just do the same...

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13

Of course they're not going to bid in coin, that is why I was asking for some help in coming up with interesting bids.

Thus far I have one group bidding a minor demiplane, another bidding leadership of a thousand troops in the blood war, a Third will bid ownership of a citadel on the elemental plane of fire, etc ... all very unique, non-monetary items. But, as others have pointed out, I'm going to have something upwards of twenty interested parties, and would like three bid offers from each, as I such could use more ideas.

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31

Following eldersphinx's train of thought, remember that the Outer Planes are all about belief. That is worth immeasurably more than simple jink.

Renaming a realm or entire layer after the PCs, the construction of monuments on massive scales (think of Crazy Horse Monument or Mt. Rushmore, only carved into the side of Khalas, for instance), the reshaping of entire burgs to reflect the PCs' tastes and interests would appeal to their vanity.

An eternity to indulge every consumptive whim (Sensates beware), from the decadence of fine food and drink to the haunting mystery of infinite aromas to the heady allure of mind-altering drugs--and all without consequence would be a good baseline attempt for their gluttony.

A legion of succubi/incubi, or perhaps one erinyes who is the greatest lover in existence are easy enough offers to make. Grand excesses of the PCs' wildest lascivious fantasies and promises of afterlives filled with nothing else would seek to slake their lust.

Revenge (in blood and pain) upon every transgressor for every wrong, real or imagined, would be a tantalizing offering to the PCs' anger. Current party nemeses or dead relations, it wouldn't matter. As an escalation, the PC(s) could help with torture or execution. The ultimate possession of said transgressors' soul gems could be a capstone bid.

Real estate offers should abound, from nine city blocks in Dis to a vaguely-defined three-dimensional volume in Limbo. Material objects that cannot be purchased with cash are better than crude coinage to assuage greed. Offer things like a (lesser) replica of Orcus' rod; the Demonwing, an entire Abyssal layer that has been impossibly folded and molded and forged into a plane-crossing ship; or that sodding ruby in the idol's eye*.

Sloth would love a horde of petitioner slaves or a retinue of fiendish servants (fully paid) to serve the PCs' every whim for the rest of their lives. Permanent floating discs and unseen servants can manage most tedious maintenance duties, while even a source of seemingly endless limited wishes could be a serious improvement on the original bid. The lifelong service of more powerful fiends and replacing limited wish with wish could be capstone bids.

Now, the armor itself may house a force of envy that whispers that the bidders are all just jealous of the PCs, knowing they can use the armor to take whatever they want from whomever they want--even the City of Doors! Look at all the power the Lady has, and what does She use it for? To take over other planes? No! She just hides in her Cage, letting it all go to waste. With the armor, though, the PCs may be able to take it for themselves...

Of course, there is a price with each of these bids greater than the armor itself. These are fiendish offers, and the fiends will twist them around so that even the most attractive offer, once accepted, becomes nothing short of a nightmare. The whole wish offer (sloth) has such awful potential it makes a DM want to weep for joy...

The Upper Planes have their own things to offer.

Forgiveness, a 'Get Out of Hell Free' card, would be a very hard bid to beat, all told, especially if the bidder pointed out the numerous sins (murder generally being one of the most prevalent among adventurers) the PCs have committed that need absolution. This bidder would be a far sterner judge than most Powers would be in judging their paladins, absolutely unwavering. Make them feel guilty. Have fun.

Hope is a powerful motivator. If the PCs (or some of them) have goals, dreams or ambitions they had early on, but have since abandoned because of the 'real world', the promise they are still quite possible--and perhaps even the realization itself--may be an attractive offer.

What is a better measure of true love than acceptance? Faction members could be given instant high-up status. Some Power may offer proxyship, or halfbreed planewalkers could be made full-blooded (as long as it isn't full-blooded fiend). They could also offer flocks of admirers, cohorts, henchmen and companions, all personally devoted to (varying) extreme degrees. And, of course, the willing love and eternal devotion of each PC's 'soulmate' (as well as said soulmate's presence) could be guaranteed as a capstone (or simply as a free gift).

Favor in the sight of gods and men could be bid, and the PCs would suddenly find themselves living as celebrities. They would have access to places most folk never see, they get their drinks for free (at participating locations), songs about them (or written by them) are sung across the planes, even scriptures could be penned about their exploits to be known to some Power's (or pantheon's) faithful forevermore. They would be regarded as examples to be emulated, heroes in the truest sense.

Justice levered against those who truly have wronged the PCs would be a good variation of the bid appealing to Anger. The punishment fitting the crime, it would be enacted swiftly and thoroughly. Upping the ante in this case may allow the PCs to settle accounts peaceably on their own, or even attempt to redeem their foes.

These payments (except, possibly, Forgiveness--your call) would be undone if the PCs fell from the workings of Good, of course.

*cover of 1st Ed PHB and 3.5 PHB2, if you missed the reference

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01

Hmmm. Things that could be offered as bids by various factions. . .

The Athar - All the accumulated dirt and underhandedly acquired knowledge they have on a single god or church of the PCs choosing

The Bleak Cabal - Probably not interested. Then again, how often are they really interested in anything.

The Doomguard - A Sphere of Annihilation and an Amulet of the Sphere, or a mature Rust Dragon

The Dustmen - The secrets of Lichhood, all the materials necessary to perform the ritual, and an eternity of guardianship over the phylactery after it is created

The Fated - They'd probably just try to take the suit for themselves, but if they couldn't get it, they might take something else that belongs to the PCs and offer it back in trade

The Fraternity of Order - An extensive list of useful laws of the multiverse, as well as known loopholes where relevant

The Free League - Probably not interested.

The Harmonium - Not sure

The Mind's Eye - Relevant knowledge of what they believe to be the PCs' path up the ladder of existance, as well as assistance in walking the path to its conclusion

The Revolutionary League - Positions of power within the new order they seek to create. Alternatively, they won't destroy the PCs' home/place of business/faction headquarters in exchange for the armor

The Ring Givers - Give it to them. Giving an item of such unfathomable value to the faction is guaranteed to bring enormous rewards back to the PCs as the multiverse balances itself

The Society of Sensation - A lifetime of free access to the sensoriums, as well as full access to their archives of art and poety and literature, cellars of fine wines and spirits, and about any other sensations the faction has to offer

The Sodkillers - A vow on the part of all Sodkillers to forever remove the names of the PCs from any association with crime inside Sigil

The Sons of Mercy - Not sure

The Transcendant Order - Not sure

The Xaositects - Increasingly large quantities of halibut. If the PCs accept, they will never be without rations, but their homes will tend to fill up with salted fish when they least expect it

And, maybe a few other groups

The Illithid - One week's access to the Cranium Rat mental network for any purpose the PCs wish to pursue

The Efreeti - Slaves. Lots and lots of slaves. Perhaps the services of a Noble Efreeti for a debatable number of years

The Mercanes - The secret that makes them so ridiculously afraid of Sigil

The Planar Trade Consortium - Knowledge of their entire network of portals and keys

The Formians - An army of formians to build the PCs a great fortress to their exact specifications on a cog of their own in Mechanus, as well as the proper treaties to ensure it is never taken over by hive expansion

The Ethergaunts - They currently have in their posession approximately two million primes from their latest invasion campaign. In exchange for the armor, they will not deliver ten dead innocents to the PCs every day for the rest of their mortal lives

Celestials - The secrets of the Pheonix's rebirth

The Kytons - A mature Nupperbio

The Parai - The secrets of Perfection learned from the assimilation of a thousand thousand minds

The Rilmani - An offer to balance the PCs. They will be altered in such a way as to walk with the order of existance at all times

Ok, I think that's enough from me for now. Might think of some more later

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28

The Ethergaunts - They currently have in their posession approximately two million primes from their latest invasion campaign. In exchange for the armor, they will not deliver ten dead innocents to the PCs every day for the rest of their mortal lives.

I really like this one and the sort of dynamic it represents. I imagine that a lot of fiends/devils/demons would do something like this, especially if any of the PCs have any sort of ethical/good impetus.

Even if they don't, there's a certain purity to all the fiends making bids like If you don't give the armor to us, we'll put you on top of our shitlist. When pretty much all the fiends in the Multiverse make this bid, you are screwed no matter what you do.

Its a hilarious reversal of the bidding, because now you just want to give the armor to whomever is capable of doing the worst. In return, they decide to forget you ever had it in the first place.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27

'The Great Hippo' wrote:

When pretty much all the fiends in the Multiverse make this bid, you are screwed no matter what you do.

Its a hilarious reversal of the bidding, because now you just want to give the armor to whomever is capable of doing the worst. In return, they decide to forget you ever had it in the first place.

That's sort of the idea I was hinting at with Asmodeus.

However, in an auction a starting bid is usually set and something like threats wouldn't be an acceptable bid (not high enough). In a silent auction, which I assume this will be for an item of such immense worth, a team of neutral experts should evaluate each bid before it is accepted.

But, the fiends can revise their bids, something like: "If you don't give us the armor we will leave 10 innocent corpses on your front porch every morning for the rest of your life. But if you do give us the armor we'll release the same number of people alive every day for the rest of your life." This also opens up a moral dilemma for good PCs. Is it better to save innocent people than receive a personal reward while condemning the innocent?

Of course, this sort of word-trickery could mean that the PCs are now targets for assassination so the Ethergaunts don't have to release anyone.


Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

'Hymneth' wrote:
The Harmonium - Not sure

We will bring harmony and peace to your home world (or a prime of your choice, if you're planar-born). Completely free of charge!*

*some genocide may be necessary

The Efreeti - Slaves. Lots and lots of slaves. Perhaps the services of a Noble Efreeti for a debatable number of years

Psh. Those are the least of what we have to offer. You've heard of Aladdin and his magnificent lamp, haven't you? Of course you have. Everybody's heard of Aladdin. More importantly, everybody wants to be Aladdin. But what if you didn't have just three wishes? What if you had three wishes a day? Or five or ten wishes a day. Or however many wishes it takes to get you everything you want, for as long as you want it. Who else can offer you exactly everything you've always wanted?

The Ethergaunts - They currently have in their posession approximately two million primes from their latest invasion campaign. In exchange for the armor, they will not deliver ten dead innocents to the PCs every day for the rest of their mortal lives

This is really cool. I like that.


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