Assurance [Athar]

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Hecruel's picture
Joined: 2005-02-14
Assurance [Athar]

This is a really confusing feat.

What exactly do you mean by naming someone? Is it simply choosing an ally? If so why is it not "you are able to add +2 to the will saves of three allies of your choise who can hear you speaking"? Or does a member of the Athar have to convert the person so bolstered over to the Athar after their faith is shaken to give them the boost? Or is it simply a matter of helping to comfort someone after losing their faith. Then again after someone has had their faith shaken would they really want to see a member of the Athar? They might react in the oposit direction beliving that their faith is instead being tested and decide to kill the infidel.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Assurance [Athar]

You know, it's a funny thing about conversion: you can never be sure that someone's going to believe in your cause.

Ohtar Turinson's picture
Joined: 2004-06-01
Assurance [Athar]

I like it, but one question: how long does the effect last? As long as they're in range? If so, what's the range? If there's none... do planar boundries count at least?

And either way, giving a lot of other people will save bonuses is very powerful... with no requisites other than faction membership, this maybe somewhat over powered. I suspect that you mean the feat to only be able to target someone who has shaken faith, which would tone it down quite a bit, and in which case, I think its fine the way it is.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Assurance [Athar]

'Ohtar Turinson' wrote:
I like it, but one question: how long does the effect last? As long as they're in range? If so, what's the range? If there's none... do planar boundries count at least?

And either way, giving a lot of other people will save bonuses is very powerful... with no requisites other than faction membership, this maybe somewhat over powered. I suspect that you mean the feat to only be able to target someone who has shaken faith, which would tone it down quite a bit, and in which case, I think its fine the way it is.

Oops! Sorry about that, yeah, it should be within a 30' radius, I believe. I modeled it after a spell...I'll have to find it again so I can give you an accurate distance. Schoolwork is bothersome, I have a creative writing class that demands that I write 5-8 pages a week in a "journal" in addition to assignments with the theme "What drives L.A.?" when I don't care because it's a cesspool that I happen to live on the outskirts of for another 18 months before I can finally get out of here and never return.

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