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Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

In the World of Sulerin database I came across a thing called an Aspect, which is described as a being spontaneously or deliberately created by a power.

The encyclopedia says an Aspect is this:

In the Miniatures Handbook, aspects are something like avatars, but they are much more minor manifestations of power by deities or other powerful beings.

More broadly, an aspect is a particular name and shape taken by a deity before one world or group of worshippers. It is possible for a deity to die on one world, but remain alive on others, because only one aspect of the divinity's many facets has been destroyed.

Those two paragraphs seem contradictory to me. I read the information about Avatars here:
and it seems that if an Aspect is an entire face of a deity on a plane, that it is greater than an Avatar. So my questions are:

1. Are there any rules describing more clearly what an Aspect is, especially as compared to an Avatar?

2. Can any power create an Aspect? According to World of Sulerin the only Aspects statted up are for Tiamat, Bahamut, and a bunch of Tanar'ri and Baatezu powers.

3. How many Aspects can a power have at any one time?

MakThuumNgatha's picture
Joined: 2006-11-12

Those two paragraphs are contradictory and referring to two seperate uses of the term "aspect."

The second paragraph just refers to "faces" that a power uses to gather worship from different groups of individuals. I'm not really aware of any situations (at least off the top of my head) in which a deity died on one world and remained alive on another. A couple possible examples come to mind, but they all involve avatars. In this use a deities "aspect" is not truly distinguished from a the deity itself.

The second usage is primarily limited to the Miniature's Handbook. This is "aspect" in a meaningful sense of the term (since it distinct from the deity itself). They were largely created to justify the creation of minatures of deities and archfiends, and allow adventurers to defeat (in an extremely limited sense) these beings.

For answers:

1. There are examples of aspects but no clear rules on creating them. Whereas avatars are direct extensions of a deity, aspects are more independent. Aspects generally have a CR somewhere between 10 and 20, with some exceptions being as high as 27 (in the case of Asmodeus). Avatars, going by the official and broken WotC rules (they cause DvR inflation among other things), generally have (if calculated) a CR in the 30s. I could try to answer more specific questions on this.

2. To the best of my knowledge, any power can. Archfiends, celestial paragons, and other cosmic entities can manifest aspects but not avatars.

3. There are no rules that state this. But they can definitely manifest more of them than they can avatars; so probably "alot" (dozens perhaps). To distinguish them more clearly from avatars, I think aspects might be very temporary manifestations of a power or cosmic entity created for a specific limited goal or at the calling of powerful clerics.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27

'Vaevictis Asmadi' wrote:

1. Are there any rules describing more clearly what an Aspect is, especially as compared to an Avatar?

2. Can any power create an Aspect? According to World of Sulerin the only Aspects statted up are for Tiamat, Bahamut, and a bunch of Tanar'ri and Baatezu powers.

3. How many Aspects can a power have at any one time?

Not only can powers create aspects but demon princes can have them too. Stats for Juiblex, Kostchtchie, Zuggtmoy, Demogorgon, Dagon, Malcanthet, Orcus, Baphomet, Fraz-Urb'luu, Pale Night and Pazuzu are available from the link below.

Check out the Fiendish Codex 1 Web Enhancement:


What is an Aspect?

(Adapted from the D&D Miniatures Handbook)An aspect is the embodiment of a small portion of an archfiend's life force. The original's power is so great that this shred of life force is actually able to take shape as a living creature. An aspect looks like the archfiend from which it springs (known as the aspect's "original"). It is only a pale shadow of the original archfiend or deity. Still, a pale shadow of such a mighty being is formidable indeed.

While aspects are spiritual rather than biological in origin, they manifest as actual living (or undead) creatures. They have consciousness, intelligence, and will. They are notoriously single-minded and unwilling to communicate. They may help mortals, but only because they want to--not because they're asked. Aspects are usually as big as giants, although they are sometimes scaled more like humans. It is very rare for them to be larger than Large or smaller than Medium. In the case of archfiends, aspects are the same size as or smaller than the original.

Unlike avatars (introduced in Deities and Demigods), aspects are not extensions of the original. The original can't see through the aspect's eyes and doesn't know what the aspect learns. Destroying an aspect sometimes weakens the original by dissipating the aspect's life force and preventing it from being reabsorbed into the original, but beyond that, hurting the aspect does not harm the original.

Calling Aspects

Characters can sometimes use the planar ally or planar binding spell to call an aspect. In the case of the more powerful aspects, greater planar ally or greater planar binding is necessary.

An aspect is an archfiend's power coalesced into a single point. Typically, this power can't coalesce into two nearby points. Thus, aspects of a specific original are almost always found alone. Sometimes spellcasters or creatures wielding powerful magic items can force two aspects of the same original into the same area. These aspects are likely to attack each other. The proximity of another aspect of the same deity apparently causes an aspect great distress.

Vile servants of archfiends and evil deities sometimes call forth aspects of their unholy masters to take part in unspeakable rituals. The less said about these rites, the better.


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18

The stats in FCI for Grazz't, Malacanthet, Demogorgon and the like are aspects as well, they're greater aspects. Though the sentence mentioning that they were greater aspects, got edited out of the book, according to the writers of FCI.

Vaevictis Asmadi's picture
Joined: 2006-05-31

Thank you very much, guys!

Sucros's picture
Joined: 2007-01-04

a new FCII aspect article was just posted on the WoTC, giving the archdukes of hell and some of the powers aspects. The official word is that the power levels presented in the fiendish codex's are unique aspects, containing a large portion of the being's power, and are guidlines to create demon princes and archdukes of appropriate difficulty for players. Smaller aspects are more for including high rollers at lower levels.

I tend to use CR 10 aspects as what the cultists at the end of 6-7th level dungeons summon if the PCs fail. They beg a boon of demogorgon, and get one, ect.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27

'Sucros' wrote:
a new FCII aspect article was just posted on the WoTC
Specifically, aspects of Bel, Tiamat, Kurtulmak, Dispater, Mammon, Fierna, Belial, Levistus, Sekolah, Glasya, Baalzebul, Mephistopheles and Asmodeus. (In order of layer.)

Found here: Fiendish Aspects


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