Aspects of powers in Sigil

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Sucros's picture
Joined: 2007-01-04
Aspects of powers in Sigil

What are your thoughts on aspects of powers entering Sigil?

On one hand, aspects are direct shards of a diety's power, but on the other, they aren't powers proper.

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Aspects of powers in Sigil

I vote no. That is, generally. Both powers and their aspects are kept out. However, stuff happens, like Vecna's little joyride through torus town. I can imagine aspects getting in would cause less of a rucus (comparitively), but would occur more often. Then again, why would the powers want to get their aspects in Sigil in the first place? After all, is it worth the risk for them? Not all of them are as suicidally brilliant as Vecna.

Vir'Aphelion's picture
Joined: 2007-03-15
Aspects of powers in Sigil

'Sucros' wrote:
What are your thoughts on aspects of powers entering Sigil?

On one hand, aspects are direct shards of a diety's power, but on the other, they aren't powers proper.

I'd go with no as well, and I'd make the ability for Proxies to enter sigil "ify"- sometimes they can get in, sometimes they couldn't- idea being that Sigil is ideally a place barred from the hypermortal influence of the Powers.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Aspects of powers in Sigil

Personally, I'd have no problem with an aspect entering Sigil as long as it had (non-disruptive) business there, got its business done, and left. Maybe not immediately, but before too much time passed. It would be an interesting encounter to run past a party, or even a good adventure seed. An aspect of a God, and a relatively powerful one at that, turned into a nervous wreck because it has to finish a task in the Cage before it can leave and now its getting worried about a mazing or flaying comming its way

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Aspects of powers in Sigil

I tend to see aspects as being "part" of a Power, and if Powers can't enter then pieces of them can't either. Partly because the Lady can't control them. When Vecna entered the Cage, the Lady was powerless to stop him, and she does NOT want a repeat incident. At any rate, even if aspects are allowed it likely isn't safe for them there, so the powers would prefer to send their proxies and servants. Proxies, of course, should probablly be allowed free reign as there are already several proxies within Sigil, and Proxies really aren't much of a threat to the Lady.

Loki De Carabas's picture
Joined: 2004-12-14
Aspects of powers in Sigil

I would say absolutely not.

Vecna's joyride through Sigil in Die, Vecna, Die was a unique occurrance in that 1) he was aided by The Serpent (an entity speculated to be on a par with Her Serenity) 2) it was fueled by the consumption of another power (Iuz) and 3) was whiplashed through the barriers by the force of his breaking through the mists of Ravenloft using this stolen energy.

I would also assume that The Lady has shored up her defenses in the time since.

Aspects are significant shards of the the power they represent and as such should under no circumstances be allowed into the Cage. Now I see nothing wrong with them entering via portal and then being immediately mazed upon entry.....


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