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Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ash to Ash

First up, what follows is a piece of fiction, it has no relation to real world events nor do i encourage or indorse terrorisum of any sort. Any persons named in this piece are totally fictional and bear no relation to any person whom share those names.

Ash to Ash [a organisation for UPS]

A new terrorist group, Ash to Ash targets genetic enginerring and medical research centers, killing professionals, and destroying research. Security footage shows them as humanoids wearing ash grey jump suites, using sophisticated technology and showing what many experts consider to be advanced military training techniques. They have made no direct media contact, but have pinned several messages on the data stacks with cyberspace, decrying modern medical practices as a burden of the soul.

The Dark
The head of the organisation, Ian Holburn, is a former professor of genetics at The Mechanicus Insitiute of Genetics. Growing more disillusioned with his work, one day he received an unmakred package within the internal mail. Contained with in were historical documents describing an ancient death cult. It intrigued him and in his spare time, he put more research into this death cult, and discovered that his first conclusions were wrong. Not a death cult as such, they had believed that this existence with a transitory state between life and death, true death. Holburn saw his destiny before him. People must be allowed to find true death. He quit his position with the Insititute and set about recruiting like minded individuals to his cause. One of the first recruits was Christain de’Garr. An ex special forces agent of a prime world, who had grown tried of easy victories, who was becoming increasily suicidal, looking for the ultimate opponent to bring him his warrior’s death. He saw in Holburn’s belief’s what he could never put into worlds. He immediately joined with him and together they formed Ash to Ash, a paramilitary organisation that would cripple modern medical techniques, allowing people to die when there time was right, not drawing out this sorry state of existence longer than necessary. Using Holburn’s medical knowledge and de’Garr’s military training, they have formed a well trained and well educated body of fanatical troops beneath them. The priority targets of Ash to Ash are hospitals and medical research centres. They also plan to ‘free’ several high ranking health ministers from this existence.

Ok, thats may idea for Ash to Ash. Including terrorists in the setting could be touchy, so I'm not sure if we want to include them, but terorism is unfortunately part of modern culture. [Mods, if you feel its unwise to have terrorism in UPS, please delete this and add that rule to the project FAQ]


Dark_Reaction024's picture
Joined: 2007-09-30
Ash to Ash

To be honest, I personally feel that leaving out terrorism in its varying forms would serve no real purpose- this is supposed to be a work of fiction, but with a very realistic bent.

Terrorism is a reality of increased civilization- as the crowds grow bigger, it becomes easier to slip through the cracks, which in turn opens holes in even the greatest civilization's security measures.

Thats the reality of not only this world, but almost certainly any other that follows the same path we have- you cant ignore that fact....

...not to mention, terrorism fits especially well with some of the more 'underhanded' races- demons, devils, and above all, yugoloths. I could easily see there being terrorism cells within the Yugoloth people that, from time to time, attack the various civilizations.

A viral attack in Celestia or even one of the material primes would only be a matter of time. The Gith races would almost certainly use terrorism in their everlasting battle against the Illithid. The Blood War would have no small amount of terorrism...

I mean, we COULD leave it out... but in my eyes, it would be removing something that has a very real place in the game world- the idea of doing this project, from what im seeing, is applying some of the technological and cultural improvements/declines that have taken in OUR world to the Planescape setting.... to leave out terrorism, in my eyes, would almost be an insult to those who have lost/been lost.

I dont think many could say they wouldnt be interested in playing a game as part of a Celestia/Abyssal/Baatorian Anti-Terror Agency; the plots are just too good and would, in time, almost certainly be played out by DMs.

Basically- they havent stopped making movies/books/tv/video games that include or are even completely based around terrorism/terrorist cells/etc.

People enjoy fighting the bad guy, and terrorists are, without a doubt, the bad guy.

...Then again Im new and have no real say.... Just lending my 2 cents on the matter.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ash to Ash

I wanted to make things very very clear that the piece was fiction, its just causes less aggro that way (i hope), but yes, I feel that terrorism is part of modern culture and shoud be included in UPS.

I really like your idea of anti-terror agencies Smiling I think its time to add another thread to the UPS boards.......1001 Urban Palnescape Adventure Seeds!


Karno_Fevik's picture
Joined: 2008-03-02
Ash to Ash

I like it! I like how it kind of takes the Dustmen and shows them through a kind of more nihilistic and modern light. Neat!

And yes, I agree that while Terrorism is a touchy subject to many people, putting it into UPS makes sense - both from a quest/adventure standpoint and from a modernisation standpoint.

Kal's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Ash to Ash

Cheers for the feedback Karno Smiling nice to see a new face about the UPS boards (sorry for not saying hello on the welcome thread)


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