Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

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Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Just for giggles, do any of the artists on here want descriptions of the new 'loths I was asked to write up? Just wondering. In case people wanted to do something new instead of interpretations of official D&D creatures...

Barkin x

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Yeah, you've got me curious.

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Sure, I could plunk some of them in with a demonic army of some kind mayhaps Smiling


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Ok, here ya go. Now im not a very good writer....hahaha who am I kidding? Nah seriously this is what I submitted (before editing) so dont laugh. Pretty much all of the creatures were made with one eye on the Book of Vile Darkness so as to make loths (who are purest evil) actually seem evil. I'll include stats and misc information in case this might be useful to creating an image in your mind.

Did some new loths because I was annoyed that the pinnacle of evil apparently wasnt important enought to make it into the BoVD. So heres some nasty guys. Hope they inspire something.


The terracoloths serve a similar purpose in yugoloth armies as lemures and manes serve in infernal and demonic armies. They are the basic cannon fodder and last resort food source for higher ranking yugoloths. Although they have basic intelligence they cannot speak and can understand only a few basic commands from their commanding officers. Those who command them generally communicate telepathically as it offers the least chance of misinterpreted orders.
Terracoloths stand around 3 and a half feet tall. Their emaciated bodies are covered in flesh the colour of a diseased scab. Their eyes are dull and lifeless black but burn with green flame when they are in battle. They have spindly arms which may lead some enemies into believing they are somewhat weaker than they actually are.
The Terracoloth has short and fat legs with two joints before they reach the ankles. These joints allow the daemon to move somewhat quicker than a creature of its size normally would. Their fingers are twice again the length of those of a normal human, with five joints each to allow for a greater grip, something they utilise when using group tactics to bring down an opponent in a grapple.
Terracoloths cannot speak all but a few useless words and possibly a form of recognition (a yes or no) to acknowledge the receipt of orders. They vaguely understand the languages of their masters.

These guys are of Small size with the following stats:
Str 12, Dex 16, Con 12, Int 3, Wis 12, Cha 6

They do Vile damage with their bite.


Razreoloths are savage creatures that attack heedless of danger. They are even more fevered in battle than other yugoloths. They tend to lunge at enemies and attempt to grapple them so as to put the razor-sharp spikes on their bodies to good use.
Standing just less than 6 feet tall, they are heavily built around the shoulders with a disproportionately small midsection and strong legs. They have ash coloured flesh with the spikes taking on a metallic sparkle. A sadistic face sits atop the broad shoulders, set in a constant grin that rarely leaves whilst this creature fights.
Thought to be a race not yugoloth in origin, the Razreoloth looks a lot like a corrupted Bladeling, indeed many scholars think that the yugoloth may have enslaved and tortured some members of that race, breeding them in times now forgotten into something more suited to their twisted needs.

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 8, Wis 8, Cha 10

Quick and savage basically. Base speed of 40ft.


These winged yugoloths double up as both massively strong air and ground soldiers. Never comfortable in either, Hiencoloths seek to constantly battle. They are frequently encountered as units known as ‘Wings’. They are loosely loyal to this unit but have been known to sacrifice a member of the squadron if it will distract the enemy long enough to give them a tactical advantage.
They are acutely paranoid with anyone except other Hiencoloths despite the fact that other yugoloths treat them with little difference from any other creature. Even with their own kind they are wary.
The Hiencoloth stands little more than 5 feet tall. Its head resembles all the worst features of an ant and a feral dog. Into this mixture add skin the varying colours of a vile wound. Large bat-like wings crawl at awkward angles from their back giving them an unsteady yet not altogether useless flight pattern. They nearly always wield surprisingly well-kept halberds which they treasure to the point of personally hunting down and killing anyone who steals their weapon.

Str 20, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 14, Wis 12, Cha 12

Despite being relatively short, they are Large creatures because of their muscular bulk.


Self-obsessed and magically addicted are ways to describe a Saransoloth. They have delved deeper into vile magic than many other fiends would dare. Utterly selfish, they test new techniques of spell-casting on slaves which are strung up from the ceilings of their isolated towers. Saransoloths trust nobody, as reflected in the fact they protect themselves with relatively few guards, preferring to set up magical wards to deter would-be intruders.
Saransoloths show little variation in their appearance. They are usually quite tall, standing just over 6 feet in height. Their bodies are normally quite thin, one step from looking starved. The creatures are odd in that they have several joints in their neck to allow them to twist their heads in a number of directions not normally possible to human. Also unlike a human, they have one less joint in their fingers which means they cannot actually bend their fingertips. Their arms and legs are sinewy, not at all muscular. There are a rare few (10%) that are the opposite, bloated by the magic they wield. Despite this variation, Saransoloths always have sickly purple skin, toothless mouths and empty eye-sockets that momentarily spark with light when they use one of their many spell-like abilities.

Str 10, Dex 16, Con 14, Int 20, Wis 14, Cha 14

These guys make use of the corrupt and violate spell-like ability feats from BoVD. These guys arent nice and arent pretty.


These hulking creatures are the brawn behind the General of Gehennas schemes. Although like all yugoloths, orders given to them are usually followed until they leave his presence. After this, these homicidal creatures change from subservient underlings to the mighty commanders of yugoloth armies.
Thought stupid by those who do not know better, Zeronoloths are neither stupid nor subservient. Rarely seen until recently, they are becoming more and more frequent in skirmishes as well as larger battles, leading sometimes immense armies with all the ferocity of a Balor and the focus of a Pit Fiend.
The Zeronoloth was once a mindless guardian. But over the millennia a devious sentience crept into them. Knowing he would be unable to stop all of them should they rebel, the General of Gehenna instead began to train his now highly intelligent Zeronoloths for war. Now useless in their guardian role, the Zeronoloths were eager to battle and used their reputation as mindless beasts to trick their enemies, unleashing havoc when they deemed the moment to be right.
Zeronoloths stand some 12 feet tall with broad shoulders that carry two highly muscled arms. No two Zeronoloths look the same, with faces twisted in pained expressions that are terrible to behold. Some have one, two, three or more eyes that glint with a vile intelligence. Whatever the number, all burn a fiery orange. A long, heavy, curved horn usually issues from the rear of their skull. Their damp flesh ranges from dark to light brown and is always slippery.

Str 24, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 20

Vile spell-like abilities. I made this guy to at least partly even up the score with Demons and Devils. Hes a Large creature.


When the yugoloth incited a mass exodus from their native home of Hades, a number of Shadow Dragons went with them. As if time spent on Hades was not enough to corrupt these dragons, countless millennia inhabiting Gehenna has bred these creatures into truly vile dragons.
Gehennan Wyrms are shunned by even the most evil of dragons. Shadow Dragons are the only dragons that can tolerate their presence for any amount of time. Truly unholy engines of destruction; the Gehennan Wyrm is thankfully a rare breed of dragon.
Gehennan Wyrms look like ill-kept Shadow Dragons; their wings normally have tears around the edges. Their scales are somewhat translucent in places, giving way to a glowing sapphire colour that is slightly unnerving, even to fiends. They are around 40 feet long plus a long tail.
Gehennan Wyrms are accomplished diplomats and when shape-changed into a humanoid form, they frequently act as yugoloth intermediaries to mortals.

Str 28, Dex 10, Con 26, Int 20, Wis 18, Cha 30

Basically loth Dragons. Inspired by the Hellfire Wyrm (I think thats what it was called) in MM2. Wanted a loth equivalent.

Barkin x

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

The Terracs and Sarans need more detail--as the descriptions stand, they could look like zombies, bureaucrats, or members of a boy band.

The Heincs look interesting, though...

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Not sure how much more detail I can give but I have tried a little more Laughing out loud If you let me know what kind of things would help ill be more than happy to tell. I was hoping imaginations would fill in the gaps and people would be able to produce their own visions of these new creatures, free from the constraints of, for example, drawing a Balor when so many people have done that before.

But c'est la vie, if you tell me what it needed I will try harder Smiling
To be honest I think this is a dead thread anyway :cry:

Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Patience! I've got a whole fortress full of yugoloths coming up in the story, so I haven't given up my promise! Soon! Laughing out loud


420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

'Barking_Wilder' wrote:



Towel Fiend is just too silly.


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Well done, you can play with words...anyway, back to the topic at hand. Does the description I added to the Terra and Sarans help a little?

Xaos_Bob's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)


Excellent. Thanks, BW! Laughing out loud

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

'Barking_Wilder' wrote:
Well done, you can play with words...anyway, back to the topic at hand.

Whatever you say, back to the topic:


Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

"Barking Wilder" wrote:
Terracoloths stand around 3 and a half feet tall. Their emaciated bodies are covered in flesh the colour of a diseased scab. Their eyes are dull and lifeless black but burn with green flame when they are in battle. They have spindly arms which may lead some enemies into believing they are somewhat weaker than they actually are.

As crazy as it sounds, Towelie actually does fit that part of the description, lol.

Anyway, though... I really like the Razreoloth. Think I'll work on a character design for one shortly.


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Positively drooling at the thought of people actually taking this kind of an interest in things ive done Laughing out loud Looking forward to even preliminary sketches.

By the by. What in the Nine is going to happen to these loths? Is PW making a new monstrous manual to supplement the PSCS? Im sure someone told me once, but these loths were made like a year ago...and lets be honest, I have trouble remembering what I did last week...ok, yesterday :oops:


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

hehe, just saw the pic of the towel thing. Not sure its overly fiendish...more like an alcoholic Cloaker (MM) :s


Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

That's actually a 3D rendition of Towelie, a rather bizarre South Park character. He's an artificially intelligent bath towel. Rather than being alcoholic, he's more often high on marijuana. How a robotic towel is affected by pot smoke is anybody's guess, lol.


Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

Hey, been awhile, but I'm finally getting around to this!

Mostly just the silhouettes in this one, but close-up is on it's way. Plus, lots of other demons! Woo. (The hulking ones with the large upper torsos are Razreoloths, and there's a Terracoloth up in the upper left. The more regular kinds include a Guardian (the horned bear), an Arcanaloth (Dolrak), and an Ultraloth. The small guards don't have a specific species name as yet, but they're Imp-equivalent. Any ideas on a name for them?

Also, Dogol the Wagon Puller needs a species. He's basically a demonic cow/horse/ox.


Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)

How do you delete threads? This one has gone way off topic and its lost all point and nothing has come of it.


Swiftbow's picture
Joined: 2005-08-27
Artists to do Loths (for a laugh)


Not sure how it's gotten off topic, as the last post regarding me starting to draw the yugoloths you were asking people to draw. Unless you don't want me to anymore? Still, I think they make for some cool demons.

Incidentally, since you mentioned preliminary sketches... here's a (currently b&w) razreoloth:


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