Artists and writers needed

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joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

While this project is still settling in, I can already tell a couple of things we need for it.

First thing is: We need artwork. For the first project in planning, we need images of Night Hags, Hordlings, and of the Gray Waste in general, as well as Blood War battles taking place in the Waste.

Second thing is, we need writers for this project. I'll write up some guidelines for articles & stories, but in general, the writers will be quite free to let their creativity run free. Actually, contradicting stories are wanted. Smiling

Third and last, if anyone would volunteer to scan the old mailing lists and gather all the material we had there, that'd be great. I can do it myself of course, but that'd take some time for sure. So, IF I'm lucky and anyone volunteers Smiling , I'll give him (or her) access to the list.

That's it for now. I'll give anyone interested in taking part in this project more detailled information when I know how many people are going to take part Smiling

Have fun everybody!

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Artists and writers needed

I´d like to sign up for art section, and if you want to see my pictures look them up in Cinderhouse passangers thread in Civic Festhall forum.

Now taht my friends have left on summer vacations I will have lot of free time so, this is perfect activity for me.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

That's neat artwork! Smiling

I'll send you a PM with some ideas...

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Artists and writers needed

I on the other hand, draw like a drunken otyugh... but I can write rather better than that - my own stuff or work on something specific by request (well, as long as the muse is willing...) Feel free to set whatever boundaries/guidelines you want. You can't think outside or inside the box until you've got one, and things will go smoother if we all agree on the theme and sytle of the project from day one.

Following on from this, exactly how much 'official' information do we have on Hordlings and Night Hags beyond the MM descriptions and the writeups in the PS encyclopedia? Like a lot of people here, I have limited knowledge of 2nd Ed Planescape, except as a player. I also know that all editions of D&D tend to spread titbits of information about creatures between many supliments and adventures: The encyclopedia entry for Ravel Puzzlewell for example, mentions that her daughter has not yet "undergone the ritual to make her a true night hag" (I know she's a video game character and of dodgy canon, but was this made up by the writers, or is it based on paper D&D info?) A summary would be helpful, if someone more informed than I has the time...

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

There's a lot stuff spread around about Night Hags, but as far as I know, most are just told as "guesses" and "opinions". It's the first time I heard about the ritual that makes Night Hags, but it's a fascinating idea... and it leaves much room for interpretation: The ritual could be one way to create Night Hags, or it could be the great secret of the Hags, or maybe it's even only something metaphorical...

Maybe it's already a topic for your first article? Sure would be cool Smiling

I'm working on the guidelines, if I find enough time, I'll post them tomorrow.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Artists and writers needed

I know at least one coven of Night Hags was involved in the creation of/modification of the altraloths - they hold some power over their creations as a result. (Apparently when an all powerful fiend needs to make a deal with a fiend for ultimate power... they turn to a night hag.)

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Artists and writers needed

I'd like to be a writer for this project as well, if you'll take me. I'm especially interested in writing about the Hordlings -- the most adorable flesh-rending terrors on the planes. Just let me know what you need, want, or think would be cool and I'll get to work. Otherwise, I'll just hang around here looking over people's shoulders until inspiration strikes.

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
Artists and writers needed

Didn't the 'ecology of the night hag' article in Dragon cover how they were created (or at least a theory about it)? Don't have it with me right now but I think it involved seducing a man, killing him, planting the child with a family, then force-feeding it a larvae to turn it into a hag after it's grown up (preferably once it's become a loved and integral member of society).

Sounds nasty enough to be right anyway.


"We're making a better world. All of them, better worlds." - Anonomous Harmonium Officer

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Artists and writers needed

Yo count me in! I'd love to do a bit of writing. Especially if its about the lower planes. My writing seems strangely good when its full of sadistic and monstrous evil. I could also draw some stuff as well just let me know what needs to be done the guidelines etc.

Razibone's picture
Joined: 2007-03-09
Artists and writers needed


How long do we have to submit. I have lots of ideas in my head, but I need to write them down and start some illustrations.

40 Bonus for divine to do
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I rolled 1d20+40, the result is 51.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

There's no time pressure yet. At the very least, the first book will be done in about a month, but that's an optimistic guess. So, no hurries Smiling

Guidelines etc. will come tomorrow, if things go as planned!

Razibone's picture
Joined: 2007-03-09
Artists and writers needed


I'm not very computer savvy. I have a lot to contribute but I have very little patience with computers. How do I get an illustration on the site without a scanner. Do I have to take a digital image of the drawing and size the image to fit (what are the size specifiations?)?

Thanks for your help.

0 Bonus for to do
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 12.
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 14.
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 15.
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 8.
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 13.
I rolled 3d6+0, the result is 17.
joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

Well, if you don't have a scanner, I guess the only chance is to do it all on your computer...

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Artists and writers needed

I've started a folio containing all the current info on Hordelings that I can obtain. Plus litle notes for improvements on old history as well as ideas for new history. Not a lot there as you'd probably guess.
I've also ties to Chris Avellone the writer who created Ravel Puzzlewell I'm sure I'd be able to ask him some choice questions.

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

'Zeniel' wrote:
I've started a folio containing all the current info on Hordelings that I can obtain. Plus litle notes for improvements on old history as well as ideas for new history. Not a lot there as you'd probably guess.

This is extremely helpful! As soon as I can make sticky threads (I'm not set up as moderator yet), I'll make two new threads, one each for gathering "official information" on Night Hags, and on Hordlings. You could post your stuff there. Thanks a lot for the work!

'Zeniel' wrote:
I've also ties to Chris Avellone the writer who created Ravel Puzzlewell I'm sure I'd be able to ask him some choice questions.

Wow, that's amazing! Maybe he's even interested in doing some writing himself? Smiling

Maybe we should start a new thread to gather questions that we could ask him. What do you think?

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Artists and writers needed

Definately. I'm sure he'd be happy to answer them. I hope. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Artists and writers needed

'Razibone' wrote:
Puzzled I'm not very computer savvy. I have a lot to contribute but I have very little patience with computers. How do I get an illustration on the site without a scanner. Do I have to take a digital image of the drawing and size the image to fit (what are the size specifiations?)? Thanks for your help.

Hi! Have you ever put any of your images online before? I ask so that I know how basic my directions will need to be.

The first step is getting your work into some sort of digital format:

So you know - a scanner is the best and primary way most artists have of getting their work online, so you may want to consider picking one up. If you are very good at taking pictures of your work with a digital camera though, that will work as well. And of course if you work in digital media (Painter or Photoshop) then your work is already in the digital realm.

Size and quality requirements are low online - I would suggest just saving it at a size and quality where the viewers can see it and it doesn't take a lot of scrolling around the screen to see the whole image for them to do so.

There's a lot of folks who won't have powerful connections who will try to view it, and the larger it is the harder it is to find a place to store it online.

The second step is getting your digital image up online:

All you need to do to get it up on the internet is to find a place to host it. A lot of folks will use deviantArt ( ) , some will use Flicker ( ) or Photobucket ( ). Some folks will use a personal website like I do. It all depends on what is easiest for you - the main goal here is to get your image off your hard-drive and up on the internet someplace to be viewed. After all we can't see what's stuck on your hard drive someplace.

Once you have your image living on the net someplace - you just need to tell us where to find it:

That can be as simple as posting a link directly to it here in a thread and saying "Go look!". A little more fancy would be to create an image link to it so that it will appear within the thread itself automatically. Clicking on the button labeled "Img" and putting your link between the tags that appear for you would do that.

If you need to get your image into an *article* for the site or for any of our PDF releases as opposed to a forum post - I can give you a little more information on that, just ask. I don't want to overwhelm you here though. Eye-wink

Tiefling's picture
Joined: 2007-02-01
Artists and writers needed

If you would like me to contribute some illustrations I'd be more than happy to. An example of some of my work is in the Fiendish Females thread in the Civic Festhall.


Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Artists and writers needed

I've started sketching some designs for hordelings. I was gonna make my first one the first stage of the species. But I think I'd prefer it if instead that we make the original random generic sort of anything their first stage and then it goes on from their. What do you think?

joyblood's picture
Joined: 2005-06-05
Artists and writers needed

@Zeniel: The "Hordling lifecycle" is something that's still going to be discussed. But as for artwork - we can always simply put it up as one possible interpretation Smiling

So, go for it! I'm waiting to see your stuff Smiling

@Tiefling: Yes, I love your work in that thread! I'd be more than happy if you contributed Smiling

Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
Artists and writers needed

Well I just finished writing out every single bit of info on hordling and night hags from both faces of evil and the monstrous compendium. My hand is killing me. Lotta good stuff there.

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
Artists and writers needed

'Zeniel' wrote:
Well I just finished writing out every single bit of info on hordling and night hags from both faces of evil and the monstrous compendium. My hand is killing me. Lotta good stuff there.

We appreciate you and your pain, however Smiling

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