Article idea: Nominate a post/thread from the board

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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Article idea: Nominate a post/thread from the board

Not that we're hurting for articles for the next few issues, but I figure I'd put up this thread anyway. Something like this needs time to accumulate, since there's a huge backlog of posts on the board.

There are a lot of incredible threads and posts on the board. Some would make fantastic articles in their own right, but they're scattered all throughout the forum, and a number of the posts go back upwards of eight years. That's a pretty large search space. If you're looking for a specific thread or post, it can be pretty hard to remember where it might be.

The idea is this: put up links to threads/posts that you think might make decent articles or could be expanded into something more usable. Obviously, we'd have to get permission from the poster if we wanted to use a specific post (which, in some cases, might be difficult if not impossible), but the essence of threads could be distilled into a coherent article.

First off, I'd like to put up this analysis by rip: link

The entire thread has a lot of meat, but that post in particular could be an entire article by itself.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article idea: Nominate a post/thread from the board

This is a great idea, something I've been wondering about.

One of the goals of the zine, in my mind, is to get more people involved in some of the discussions here.

In terms of permission one idea is to sample a thread (like the Planar Renovation Projects), using a post by someone we know is around and can grant permission.

I also think we should have a "Cool Stuff Happening at Planewalker" column in the zine, pointing to different topics in the forums.


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