Article Bug

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BlackDaggr's picture
Joined: 2007-11-15
Article Bug

Trying to view articles from the main page seems to be broken

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Article Bug

'BlackDaggr' wrote:
Trying to view articles from the main page seems to be broken

Please define "broken". Everything looks ok to me - but I don't know what the problem I'm looking for even looks like, nor what steps I could take to make it occur.

I need to know:

a) What are you seeing occur?

b) Can you make it happen repeatedly, if so - how?

Arislyt's picture
Joined: 2008-05-16
Article Bug

I've noticed a small error in article about modrons. Nonatons, Octons and Septons have too low Wisdom to cast their spells - for example, Octon has a Wis score of 15, so he could cast spells of 0. to 5. level only, but he has 6. and 7. level spells prepared as well.

PS. if this information should be posted as separate topic, then sorry - I just didn't wanted to pollute forum by creating topic for such a minor thing.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Article Bug

It's ok to create new threads. You should see an option to comment on the article itself that will open a new thread in the forums. Plus, that way Nemui will be able to respond and ask us to update his article with any changes. I'll ask him if he wants us to make that update for him.

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