Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Just a place to jot down ideas for planar cities. Right now I have one challenging/exploring the "happy whores" and courtesan concepts found in a lot of fantasy novels.


Set in the Outlands, near the domain of Evening Glory (N love goddess with vampire associations), the City of Courtesans is essentially a city spanning collection of brothels, along with varied beauticians, market pavilions, and temples to Evening Glory and her allies. Its central spires of marble inlaid with golden filigree are ruled over proxies to the varied deities of lust and love. A monster infested river of deep blue water surrounds these spires, with the wealthy arriving by airship and a set of bridges funneling out those sex workers who've lost their appeal.

These beautiful, sky scraping edifices are contrasted with the outer districts, in which the aging prostitutes are forced to scrape out a living. (Though most attempt to join the Prolongers upon seeing their first crow's feet and wrinkles, the secretive nature of that sect and its immoral means of retaining youth means many are denied or refuse.) These hovels are overseen by the crone Anathea (halfling/Oracle 15/NG), a former sex worker who rose above her addictions and was subsequently empowered by Ishtar in return for tending to the lost and forgotten of Amelastra. Anathea grudgingly gives the goddess her worship, wondering why she wasn't worthy of being saved long decades past by the goddess's mercy.

One of the many brothels located between the outer districts and the shining center is the Onyx Chalice, or as it's known to the locals, the House of the Noose. Run by the succubus Hyalix (Sor 18/Fated/CE), the tanar'ri offers up her daughters to the Chalice's clientele. The alu-fiends are continually given doses of Styx Water, losing most of their identity but retaining their carnal skills along with memories of a few clientele Hyalix wishes to make use of.

The full-blooded demon enjoys watching men and women fall for her children's blend of innocence and sexual prowess, and toys with these would be rescuers. Most of the time, the Evil running through her children's blood is enough to betray their supposed saviors, though Liliana (alu-fiend/Rog 3/CN) and her lover Miranda (Elf/Gunslinger 20/Ex-Harmonium/CG) have carved a life for themselves on the outskirts of the city. Liliana refuses to leave until her sisters are saved and her mother is destroyed.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Morang: They say one elf's hell is another dwarf's heaven, and this adage is truly borne out in the city of Morang. To most it is a nightmarish pit of squalor in the Ooze, built out of and amidst the detritus of the Cage. Yet to the roachlings it is an edenic paradise, the trash falling upon its residents nothing less than Mana from Heaven.

(roachling info here:

The City of Stars and Veils: On the edge between the planes of Radiance and Positive Material, the City of Stars and Veils provides curtains of shadow to keep its residents from going blind. The enchanted mithril walls, decorated with sorcerous filigree, keeps the genasi citizens from burning on bursting with the energies of Life. Strangely enough, despite the brightness of its location, the City is a place of noir intrigue continuously occurring in the zig-zagging alleyways of its blossom-heavy hedge mazes.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Boztra, The Echo Farmers' Town: A small sized town in the Plane of Ice, remarkably possessing a sadly one-way portal from Sigil for the last eleven years. A mysterious pact between the immoth and the gnome sound-alchemists allows this place to exist. The gnomes here are permitted to mine a small section of the Mountain of Ultimate Winter and use their varied machinery in an attempt to breed the words of forgotten languages found in the ice. What their exact goal is remains unknown.

Harma-Thune, the City of Thirsty Walls: In the nightmarish jungles of Carceri one might chance upon this surprisingly welcoming city of golden splendor. In fact, many set upon by demodands or Tartarian dragons are rescued by residents, healed and honored, and then finally made citizens of the city. Exhausted and often inebriated, it is only later do they realize that the city's darkness comes from the golden floors blocking the light of the soil underneath, and that this lack of illumination hides the spines protruding from every edifice. Exteriors and interiors all bare them, and the narrow door frames, streets, and general bustle of the populace ensures you come into contact with these finger-long thorns.

Once they break skin they are quick to sup on your blood, though only rarely is someone kind enough to keep a sod in place for them to get their fill. Still, the walls of Harma-Thune somehow keep out all the nastier creatures of the plane so its people figure a bit of blood is a more than even trade. There are cheap goods to be had here for the visitor, as the city is always trying to establish itself as part of the planar economy. Of course, there'll always be those seeking to leave with those strong enough to make their way to and from this place willingly.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Kessia, City of Holes: Massive floating piece of pumice somewhere in a distant section of Ossa. There isn't any land for miles and the waters below seemed to be bottomless. Noviere eladrin make their home here. There is a portal between Kessia and the City of Glass on Water, the other side built in the basement of a prominent zoveri ambassador who represents the interests of the Concordance. Other portals exist to different locations on Arborea, including one to Morwel's Court of Stars.

Yangos, the City on the Shard: A city of abjurist families dedicated to some unknown purpose, hiding themselves on a massive flying chunk of black ice in the depths of Acheron. Somehow they've found a way to protect themselves from the threat of having their own shard shattered upon the others, though visitors have complained of having a shard of the black ice enter their eyes, after which - until they were cured off plane - everything they witnessed seemed tarnished and false.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Ooen, The City of Polished Silver: This collection of monasteries and watch towers, raised up from the argent lake of this nexus by the Nerra, sits at a juxtaposition of mirror gates leading to numerous alternate cosmologies. One of these cosmologies is that of the Great Wheel, another is a group of coterminous planes interlinked to a world-dragon known as Eberron, and yet another is a cold airless void dotted with stars huddled together for comfort.

The Nerra dedicated themselves to watching all these infinite realms, dreadfully paranoid that one of them will, through hubris and folly, unleash Cataclysm through the mirrors and shatter their own reality beyond recognition. They had felt the Reaper's breath pass over them, when the folly of one cosmology's obyrith destroyed an entire Multiverse. Since then, this nation of Nerra has been vigilant about curtailing those who might taste too much power in any of the intersecting collection of planes.

Yet they come here for another purpose, one far more personal - respite from the cold neutrality of themselves and their kind. The monks here raised thousands upon thousands of children, though all start as toddlers "birthed" from those looking at their own reflections on the other side of the mirrors...


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

City of Courtesans - the center has magic to take care of waste disposal and largely imports food production, the middle has a manageable sewer system and maintains most of the city's markets and drug production centers, and finally the outer districts are largely squatter residents that are offal filled and food is whatever vermin can be hunted and what little can be grown.

Anathea has begun to instate community gardens and even a police force, though part of the problem with the latter is the lax rules and cheap price for sex (and low grade drugs) is what continues to bring customers, however unsavory, to the outer districts.

Still, the reluctant servant of Ishtar hopes to make the community more and more independent, possibly to the point of removing the need for prostitution at all.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

The Eye of Ra: A city of the archons made from concentric circles of adamantium, the Eye travels to Prime Worlds as commanded by Hathor to aid or punish the worshipers of the Pantheon. At times it might stay for several years helping to rebuild a place or solidify the hold of the worshipers. Rarely, visitors might be allowed to purchase something in return for information about the world (aka spying).


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

The Web of Lynkhab: Before the Abyssal personification imprisoned herself between the line between flesh and concept, she created the Web in the City of Courtesans. The Web is a series of portals to various cities across the Mulitverse, paralleling the Infinite Staircase in that it seeks out cities where the creative professions flourish.

Yet while the Staircase is guarded by the Lillendi, the Web is managed by a varied collection of demons and mortals. It is an enterprise that works incredibly well because the demons aren't interested in the souls of those they strike deals with - they are interested in funneling the foolish and hopeful toward the Web.

It begins with simple jobs - dances mostly, perhaps waiting tables in provocative clothing. Drugs are offered, though the mortals of the Web encourage people not to get addicted. They are there for you to enjoy yourself. Small art gigs are provided, here and there, never enough to pay one's keep or the slowly accruing debts owed to the merchants.

Jobs take on a more demanding, illicit nature as time goes on. Usually they come right when money is desperately needed, someone shepherded through a portal and told about the newer, more degrading things they will have to do if they want the day's pay. Some refuse, and are left to go on their way. (Better there is choice involved, even desperate choice, as there are too many competing powers in the City of Courtesans for the demons to decide too many incidents with force and enchantment.)

Besides, why bother with the few who turn, when so many acquiesce? Mouths to feed, bills to pay. No one wonder so many Merkhants involve themselves with the Web.

After a few times through the portal, the debts are too high to clear, and there seems to always be trouble to flee. Abusive relationship. Children are being bullied to the point of physical danger. Drugs are running short on other side. Better to start a new life in this exciting, miraculous city. In a place like this, surely anyone can make it right?

From this point, victims are sorted out. The lucky ones get sent to the central spires, the ones who've burnt out too early are funneled toward the outer districts...

Except the Web doesn't work so well anymore. Someone is killing its handlers, and with Lynkhab distracted the demons don't have a power in their corner like most of the movers and shakers of the Courtesan City.

Is it competition? Is it a vigilante? Is this tied to the renovations in the outer district?

Who in this city of cowards possesses the courage to see that the Abyss is denied its due?


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Status of Shape-shifters in the City of Courtesans:

Naturally anyone who can make themselves look like someone else, especially any species, is highly valued. Psions and illusionists capable of negating the usual protections many are afforded against such deception are similarly valued.

However, these beings are also much more likely to be victimized, drawn in through addiction or blackmail, and degraded quickly and often to keep them from realizing their relative worth. Often their subjugation is a matter of discretion in the middle section of the city, as this is one group likely to be "rescued" by those in the central spires.

Rumor has it once such shape changer who went mad and was driven from the spires decades ago has since taken to stalking the outer district. Anathea has been investigating numerous disappearances, but given the nature of the city's outskirts there so many ways someone can go missing...


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Sons of Mercy in the City of Courtesans

"Injustice Anywhere is Injustice Everywhere"
-MLK Jr.

There are many volunteer guards who spend periods of time in Amelastra, hoping to offer some level of protection to those who have little to none. Unfortunately for the Sons, mercy is rare indeed in this place and temptation is around every corner.

Many have fallen, to establishments such as the House of the Noose or their own corruptible nature. Others try to do too much, and become martyrs for a cause that the gods of the Upper Planes are hesitant to champion. While not within the borders of Evening Glory's domain, the central spires of this city do function as a meeting ground for the gods of love and sex across the Multiverse. Treaties are brokered here, allowances given in return for bound oaths of restraint.

As always, politics ties the hands of those who'd do the most good. This is not to say the powers of the Upper Planes are content with the status quo, but rather the suffering in the City, however real, is unfortunately a pittance compared to the godswar that would ensue if any deity took too great an interest in reform.

Still, though many fall many keep fast to their mission and their wisdom, doing what they can when they can for the downtrodden prostitutes in the middle and outer districts. They are under no illusion that all those who work within the central spires are always happy with their status, but they also know that the proxies of Evening Glory will not permit interference in the business these buildings engage in.

The Sons have a headquarters on the border between the outer areas and one of the larger marketplaces of the middle, and are assisted by a few sympathetic Guvners who utilize every law they possibly can to shut down operations or demand better working conditions for the men and women around whom the city's industry runs.

At times, they are lucky enough to curry the favor of one of the vampire lords Evening Glory has given leave to run the place, leading to bloodsuckers descending on one of those pimps or madams lacking the political clout to save themselves from destruction.

Of course, establishments like the Chalice are too connected both to the forces in the central spires as well as the powers of the Abyss Hyalix provides offerings to, and are thus regarded as evils that are here to stay.

After all, for all the good work of the Sons and their Guvner allies, Amelastra remains the City of Courtesans...


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Sensates and the City of Courtesans:

I was going to write up a whole thing about this, but Samloyal covered the Sensates so brilliantly it seems silly to retread well written ground:


Way I see it, some Sensates record experiences of sex, some record worse things, and some try to use the recorder stones as a form of documentary, hoping those who use them will turn away from utilizing prostitutes in at least the worst incarnation of the business.


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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Expanding on Axis. (I welcome any thoughts or insights)

Overall, Axis has a very clean and utilitarian look to its archeitecture. Smooth walls and clean joints. Streets and alleys are placed at even intervals. Buildings and streets are made out of what appears to be a uniform red sandstone, though there are no apparent signs of bricks or having been worked.

Despite it's presence on Mechanus, the city sees a fair amount of inter-planar traffic. Most come to see what as been described as "The best view of Mechanus, bar none!". Enterprising individuals have established eateries along the grand ramp encircling the city, facing outward, so guests can watch the plane spin about them while they dine. Likewise, a number of outward facing apartment structures have been built and command a significantly higher price than other similar structures within the city. If they had been built anywhere other than Mechanus, a body might even have called them luxurious.

The city itself is divided up into several districts. The cog at either end of the city-axle tends to be more lower/working class. Prices and quality of goods available rise as one move upwards along the spiral towards the centerpoint of the city, with the best goods being found flanking the centerpoint. Moving inwards towards the axle, quality of goods, services and social tends to average out. The centerpoint itself is dominated by a university, a joint effort between the Guvners and Mathematicians.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Musings on Axis. I think this manages to capture the sort of mood I want the city to have:

Though Mechanus claims you as its own, I know what lies in your heart and it beats in time with the seasons of Arborea. – poet laureate, Amphine del Or’zho

I recall Axis. Fair Axis. The Spiral City. I remember…I had a room on the outer road, facing the rest of the plane. I awoke every morning to the same site outside my window, despite the fact that the city was always turning. And every morning, I walked down 38 steps to the side door of a café that could have been exchanged for any other such café in the city and nobody would have noticed the difference because there was none.

Every time I entered, I sat at the second table to the left of the door. It was always empty, because I hadn’t yet arrived to fill it. Every morning, the plump halfling woman would come to my table and ask me what I wanted, and every morning, I would ask for the same thing: a sliced apple – 10 wedges, bread – 3 slices, butter, water. Fifteen steps took her back to the counter to retrieve my food. And 15 steps brought her back. I thanked her in the same tone of voice I always thanked her in and paid my five copper...

And that’s when the spell of the city was always first broken for the day, you see. It was the coins. They were never the same. And it was always after that that I started listening to the road noises outside. Everything else about the city was so regimented, so ordered, but that road. That road was magical. It was a breath of chaos in a city and plane whose entire existence was strictly controlled. And I gulped it in like I was drowning.

Once the spell was broken, that’s when the poetry always came.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Love it!!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

(I'm writing this cold, so consider this a first draft. Also, if you'd prefer to keep this as a brainstorming thread, I could start a new one devoted to developing Axis)

The Three Stages of Growth for Axis

Stage 1: Finding the spiral and the building of the first observatory

Originally, Axis was nothing more than a long spiral road leading up along an axle between two cogs. There was an odd brief dip in the center as the road's gravity shifted, but otherwise, there was nothing particularly significant about the location.

That is, nothing until a Guvner named Suntest Celban, passing along the road paused at the dip briefly and looked up to see the whole of Mechanus turning above her head. Since the area surrounding the connecting axel was clear of any major gears or cogs, she could see a long distance into the plane. Seemingly hundreds of miles in some instances. Though she had a schedule to keep, she resolved to return to the spot and set up an observatory.

Many months later, after going through the proper bureaucratic channels and making sound arguments in front of a number of different advisory and financial panels, Suntest had a work order for building an observatory at the location, blueprints and a caravan's worth of building material (in this case, Baatorian red sandstone). She returned to the site post haste and a scant six months later - as measured by a single rotation of the axle - the observatory was built, and the beginnings of a small settlement began to form around the structure.

Stage 2: The city grows, a brief war with the Modrons and the drawing up of a town charter

Time went on and as the needs of the town grew, a number of off-plane caravans started passing through to accomodate them. Warehouses were organized and built, and taverns along the road were established. The observatory that Suntest had originally built started expanding into a full fledged school devoted to studying Mechanus.

A number of years into the growth of Axis, a group of gnomes, blueprints and designs in hand, arrived with the intent of "...speeding up the economic growth of the city by expanding its vertical transport capacities!" Tenative approval was granted, pending further study and the gnomes set to work, building a basic yet functional cargo lift that utilized the rotation of the city-axle to do most of the lifting work.

It was about this same time that the popuation of Axis started to experience a surge, as more and more people sought out the city and it's wonderous vantage point of the plane. This surge included a number of more chaotically inclined individuals who simply enjoyed being able to get lost in a crowd. As a result, the city experienced a fair amount of confusion as drifters started arriving and setting up a squatter's city at either end of the axle along the cogs.

Before too long, a small team of modrons arrived and disassembled the squatter city before moving further up along the roadway to tear down the other structures that had been built. Though people tried to plead and argue with the Modrons, they were soundly ignored. Before too long, violence erupted as people tried to stop the Modron team from destroying their livelihood.

The first team was destroyed, and the city residents knew that it wouldn't be long before more would arrive to finish tearing down the rest of the city. An impromptu barricade was built by the townsfolk along the base of the spiral road on either side of the city, and runners were sent out into the planes to recruit defenders for the town.

It was scant hours before the arrival of a force of armed Modrons, that small militia of planars agreed to help the city out. A Guvner city representative was sent out to meet with the Modrons to see if a settlement could be reached. He returned unsuccessful and told the city to prepare to defend itself. A quarter-rotation later, the Modrons launched their attack from both sides of the axle.

Long story short, the Modrons attacked three times in as many days, each time the force was larger than the previous and were repeled three times, with ever more casualities on both sides. On the third occasion, a meeting was arranged between the Octon in charge of the sector that Axis found itself in, the head of the now University of Axis and the acting mayor of the city.

According to the Octon, the city was being attacked because it was seen as a threat to the local order. Its deconstruction and removal of all traces was necessary to maintain the integrity of the sector. The Guvner explained about the importance of the university in furthering the understanding of Mechanus and the mayor explained about the economic importance of the city. Together, the three of them worked out an agreement for the city. It would be allowed to exist so long as it was policed by the Modrons, who would keep watch to ensure that all chaotic elements would be reduced or outright eliminated.

Over the next week, after meeting with various town representative to ensure their interests were protected, a formal agreement and town charter was worked out for the newly recognized city of Axis. A city barracks was constructed to house the town's new police force. A series of town edicts was posted throughout the city, detailing new laws for punishable behavior. Life in Axis more or less settled back down into normalcy once more.

Stage 3: Axis is redesigned, the arrival of the Sensates and the growth of the arts within the city

The new policies enacted by the Modrons in the city formalized life in Axis more than anything else ever had. Prior to drafting of the city charter and the arrival of the police force, the only aspect of the city that the Guvner's concerned themselves with was running the university. They saw the rest of the city that had grown up as mere happenstance and mostly ignored what happened outside their walls.

Now, they integrated themselves into the planning of the city, laying out city roads and new buildings according to new city plans that had been drafted up. This, of course, meant that the older buildings in the city had to be removed. Under the direction of a series of city planning officials, teams of Modrons went about deconstructing then rebuilding the city with utter precision.

The University claimed the ring about the center of the axle as their own, and it saw expansion to its current dimensions during this time. The outside edge, being the main trade road through the city, saw the largest and most expansive buildings. Closer to the axle, buildings became more utilitarian. City walls were constructed across the ramp at either end of the axle, as well as at one additional point approximately 2/3rds of the way up the ramp, each one demarcating a new area of the city. Beyond the ramp gates, buildings were constructed to the edge of the cog and no further.

It was shortly after the work crews went about restructuring Axis that the city took on the sometimes surreal quality that marked it as belonging to Mechanus: The citizens started developing unshakable routines. For those who stayed in the city for longer than a week, days would start blending together. Outside of the spiral road, buildings look identical, the inhabitents are virtually interchangable as their schedules were indistingushable from one another. A newly placed planar citizen could find whole months of their life slipping away without them being fully away, though a visit to the main road would draw most people out of the routine. Oddly, this effect seems to extend to all people who might call the city home.

The peculiar dichotomy between the wonderous and unique vista the city afforded visitors and how quickly such a view became routine attracted the attention of a small number of curious Sensates. Eager for such a different experience, a fair number have decended on the city, coming and going as their whims carried them. Over time, they developed a practice of creating something unique when one snapped out of the city's trance. A piece of poetry or a sketch using whatever was at hand. Sometimes a song would be sung, or they would give an impromptu performance. Often times, such a bubbling up of creativity would pull others out and prompt them to create something.

Such practices were originally frowned upon by the Modrons when they first started happening. When they started happening with an ever greater frequency, the Modrons started issuing fines to the offenders and eventually would-be artists started being arrested for public indecency and chaotic behavior, behaviors that were now outlawed. Like what happens when most things are made illegal, the practice was moved underground. These days in the city, behind closed doors and by special invitation only, theater is performed, artwork is displayed and music is played. In the Axis city jail, a number of artists and musicians are held, awaiting trial or exile from the city.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

One aspect that I want to work in to Axis, as a contrast to the arts present in the city, is an active slave trade within the city. The idea is that people are brought into the city and held there for a few weeks, until they succumb the to trance-routine of the city (as a means of breaking their spirits). The act of spontaneous creation of art/music/whatever breaks the spell of the city over people, making it harder to break the spirit of the slaves. This also sets up a weird situation wherein the slavers operate maybe not openly, but with an implicit understanding that they're technically not breaking any laws present in the city. This would be juxtaposed against the illegal activities of the artists.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Good stuff, I like the idea of the slave trade. How this trade manages to stay Neutral would be a cool thing to explore. Perhaps the goodness of the artists is necessary, even if they are chaotic, to counter the evil of slavery?

Or, at least, that's how some Axis citizens sympathetic to the artists might see it.


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Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

sciborg2 wrote:
Good stuff, I like the idea of the slave trade. How this trade manages to stay Neutral would be a cool thing to explore. Perhaps the goodness of the artists is necessary, even if they are chaotic, to counter the evil of slavery?

Or, at least, that's how some Axis citizens sympathetic to the artists might see it.

That's how my thoughts run: the two balance each other out. The city's guards really only care about stamping out chaos, and the slavers would all be lawful types (Baatezu, Tso, or what have you), so they wouldn't even ping on their radar. I like the idea of artists being persecuted while something like slavery is ignored.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

We should definitely incorporate Tso if we're adding a slave trade to Axis, because Tso are flipping awesome.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Have we figured out how big Axis is yet?

How far away from the inner shaft is the main road? How many smaller roads are there on the platform "inside" and "outside" of the main road? How many buildings/blocks/whatever can fit on either side? How long would it take to walk the whole way through, from bottom gear to top gear?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Well, I originally had the shaft as being about six miles long. The shaft itself is probably rather substantial, so I'm thinking it's somewhere on the order of 2/5ths of a mile in diameter (about 2000 or so feet) The spiral road is probably out a fair ways from the shaft, on the order of about a mile, and is somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 feet wide.

Since we're dealing with a spiral road and not a straight one, the distance is going to be longer than just 6 miles. I'm guessing it'd be somewhere around 15-18 miles. That allows a decently shallow incline that wouldn't be crazy to climb and would make it about a 5-6 hour walk on foot. The addition of stairs and elevators would make that shorter.

The main road would be anchored to the shaft by a series of moornings, and if you looked up/down from one side or the other, you'd see them arranged in an X pattern. Each one is, say, 200 feet wide and has been modified to be a road. Each one is lined on either side by blocks of buildings that stretch from one mooring to the mooring directly above it in the X. The bulk of these blocks are made up of apartments. At the appropriate level, bridges stretch out from one block to the mooring of another.

The structures closest to the mooring road house businesses or other services. The density of businesses is denser the closer you get to the spiral (three up/down layers deep close to the main road and dwindling to just one layer close to the shaft.

Along the main road itself, the buildings become more elaborate. The entire outward spiral is filled with structures of one kind or another, virtually enclosing the city. Most of the outward facing buildings have windows so folks can look outwards onto Mechanus.

The University takes up the middle section, having been build up along the shaft itself (the only point along the entire stretch where the gravity pulls towards the axle). The observatory is being built along the outside of the enclosed city, right at the mid-point. Elaborate gears and other mechanisms are being constructed to ensure that the observatory can stay stationary while the city turns, and that it can rotate so that any view can be had.

Is there anything I'm missing?

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Article Braintstorm: Planar Metropoli

Planar Metropolis idea: Ruined and abandoned city on the Beastlands. Large, wide ranging city, buildings with multiple stories and deep cellars. It's completely overgrown and crumbling to bits. Despite different parts of it collapsing into heaps that are quickly overtaken by plant-life, there always seems to be another building ready to take its place. The city itself is very lightly populated, mostly squatters who have put together a lean to out of scraps scavenged from the ruins though some have taken up temporary residence in some of the more stable buildings.

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