We are looking for artists for our Creature Codex pdf releases. The 1st release (transitive planes) is already available at /codex/download.php.
The next ongoing installment is Denizens of the Elemental Planes, converting with the creatures from the elemental and para-elemental planes.
This release includes Aerial Servant, Animental, Archomental, Bzastra, Chososion, Dharum Suhn, Elemental of Chaos, Elemental of Law, Entrope, Firetail, Noble Genie, Tasked Genie, Horde, Khargra, Smoke Mephit, Giant Nautilus, Ooze Sprite, Pech, Ruvkova, Sandling, Sandman, Shad, Sislan, Suisseen, Tome Guardian, Ungulosin, Elemental Vermin, Vortex, and Wind Walker.
For creature descriptions, download from /codex/files/elem-descript.zip. If you need to see the original published picture, post a request here. I'd see if I can scan the picture from the 2nd ed. books.
For coordination purposes, I'd post what some other artists already agreed to do...
Ryan has agreed to help with...
Entrope, PS MM3 - yes
Khargra, PS MM3 - yes
Shad, PS MM3 - yes
Bzastra, PS MM3 - maybe
Chososion, PS MM3 - maybe
Smoke Mephit, PS MM1 - maybe
JLurhstaapR wrote: "I've got information on the Aerial Servant, Tasked Genies, Mephits (Smokes and others; why only the Smoke mephit?), Pech, Sandlings, Elemental Vermin (almost definitely will do at least one of those -- I've always thought those were cool), Vortexes (I think) and Wind Walkers, but the others are totally unfamiliar to me. [...] In general; sure, why not? I definitely want to do the Elemental Vermin, so
I'll dig out that sourcebook and start on it today."
Primis/The Painter wrote: "I can do work for a number of these. I already began a sketch on the "Tasked Genies" and the "Animentals" seem right up my alley. The others I'm more than a little blank on, mostly from not knowing what they are.
If you could provde pics and descriptions of the Chososions, the Shad, and anything else you want to toss at me, go for it. I'll probably do up a giant nautilus too, I love cephalopods."