Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

With a deadline for Issue 1 being January 1st, I am going to be just a little bit pushy and see what articles we have to pick from. Not to get on anyone's case, just that I have downtime at the moment so want to be organized for when my own availability shortens.

This doesn't mean the articles are done, just that someone is committed to have something in regardless of length. No worries if you can't do something or only do an article part way, just give us lead time to help make up the difference. I don't mind having to write more stuff, just want to know ahead of time.

I'm just thinking we should get a few things set in stone so we can put out the call to artists - If I'm jumping the gun a little let me know, just worried about having enough time to get at least a specific piece in for the feature.

If you've already said you could guarantee something, I apologize, I just erred on the safe side of only speaking for myself.

Advice on anything and everything about managing this is wanted/appreciated from the veterans of producing this kind of stuff.

So far the possibilities are:

Feature: Killing the Lady of Pain (I can guarantee this one)
Celestials and the Cosmic Game (title pending, but I can guarantee this one)
Walking the Parallels (I can guarantee this one)
Article on Aoskar (proposed by Anerta)
Article on Prime Worlds (being worked on by atomicb)
Conversion (Piscine I think was the one we settled on, but I may be inserting bias because that was the one I wanted.)

Stuff already written and brought up as possibilities:

Surcease and Dolor (written by Jem, submitted, needs 2 more votes)
How the Imaskari Created Sigil (permission obtained from Rip, I need to reformat)
Kobolds in Sigil (permission obtained from Kobold Avenger, I need to reformat)
Hedge Witch (permission obtained from Jem, I need to reformat)


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Also this isn't meant to snub anyone - definitely submit articles as I think we'll be using them in subsequent issues, and even issue #1!


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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

It's a good call to get out in front of things. We all really really like to talk on the forums, but we need ownership to get things in shape for articles. Perhaps if I open the editorial list for everyone to see and add the list on the sidebar to get people's focus on getting the articles to show there? We get everyone in the rythmn of getting work into the article queue... then we're home free. Just gotta get the habit built.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

@Clueless and Anerta - If people are comfortable, how do we start requesting art for pieces? I know there is planescape art on deviant - can we requisition artists? There is also public domain art, which will likely be fine for my celestial and parallel walking articles, but I'd really like new art for the feature if at all possible.

Also there might be some people offering 4e related material - not necessarily crunch but we'll see. I'd like to include at least one 4e piece, perhaps even two, to draw in more of that group.

One advantage we have, being a free zine, is less restriction in our use of Planescape and 4e material.


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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Ideally if the author can get the piece into the queue there's a section to be filled out specifically for art requests. That will go into a list where artists can select one to fill out and upload an image to go with it. (If the zine articles are to go online, eventually that image will need to be associated with the article so it'll display.)

Otherwise, you'll probably need to figure out what pieces are coming and request them directly. You want:

300dpi - so that a PDF will print the image correctly.
You'll mostly want to work with quarter pages to half pages.
They need to be jpg, png, bmp, or psd. Gif's have some translation issues for PDF generation.

You will want to confirm artistic permission, an upload system like we want to if we can get the articles into the queue would include that automatically. Otherwise, you want to get it in an email / aim or something. We're working under a permission license ourselves, so we don't need to ensure that the artist is doing anything but giving us explicit permission for this use. There's no need to match licenses with CC or something like that since that's not what we're under ourselves.

Remind artists that permission for us to use is just that *and only that* - they retain rights to the work otherwise, aka prints, etc etc. For some reason in my experience artists have a lot of misinformation directed at them re: what a license actually is and does. I've had to explain what Creative Commons actually means almost every single time, much less what 'with permission' means. Giving someone a license is *not* the same thing as work-for-hire for a company where the artist loses all rights.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Okay sounds good. I'm hoping to post a draft of the Killing of Lady of Pain article in the queue for viewing tonight or tomorrow. (It may require having its tail cut off and put in the second issue, I wanted to be rather comprehensive.)

The other articles will be much, much shorter and largely just need to rework existing material.


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Hey Clueless,

The idea of having the articles showing in the sidebar is a good one I think. I added an art request for the feature, suggesting a full page - let me know if you think that's a problem.

I added the Traversing the Metaverse article in the queue as well, and will add the two non-crunch pieces today that I obtained permission for. The Hedge Witch I might get today as well.




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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Gotcha, I'll finish getting the art queue put together then as well.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Thanks Clueless!

Submitted the following:

How the Imaskari Created Sigil (permission obtained from Rip)
Kobolds in Sigil (permission obtained from Kobold Avenger)

Thanks Rip and Kobold Avenger for letting me submit your stuff. Thanks to the boards for providing a TON of information I needed for the LoP article.


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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

The art queue is showing now - I have one last part to put in to allow artists to upload art, but artists should be able to see requests now.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Thanks Clueless, I had a question about this statement under art submissions:

"Articles listed here are in their final stage. These articles are fully edited. Have been given layout, and have received artwork that goes with them.

These articles are ready to be processed for release to the website when the issue associated with them is released."

Does this mean I should take out the art requests I put in until the articles are approved?

Mind you, I know there's a month for submissions but I think we should start pinning down a few things at least by mid November.

On that note, I think holding off on the "Traversing the Metaverse" is a good idea until there is some more meat there. I'm also not sure if it would be that useful to have alternate Wheels every issue. Jem's Log X thread, with varied prime worlds, is much more likely to be utilized by planar campaigns and makes more sense as a place to draw from.

I also put the Traversing article in there when I was worried about a low page count. Now, looking things over, I think we'll be okay for the first issue, if not the first two, though we may be light on 4e stuff and crunch.


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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Ack! That just means I didn't update the text on the art queue. Gimmie a sec and I'll get that updated.

I would leave the Traversing article in the queue, nothing goes into 'ready for layout' until three different editors agree that the article is ready to go. So the editor's queue is a good development environment.

Looking over the queue list - I think we need more than the articles we have to really call ourselves stable for Issue2. We need to get a good collection of smaller pieces around 1 to 2 pages (aka short-winded writers should feel free to get their works in), and crunch where we can. It's worth noting, that pieces that don't have crunch if something in there can be enhanced with some crunch as a sidebar that's not something the editors should be shy about. Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Which yes, implies we need to get more editors. Editors shouldn't approve until something is ready - like really ready - to be published. Eye-wink

I updated the art queue instructions.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Well, we probably need a few others to check in but would you be up for splitting the Lady article across two issues?

That would give us 8 pages or so for issue 2. I was thinking maybe putting Rip's Imaskari story in there, subject to votes, which puts us at around 12-13 pages for Issue 2.

All subject to votes and what everyone else thinks. Biggest goal is making sure Issue 1 is out of course.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Hey! What do we have in mind cover-wise?

I'm getting Justin, another artist I know, to do a Lady of Pain illustration for me, because I know it is going to look amazing in his vector style and I want it on my wall. His deviantART is

Anyway, if he's down with it, and can get it done by the end of November, do you guys want to use this picture for the cover of the first issue, when it exists?

I know it may be weird to approve or disapprove of using an illustration that doesn't exist as the cover, but you can kind of get a feel for his style from the other stuff on his deviantART.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

We are probably going to do a cover layout where the top area is the masthead, the left half is the image and the right half is a list of content, copyright info, and credits. That way we get all the extra preliminary 'stuff' out in one page.

If he's good with doing a tall half page (standard letter size) then I see no reason not to! Really we could use the chance to build up a good collection of art to work with so if he's got anything he wants to fiddle around with, have him send it over along with the name he wants us to use and his website credit. Even if we don't use it there, chances are it will get used elsewhere.

Also - wow he's good. Smiling He's got a good style!

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

@Anerta - dude's art is awesome. So is your stuff!

@Clueless & Anerta - should we put out a call for art? Should we collect images that aren't necessarily being asked for just so we have a stockpile to draw from?

Should we only put in art requests for those articles we'd like to see in Issue 1?




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Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Art requests for all - as they get assigned to issues that will appear in the listing so artists can prioritize. Building up some stock images to work with is smart to do just like it's smart to build up the article backlog.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

A stockpile definitely couldn't hurt! There's plenty of Planescape art floating around on the internet. You/I/someone could try sending messages on deviantART to some of the people who have submitted to the PS group, asking them if they'd mind us using one of their pieces (credited, ofc) in an issue.

Justin's work - yeah, it's flipping awesome. He does it in Illustrator, too, dude's ridiculous. I don't think the format'll be an issue at all, even if the print dimensions are different it can just be cropped at whatever size looks most attractive. I'll ask him what he thinks about using the illustration for the mag cover and we'll work out dimensions (what dimensions would be best, Clueless? 4 1/4 x 11, with some space at the top for the masthead?). He has some fancy graphics design degree, so I'm sure we can all work something out that functions and looks fantastic.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

@Anerta - I know there is a deviantArt City of Doors group - I can post a message but if you have some cred/traction over there and think you'll draw more people in let me know. As I'm not an artist I never posted to the group just figured it'd be a good contact.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I agree, it is a good place to draw some attention and, hopefully, art from. I don't think it matters much who posts, I have "contributor" access to it (moderator, basically), which means I can make posts to the group journal. That particular convenience may make it easier for me to do the posting.

While I have already posted a journal about the fanzine, that was a couple weeks ago when we were still figuring out if we even wanted to do one. Now that we have an idea of the articles we're doing, another journal probably couldn't hurt.

Soooo I'll post one. :>

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

@Anerta (Thanks for posting to deviantArt! And apologies, I thought I had already said thank you for this.)

So I think as long as I (or Anerta, or someone else) can put together a decent layout, we should be good as long as we have art right?

Got permissions and added more stuff to the slush pile.

Would love feedback on the Lady article, I know it needs polish for sure.

I guess my question would be should we determine what we would like volunteer artists to work on? I figure internally B/W is fine, color is nice where we can get it.

Do we want to continually switch covers every issue? I notice there are a lot of nice full color pieces in the deviantArt group - should keep us supported for quite some time.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Switching covers is a good idea, I think.

We should probably try to maintain some consistency with interior art though, either all black and white or all colour. It might be weird to switch between them? Or maybe that's just me.

Also, dhrr, I forgot to post another journal entry on the dA group! Doing that now. Blarg.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

@Anerta - Thanks! If you could make one change - take out the parallels article as a tentative one. I'd like to save that for when I have a better handle on mechanics or someone else suggests some.

I'd love to have all color, but worry about having enough art that directly relates to articles if we do. Figured it'd be easier to get ink sketches.

It also makes me realize we should start looking to pin down the articles...

For me, the ideal articles would be as follows:

Killing the Lady Part I
Aoskar Article
Prime Article
Kobolds in Sigil
Prisine Conversions
Surcease and Dolor

EDIT: Forgot that I got permission from Shemmy to do an interview once his Book of the Damned III comes out. I'd like to have that in Issue 1 as the book will be relatively I pushing the page count here?

I'll still have the Celestials Article done as promised, but this way I think every article (barring conversions) is done by a different author.

Also want to have some links to interesting planar stuff on the web and on this site (maybe links to hot threads in the intro?), figure the more we present our zine as a hub of planar gaming info the more we'll retain readership.

There's also the reality that with KQ taking web submissions and articles, the DDI, and Paizo having their free fanzine Wayfinder we're less likely to see crunch. The KQ web submissions have a huge backlog of planar info, and there's stuff in Wayfarer and obviously the DDI has some though I'm not a subscriber.

But we can direct people to the good stuff and ideally, over time, get some crunchies produced here. Our strength, looking at the slush pile, is offering an interesting if not unique view of the planes, the battles of alignments, and the personalization of cosmic forces. Stuff posted here feels *real* to me, like I could almost reach these planes and worlds...


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Germille's picture
Joined: 2011-10-13
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I just want to say, a list of Specific requests of each article would be really nice.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Hey - if you click on "Submit Artwork" you should see at least 3 requests. The priority is the one for the Killing the Lady of Pain article, right now it's the planned feature.




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Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I can't draw. Is there a way for me to see what's going on art-wise without my volunteering to be an artist? Sticking out tongue


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

You should already have access to the art queue just by having an account on the site.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Clueless wrote:
You should already have access to the art queue just by having an account on the site.

I'm not seeing it. What should I be looking for?


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Try this link Zimmy:


You can access it by clicking on the "Volunteer to help/Click here to start as an artist". You don't actually have to commit to anything by clicking on those links.

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I think I'm just reading the wording in the link too literally. Heh.


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Took out Rip's story - figure it might go well in Issue 2 if we go with the planar metropolis theme.

Anyone have a suggestion for Surcease and Dolor's Art Order?


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sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

First draft of celestial article ("On the Banks of the Oceanus") done. I'd like to leave it for a future issue, but since I guaranteed it I figured I'd mention it here.

Been slowly getting a better handle on Pathfinder, will likely look over 4e after January. Hoping if I throw out stats people will be willing to critique and correct.

Adding many new articles to the queue, feel good about Issues 1 and (possibly) 2. There is a gold mine in the old setting projects and articles for this site BTW. Only problem might be hunting down old authors for permission.

Thanks to Anerta we have artists coming in (thank you artists!). There is someone working on the Killing Lady art and the Kobolds in Sigil art, but I think if people are willing to commit to a portion of Issue 1 articles we can pull more people in. Heck, I'm ready to figure out the articles for Issue 2 to give artists an early start...

Now I just need to learn more about layout.

As always, the above is one person's opinion.




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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I'll eventually be making some drawings of Frigidora and Cryonax, but probably not in time for issue 1.
I do intend to write an article about planar ecology however, as this is prettymuch central to most of my writings on this forum as well as anything I submit for future 'zines.

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I have the Pathfinder version of Prisine in the editor's queue now. There are a couple of things I'm not 100% decided on though, so if anyone wants to read and comment that would be fabulous.


The main gray area at the moment relates to the issue of faction abilities. I'm not sure which feat is best, when using faction abilities as feats (either illusion perception or power of denial from PSCS, but ? between them. I'd ordinarily jump to Power of Imagination for any and all Signers, but idk about Prisine... she was so much of a thug). And, what other systems should be included/proposed as options for 3.5/PF?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Would love to see a 4e version, but not sure if we'll get one in. I have no idea how to do it, and right now I'm learning the Age system but don't think I could such a conversion as I just finished going over the basics.

I might, barring objections, try to throw in a 4e location into Issue 1 to at least represent that cosmology the first time around.


I'll eventually be making some drawings of Frigidora and Cryonax, but probably not in time for issue 1.
I do intend to write an article about planar ecology however, as this is prettymuch central to most of my writings on this forum as well as anything I submit for future 'zines.

Looking forward to this Hyena, apologies for the late reply!


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Is the 4e cosmology really something we want to touch? We're doing a Planescape fanzine, shouldn't we stick to the Planescape setting?

I mean, the 4e cosmology involves no blood war, succubi as devils, and cats marrying dogs. God knows what else, CG and LE aren't even alignments. I don't play 4e, but if I did, I don't think I'd use the 4e cosmology with it.

We may have Pathfinder stats and numbers, but we're not including anything from the Pathfinder cosmology, nor would I suggest we do, unless we wanted to make a feature on incorporating Golarion and the Pathfinder gods into Planescape -- where their divine realms are, who they have for allies amongs other pantheons, and their place in the cosmic game. But even that would be, at best, a how to guide on stripping the Pathfinder cosmology from the Pathfinder setting.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Oh, I was thinking we'd have a Planescape Cosmology focus with some stuff for other cosmologies - making the zine a central source for planar gaming.

Do you think it would be bad to include Great Beyond or 4e stuff? I don't think it would take center stage, but rather draw people with planar interests together.

I figure more people coming around means more chances to push the ideas/themes of Planescape. Catching flies with honey and all that.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

It's difficult to say what is actually the best approach, but I'd probably stick to the Great Wheel cosmology. I don't think there's anything wrong with adapting and making changes to it, or including fanon, but I'm not sure that including stuff for different settings entirely should be our thing.

Planesape may be kind of a niche setting, but if we're a niche fanzine for a niche community, we should probably cater to said niche?

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I see what you're saying - adaption is a good middle ground. Ideally my AGE game will start early next year and I'll have enough of a handle to put up conversions that aren't completely off base.


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Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I'll ask around and see if anyone in my grasp has an adequate handle on 4e, too. I may be able to find someone to at least tell me what to do.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

If nothing else, I think there are some middle ground locations. PF, 4e, and the Wheel all have Shadow and Fairy, Hell, Abyss, and a few others. I do think we should try to pull in people with a general interest to planar gaming, but I agree trying to be everything to everyone might not be the best approach.

That said, going to post Shemmy's interview about BoD III into the editor's queue. I'd still like it to be in Issue I - it sort of leans toward the Great Beyond but I think the majority of it is applicable to daemons in any cosmology.


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Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

I'll say that my stat conversions for the Kamerel as monsters are done now, in both Pathfinder and 4e stats. If there's an article to go with them.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Art, Articles For Issue 1: Checking In

Okay, so we have our articles and I think we have some art pieces planned.

Special thanks to Mogget for offering to do layout.

Right now we have the following list:

Introduction (art completed)
Killing the Lady Part I (art in progress)
Aoskar Article (art in progress IIRC)
Prime Article (If we don't have art for this I can find public domain stuff)
Kobolds in Sigil (art in progress)
Prisine Conversions (art in progress)
Surcease and Dolor (Plan is to use Public Domain Images)
Interview with Shemmy on BoD III (Use cover of book as art)

I'm waiting on edits for the Prime Article. Beyond that, are people comfortable with Surcease and Dolor getting public domain images instead of specially tailored art? We *could* move it to the next issue IF people really want art for it and think they can find somebody.

Okay, so deadlines - obviously holidays, exams, end-of-year production is going to be a factor here. Ideally we could have the whole thing done January 1st, but I think as a group we should accept that may not work.

I think we should still shoot for it, but I want to see where everyone is at. I may shoot a few PMs out, apologies in advance if I'm a bother!


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Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.