Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location in Sigil to another location in Sigil)?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location in Sigil to another location in Sigil)?

There's loads of Portals going into and out of Sigil, but are there any references in the material to Portals that go from place to place WITHIN Sigil? I'm working on an idea for a building that exists in all six Wards simutaneously via the use of Portals, and I want to know if the idea is feasable... Also, I know only the Lady can create Portals to and from Sigil, but could a character make a place-to-place Portal within Sigil, or not? (I'm thinking of the "Create Portal" feat found in the Stronghold Builder's Guidebook and elsewhere...)

Spiteful Crow's picture
Joined: 2007-10-10
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location

If I recall correctly, that mephit-owned shop that sells bodyparts is only accessible by portal.

Barking_Wilder's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location

Short answer: Yes

Long answer: Just finished a twelve hour shift...i'll let someone else take that one Puzzled

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location

Yes, there are. For example, Fell's shop is accessible from two different places of Sigil. Inter-Sigil portals are very common in the Planescape: Torment game as well.

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location

Actually, there already is a building in Sigil with entrances in several Wards: The Ubiquitous Wayfarer tavern. Although the building itself is physically located in the Lower Ward, it has portal entrances in at least two other Wards, those being the Lady's Ward and the Clerk's Ward, making the tavern a great shortcut for getting around town quickly. The keys to these portals are apparently so common that patrons can enter the tavern "and don't even know they're passing through a portal when they go in". Consequently "some say the Ubiquitous Wayfarer is in The Lady's Ward" while others "say it's in the Clerk's Ward". The tavern also has "many, many" portals to "the planes of the Great Ring". It's described in In the Cage: A Guide to Sigil and is also featured prominently in the Dead Gods adventure. The place goes out of business following the Faction War, when all of its portals cease functioning however.

As previously mentioned, there's a meat shop known as Parts & Pieces (formerly Pets & Meat) run by the dust mephit Seamusxanthuszenus which is located somewhere below ground in Sigil, but who's primary entrance is located in the Market Ward. It is detailed in Uncagged: Faces of Sigil.

The only other intra-city portal I can think of off the top of my head is the secret one linking the Gatehouse in the Hive Ward with the Prison in The Lady's Ward which is used to secretly ferry orphans from the former to the latter. It's detailed in the Factols' Manifesto.

Rip, I've never read anything confirming that Fell's shop is accessible by portal from two different areas. In Uncagged: Faces of Sigil his shop is described as being in the Market Ward. I know that in Torment his shop is located in the Hive, but I've never seen anything that says the two places are linked by portal; though that would certainly provide a simple and elegant solution for explaining the discrepancy. I'm just curious if you've read or seen something I haven't. Smiling

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location

'ripvanwormer' wrote:
Yes, there are. For example, Fell's shop is accessible from two different places of Sigil. Inter-Sigil portals are very common in the Planescape: Torment game as well.

Isn't it "Intra-Sigil"?

Hmm, after a moment of checking, it seems one definition of "inter-" includes "within." Hmph.

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Are there inner-Sigil Portals (Portals that go from one location

'Ambrus' wrote:
Rip, I've never read anything confirming that Fell's shop is accessible by portal from two different areas. In Uncagged: Faces of Sigil his shop is described as being in the Market Ward. I know that in Torment his shop is located in the Hive, but I've never seen anything that says the two places are linked by portal; though that would certainly provide a simple and elegant solution for explaining the discrepancy. I'm just curious if you've read or seen something I haven't. Smiling

Unlikely. That was probably just my explanation for the discrepancy, and I forgot.

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