Are there any parks in Sigil?

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Chells's picture
Joined: 2007-10-01
Are there any parks in Sigil?

It seems to me that there aught to be a couple but I can seems to find reference to any. In the Cage even states that the Green Mill has possible the only trees in the city. I'm hopeing this is mot the case though. If anyone is will to pass along any info or links about Sigil parks I'd really appricate it.


TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
Are there any parks in Sigil?

To my limited knowledge, Sigil has no parks, or perhaps the games original designers had to cut them out of the book for space reasons.
Couldn't you just pretend there is one?

Chells's picture
Joined: 2007-10-01
Are there any parks in Sigil?

I see no reason why not. I just figured I'd first try and find out if there were any pre-established ones. Thanks.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Are there any parks in Sigil?

I don't know about parks, but there are some pretty large private gardens in the Lady's Ward. I imagine it takes one heck of a gardener to keep them alive though. Maybe a treant. . .

Kalidor's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Are there any parks in Sigil?

Harbinger House makes use of Blood Gem Park, which appears to be across the street from the Temple of the Abyss. Akin the Friendly Fiend indicates that to reach it, you make a right at the end of the block from his store and go straight for two blocks (page 15). I didn't find a very good description of the park, but the art inside the cover does not suggest the presence of trees (though it is colored green, so I am assuming grass).

The Factol's Manifesto (pages 63-64) indicate that the grounds of the Hall of Records have trees and, though not explicitly stated, appear to constitute a park. Similarly, the art portraying the City Barracks have trees around it as well (page 92). An establishment called the Harim (pages 116-117) have an open courtyard, and although the text describes a lush ivy-covered refuge, the art suggests the presence of trees. The garden of the Hall of Speakers clearly has what appears to be trees (page 124-125), but the text indicates that the Hall has no lawns or terraces. The Civic Festhall is also artistically portrayed as having courtyards with trees (page 139).

Hellbound: The Blood War also has an artistic representation of Spiral Hal'oight's mansion ("Visions of War" page 4) with trees. His mansion is located in the Lady's Ward, and it is reasonable to assume that various other wealthy residents of the ward also have similar gardens.

I'll keep digging and post if I can find anything else.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Are there any parks in Sigil?

'Chells' wrote:
I see no reason why not.
One word: Razorvine.


Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Are there any parks in Sigil?

'420' wrote:
'Chells' wrote:
I see no reason why not.
One word: Razorvine.


Second word: Sigil's air. Two words.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Are there any parks in Sigil?

Also, lack of permeable, fertile soil. I'd hedge a bet that good dirt is a commodity in Sigil--a rich and expensive one, too. Something like Waterworld, only less wet and you don't have to pee into a distillery for your drinks. Oh, and no Kevin Costner.

The Great Hippo's picture
Joined: 2005-07-28
Are there any parks in Sigil?

In fact--this might make a great character premise.

Karras, the Dirt-Merchant. No one knows more about dirt than this guy; they say he can identify the plane any dirt came from merely by taste. He gathers up dirt from all around the planes and sells it at a premium to the Lady's Ward for their gardens--Ysgard dirt is considered the most expensive, as just about *anything*'ll grow in it, but some plants require very special dirt (special orders from Night Hags who want dirt from the Grey Wastes to grow their ever-so-forgetful Gloom Weeds).

He sifts through all the dirt that comes through the shop himself, and is accompanied by a cigar-chomping dust mephit. It's said he has a whole collection of knick-nacks from the planes over--forgotten rings, trinkets, bits and pieces of fossils, and detritus from throughout all of history. I imagine him as a long, stretched, scraggly pencil-thin gnome with an *immense* nose and white, stringy hair, and a propensity to hunch over. He can *smell* good dirt from a mile away, and he's never clean.

Maybe he wears a badge, too: "ASK ME ABOUT DIRT".

Don't ask him.

Edit: I might include this guy in my new Mirage write-up, when it's done. Although why he'd be in Mirage... Maybe at the base of the Spire, inspecting the dirt, trying to figure out if it has any unique properties he could employ it for.

Second Edit: Haha, and--Oh, God.

He eats dirt. Not just for tasting--I mean, if the PCs ever drop over for dinner, they're going to be in for a big whopping plateful of DIRT.

He considers certain types of dirt from certain places to be an absolutely delicious delicacy, and will do nearly anything for dirt that is especially exotic or rare.


Sorry. Mind going into a weird place. D:

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Are there any parks in Sigil?

'The Great Hippo' wrote:
In fact--this might make a great character premise.

Sounds a little like Mole from Atlantis.


Pants of the North!

Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
Are there any parks in Sigil?

'The Great Hippo' wrote:


Someone send this guy a second copy of Hellbound. Laughing out loud


BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Iavas's picture
Joined: 2006-07-12
Are there any parks in Sigil?

Can gnomes eat dirt? Or is he a xorn in disguise? You know... eating dirt one day and accidentally burrowing under a burried hat of polymorph self.

Ambrus's picture
Joined: 2007-03-05
Are there any parks in Sigil?

In all of my research on the Cage, I've only seen mention of three "parks" in Sigil, all three being appropriately in the Lady's Ward; details about any of them are sparse however.

• The park of the Infernal and Divine is certainly a park of some sort, though it's unclear if it has any greenery in it.

• Bloodgem park, as mentioned, is another "park" nestled on the border of the Lady and Lower Wards.

• One area near the City Barracks which appears on one map (in the Eternal Boundary adventure IIRC) is titled "Solar Park". It could simply be a misleadingly named street however.

Asside from that, there are a number of places in the city which appear to have greenery in the form of trees.

• As previously mentioned, the grounds around the Barracks and the Hall of Records appears to have a significant amount of trees and grass covered earth.

• Likewise, the walled area behind the Gatehouse seems to have a surprising amount of greenery for the patients and Bleakers to enjoy.

• The Green Mill in the Lower Ward has a few trees in and around it.

• The Curly Foot District in the Guildhall Ward has at the very least, a grass covered hill at its heart.

• Uncaged makes brief mention of a Golden Lord's privately owned Greenhouse in the Lady's Ward.

• The Shattered Temple in fact has tree at its heart which the Athar oddly revere.

Although there is an elven ghetto called "the Forest" in the Guildhall Ward, it is described as being ironically devoid of any greenery. Hope this helps. Laughing out loud

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
The book "Sigil and beyond"

The book "Sigil and beyond" mentions that there once was a city park, but it got occupied by squatters and the Fiends and Celestials couldn't aggree on what to grow there (different tastes). This MIGHT be the above mentioned Park of the Infernal and Divine, given the details and the name...

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
P.S. I'll give you all the

P.S. I'll give you all the page number tommorow, so you can see for yourselves...

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
O.k, so this isn't exactly

O.k, so this isn't exactly "tommorow" like I promised, but it's on pg. 59, under the heading "Razorvine and Street Vermin"... here's the quote: "There used to be a city park, but it's mostly overun by squatters. Besides, the landscaping for both devas and fiends just wasn't harmonizing at all." Sounds like the Park of the Infernal and Divine to ME... and sorry about the delay! Embarassed

AlexanderDrake's picture
Joined: 2008-11-25
I guess it depends at on

I guess it depends at on sees as a park. It also depends, is it a wide open place, or something like Centeral Park in New York, or is it a hodepodge of different things thrown together for something that looks good  or something that a druid would like.


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