are petitioners affected by healing / necromantic spells?

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j3's picture
Joined: 2008-05-25
are petitioners affected by healing / necromantic spells?

i dont know where else to ask this question ...

can petitioners be affected by healing / necromantic spells?

i looked through my ad&d planescape books and i cant find any place where it states that petitioners are not affected by healing / necromantic spells ...

except for in uncaged, faces of sigil (the grixitt) ... which sources the planescape campaign setting ... i looked but i cant find it

please help ... thanks

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
are petitioners affected by healing / necromantic spells?

Petitioners aren't undead. I see no reason they should be immune. I don't know that there's anywhere in the 2e cannon that says they aren't, but there could well be.

Sleeping Deity's picture
Joined: 2008-06-07
are petitioners affected by healing / necromantic spells?

Well source of these spells varies.
I can be drawn directly from the Negative Plane or Positive plane,or can be granted via deity.

Well i can't really tell if the nature of the deities are connected with the Negative/Positive plane for these powers.But ı believe they do,because i have a little vision on Raistlin's failing journey to the godhood.

The Power's are strong,there's no doubt,but i don't believe that they can protect their followers - even themselves - from the nature and effect of the planes.They are mighty,but not that much.

Shortly,my answer is yes,petitioners can be affected by healing,necromancy spells.The chant is,everything has borders in the multiverse,and these borders are determined by the multiverse itself.
Everything happens within the borders of the multiverse's permission.
But noone can tell about these allowances and restrictions,since multiverse is the biggest locked box on itself.The only borderless,limitless thing in existence.Even if it had borders,it's unknown.

If you approach the issues with this perspective,you'll find out that many of your questions will be answered.

moogle001's picture
Joined: 2004-01-02
are petitioners affected by healing / necromantic spells?

In D&D 2E there was some canon rule that petitioners were not affected by the Necromany school, including healing spells. I don't have my books to look it up, but I do remember that rule.

However, for the PSCS that is not the case, they are affected normally.


-Gabriel Sorrel,

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