Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

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Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

So yeah... I am currently trying to create my own campaign, I have already created most of the world and it's people- government... ect... but I am still missing alot of stuff... one thing that I have been stuck on is, well, I know that there are plane such as the plane of shadow and the Ethreal plane (excuse the bad spelling) but... I want to create a plane that is completely unique to only that prime material plane (also I'm trying to figure out some ways to link Aluncia, my prime material plane to other prime material planes, becuase in my campaign there are multiple prime material planes) so when you travel to a different plane then it doesn't apply... and also ideas for cities places and such... it's getting so confusing that I need to ask someone for some ideas and help...

So if anyone can help me, I would be eternally grateful ^_^

oh... and my friend was wondering if you could give him some more information on the Far Realm...

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

First, for connecting the different Primes.... have you ever heard of Spelljammer?

"Tenshi" wrote:
oh... and my friend was wondering if you could give him some more information on the Far Realm...
There's a guy on the WotC Forum who goes by the name "R.M.G.C.L.F" who'd be happy to talk your friend's ear off about that barmy place.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

Unfortunately....... no I havent... but if you want to explain it (SpellJammer), I'm willing to listen ^^ ... Why do I have a feeling that it's another setting?..

Yes I know... I'm a crappy DM, I'm working on that though lol

and please... don't lynch me...

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

"Tenshi" wrote:
Unfortunately....... no I havent... but if you want to explain it (SpellJammer), I'm willing to listen ^^ ... Why do I have a feeling that it's another setting?.. .

Yeah, another setting. D&D with flying boats piloted into the vacuum of outer space, beyond the sky into the primal chaos beyond. It had some fascinating ideas in it, but it wasn't very cohesive. Eventually Planescape was brought out to be the "new" way to connect the various official D&D worlds.

In 1st edition, the way to connect different worlds was via the Astral Plane. You travel into the Astral, find a color pool leading to another campaign world, and go through it. In 3rd edition, the Plane of Shadow can be used this way: travel into Deep Shadow and into other cosmologies. In 2nd edition, there was the Flow between solar systems, beyond the crystal spheres of Spelljammer, and there was Planescape and its portals.

As for unique ideas for planes:

An endless sea of mud. Each world is a bubble in the mud.
An infinite sky full of birds. Each world is on the back of one of the birds.
A silent, empty place full of voices, without any solidity or matter. Anyone travelng through this plane loses their body, becoming merely mind and voice as they travel through it.
A cathedral of titanic proportions, filled with books the size of houses. Opening a book takes you to another world.
A dandelion seed the size of a solar system. The tip of each seed leads to another world.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

I've seen a few spelljammer references in planescape. Like the second layer of acheron where all the weapons of war go to when they die. There are swords, rams, chariots, sometimes even a spelljammer craft Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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That's where the Portal Jammer got it's name in our campaign... we found a spelljamming vessel - sans' helm. So we stuck it in our inn. Eye-wink

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

A silent, empty place full of voices, without any solidity or matter. Anyone travelng through this plane loses their body, becoming merely mind and voice as they travel through it.

I really like this idea, you wouldn't mind me borrowing it would you? Laughing out loud Puzzled:

Fidrikon and I managed to come up with a way to connect each Prime Material plane, and since yesterday it has evolved tremendously, unfortunately I'll have to explain the idea later, but the idea that I quoted would be perfect for the demiplane that I want to be limited to only Aluncia's Prime material plane... later I'll post the idea that we came up with to see what you all think, that and if you can point out any loopholes or if you want to add any ideas or thuaghts that could help us out with, please speak your minds...

and also thank you for describing SpellJammer, sounds like an interesting Setting, I might have to look into it a little more ^^

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

YAY! Some time to explain, This is what we came up with: Fidrikon told me that I should create a "City", I was thinking that he had something simular to Sigil in mind- and I didn't want to copy Sigil- cuase well, it's Sigil! But I had been wanting to create a city on one of the Prime Material Planes that had a city suspended in air from the levitation spells of several powerful wizards and sorcerors of the sort, so I built off that idea mainly- except I scrapped the floating part... The City is immense and is on a solitary island that is supported from mainly a large tower or very twisted looking darkwood and stone, and in certian points of the city there are steps (I'll explain these in a bit) that lead to Gateways that form portals to one of the eight alternative Prime Material Planes. On the Gateways there are inscriptions in Kihashidian (the language of a race that I created- it's very hard to explain, but basically it's like the replacement for "common") Telling where the portals lead too. As the gateways revolve around the city there are a couple things that we came up with to protect them. One is the steps themselves, they look simular to a crystalized plate, and just like the City itself, these plates are suspended from pillars of darkwood and stone. If one were to trip or fall, they would plummit into the vast ocean below, and most likely get killed. Each step has a small antimagic barrier around it to keep the plates from being manipulated in any way, and some plates are nothing but illusions used to confuse and slow down anyone from either leaving or entering the city. The steps also branch of into different locations, but eventually meet all meet at the Gateway though. The steps are not there to kill anything, but just to slow the proccess of leaving and entering. by the way, detect magic would allow someone to see wich plates are illusions (you can even hire a sorceror/wizard in the city to guide you... but it is expensive)... oh and I almost forgot, the steps rotate with the gateways... as for the portals, when you enter the portal space it also branches off in different directions and tends to shift alot, but the only thing that this does is it garantees that you'll almost never end up in the same spot twice when you visit the alternate Prime Material Planes... *stops for a second to catch his breath*.... But I still need a way back frome the Prime Material Planes to the city...

And like I said in the previous post, if anybody has any ideas or loopholes that they want to point out, by all means do so...

wow that was a mouth full... :shock:

Eco-Mono's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

How about that, SOMEWHERE on each alternate Prime there is a building made with similar materials and architexture to the city on the major Prime (but often abandoned or unowned) and that somewhere in the building is a door which, when opened, will actually be some random door onto the streets of the city (possibly near the base of the relevant stair!)

What thinkst thou?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

In the original Idea i proposed to tenshi, there would be major portals that everyone knew about, yes. but there would also be, well, think of it this way....
The City itself is almost completly enclosed. And in order to travel to differant levels you have to use ladders, stairs, ect. like a giant maze of rooms, corridors, and halls. But Depending on which route you take, even down to the tinyest turn around the corner, you pass through certain barriers that key portals. But the entire building is built extaly the same on every plane.
So, in fact, you could walk through a doorway leaving a shop, turn around, walk back through, and be in a compltly differant shop. You would have Eight entrances, but only one on each plane. It would be the ultimite center of trade. And would have to have some sort of Palidin-like police force to keep everything nice and calm. The last thing you wan't is people fighting over control of the city. Wow that would be a confusing battle.
And, if you wanted it connected to the rest of planescape, you could even have a vast underground net work, locked off by powerful magic and wards, that had a few portal to the rest of the planes. Only the useres of these portals would be locked off from the rest of the city most of the time, merchants and custumers only rarely allowed through, or those that are looking for something in particular on one of the eight planes. The supposed reason for this is to keep any rampaging fiends or over zealos celestials from running amok with nothing like the Lady of Pain to keep them in check.
But anyway, Tenshi has almost certainly deviated from this idea, But i figuerd that you guys might find a use for it, in some way or another.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

hmmmm, Sorry Fidrikon... but the idea of mazes and ladders didn't really appeal to me, thats why I decided to use gateways- everyone knows about the gateways and portals, I kept that idea, but I didn't really want the city to be a center of trade ( like I said before, it sounded a little bit too much like Sigil) but, now that I think about it, it is the center for all the Prime material planes, so it probably should be... and you're right, I do need someone or something watching over the city don't I?...

Reply To Eco-Mono: That would work, now that I think of it, Fidrikon created an Obsidian tower on one of the Prime Material Planes, that could start as a basis for the way back! YAY! Laughing out loud thats one down, and Seven more to go... Seven more buildings... this is gunna take awhile >.< ... Thank you!

er... Fidrikon, you don't mind if I use the Obsidian tower as the gateway back for Prime Material Plane #1 (Aluncia) do you? after all it is your creation lol

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

There was that bar "the something serpent inn" where people enter through the portal and after that, the exit changes to another portal. People can get some eathing and sleeping while they wait for their destination to open, but they newer know when that will be.

Now, if you made a whole bunch of those bars, maybe also some shops that sell items from other primes and when you come back, they're not there (like in discworld and many horror movies), you can have a very secretive and controllable way of moving your players between primes Smiling

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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hmmm... I'm not sure what to say about this one lol... hmmm, that actually would be pretty interesting, and I love the idea of the shops selling from other primes, so even if there were weapons and armor only sold on one prime, players could still access it nomatter whatvPrime Material Plane they start off on... *ponders some more* ^^ ... hmmm, you might be on to something

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

Update on the campaign: I read over everything and realized "Crap I forgot to mention the goddesses >.< !"... but yeah anywho, this is what I mean. There are Nine goddesses that I created in addition to all the usual dieties, and each one of these goddesses have created and watch over one of the eight Prime Material Planes (The nineth goddess was banished- by her own will, to the first prime material plane- it's a very long story), each one of the goddesses represents one of the nine alignmeants, so even though Prime Material Planes are usually nuetral aligned, you will most likely have a majority of the goddesses alignment (depending on wich prime you are on of course)... and after re-reading Fidrikon's idea of mazes and ladders of the sort, something struck me. On one of the chaotic aligned goddesses primes (out of the nine I've only fully created three -_- ), I was thinking of creating a city of stairs and ladders, and having at certain heights, levels where there might be residents or shops, and at the top of the city could be the leaders... it's a wierd idea, but hey isn't that the point? well anyway let me know what you think ^_^ ...

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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dude, go ahead. the obsidion tower if for everyone.

Basiclly, the obsidion tower was, well, the runes of an obsidian tower, but when you went down the stairs into the lower sections, things got interesting. The walss were made out of a liquid crystal substance, unbreakable in thats it is constatnly shifting, as can be seen by ripples on the surface. If you press and itme into it, the tiem sinks into the wall about an inch, then the preassure shatters it, and a moment later the remains are expelled in a small explosion. ( reflex save!)
There is also a black crystal wall that disentigrates anything that touches it, save parts of the tower itself. Wen the playrs are close enough, the wall begins to move, and an invisible barrier forms behind the players. So now, they can't escape and they have to disable the wall.
The trick is, since its a wizards tower, any magic that is cast at it, be it a simple arcne mark, mending, or a fireball; triggers the walls 'off' button and the wall fades away, granting the characters passage. Sucks if you have no arcane spell casters, but then, I guess you should have them find a wand of fireball or something earlyer in the quest.

But the part that I think Tenshi is refering to is the portal well. A seeming bottomless well, with runes inscribed on every brick lining the wells. But anyway, the original purpose was to transport the playes to the 'arcane sanctuary' where the evil sorceror was, but with a few changes here and there, the well can be used to access many differant portal. Like a modron portal lens, only much weaker.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

hmmm... well there's not much to report anymore on the Campaign itself, I actually have alot of it ready to go now, and I want to thank everyone for helping me out with this- pretty soon, I should beable to finish up the campaign and it's all thanks to you guys... and girls- ya know, there aren't that many female DnD players *sighs* I wonder why...

P.S. dread pirate swan has created a post called Silly Items! most of the crazy stuff that happens in our quests will most likely be written in there lol

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

At this moment, some woman probably sighs about men not watching soaps Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Anyones thuaghts and ideas are welcomed! ^_^

.... *peery look* More like she reaches over with a giant 'clue stick' and goes *whap*. *grin*

And as you're thinking on that and wondering...
*And* a programmer.
Talk about defying stereotypes...

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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heh... sorry- lol, didn't quite- er... yeah... *embarassed* well, I only made that staetement becuase well- out of the years that I've been playing DnD I have only come across two female players- actually one actual player- the other really wants to play but never has- I should probly try to recruit her- hmmmm... although that would take the help of a few friends cuss I don't really know her that well, only her sister... wait a minute... er... yeah shutting up lol

wasn't trying to start a stereotype ^^;;;;

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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Naw, that's ok. I've got the feeling the male to female ratio where I play is considerably more 'normal' than in certain areas. I know generally half as many female RPers as I know male.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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yeah, up here, the actual amount of female players is very slim... I've tried to get people to play before- but DnD has this bad reputation as being a "geeks" or "nerds" game- so the instant response is of course something close to "Hell NO!"

P.S. did you change the colors a bit- cuase it doesn't bother my eyes anymore... or am I getting used to it... either way I owe you thanks Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
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I think you're getting used to it.
Admittedly i've found it works better to explain the idea of role playing as a combination of ad-lib acting and ad-lib storytelling. That approach tends to be just intriguing enough that it loses geek status long enough for them to actually *consider* it.

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
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yeah, up here, the actual amount of female players is very slim
dude the ratio up here is all male charectors to no females.......allthough shell almost played that one day.......

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
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Almost. And then she left. Although I think she only wanted to play to figure out some of the jokes Brain makes.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
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my sister plays man... unfortunately she's not very enjoyable to play with- you know how my sister is... actually I'm not sure you even met her but she's somewhat of a spoiled rotten.... female dog (isn't sure if he should curse lol)... but anywho- that would have been awsome if we could get sweeny and shell (I think thats spelt Chell actually- oh well) to play

P.S. Fidrikon unfortunately has an ear infection... I hope it goes away soon and he can get back to being able to hear us... it's a little strange, and I feel bad for em...

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