Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

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nalfeshnee's picture
Joined: 2006-07-01
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

Hey there. Im looking to start a new PbP adventure (possibly campaign) over here. anyone interested please let me know.

I'm panning to start at level 5 (actually level 4, but ive put the starting level up by one to take into account EL 1 races which i hope you'll all use!). any resources are welcome, though just let me know the sources first so i can check them out.

I'm looking for a good mix of roleplaying and encounters (not all combat - but there will be combats, especially as the adventure progresses). though for the most part it should be free-fowing RP and skill rolls (where/when needed).

Im planning on using the Defence Bonus rules from Unearthed Arcana so you cutters dont need to wear armour (to keep the feel of planescape) and for those who want to use armour, ill use the Armour as DR from the same book. No house rules other than that.

I'd rather not say too much about the premise, though the title should say it all. The adventure should happen after the faction war, roughly the present. Orcus has returned to power and the factios (officially) have let the Cage. clueless PCs are welcome, though I would prefer planar bloods, preferably from the Cage itself

All classes and races are welcome, though please try to stick to those presented in the Planewalker and Planar handbook races (and PH, of course). As far as alignment goes, a mercenary-attitude will work best with. but any alignment type is welcome, if only to provice good RP opportunities!

I hope some people show interest in this. three players are the minimum im looking for.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

When you say, "the title should say it all," do you mean that you're going to run a certain Planescape adventure module or that you're planning on involving events that occurred in that module? Or does it have nothing to do with that certain module at all?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

I'll express interest.


Pants of the North!

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

So will I. I'm looking at a Shifter Druid, using rules from Eberron Campaign Setting, Unearthed Arcana, and Races of Eberron.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Character Sheet!

Jade Kyan
Female Shifter Druid 5th level

Str 14 -- (6 pts)
Dex 14 -- (4 pts)
Con 14 -- (6 pts)
Int 12 -- (6 pts)
Wis 17 -- (10 pts)
Cha 6 -- (0 pts)

Hit Points 36
AC 18, Touch 18, Flat 16
Init +2
BAB +3, Grap +5
Speed 20 (base 30, load 0/116, medium armor/load)
Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +7

+6 Melee, +1 Scimitar, 1d6+3, 18-20/x2
+3 Ranged, Sling, 1d4+2, 20/x2, 50'r

Medium, 5'4" tall, 120 lbs, 22 yrs old
Brown hair, brown eyes, tanned skin

Speaks Planar Trade, Eberronian Common, Druidic

+13 Survival (Cool
+10 Ride (Cool
+9 Spellcraft (Cool
+10 Concentration (Cool
+4 Knowledge (the planes) (3)
+8 Knowledge (nature) (5)
+1 Handle Animal
+0 Listen (0)
+0 Spot (0)

-Gatekeeper Initiate
-Dreamsight Elite
-Healing Factor

-Murky Eyed


Shifter Traits
-Lowlight vision
-Shifting 2/day, 7 rounds each
-Shifter Trait: Dreamsight (+2 Wis, Speak With Animals, See Invisibility, +5 on Spot checks while shifting)
-+2 on Wild Empathy, Handle Animal, Balance, Climb, and Jump checks
-Humanoid (Shapechanger)

Druid Abilities
-Wild Empathy +6
-Animal Companion
-Nature Sense
-Woodland Stride
-Trackless Step
-Resist Nature's Lure
-Wild Shape 1/day (Aspect of Nature variant)

Spells Prepared
0th- Read Magic, Detect Magic, Cure Minor Wounds x2, Create Water
1st-Cure Light Wounds x2, Protection from Evil, Entangle
2nd- Barkskin, Blindsight, Bull's Strength
3rd- Dimensional Anchor, Call Lightning

Animals (all trained for war):
Snowy, Wolf Animal Companion
Large Animal, 34 hp (4d8+16 HD), Attack Bite +9 (1d8+9), Full Attack Bite +9 (1d8+9)
AC 20 (+2 Dex, +5 Natural, +4 Defense, -1 size), DR 2/-
Base Attack +3, Grapple +13; Space/Reach 10'/5'; Speed 50'; Init +2
Saves Fort +8, Ref +6, Will +2;
Skills: -2 Hide, +3 Listen, +3 Move Silently, +3 Spot, +3 Survival (+7 when tracking by scent)
Feats: Track, Weapon Focus (Bite), Rapid Metabolism
Special Attacks: Trip +10; Special Qualities: Scent, Lowlight vision, Link, Share Spells, Evasion
Tricks: Attack x2, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel, Track
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 19, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 6
Equipment: Leather barding, exotic pack saddle

Tharanor, Magebred Carver
Medium Animal, 38 hp (4d8+20 HD), Attack Talons +9 (2d6+6), Full Attack Talons +9 (2d6+6) and 2 foreclaws +7 melee (1d3+3) and bite +7 melee (2d4+3)
AC 24 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural, +4 Defense), DR 2/-
Base Attack +3, Grapple +9; Space/Reach 5'/5'; Speed 60'; Init +3
Saves Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +2;
Skills: +13 Hide, +28 Jump, +10 Listen, +3 Move Silently, +10 Spot, +10 Survival (+14 when tracking by scent)
Feats: Track, Multiattack, Improved Natural Attack (Rake)
Special Attacks: Pounce; Special Qualities: Scent, Lowlight vision, Excellent Learner, Thick Skinned Breed
Tricks: Attack x2, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel
Str 23, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Equipment: Leather barding, military saddle, saddlebags

Kolkatan, Magebred Carver
Medium Animal, 38 hp (4d8+20 HD), Attack Talons +9 (2d6+6), Full Attack Talons +9 (2d6+6) and 2 foreclaws +7 melee (1d3+3) and bite +7 melee (2d4+3)
AC 24 (+2 Dex, +8 Natural, +4 Defense), DR 2/-
Base Attack +3, Grapple +9; Space/Reach 5'/5'; Speed 60'; Init +3
Saves Fort +9, Ref +7, Will +2;
Skills: +13 Hide, +28 Jump, +10 Listen, +3 Move Silently, +10 Spot, +10 Survival (+14 when tracking by scent)
Feats: Track, Multiattack, Improved Natural Attack (Rake)
Special Attacks: Pounce; Special Qualities: Scent, Lowlight vision, Excellent Learner, Thick Skinned Breed
Tricks: Attack x2, Come, Defend, Down, Guard, Heel
Str 23, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Equipment: Leather barding, military saddle, saddlebags

Jade was born in the Eldeen Reaches, on the Prime World of Eberron. She grew up an a small farming village in the forests of the country, and was frequently teased by the other children about her loner tendencies. As a result, her main freinds growing up were the animals she could talk to occasionally as a result of her shifter powers. Her life took a turn for the worse when her was killed by a raid by Aundair forces, and shortly afterward, her father began drinking and abusing her. The silver necklace Jade constantly wears is the only reminder of her mother she has, as it used to be hers before she died.
Eventually, a passing druid noticed Jade's affinity with animals, and took her as an apprentice. Jade jumped at the chance. It was hard work, but she was happy just to be away from her peers and father. After several years, it was decided that she was going to be deployed into combat as a part of the Eldeen Reaches' corps of druids, and she served with distinction. It was about this time that her impusliveness and mood swings became apparent, and began to develop a negative reputation amongst her fellows, though these did not keep her from becoming initiated into the Gatekeeper sect of druids. Her unit was then attacked by a unit of Karrnathi undead, and she was badly wounded and watched helplessly as her comrades were hacked to bits by the zombies. She was then captured by a force of Dhakaani hobgoblins who drove the undead off, took her prisoner, and set about raping her in their spare time. She was released when the war ended.
After the war, she was assigned to Sharn to watch the manifest zone there, being considered to unstable to be assigned to anything more important. Unfortunately for her, when investigating a band of aasimar theives (beleiving them to be connected to a Radiant Cult), she stumbled onto a portal to Sigil. She quickly realized that something odd had happened, and set about exploring the city as best she could. She soon stumbled across a young Guvner being threatened by a mind flayer, and she dispatched it fairly quickly with the aid of her animals.
Fortunately for her, he both knew magical translation spells, and was studying psychological disorders. It became readily apparent to him that she was a Prime, and possessed some manner of psychological imbalance. She soon entered into a relationship with him, and he taught her Planar trade and the structure of the Great Wheel.

Jade's personality is largely the result of what we would call Borderline Personality Disorder and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as well as her military background. She is highly impulsive, often eating or sleeping with someone at the drop of a hat. Her moods swing wildly- at one moment she'll be gushing about how much she loves a person, and then at the slightest rebuke, she'll start screaming at him about how much she hates him. She jumps at moderately loud noises and motions, can't sleep well at night, and tries to avoid undead and hobgoblins because of the memories they bring back from the Last War. Despite these, the organization drilled into her by the military lives on, and she still organizes her life as though she were still fighting a war. A final point on her personality is the depression she suffers from. She beleives she has no real future, cuts herself, and engages in self-loathing when going through these bouts of dysphoria.

Jade is about average height and weight, though above average attractiveness. Her skin is tanned brown, and her brown hair hangs down to the middle of her neck, with a few thin braids hanging down on either side of her face. She wears simple leather pants with a green linen shirt, underneath her armor, which resembles a solid mass of dark green leaves and dark brown stems all fused together in a steel hard shell, covering virtually all of her body. Over this, she wears a canvas vest festooned with pockets, a dark green cloak, and a belt from which hangs a stout wooden cudgel tipped with the rosy stone of an Eberron dragonshard, a dagger, a sheild, and a sling. She wears a low-quality silver chain around her neck, from which hangs a small Eberron dragonshard (which is flawed to be useless for magic), an heirloom from her mother. Orbitting her head is another Eberron dragonshard, this one wreathed in spectral green flame. Accompanying her are a wolf the size of a small horse, and a pair of bright green and red-striped velociraptors, all of which are obviously trained for war, judging by the barding and saddles.

Mastercraft Darkleaf Full Plate (worn, 50 lbs) 4650gp
Explorer's Outfit (worn, 0 lbs)

Club of Pounding (belt left, 3 lbs) 2200gp
Light wooden sheild (belt right, 5 lbs)
Targath dagger (belt front, 1 lb)
Sling (belt rear, 0 lbs)

Flaming Ioun Stone (head, 0 lbs) 237 gp
Greenish-brown Cloak (worn, 0 lbs)
Tactical Vest (worn, 2 lbs) 5 gp
Silver Necklace (worn, 0 lbs) 3 gp
Leather Belt (worn, 0 lbs)
Darkleaf Gauntlets (hands, 0 lbs)
Potion Bracer (right wrist, 2 lbs) 50 gp

Potion of Sheild of Faith (bracer, ??lbs) 25 gp
Potion of Sheild (bracer, ??lbs) 25 gp
Potion of Cure Light Wounds (bracer, ??lbs) 25 gp

10 Sling Bullets (vest, 1 lb) 1 sp
Flint & Steel (vest, - lbs) 1 gp
Resilient Identification Papers (vest, -lbs) 3 gp
Resilient Travelling Papers (vest, -lbs) 12 sp

Trail Rations- 4 days (pack saddle, 4 lbs) 2 gp
Hempen Rope, 50' (pack saddle, 5 lbs) 1 gp
Bedroll (pack saddle, 5 lbs) 1 sp
10 Clay Jugs w/ 1 gallon of Ale each (pack saddle, 170 lbs) 5 sp
20 Loaves of Bread (pack saddle, 10 lbs) 4sp

Coins- 8 sp (pockets, .2 lbs)

Club of Pounding: This mastercraft cudgel is topped with an Eberron dragonshard, and is carved with druidic runes. When the command word is spoken, it is effected by a Shillelagh spell, gaining a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls, and dealing damage as though it were two sizes larger for the next minute.
Faint transmutation; Caster Level 1st; Create Magic Arms and Armor, shillelagh; Price 2200gp; Cost to Create 1250gp + 76 XP.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

I'm moving this thread to the Behind the Scenes board to make sure other players see it as this isn't quite the right place for this thread. Though it *is* the correct location to run the game once planning is done. That may get you a few more people signing up. Continue as you were. Eye-wink

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

Come on, folks. Sure, the GM is a n00b, but he'll get better with time. All n00bs do.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

I'm in....and I'm a "n00b" too, so.. what should I do now, email the DM my character sheet?

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

Well, I'm not entirely sure the GM is still checking this thread. As I haven't seen any responses from him here. Presumably, we'll get instructions for how to proceed from him eventually.


Pants of the North!

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

I'd join a game, if everybody's still game

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Anyone looking to Stop Tenebrous being reborn?

Just in case the DM doesn't reply (maybe after several more days) does anyone else want to DM or even play a different Game?

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