Anybody know what races/classes are going to be in Player's Handbook 3?

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Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Anybody know what races/classes are going to be in Player's Handbook 3?

I know the Monk is gonna be in there, and since the Monk's power sorce is apparently now gonna be PSIONIC(!)... I'm guessing that there will be other Psi-classes in the book as well. And there's some kinda Shadow creature called a Wilder or something, too, so maybe Shadow powers will be in there too. Anybody else know anything about it?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
The preview cover has a

The preview cover has a picture of a Minotaur and a Githzerai on it.  Which says "Psionic, Divine and Primal Heroes" as it's subtitle. There's the Plant Fey known as the Wilden (who are the Killoren in 3.5's Races of the Wild) as a PC race, the Monk (Psionic Striker) and Psion (Psionics Something, most likely Controller) as the confirmed classes.  With Hybrid classes as a new character option, since they realized that 4e multiclassing really does suck (unless your a bard with who wants to put a lot of feats in). So they decided to go back to 2e for coming up with a way for multiclassing to work better, taking watered down versions of 2 classes abilities through out the levels and the option to take powers from both classes. 

Anime Fan's picture
Joined: 2007-06-13
Thanks for the info, Kobold

Thanks for the info, Kobold Avenger! I was thinking about making a Plant PC Race myself, as well as an Undead PC Race, but I guess they beat me to it. (D&DI has Revenants as PCs, but you have to pay to join in order to get the rules...) I hope they give the Monk lots of martial-arts moves in this edition, unlike previous itterations. Quivering Palm shouldn't be the only cool thing a Monk can do!

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Anime Fan wrote:I hope they

Anime Fan wrote:
I hope they give the Monk lots of martial-arts moves in this edition, unlike previous itterations. Quivering Palm shouldn't be the only cool thing a Monk can do!

They can attack and slide multiple enemies with flurry of blows (their sneak attack/hunter's quarry/curse) and with some of their powers they can teleport, shift multiple squares, do certain types of energy damage, walk up walls, do that street fighter move that's down, down-back, back+kick, and various close burst and blast powers.

In fact the one power I didn't see them get was, Quivering Palm.

OneOfOne's picture
Joined: 2007-09-06


Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18

OneOfOne wrote:


Yeah, 4e Monks sort of get powers like that, though I don't specificly remember them having any ranged implement (in which Monk implements are Monk weapons including Unarmed Strike which is enchantable) attack powers.  But they do have a bunch of close blast powers that do something like fire, force,cold or other energy damage types.

Shadow of Torment's picture
Joined: 2006-11-15
Ever since this image was

Ever since this image was seen in the Design and Development for Dragon 377, people have been speculating what it is. Some think it's a new race, others that it's a psionic class using a psychometabolism-based powers, and others still that it's just someone using a new psionic item. I can't post the picture here, it's the wrong format, but here's a link: it's at the bottom of the second post.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
They posted the preview of

They posted the preview of the Githzerai, flavour-wise they are very much like their 3e counterparts, with the obvious exception of them moving to the Elemental Chaos.  Statwise it's everything from the Monster Manual entry, with the added ability of shifting 3 squares with second wind, and +2 saves to daze, dominate and stun.

They suggest the Githzerai are good at being Seekers, and that there won't be the Githyanki in the PHB3.

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