Any help for a Clueless DM?

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LOTR_Dan's picture
Joined: 2005-02-19
Any help for a Clueless DM?

Hey everybody.
I'm a DM looking to start a Planescape campaign. I think of myself as a pretty good DM (and modest too), but I just can't sem to figure out how to start a Planescape campign. Do I just throw my PC's into Sigil? That seems a little harsh. What kind of "adventure" can I start them out with? Is making them 1st level a good or bad idea? I'm pretty dang clueless, and would appreciate any advice you guys have. I don't have any experience with the 2nd edition Planescape stuff, most of my knowledge of Plaescape comes from this website and PS:T.

Overall, I just want to know what you gusy did to start your Campaigns. What do your adventures consist of, how do you introduce people to the setting etc. I know this is a pretty big question, but any and all help will be appreciated. Thanks a bunch.

Edit: You know what, I probobly should have browsed the forum a little bit more. Ther'es a lot of stuff here. Still, help would be very much appreciated.

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Any help for a Clueless DM?'s a couple of things you can do....(I'm assuming your players aren't familiar with the setting
1.) Start off with a "normal" campaign and then wait for a while before revealing to your players a portal to Sigil (or some other outer plane, I wouldn't reccomend inner planes). After they go through the portal, follow the instructions on "2", starting from the second sentence.
2.) Get your players to pot into their character bios that they were somehow thrown through a portal, be it intentionally, or accidentally. After that...get someone to bob them. After some other mean things to them. After that...when they've stopped being so sure of themselves...start your campaign, introducing them to the setting IC as you go
3.) Have your players play planar characters, and play. Advise them of things they should know OOC.

In my opinion 1st level is too low. But then again....I never start my players at level 1. Personally, I used variant 2 in my campaign what followed went something like this: They got lured into an ambush by a "tout". Then they went and made some Anarchists mad, by helping the Hardheads. Not long after that, they were hired by a seductive tiefling (an Anarchist, posing as a Hardhead), to get rid of a githzerai with lycanthropy (the fact that the githzerai was a monk, and had his own dojo *should* have alerted all of them to the fact that something was wrong...however, only one player was canny enough to figure it out). Anyway...they went there and the minmaxing, hackanslashing, powergamers in the group got their butts kicked (not only due to the the high level monk, but poisoned potions and corroded weapons, courtesy of the Anarchist tiefling). The player who figured out that the monk wasn't really a lycanthrope waited until the barbarian (whom he didn't like all that much) was nice and tender, before beginning a diplomatic exchange with the monk.

Hope that helped. If you still don't have any ideas how to start your campaing, I'd be happy to help you out with some more specific ideas.

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Any help for a Clueless DM?

There are many different venues I've used in the past, almost all started the campaign at 1st level, but all had a plan.

The Styx is a great tool for this. Wiping out memories can do a nasty thing to levels as well. Just dump them on one of the more Lawful Lower Planes with the Styx and let THEM figure it out.

Start them off on the Prime, and find a way for them to roam the Outlands (NOT Sigil) first. Many portals are available for clueless in the FR, not to mention a high level greybeard could wisk them through a gate to accomplish "research" for him while outfitting them and promising them wonders they've never seen.

I'm not a big fan of "urk, random portal 'cause-I've-got-a-half-eaten-carrot-in-my-left-hand" campaigns. Plan it out a bit, have a goal for your characters, and there's a greater chance they'll be interested in starting and finishing the campaign.

LOTR_Dan's picture
Joined: 2005-02-19
Any help for a Clueless DM?

Thanks a bunch. I'll have to think about it.

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Any help for a Clueless DM?

I drop-kicked my players into Planescape via the excellent mini-adventure called For the Price of a Rose, in the back of the main book in the boxed set. It's perfect for 1st or 2nd level characters and shows them a bit of Sigil, how portals work, and the multiplicity of prime worlds.

If you don't have the box set, you can still get it in PDF format from for something like $5. That should get you started.

If you have any more questions, let us know. Always willing to help a new GM start a Blood War or two in Planescape. Smiling

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Any help for a Clueless DM?

To introduce them to Planescape you don't have to even include Sigil as a starting point.

You can easily start the players in a plane that is sort of like Prime material environments. The Outlands, Bytopia and Arborea are fairly "normal". You could run many adventures that you could consider running on the Prime, on either of these three planes.

With Bytopia being a fairly mountainous plane, you can easily do the old "Some guy needs treasure hidden in a mountain cave" thing as a first adventure.

In the Outlands, the party could start in a Gatetown that is fairly close to the most common alignment within the party. For whatever reason, they are all there (looking for work, bored, your normal "getting the party together" stuff). A man advertises that a friend of his journeyed to another gatetown (preferably one that is far away) with a shipment of something and no word has been sent back and he is a little worried. He will pay the PC's to find out about what happened. As the PC's journey across the Outlands, they will have random encounters and whatnot, and probably level up. They may need to go through some other Gatetown (or just a normal town) along the way, who knows. You can try to throw little "mini-quests" in their way, such as upon arriving to a town to take a break, they learn of some problem that is occuring at Place X that is sort of on their way (a little out of the way, but not much). Anyway, they get there, and the guy has been captured and thrown in the jails. By this point, the players have reached level 2, 3, or maybe even 4. They attempt to reason with the authorities (depending on what gate-town this is, it won't work in Plaguemort), offer a bribe, or attempt a jail-break. Mayhem ensues. Upon rescuing this dude, they find out that his shipment was stolen by some group and taken to some place, maybe the plane that the gate town is linked to. The group can take some time to re-group and get prepared and then journey into this place to get it back.

I think that's a fairly decent way to start things. You get them to travel the Outlands, meet a variety of things on the way (since EVERYTHING journeys across the outlands at some ponit), conditions are fairly safe, and they have a goal. As they gain power, they come across more difficult obstacles (with the big obstacle being whatever place the shipment went to, but even level 3 or 4 characters can survive in the harsh planes like Baator and The Abyss if you plan carefully).

jordarad's picture
Joined: 2004-12-17
Any help for a Clueless DM?

Due to the nature of Sigil, it's politics and such, I would NEVER start a party out there... But then again, that's just me. Some people think it's the bleeding center of the multiverse.

Sodding addle-coves...

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Any help for a Clueless DM?

That's because it is. On the other hand, so is my desk.

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