Any games looking for new players?

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Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Any games looking for new players?

I know I should probably look at all the games here and then ask in each individual thread but since thread subscribing doesn't seem to work on this forum I was hoping I could get away with just asking it in my own thread so I wouldn't have to search every thread I posted in. Smiling

Also, anyone know what happened to Trias? I'm in one of his Solo games but he said he'd be mostly unable to post until December... on December first.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
Any games looking for new players?

If Trias has vanished (knock on wood he hasn't), I'll have an opening, also the rules lighter mind-flayer game is still recruiting if you want to join us in eating brains.

Oh, and if you want to start a game, you'd probably get a bunch of people.

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Any games looking for new players?

I'd like to run a game some time, but I don't think I'm a very good DM. I can't just be spontaneously creative on command, I'm terribly unorganized, and I have a hell of a time remembering most of the combat rules even after having 3.5E for almost as long as it's been out.

Thanks for the suggestions, I don't think I'd make a good mind-flayer though. I just don't think I could get into the whole killing humanoids to eat their brains thing. I really have trouble with merciless characters.

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Any games looking for new players?

oh.. hahah, sorry, when i said that i wouldn't be able to post until december, i meant "LATE" december (go figure). In any case, I"M BACK FROM THE DEAD MUAHAHAHAHAHAH.

It seems like I have a lot of catching up to do..

Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Any games looking for new players?


Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Any games looking for new players?

"FLOTSAM" has been waiting for 2 people to send in character sheets or something like that, so we are waiting for 2 more players...hint

Flame_Drake's picture
Joined: 2004-12-05
Any games looking for new players?

I'm running The Great Modron March along with a few of the other PS modules on the WotC boards and we just lost our arcane spellcaster, so if there is anyone who wants to take over the character or instert their own arcane caster into the game, feel free to pm on the WotC boards. My user name is the same.

What do you know, I post and twenty minutes later it gets filled.


Dire Lemon's picture
Joined: 2007-11-06
Any games looking for new players?

Vile necromancy!

On the other hand, I guess I'll check out Flotsam. Trias has become indisposed once again.

Burning Spear's picture
Joined: 2007-12-02
Any games looking for new players?


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