Well, i'm realativly new to the planes, and i was wondering if i may get a bit of advice.
i'm running a FR campaing, and am desperatly trying to send them to the planes (any attepmts have been foiled in the past... most of my players didnt like the change in... well, more or less they were to lazy to step out of the norm). as of now they are about to reach the top of a tower dating back to the time of Narfell, and there is a portal on the top. now, normaly portal made by the Narfell demon binders would lead to the abyss... but i dont think thats the greates place for this group. not only are we only lvl 6, but we have a LG Exalted Monk with us. Now, by my design, i will have the portal scrambled ( i dont know... if asked why i will throw in something about the time of troubles and wild magic.... or the deterioration over the years) and it will lead them to the planes. Now, i'm not sure where to send them. At the moment i'm thinking of Acheron, but i'd like some imput. its a large group , 9 total, with a majority good.
Go with Sigil.
The City of Doors has everything you need to hook a player onto the planes so that they'll never want to leave. You'll find them wanting to return more and more to the Cage as they progress - after all, you can find pretty much anything at the center of the multiverse, right?
There's good adventure possibilties there. In fact, I once wrote a simple starter adventure(adjust for levels and campaign) as a kick-start to the Lady's city. Or you can check out some of the hooks right here on Planewalker.
(I'm getting into gear, expect fresh material from me at the turn of the ring)