Anti-magic across the planes

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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Anti-magic across the planes

In a campaign thats I'm planning, the planes ( every plane, every prime) is under a massive antimagic attack.
Red stars have apperead in the sky of every plane (even those that normally don't have stars) And slowly, magic is degrading everywhere. The effect is similar to someone walking toward the spire.
The why I won't go into so I don't spoil it for my players, but while I have an idea for the beginning, and alot of ideas for the end, I'm stuck in the middle. Lots of free space.

I know I wan't to have at least a couple situations where , as magical defenses fall, the players can either halp or take advantage

For example: the magical barriers around the prison have fallen! The city is filled with violent criminals looting everything!

They can either a: help out the criminals or a: use the chaos as cover to pillage areas that used to be guarded by heavy magic.

But in the end, it will get bad enough that even the gods are powerless, unless the PC's catch on quick and are ahead of schedual.

So: any specific crisis likly to result from failing magic?

also: at what point in the approach the spire scenario does the magical enhancements on weapons begin to fail? Because thast the most likely thing to get their attention, and It isn't clerely stated.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Anti-magic across the planes

1 ) Religious wars. Crisis of faith as requests for spells fail.
2 ) Falling floating castles (Like the Fall of Netheril).
3 ) Economic war over magical weapons - esp in Blood War areas.
4 ) Arcanaloth 'nervousness', which can result in wars, backstabbing and jockying for position in the new order.
5 ) Mezzoloth 'eagerness' (along with other lower ranked loths), as the magic dependant higher ups seem to lose force.
6 ) Apply the above for Baatazu as well.
7 ) Psions become High Demand. Githyanki laugh and start planning hostile takeovers.
8 ) Wardings begin to ravel in Belarium (maybe releaasing something trapped there, or allowing invading forces?) - or in the 9th's layer of Hell (with simular results).

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Anti-magic across the planes

I like the floating city idea. Are there any specific ones?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Anti-magic across the planes

Nothing comes immediately to mind in canon - but perhaps someone else knows of something?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Anti-magic across the planes

Sigil is a floating city, as are the Citadel of Ice and Steel and and Bluphoril in the Elemental Plane of Air (the Plane of Air is actually full of floating cities).

The Mystara campaign has the Flying City of Serraine, which was built by gnomes and is powered by elementals.

I believe Celestia's gate-town, Excelsior, has a lot of floating castles run by paladins.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Anti-magic across the planes

Sigil floats - but does it float because of Magic? Or the nature of reality? Being as how it's sort of sitting (floating) atop an infinate spire of anti-magicy mountian...

I believe Celestia's gate-town, Excelsior, has a lot of floating castles run by paladins.
On the other hand - I find something intriguing about this.... Eye-wink

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Anti-magic across the planes

... If Sigil started to fall, how could you tell?

Im serious. There is a void of nothing outside of Sigil, so you cant tell by the scenery. I guess the best way to tell would be by the wind, but people can't just fly out into the ring anymore.

Besides, the moment Sigil started to fall, that would make the anti-magic causing situation a threat to Sigil itself. And the Lady of Pain would intervene ( at least as much as to save, maybe not the rest of the planes....)

I do, however, have no qualms about having my characters shareing a few drinks in a bar, merrily watching paladins fall to their demise. (my players arn't nice enough to help, you see)

Speaking of religious wars and crisis of faith, how much harder would Boccob take this than the rest of the Gods?
( this whole thing is actually an Athar attack, or started out as such. By incapacitating the gods with spire-powered Antimagic, they can use the resulting crisis of faith and estabilsh the belief of the great unknown as dominent, therefore cutting off the source of belief to the gods, killing them)
I mean, as the god of magic Boccob is likly to have most ( if not all ) of his fan base as magic users. Loss of magic + loss of god= Double Trouble!

Also : would faction powers be effected too? They're belief based, not magic based (well, most of them). So do they still hang around? Supernatural abilities for classes eventually die, but they aren't belief based.

I guess the question really becomes... Can a Cipher hear the Cadence at the base of the Spire?

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Anti-magic across the planes

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Im serious. There is a void of nothing outside of Sigil, so you cant tell by the scenery. I guess the best way to tell would be by the wind, but people can't just fly out into the ring anymore.

There wouldn't be any wind, either. Sigil is surrounded by absolute nothingness - what air there is in Sigil comes through open portals. None of it comes from the Outlands.

Also : would faction powers be effected too? They're belief based, not magic based (well, most of them).

The Spire affects everything.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Anti-magic across the planes

If the portals started closing... Damn Evil

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Anti-magic across the planes

I'm going o say that the portals stay up.

Let me rephrase that. The natural portals stay up. Man-made portals will close. But otherwise theres no real way to get around, unless you really like the styx.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Anti-magic across the planes

Or the Great Tree.
Or - I believe there's a phsyical road around the Ring as well.

perro's picture
Joined: 2005-10-12
Anti-magic across the planes

all hells would break loose really(pardon the pun) gods pass on left n right portals closing at seeming random athar and fated laughing in the streets looting wow that really is gonna be somthing different.and frid. you're right we're not that nice not at all.

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Anti-magic across the planes

I have a few ideas:
-first off, if you use the divine and arcane seperation, you could have alot of divine intervention into certain things, you know things that magic used to control.
-second, think about how that could affect the infinate staircase, alot of blokes would be without needed materials, so there could be alot of thrown in raids.

but I have a question, how would that effect the lady of pain?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Anti-magic across the planes

First off, antimagic is antimagic. The gods would have an advantage at first, but it would soon start to hit them hard too.

As for the Lady, no effect what so ever. The only effect I can see is that maybe, just maybe, by the time all the gods have become powerless she might have a little difficulty maintaining portals or creating new mazes.

And by the way, the forum thread about the 'possible new project' over yonder contains a more up to date and better thought out version. So just wander over there if you please. Or dont. Thats okay too.

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