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Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19

Does the description below sound like like a race of evil simultaneous hermaphroditic outsiders, a demon lord or a race of obyrith, or obyrith lord? How do i go about setting the description up for 3.5 D&D? Ancarotaur is pronounced An-kar-o-tore.

An Ancarotaur resembles a gigantic, extremely horrific looking starfish. Its smooth rubbery skin is oily and dark as the darkest night in color. Instead of the starfish arms, it has twelve symmetrically spaced incredibly flexible appendages. Two of its appendages are tentacles, measuring forty feet in length. Both of these tentacles have small but strong white sucker-like disks that are aligned in four rows. Each of its suckers is ringed with sharp teeth. These two tentacles are the most flexible of all its appendages. Four of the appendages split at the end, into three radial “fingers.” Another four of the appendages are nightmarish looking tentacles. A single vicious looking barbed claw is found at the end of these tentacles. Another two of its appendage are tentacles. At the end of these two tentacles is a vicious looking mouth. Each mouth is lined with a double row of eight inches long razor sharp pointed teeth. In its central disk, it has three round glaring red eyes that measure two feet in diameter set in an upside down triangle pattern. Above each of those eyes is a thick brow ridge. On both of each side of those eyes is a glaring red that measures six feet in diameter. All the eyes have a large rectangular shaped pupil. Below all of its eyes is a large powerful round mouth lined with sharp, serrated, triangular teeth. Instead of a normal tongue their mouth has five black tentacle-like tongues that when fully extended, are about a third the length of their body.

Quale's picture
Joined: 2008-01-11
Re: Ancarotaur

40 ft. sounds like a lord. Usually the descriptions of monsters are shorter, sometimes it's better not to got into much detail and leave more to the imagination, especially with lovecraftian creatures.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

Quale wrote:
40 ft. sounds like a lord. Usually the descriptions of monsters are shorter, sometimes it's better not to got into much detail and leave more to the imagination, especially with lovecraftian creatures.
How would I make the description better then?

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

Keep the initial description down to about 3 or 4 sentences. Your players will ask for clarification of more details when they need them. Don't focus too heavily on the minute specifics of its appendages and specific features - save it for when it starts doing something....
then you can describe its tentacle as it begins a melee attack,
... As you are drawn deeper into the morass of thrashing limbs you see... (then you can describe the face and mouths in a bit more detail)

Its better to focus on overall impressions (e.g. giant rubbery starfish with many long barbed tentacles).
What I find more important is describing what it is doing and how it is moving, as well as more ambient things like what sounds is it making, and what it smells like.

While you never want to tell your players exactly what their characters are thinking - its worth keeping in mind that an Obyrith Lord, by its very nature, exerts maddening effects upon the minds of most beings that behold it, perhaps even subtly warping the fabric of reality around it.
Does being in its proximity make the character hallucinate or feel sickened and confused? Do they hear vague whisperings or buzzing in their heads? Do they find it difficult to concentrate upon how many shifting limbs the horror has - and find that their attention starts to spin and waver every time they try to count the curling tendrils? Are they struck by a strange and unexpected emotion - calm? lust? despair? homesickness? Can you actually see it that clearly anyway, or is it glamored beneath a misty haze - or appearing slightly out of synch with the normal dimensions?

Obyrith Lords are primal manifestations of basic fears and the horror of the unknown and inexplicable. Obox-ob, for e.g., is the deep-seated revulsion evoked by parasites and insects, Dagon is a primal fear of the ocean, Pazuzu is fear of being harassed by scavenging vultures in the desert. Depending upon the player's race and abilities - its generally very difficult for most beings not to become caught up in such evoked feelings and impressions when in the presence of an obyrith.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

They are Obyrith or their own race of evil outsiders. How would I go about figuring out if they are Obyrith or not?

Their flesh has an ammonia odor and an acid flavor. This makes their flesh highly uneatable. If they are not Obyrith I still would like people seeing an Ancarotaur to be some how effect by seeing the Anacarotaur. They have the ability to communicate telepathically with any creature within 350 feet that has a language.

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

That depends on how Planescapey your campaign is. If it is really homebrewed then you can just make up what you like. Just read Fiendish Codex 1, and if the descriptions and outlook of Obyriths fits with what you are going for, then go with it.

Assuming that you are following the rules closely and use the Great Wheel cosmology though...
1. Obyriths are exemplars of Chaos - embodying and manifesting the chaos of the Abyss itself. If that doesn't fit then it isn't a demon.
2. If it is a demon, what role would an Ancarataur play within the Abyss? Where does it live? Laghathi are very primitive octopus critters that live in the Styx and are too primitive for the tanar'ari to have systematically exterminated. Maybe it is like a really epicly giant version of this.
If Ancarotaurs are Obyriths, then they need to be somewhere really remote, or really really hostile to the tanar'ari - who tend to object to giant tentacled obyrith horrors from the dawn of time and eradicate them wherever they can.
I.e. why haven't they been wiped out by the tanar'ri?
Perhaps they live in service to one of the surviving Obyrith Lords like the Queen of Chaos, Dwiergus, Ugudenk or Dagon. Layers still controlled by Obyrith Lords are generally pretty inaccessible to tanar'ri, and are home to that kind of creature.
3. If none of that seems to fit, then it is probably an untyped demon or possibly even a really strange kind of tanar'ri

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

I think the Ancarotaur are Obyriths. If I go with what I have right now one them they originated from a dimension that is 85% water and 15% land. That would mean in my mind that they are not demons at all. I know that the Ancarotaur are very ancient outsiders.

Well right now I had the Ancarotaur being aquatic with the ability to stay out out water for 2D4 days without ill-effects, but it is a creature of the sea, so after that time it begins to weaken.

The Ancarotaur is also impervious to the most frigid cold, and cold-based magic has no affect and does no damage. Water-based attacks also have no affect and do no damage.

If I make them Obyriths can they still be simultaneous hermaphroditic outsiders?

How do i got about figuring out the Ancarotaur's stats if they are 40 feet in diameter?

What should I look to get more info on the Obyriths for 3.5 D&D?

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

"If I make them Obyriths can they still be simultaneous hermaphroditic outsiders?"
I don't really understand the question. Obyriths are outsiders anyway, and they are really alien in form so having hermaphroditic reproduction is perfectly feasible.

I would suggest starting with the appendices at the back of the Monster Manual 1 on advancing monsters to different sizes and allocating appropriate CRs. It would be really helpful to pick a template monster already statted out and just modify it to suit your purposes with templates and HD advancement and modified abilities. You might be able to adapt Lagathi this way,
otherwise off the top of my head there is already a fiendish echinoderm monster in Stormwrack called an Echinoloth. It might give you somewhere to start. There is also a similar shaped non-fiendish monster that might give you some pointers too in Lords of Madness called an Overseer beholderkin.

Mostly FC1 will give you a feel for their background and history and role within the Abyss, and relationship with the much more prolific and influential Tana'ri demons. It also details and stats out 4 of the surviving Obyrith Lords and gives you a good idea of the within-game mechanics of their insanity effects. Its also good because it has feats and spells for mortals who are effected by or in the service of Obyriths.
Dragon Magazine 359 - details the Lords Ugudenk and Dwiergus. There is an article somewhere in one of the Dragons statting out the Queen of Chaos too.
Monster Manual V - has a new obyrith species called the Draudnu, that serve Pale Night.

beyond that is non-canon homebrewy stuff.
Green Ronin's Book of Fiends is totally awesome, but because it isn't WotC they call their obyriths qlippoths. They are pretty much the same beings though just with a different name due to trademark reasons.
... and naturally read heaps and heaps of H.P Lovecraft.

hope that is helpful

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

The 3.5 ed. supp Elder Evils is worth a look too, it details the Obyrith Lord Sertrous, his Layer the Hungry Tarns and a CR 16 primitive obyrith monster called a Golothoma.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

How would I give the Ancarotaur the ability to survive the pressures found at any depth? Should the Ancarotaur have the amphibious special quality instead of being able to survive out of water for 2D4 days?

How would i work the following into an ability that the Ancarotaur have?
They are covered entirely in light-producing organs, small white discs, called photophores. They have great control over the organs, capable of producing disorienting flashes of light for fractions of a second to four minutes in duration. The intensity and size of the photophores can also be modulated. Their arms contain large photophores which allow them to produce shades of red light.

All Ancarotaur are simultaneous hermaphroditic supernatural beings. When they find a mate, the pair takes turns between which one acts as the male and which acts as the female through multiple matings, usually over the course of eight to twelve nights.

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

According to Stormwrack; "outsiders with the aquatic subtype are generally immune to pressure damage". That means its a default.

Amphibious as a SQ, as read (I believe) confers no limitations on how long the creature can be on land. If you envisage them being more restricted than that, and needing to return to the water to breathe every day or so for thematic reasons, then just stick with the 2D4 days.

I would suggest choosing a low level spell (like daze, or something similar) and building it in as a continuous but suppressible "supernatural" ability like an undirected gaze attack. It doesn't sound magical in nature so is more physical than a spell-like ability. If you look carefully through the books you should be able to assign the DC for this quite easily (as a rough starting point it's probably (10+ (1/2 HD) + cha mod)).
You might use these disorientating lights as the theme behind its much nastier Form of Madness effect too, unless you have something better in mind.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

How would I set up the Ancarotaur's form of madness if it cause people to become afraid of the sea?

One problem I have setting the Ancarotaur is that one of the Ancarotaur is going to be the Mother of Monsters.

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

Just use Dagon's identical ability and adjust it for the charisma and HD of an Ancarotaur. Doing that should be really easy as there is already a statted out Aspect of Dagon available as a free online expansion to FC1.

Using these two different power levels of Dagon's Form of Madness should allow you to easily adjust it for the HD and charisma of an Ancarotaur.

How is the mother of monsters thing problematic? I don't follow.

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

The problem with the Mother of Monsters is fact that it has a limited time on land which limits its ability to give birth to and create monsters unless they have the ability to breathe water. The only way to fix that problem would be for the Ancarotaur to be aquatic with the amphibious special quality.

Dalmosh's picture
Joined: 2011-03-13
Re: Ancarotaur

Your Mother of Monsters is going to be greatly advanced from a standard Ancarotaur anyway, and depending upon the party level of your game, it would probably be better not to even stat her out at all and just consider her to be a demigoddess.

But if you did, then she would definitely need the Monster of Legend template to begin with. The point anyway, is that by definition she is different and has different powers (as you see fit).
The Great Mother of Beholders, for example, is so epic that she comprises an entire Abyssal Layer.

If you want her to be fully amphibious then she is.
If you want her to become fully amphibious only while spawning and brooding young - then she is.
You are the DM, you are telling the story. The rules are there to help you do that, not to impede your ideas.

You might be interested in reading the chapter on Ragnorra in Elder Evils if you are looking for ideas on using an epic CE mother goddess abomination type monster in your game

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

Why should I apply the Monster of Legend to the Mother of Monster when that template unless I am wrong can be only applied to animals, magical beasts, and monstrous humanoids?

If I was to stat out the Mother of Monster as a Demigoddess then how would I do that?

How do I handle the way the Ancarotaur attack? Besides what I said about them what special abilities and powers do you think the Ancarotaur have?

Tisiphone's picture
Joined: 2012-06-19
Re: Ancarotaur

They where originally created for Rifts.
Does they sound like they would be obyrith?

How do I handle the following? Their flesh has an ammonia odor and an acid flavor. This makes their flesh highly uneatable.

They can plane shift at will, metamorphosis at will into humanoid or animal (unlimited duration), immune to disease, poison, cold, critical hits and sneak attack damage. They are immune to any sort of effect that drains, damages, or reduces their Intelligence score.
True Seeing (Su): An ancarotaur is under the constant effect of true seeing. This effect cannot be dispelled.
Tongues (Ex): As the tongues spell, always active, caster level 20th.

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