An old contest, and an old debt.

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Lundi's picture
Joined: 2005-05-20
An old contest, and an old debt.

Well, I finally decided to brew up a Flash anim about it. But I have now more questions...

-Thread 8863, "about this forum".
"sits backstage with a hair dryer over her head and a half dozen petitioners of Fu Hsing giving her a pedicure and painting, polishing and trimming her claws".
-As we know, any magic advanced (and reliable [and cheap]) enough is indistinguishable from hi-tech. But... how would the hair dryer look?
-What does a petitioner of Fu Hsing look like?
-What did Shemeska look like at the moment? I mean, what was she wearing? And what was her color?
"The ultroloth judge strode through the backstage, looking very smug."
-How did ultroloths look? I recall they had no face but only two eyes, right? How can you look smug with just your eyes?
-How was he dressed at the moment?

-Thread 8868 "Judge Bio - Belladrin"
-Yeah, all too pretty, but... what did he look like?
-P.S: About the correction to his like/dislike, how should I add it? I was thinking a scratched line on some, and then the correction in mouse-style letters.

-Thread 8873 "Judge Bio - Moltanax"
-Yeah, all too pretty, but... what did he look like?

-Thread 8879 "Judge Bio - Box-in-Bloom"
-Yeah, all too pretty, but... what did she look like?
-P.S: About the correction to his like/dislike, how should I add it? I was thinking a scratched line on some, and then the correction in mouse-style letters.

-Thread 8888 "Challenge Zero - The application"
-Merlianik´s hat was a fedora, right?

-Thread 9609 "Challenge Zero - The application - Vote"
"As her skin is flayed"
-Boxy? Why was I referred to as HER? I don´t get it, was it just a mistake?

-Thread 10770 "An article"
-How is The Lady´s Sharper eye formatted? And in which page was the article?

-Thread 11685 "Far Realmer´s Ambush"
-I had expected something more to happen... Could I get Moltanax truly inside the massive overcomplex trap? And could he mutate into a punk rocker?

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
An old contest, and an old debt.

So you created a flash animation for the contest? Cool. What's the link?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An old contest, and an old debt.

'Lundi' wrote:
-Thread 8863, "about this forum". "sits backstage with a hair dryer over her head and a half dozen petitioners of Fu Hsing giving her a pedicure and painting, polishing and trimming her claws". -As we know, any magic advanced (and reliable [and cheap]) enough is indistinguishable from hi-tech. But... how would the hair dryer look?
I think in this case the author was going for the humourously anachronistic - so go for one of those *big* things that fits over the head like a helmet.
-What does a petitioner of Fu Hsing look like?
-What did Shemeska look like at the moment? I mean, what was she wearing? And what was her color?
Paris Hilton's dog mid-groom. Probably a bathrobe and shades of brown.
"The ultroloth judge strode through the backstage, looking very smug." -How did ultroloths look? I recall they had no face but only two eyes, right? How can you look smug with just your eyes?
Most artists will tell you that 90% of expression is in the eyes and eyebrows *not* the mouth. Give your ultraloth a browline etc.
-How was he dressed at the moment?
-Thread 8868 "Judge Bio - Belladrin" -Yeah, all too pretty, but... what did he look like?
-P.S: About the correction to his like/dislike, how should I add it? I was thinking a scratched line on some, and then the correction in mouse-style letters.
sounds like it'd fit with the tounge in cheek aspect of the contest overall.
-Thread 8873 "Judge Bio - Moltanax" -Yeah, all too pretty, but... what did he look like?
-Thread 8879 "Judge Bio - Box-in-Bloom" -Yeah, all too pretty, but... what did she look like?
A rogue modron surrounded by a cloud of butterflies with sod growing on her head. She's a druid.
-Thread 8888 "Challenge Zero - The application" -Merlianik´s hat was a fedora, right?
Yep. With a press pass in the hat band.
-Thread 9609 "Challenge Zero - The application - Vote" "As her skin is flayed" -Boxy? Why was I referred to as HER? I don´t get it, was it just a mistake?
-Thread 10770 "An article" -How is The Lady´s Sharper eye formatted? And in which page was the article?
It's formated like any broadsheet newspaper - an average of three to four colums, black and white printing. Page is irrelevant - we don't have any *actual* issue - so make it up.
-Thread 11685 "Far Realmer´s Ambush" -I had expected something more to happen... Could I get Moltanax truly inside the massive overcomplex trap? And could he mutate into a punk rocker?
Um... ok?

Lundi's picture
Joined: 2005-05-20
An old contest, and an old debt.

'Krypter' wrote:
So you created a flash animation for the contest? Cool. What's the link?
Not yet! I´ll be making it at all machine from now on, I promise!

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