An observation of infernal hierarchy

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weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
An observation of infernal hierarchy

Because I'm running a hell-centered game here on the boards, I've realized that the infernal hierarchy is missing devils that can fill a few specific roles. I may create some of these.

A list of these roles:

-Intelligence, science, magic, information, etc. (Baisically a devil that fills the role of arcanaloth, the only 2 devils with INT scores to do this well are Gelugons and Pit Fiends, and niether would be particularly inclined

-Spellcasters in general, Devils (and Demons too) need fiends who can use versatile magic because hiring mortals to make magic items, etc. is troublesome (this is the case with all of the fiendish exempelars and not so with celestials)

-Psionics-maybe one 'experimental' caste of divils might have psychic powers

-Versatile soldier-similar to real-life special forces soldiers-must be capable of working in small groups, training and arming mortals, wartime spying etc. (filling a Nycaloth's role) a cornugon or gelugon dosen't really do this very well.

-General purpose devil-probably just a human with devil traits and a few other spell like abilities. This caste would serve as infernal secretaries, craftspeople, servants, etc. It would also make it possible to play a non-mortal citizen of baator with a less crpling LA. They would follow a different promotion track--from soul-shells to thier current form. If they wanted a promotion further up they would probably be 'demoted' to a weaker kind of lesser Baatezu.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
An observation of infernal hierarchy

There are some new devils in Fiendish Codex II that fill some of those roles. The Steel Devils are good "traditional" soldiers and Paeliryons mange spy networks.


weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
An observation of infernal hierarchy

I guess Paeliryons fit the roles of inteligenge analysis and maybe some of the other things I've mentioned above.

Traditional soldiers aren't a problem for the Baatezu, they have lots of devils that do that. What bugs me most though, is the lack of an arcanaloth equivilant, because, that's something that the devils ought to have integrated into thier hierarchy, because it covers so many diferent roles.

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
An observation of infernal hierarchy

'weishan' wrote:
What bugs me most though, is the lack of an arcanaloth equivilant, because, that's something that the devils ought to have integrated into thier hierarchy, because it covers so many diferent roles.
Maybe you can alter the Harvester Devil's role for that.

Also, I've always felt the Rakshasa should have the role of record/lore keeper and diplomat of the hells. There is something suspicious about a "native" lawful evil outsider.


Zimrazim's picture
Joined: 2007-01-14
An observation of infernal hierarchy

'weishan' wrote:
Traditional soldiers aren't a problem for the Baatezu, they have lots of devils that do that. What bugs me most though, is the lack of an arcanaloth equivilant, because, that's something that the devils ought to have integrated into thier hierarchy, because it covers so many diferent roles.

I don't think the baatezu would have a close equivalent, simply because the baatezu hierarchy wouldn't be too comfortable giving that many capabilities to a single caste. Arcanaloths fall under "magical might," "diplomatic caste," "scholarly caste," and "corruptors of mortals," to name a few. Baatezu might be more likely to divide these roles among several types of devils, on the philosophy that giving one fiend access to too many abilities would make him likely to cause trouble.


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1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!

Azriael's picture
Joined: 2006-08-07
An observation of infernal hierarchy

Actually, from what I remember, Pit Fiends do a fair bit of research and manage the bureaucracies. Can't remember the name off the top of my head but one of the Dark Eight heads up the Baatezu research division.

It strikes me as rather appropriate for Baator that once a devil has gone through all the trouble to 'rise to the top' they end up being given bureaucratic busy-work and tightly controlled research projects handed down by still higher ranks.


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Zeniel's picture
Joined: 2007-03-27
An observation of infernal hierarchy

I think Faces of evil mentioned a few experimental hybrid devils. Maybe they fit in somewhere I'll have to check on it.

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