An Illustrative Offer

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MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer

Hello All,

I am a long time fan of the Planescape setting as well as an Illustrator. I have been thinking on producing some character illustrations to post on my blog ( and eventually on my website.

Being as this is definitely a place for interesting and original fantasy characters, I propose the following:

Of those posted to this list, I will produce illustrations of 5 characters, PC or NPC. I will choose the characters.
Once produced, you may have the images with no griping from me, though I will reserve the right to use them in my portfolio.

This does NOT mean that my services as an illustrator after this are free. Just for this group of characters.

Sound good?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An Illustrative Offer

*POUNCE* Eye-wink

Whats sort of format are you looking for for character submissions? I'm asking because I know these bloods, and they may inflict a few storyhour addictions on you just to get your character selection started... if they could *ahem* *innocent whistle*. Not that I would *ever* suggest reading some storyhours for some rather cool characters, like father-son teams of bladesingers or drow mages... never. Ignore my sig... really.


(But more seriously, is there a format you would like to see? Stats - no stats, or just good interesting descriptions?)

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer


Well, a brief bio would be good, a bit of back story (2-3 paragraph maximum). Good Basics to include are:

Gender (including hermaphrodite or NA)
Favorite/Signature Equipment (including weapons).
General Attitude

Armoury99's picture
Joined: 2006-08-30
An Illustrative Offer

*scrabbles after Clueless...*

Helloooo and welcome! I don't know whether this will interest you, but I'm currently touting for artwork for a Planewalker release... If nothing else takes your fancy, can I suggest (read: 'beg pathetically') that you check out Desire & The Dead, the scenario design thread in question for a ton of NPCs (some already with illustrations) with fully worked up descriptions and personalities. There's also a dedicated Art Thread as well.

To be truly honest though, if I was feeling public spirited I'd suggest that Clueless or someone else try to pounce on you 'officially' for artwork for the PDF Planescape releases (as official as we usually get here, anyway...) Some of the (new?) major characters, perhaps

(if that's not what he's doing already) Laughing out loud

Secondly, if you post up these character portraits on the site and they are appropriate anyway, I'd very happy if with your permission (and whoever character writup it is), to maybe include them anyway?

Thanks and welcome aboard!

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An Illustrative Offer

I'm not so presumptuous to yank the opportunity for character sketches out from under anyone else. As far as I'm concerned, this one is *entirely* up to the artist to pick out which concepts he wishes to work with for the portfolio work. Smiling

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
An Illustrative Offer

Just to throw in even more options, the Ortho Project is getting to the point where we can seriously consider adding pictures. Portraits of the Octaves would be particularly awesome.

But, Ortho is a year or more from being releasable whereas rough the PSCS is all-but finished, and Desire and the Dead is almost done as well, and both desperately need pictures. So, unless something about Ortho really strikes an artist's fancy, I think illustrations can wait.

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer


I have looked a bit at Desire and The Dead and Ortho, though I need to look more thoroughly through. Looks like alot of good, good stuff in there. Lots of neat characters.

Of the artwork from Desire and The Dead so far, I liked Mr. Click most of all. Fascinating concept indeed.

Still, I want to leave this open for a week for independent character concepts before I "close the book." Though I will be looking through the characters for the works that were mentioned by Clueless, Duckluck, and Armory 99.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An Illustrative Offer

I'll start bandying this around a bit, I'm sure we can get some more folks in here. Smiling

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
Mother Lovage

A Hag Character from my own home campaign. Her bio and image can be found at my blog:

I wasn't able to post an image here (the shortcut Img just got me an unopened image icon), how is this done?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An Illustrative Offer

What was the code you were using to link to the image?

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer

Well, when I tried to post an image the lack of a file upload option seemed a bit odd. And when I attempt to link to where the image is on my blog, I get nothing.

I want to just upload a image onto the forum. Can I do this?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An Illustrative Offer

That's cause we don't have that option - not on this server we don't Puzzled I've been looking for solutions to that. What you need to do is host the image elsewhere and then use the IMG tags to link to the image.

Now for linking to it - that should work, assuming that wherever you're linking to doesn't do something odd like refuse to allow us to get the image. (If it's under password protection for example.) If you can post up what you were using to link I can try and figure out what went wrong.

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer

Lets try it then:

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
An Illustrative Offer

'MythAdvocate' wrote:
Lets try it then:

Ok - I took a look at your link information and it looks completely correct. Which leads me to think that blogger is denying the link as a hot-linking security measure. Basically - your hosting solution doesn't want to display the image on a page that doesn't belong to itself.

Solution: Link to it as if it were a normal URL. People will have to click on it directly to view it, instead of seeing it embedded in the post - but it'll be viewable.

Alternatively you can find out if there's a setting you can change with your blog to allow hot-links from Planewalker.

In the meantime, the link form should be...

Your picture easily found here.

Nice picture by the way - I love the look on his face. Smiling

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer

Thank you,

In any event this image is of a Night Hag from my home campaign by the name of Mother Lovage. The PC's have yet to encounter her, but will be on a merry chase after her soon.

Her Image can be found Here:

Mother Lovage
Not that long ago (by immortal standards), Mother Lovage entered into a business relationship with the Half-Demon wizard Tinen-Goroth. Now, with all such relationships, it was full of schemes and suspicion, but as the two were both master manipulators and schemers, all was well between them.

It all went sour when, as the wizard gained greater power by becoming a Lich, that Mother Lovage made a grab for power over the wizard. Tinen-Goroth won that struggle, and so great was his wrath that the hag fled into hiding.

As undead do not dream, this cunning hag has hidden herself within the dreams of mankind. She has used her magic, and knowledge of mortal dreams to create a fortress for herself deep in a nightmare forest.

Mother Lovage is a solitary being, keeping only a few caged "songbirds" (the stolen souls of mortal children). Still visitors seeking her out had best be courteous and interesting, les they be devoured by the hag.

MythAdvocate's picture
Joined: 2007-11-02
An Illustrative Offer

For those of you who are interested, I have a Myspace page ( where I will also be posting a great deal of illustration work.

Planescape, Dungeons & Dragons, their logos, Wizards of the Coast, and the Wizards of the Coast logo are ©2008, Wizards of the Coast, a subsidiary of Hasbro Inc. and used with permission.