right, i rolled some dice here to see how random the generator is, and to make some stats for a character i am just brain waving about for no particular reasons other then to make a character idea/ concept...
(c) this is mine, and i do not want anybody to misuse my ideas...
Will update periodically, and maybe later even ask a DM to jump in with me on a solo campaign?
end stats i counted out..
13, 17, 10, 16, 14, 15
Str: 13 (+4 from Corpse) = 17
Dex: 15 (-2 from Corpse) = 13
Con: 10 = 10
Int: 14 = 14
Wis: 17 (+1 from lvl 4, +1 from lvl 8.) = 19
Cha:16 (+2 from Paragon 3) = 18
'Human Zombie Girl'
(1/6th Air Genasi) Human female
Human bonus-Hathran
lvl1-Spellfocus Necromancy
Cloistered Cleric1-Scribe Scroll
lvl3-Fast Talker (+3 bluff/ diplomacy)
Paragon2-Initiate of Selune
lvl6-Initiate of Mystra
lvl9-Black Lore of Moil
Flaw-Murky Eyed
lvl buildup-
1:Human Paragon
(4+2x4+4= 28.)
skills chosen + rating:
Balance 3, Bluff 4, Climb 2, Escape Artist 2, Gather Info 4, Spot 2, Sense Motive 3, Tumble 2, Swim 2, Survival 4.
2:Cloistered Cleric, caster lvl1
(6+2+1= 9)
(all Know, Languages, Decipher script + cleric skills)
Concentration 2, Diplomacy 2, Spellcraft 1, Know Local 1, Know Religion 1, Know Arcana 1, Know Geo 1.
3:CC. ' ' lvl2
+2 Bluff, +2 Concentration, +1 Know Local, +2 Spellcraft, +1 Religion, +1 Sense Motive
4:CC. ' ' lvl3
+1 Balance, +1 Bluff, +1 Know Local, +2 Spellcraft, +1 Gather Info, +1 Know Religion, +1 Know Arcana, +1 Sense Motive
5:HP2. ' ' lvl4
+1 Bluff, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Know Local, +1 Know Religion, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Sense Motive, +1 Spot
6:CC, ' ' lvl5
(6+2+1= 9)
+1 Bluff, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Know Religion, +1 Know Local, +1 Spot, +1 Survival, +2 Concentration, +1 Balance
7:HP3, ' ' lvl6
+1 Balance, +1 Know Local, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Tumble, +1 Climb, +1 Know History
8:CC, ' ' lvl7
+1 Bluff, +1 Diplomacy, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Concentration, +1 Know Local, +1 Know Geo, +1 Survival, +1 Spot, +1 Know History
9:CC, ' ' lvl8
+1 Bluff, +1 Spellcraft, +1 Know Arcana, +1 Know Local, +1 Know Geo, +2 concentration, +2 Tumble
Total skill rankings:
Balance 5 +1,
Bluff 11 +4/ +3,
Diplomacy 5 +3/ +4,
Sense Motive 6 +4,
Gather Info 5 +4,
Climb 2 +3,
Escape Artist 2 +1,
Spot 5 +4,
Tumble 5 +1,
Swim 2 +3,
Survival 6 +4,
Concentration 8 +4,
Spellcraft 9 +2,
Know Local Rashemen 4 +2,
Know Local (any one relevant to dm's story line) 2 +3,
Know Religion 5 +2,
Know Arcana 3 +2,
Know Geo 3 +2,
Know History 2 +2
(+1 lvl adj for Corpse Template, +1 from spellstiched)
Domains:Knowledge from Cloistered Cleric, Moon from Selune, Rune from Mystra.
Create Water 2x, Detect Magic 2x, Read Magic 2x
4+1 +1x1,
D: Faery Fire 1x, Inflict Light wounds 1x, Sanctuary 1x, Prot from Evil 1x, Death Watch 1x, Cure Light wounds 1x
3 +1 +1x2,
D: Moonbeam 1x, Spell Shield 1x, Gentle Repose 1x, Inflict Moderate Wounds 1x, Resist Elements 1x
3 +1 +1x3,
D: Moonblade 1x, Invisibility 1x, Inflict Serious Wounds(3D8 +8, dc 19will) 2x, Speak with Dead 1x
2 +1 +1x4,
D: Good Hope 1x, Divine Power 1x, Iron Bones 1x, Spell Immunity 1x.
Neutral Good alignment.
60 feet Dark Vision,
Slam 1D6 dam +2x str (1D6+6)
D12 hp, +2 natural ac,
+2 profane to all saves,
Dam red 5/ magic or silver,
+2 turn resis, spell resis 10 + cha bonus,
2 lvl 1,
2x a day Obscuring Mist
2x a day Cure Light Wounds
2 lvl 2,
1x a day Gust of Wind
3x a day Glitterdust
2 lvl 3,
1x a day Wind Wall
1x a day Cure Serious Wounds
2 lvl 4,
1x a day Dimension Door
1x a day Solid Fog
2 lvl 5,
1x a day Teleport
1x a day Waves of Fatigue
1x lvl 6,
1x a day Otiluke's Freezing Sphere
Uh... A Zombie with an intelligence score?