Ammit, The "first" Devourer

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Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

This post is inspired by demon/beast/goddess Ammit (aka, Eater of Hearts) from Egyptian mythology. Her sacred duty was to eat haearts of wicked people that did not deserve to raech afterlife, such souls then die second and final death as she devoured their hearts.
Then I had another idea: Devourers, (mummy like monsters who eat souls for their sustence), their soul eating abbilites are awfuly simmilar to Ammit heart eating job.

In Dragon magazine they presented diferent origins of Devourers (someties spellcasters become devorers instead of liches, and barghest who are slain with ability drain also rise as them), and I thougt to give them more ancient, "Egyptian" roots and lnik them with Ammit: they were created to help Ammit to remove evil souls from multiverse, but devourers liked the taste of good souls and they turned stag.

Anyways here I will write her stats for all to see, and if you hawe any ideas please post them.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

I don't like the fact that devourers are considered undead in 3rd edition when it clearly stated that they were specifically not undead in Monstrous Compendium Appendix III. So I think Ammit should be an outsider but have a similar appearance and abilities to undead.


Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

Yes I dont like that either, but they simplified lots of other PS monsters like archeriai (they removed their high leg AC and HPs).
They probably did that to devourers becaouse of their level drain and soul eating abilites. (By turning them into undead they have acctualy made them stronger becaouse of undead immunities).
But you are right they should be outsiders (at least Ammit), and that was my original idea to give her powers of fiends (she was considered demon/devil in Egyptian mythology) and some devourer powers.

Prehaps I will do 2 versions of her, one as outsider other as undead for 3.5 sake.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

'Squaff' wrote:

Prehaps I will do 2 versions of her, one as outsider other as undead for 3.5 sake.

You could make her both undead and outsider type, like an Atropal Abomination.


Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

You could make her both undead and outsider type, like an Atropal Abomination.
Atropal Abomination? That is from Epic Handbook, right? Unfortunatly I don´t posses this book, but I thik we´ll cook something up.

Let´s start with Ammit role in mythology: She was described as a beast with features of 3 animals that Egyptians feared the most: crocodile, lion and hippo. (Besides of her role as devourer of hearts she also represened deadly dangers of both desert and river).
Ammit thus had head of crocodile, upper body of lion, and lover body of hippo (she could walk on 2 legs if she wanted), but I think I´ll change that a bit and give "Ami" body of hippo and lions paws.
So idea was to give her some attack options and features of all 3 animals:

Crocodile, Gigant Crocodile or Dire:
Swim speed, Bite attack, and Improwed Grab with her maw.

Lion: Pounce, Rake and Improved Grapple with claws attack.

Hippo: I don´t have stats for hippo, but I think for hippo Trample attack would be most appropriate.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

420's picture
Joined: 2006-06-27
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

'Squaff' wrote:
You could make her both undead and outsider type, like an Atropal Abomination.
Atropal Abomination? That is from Epic Handbook, right? Unfortunatly I don´t posses this book, but I thik we´ll cook something up.
Check out the 3.5 System Reference Docs for "Epic Monsters (A-E)", it's the second entry under Abomination.


Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

Thanks, but I will have to look it up later, you know I´m writing this posts at job when there are no customers or boss around so I cannot download it.

Here is another idea for "Ami":in mytholgy they say she lives and guards lakes of fire: so I thougt to give her Baatezu traits (aldogh she is tehnicaly demon and not devil, and certanly not Baatezu), becaouse of their immunites to fire and poison and resistance to cold.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

I think I know a good idea for an event that set off Ammit's change. In Egyptian mythology, Anubis was the god who weighed the hearts of the judged and decided if Ammit got to eat their heart or not. At some point in Planescape history, Anubis abandoned his post and became the guardian of the Dead Gods on the Astral. Now, there is no one to feed Ammit, and it is probably quite unhappy about this.

When Ammit eats the heart of someone judged as unworthy, then they are not destroyed but condemned to live forever without entering their afterlife. That sounds like a good way to create a Devourer to me, or at least something that could become a Devourer.

Perhaps when the souls stopped comming to it, Ammit decided to turn some of the judged souls into full Devourers to go out into the multiverse, capture souls, and bring them back to Ammit to eat. From there, any number of other events could have brought things up to the current state.

By the way, I love your idea. I've never even heard Ammit mentioned in Planescape, and it was a shame. The Egyptians are under represented.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

I think I know a good idea for an event that set off Ammit's change. In Egyptian mythology, Anubis was the god who weighed the hearts of the judged and decided if Ammit got to eat their heart or not. At some point in Planescape history, Anubis abandoned his post and became the guardian of the Dead Gods on the Astral. Now, there is no one to feed Ammit, and it is probably quite unhappy about this.
Good woork, actualy I had something simmilar in mind: As you know Egyptian pantheon is one of the oldest in multiverse and it changed quite bit from the beginings to thing we know now.

Idea is: today egyptolologist theorize that before birth of Osiris souls were judged by Ra (in ancient times when he still ruled prime matrial planes), and since he was a bit of harsh ruler he created Ammit to prevent his enemys from geting souls that do not live by Ma´at that was namely chaotic and evil souls, (I say chaotic becaouse chaos and disorder was considered evil in those ancient times and Ra was certanly no fond of those who are defiant of his rule), and dispose of it.

After Ra retired from prime to outer planes Geb and Thoth continued judging souls and since system was set by Ra and it stayed the same.
BUT than happened that all feud between Seth and Osiris, after that a war between Horus and Seth followed. During that time souls were judged by Anubis, but after dust seteled dead were judged by more gentle and just Osiris, who kept Ammit like something of a "mascot" or something like petitioner boogeyman ("If you are not good you will end like Ammit chow").

Anways the current development of events does not suit Ammit at all, but she is still has the duty of her old master (and she created devourers long time since to aid her in her job), so she shas taken matters in her paws and continues to do her "sacred" duty.

Idea for Ammit fiery lair: fist it would be Twelve Hours of Night, than Baator, but her hunger and greed for souls shifted her lair even more to Gehena.

Another idea: Ammit has been present at uncountable soul judgments, so she devised her own court with devourer jury with only one statement: "guilty".


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Ammit, The "first" Devourer

Ammit Lair:
Ammit lair is located in the crater, on the slope of the 1st volcano of Gehena. Main feature of her lair is large lake of magma with Ammits pyramid created from black volcanic rock, and on one side there is constructed platform where Ammit with her court once per month judges souls. This crooked structure is half submerged in magma and it´s enterance is deep in pool of lava.

Ammit pyramid soround 4 islands, on each wich holds one ruinous temple, home of Ammit 4 most powerful Devourers called only "The Sons of Ammit".

The lake sorounds ring of ramsacle city populated by devourer courtiers and petitioners who are used as slaves and servants to devourers: usualy scribes and entertainers who record deeds of their masters.

The slopes of crater are dug with labirinthe tunnells and cavernous chambers called Mausoleum. There sleep devourers who have spend their captured essences and wait in torporous sleep for time when their misteress needs them again. It is rumored that in this caverns exist gate wich leads to Osiris relam, but one thing is sure souls that tried to escape trough Mausoleum never return.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

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