Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for the Urban PlaneScape Project

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Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for the Urban PlaneScape Project

Amethyst Campaign Setting
Maps (1.37 mb) | Part 1 (1.38 mb) | Part 2 (1.48 mb) |
Part 3 (1.69 mb) | Part 4 (1.77 mb) | Part 5 (3.56 mb)

This is the free Amethyst d20 campaign setting (260 pages), which is the free setting I prefer above all the others. This amazing campaign setting mixes sci-fi (d20 Modern & Future) with fantasy (D&D 3e) in a very original way. It's so excellent that you should get a look at it!

Original Source: Serena Dawn Spaceport > Role-Playing Database > AMETHΨST

EDIT: Amethyst is a science-fantasy setting that takes place in the far future or Earth (roughly 7000+ A.D.), has magic and technology as opposing forces, and has no planes as we know them. I mean for it to be used as a possible inspiration for UPS, as it has a similar agenda and properties, but NOT to be combined with it. Also, the setting has only one similarity with baseline PlaneScape: the power of belief can overturn the universe.

Ulden Throatbane's picture
Joined: 2006-02-02
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

Well, thanks for the link. Not sure if this is the direction we want to go, but it does seem that you put in a lot of thought into this setting. Smiling

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Ulden Throatbane' wrote:
Well, thanks for the link. Not sure if this is the direction we want to go, but it does seem that you put in a lot of thought into this setting. Smiling
Actually, I didn't create it, but thank you for the compliment anyway. It was the work of a contact, by the name of Chris Dias, a.k.a. Slipstream. I visit his website quite regularly (I am a member of his forum), a link to which is graciously provided in my signature. A 2nd edition (OGL) of the setting is currently in the works, and may have a future in print on the market.

If anyone has any comments on the setting, please post them here. I would just like to know what other people think. Have a nice day. Smiling

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

To be quite honest, my first reaction was "no". Now I'm not so sure. Sure, including Earth at first glance is a pretty bad idea. But Amythyst so damn far from our Earth that many of the old arguments about real-world politics spilling into PS isn't really valid. It'd draw a very neat compromise between those that wanted Earth really badly and those that didn't.

So my answer is a cautious "yes", cautious because I want to finish reading it before I make something final.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

OK, now my answer is a cautious "no", because I still like it, but obviously there are some things that are untranslatable. Most importantly, there would need to be planes. Attricana and Ixindar for example, could be the different names for Elysium and Hades, respectively, and the only two realms that's known. Secondly, the tech level is too high in some places, and there's no easy answer for that.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
To be quite honest, my first reaction was "no". Now I'm not so sure. Sure, including Earth at first glance is a pretty bad idea. But Amythyst so damn far from our Earth that many of the old arguments about real-world politics spilling into PS isn't really valid. It'd draw a very neat compromise between those that wanted Earth really badly and those that didn't.

So my answer is a cautious "yes", cautious because I want to finish reading it before I make something final.

I didn't mean for you to integrate the setting into UPS. That's stupid. I meant for you to see an example of a far future setting that includes magic and technology, which is something similar to UPS's agenda, and to draw inspiration from it.

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
OK, now my answer is a cautious "no", because I still like it, but obviously there are some things that are untranslatable. Most importantly, there would need to be planes. Attricana and Ixindar for example, could be the different names for Elysium and Hades, respectively, and the only two realms that's known. Secondly, the tech level is too high in some places, and there's no easy answer for that.
Like I said above, this is supposed to be completely seperate from UPS, merely an example for you to draw inspiration from. And more importantly: Attricana is more like the embodiment of all the Upper Planes combined, while Ixindar is the exact opposite and embodies all the Lower Planes combined; and the setting in in the far future of a fantastical earth (roughly 7000+ A.D.), which also enforces the fact that it is separate from and acts as only an inspiration for UPS.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

I didn't mean for you to integrate the setting into UPS. That's stupid.

I'm sorry, when I look at a setting, my automatic reaction is to see how it would fit into PS. PS being all about mixing cool settings together and this being a PS forum, it's a little too much to ask for people not to consider it.

But why is it stupid? Other than the fact that Amethyst is someone's work and it would be wrong to use it without their permission, I think it would've been a good idea. We did it to Eberron, and now there are two Eberrons: vanilla Eberron and PS Eberron with the PS cosmology. I don't remember the WotC rushing back to the printers to make sure Eberron was consistant with PS. And Eberron wasn't the first and certainly not the last, just look at Dragonlance! Amethyst wouldn't be so different.

And of course, not me, WotC, UPS, or Chris Dias would have any control over what people decide what to and what not to integrate in their own games.

I certainly don't mean to threaten Amethyst with UPS's needs and desires, and I agree that a merger is a bad idea. But it's possible, and I refuse to rule it out.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
I'm sorry, when I look at a setting, my automatic reaction is to see how it would fit into PS. PS being all about mixing cool settings together and this being a PS forum, it's a little too much to ask for people not to consider it.
That seems somewhat too imperialist for my tastes. But you go your way and I will go mine.

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
But why is it stupid? Other than the fact that Amethyst is someone's work and it would be wrong to use it without their permission, I think it would've been a good idea. We did it to Eberron, and now there are two Eberrons: vanilla Eberron and PS Eberron with the PS cosmology. I don't remember the WotC rushing back to the printers to make sure Eberron was consistant with PS. And Eberron wasn't the first and certainly not the last, just look at Dragonlance! Amethyst wouldn't be so different.
The sentence with the word "stupid" in it was meant to be a hint of humor/sarcasm on my part, of which I seem find very little of here. And the setting was originally meant to be entirely separate from the D&D cosmology, since it is modeled on the real world in which we all live. It is very unique, more so than all the other "official" settings.

'WithoutNationality' wrote:
And of course, not me, WotC, UPS, or Chris Dias would have any control over what people decide what to and what not to integrate in their own games.

I certainly don't mean to threaten Amethyst with UPS's needs and desires, and I agree that a merger is a bad idea. But it's possible, and I refuse to rule it out.

I mean for Amethyst to be an inspiration for the UPS to be able to draw on, since it has the idea of a futuristic world full of magic. It uses the unique idea of magic and technology being opposite and opposing forces that cannot work together, and I would call that original. UPS does not necessarily have to go that path, but it goes to show.

If you want to integrate Amethyst into UPS (and I am not saying you do), then you will have to heavily gut the setting's fluff and rules by adding planes, removing high technology, and making magic and technology able to work together. The setting is that unique. Not to mention that the current itineration of the game is not OGL and infringes on several copyrights of various natures.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Zenosaga' wrote:
It uses the unique idea of magic and technology being opposite and opposing forces that cannot work together, and I would call that original.

That's not entirely unique. Shadowrun has a very similar idea.


Pants of the North!

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
'Zenosaga' wrote:
It uses the unique idea of magic and technology being opposite and opposing forces that cannot work together, and I would call that original.

That's not entirely unique. Shadowrun has a very similar idea.

So what you're saying is that if you're a magic-user in Shadowrun, all battery-powered guns automatically crumble to dust in your hands? And all radio transmissions are always impossible due to magical interference?

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

Actually, in some ways.. that is sorta a part of shadowrun. Cybernetics influences magical ability. The more cybernetics you have, the less magic you have. As a result, you can either be fairly resistant to magical/physical attack, but have no ability outside of your cybernetics, which need expensive repair and maintainance, or use magic, which is cheaper, but leaves you extraordinarily vulnerable to attack.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Kestral' wrote:
Actually, in some ways.. that is sorta a part of shadowrun. Cybernetics influences magical ability. The more cybernetics you have, the less magic you have. As a result, you can either be fairly resistant to magical/physical attack, but have no ability outside of your cybernetics, which need expensive repair and maintainance, or use magic, which is cheaper, but leaves you extraordinarily vulnerable to attack.
Interesting, but Amethyst is much different. Like I said before: if you're a magic-user in Amethyst, all sufficiently advanced technology will crumble to dust at your touch, and all radio transmissions are made impossible due to planet-wide magical interference. Technology and magic are locked in an eternal war of an ideological nature; and magic automatically destroys any technology that uses a stored power source (aka battery-powered), of which there happens to be a lot of in Amethyst. While Shadowrun merely makes them mutually exclusive, Amethyst puts them in a permanent war of one-sided destruction. They [the settings] cannot be more different, and this illustrates only one possible example of why. More information is included in the Amethyst rules (the ones I provided are the 1st itineration and are non-OGL).

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

That seems somewhat too imperialist for my tastes.

Um... sorry for being an imperialist?

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

the main idea yet remains the same between the two. and there are yet others that use magic and tech.

PS is ALL about inclusion. there is the normal stuff with sigil and the planes but also remember PS is about all material planets (ie different campaign settings) being included in one although mostly as window dressing or someplace to visit one time. One reason I was rather anoyed WoTC left us in the mud and did eberon with its very own very specified cosmology.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Daylen' wrote:
the main idea yet remains the same between the two. and there are yet others that use magic and tech.
Amethyst is unique in that the setting is a 7000+ A.D. future earth where magic is totally incompatible with and destroys technology, while the setting also utilizes numerous other things (like the Echans, the Techans, the Loteks, the Bastions, the Saints, the Angels, Attricana, Ixindar, the Meggidon, etc.) that make it vastly unique compared to Shadowrun and all the other unoriginal hybrid magic/tech settings.

'Daylen' wrote:
PS is ALL about inclusion. there is the normal stuff with sigil and the planes but also remember PS is about all material planets (ie different campaign settings) being included in one although mostly as window dressing or someplace to visit one time. One reason I was rather anoyed WoTC left us in the mud and did eberon with its very own very specified cosmology.
Now that's just sad. Amethyst CANNOT be included in PlaneScape, as doing so would utterly destroy the setting and all it stands for. Ebberon is just wrong and only proves that WotC is stupid and evil.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

Why is Eberron "wrong?" It actually starts out with a good series of premises. It first supposes a high level of widely useful magic, then extrapolates likely consequences of most people above the lowest level of peasantry having free access to magical technology/healing. It also then supposes that most high-powered magic is rare, and then goes from there. It's a pretty interesting idea overall.

Shadowrun itself IS the magic/tech hybrid setting that spawned most of the 'future age' magic/tech hybrid settings, along with RIFTS, Warhammer 40k, and a few other such games. It's by no means unoriginal either. It also grapples with the idea of a magic/tech split, but bases it around a different concept. Tech and magic don't exactly mix, but they don't always destroy another. Rather, there's degrees of failure. You want to make a Shadowrun hermetic mage with a bunch of headware memory for his library, you can do that, but you sacrifice some of your casting ability, as your link with nature is somewhat lost. It also places itself in a genre setting that didn't EXIST before the early 80's... which means it came largely sprung whole out of a few pre-existing concepts, neither of which had been applied heavily to one another at the time.

In a way, Shadowrun uses degrees of failure as part of it's ideology, since the genre it's most heavily based off of is about shades of grey. It works in concert with the genres it's riffing off of. It's a mix of Tolkien and Gibson... ancient lore and modern grit. The ideology is there, but it's subsumed within a variety of other competing ideologies... technology vs. magic, humans vs. technology, magic vs humans, man vs. society, society vs itself, greed and lust vs sacrifice and chivalry, man vs. self, man vs the ideal... these are elements of the fantasy genres it uses. Yours focuses heavily on the tech vs. magic, while it focuses far less heavily on it. It is still there though.

I like Shadowrun a lot. It's actually one reason I like the idea of UPS. Their basic genre idea offers a balance of fantasy to grit and reality that serves to highlight both aspects without making everything fall apart.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

Now that's just sad. Amethyst CANNOT be included in PlaneScape...

Oh, I dont know about that. You would be surprised what you can find tucked away in the corners of an infinite number of realities, each of which is infinatly large.

Juts because magic has differant effects there doesn't mean anything. Look at Athas (Dark Sun setting) The Defiler/Preserver magic system is significantly differant from magic on, say, Oerth. Does that make it incompatible? No. It makes it interesting.

And while I believe that Eberron could have been done better, I like a few of the ideas they had. Yes Ive seen the powers of an Artificer be horribly abused by a player, but I've also seen a Warforged villain make a wonderful opponent. (Never before have I heard such... interesting curses as when the party realized that the Warforge could not only be repaired, buy it kept upgrading itself to counter their most often used spells.)

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Fidrikon' wrote:
Now that's just sad. Amethyst CANNOT be included in PlaneScape...

Oh, I dont know about that. You would be surprised what you can find tucked away in the corners of an infinite number of realities, each of which is infinatly large.

Juts because magic has differant effects there doesn't mean anything. Look at Athas (Dark Sun setting) The Defiler/Preserver magic system is significantly differant from magic on, say, Oerth. Does that make it incompatible? No. It makes it interesting.

The defiler/preserver system is an extension and not a change of the D&D magic rules, which means you could feasibly use it elsewhere if a magic-user somehow has the desire to tap into his planet's lifeforce. You should also study the magic/technology rules in Amethyst, and you will find that magic destroys all battery-powered technology. If you combine the setting with UPS, that rule will have to apply to all of reality because it is an unalterable world-spanning rule created by the beliefs of all mankind. The Amethyst cosmology is very different from PlaneScape and is incompatible, it is the Gates of Attricana and Ixindar that make Amethyst unique, amoung other things.

'Fidrikon' wrote:
And while I believe that Eberron could have been done better, I like a few of the ideas they had. Yes Ive seen the powers of an Artificer be horribly abused by a player, but I've also seen a Warforged villain make a wonderful opponent. (Never before have I heard such... interesting curses as when the party realized that the Warforge could not only be repaired, buy it kept upgrading itself to counter their most often used spells.)
What I mean is that the cosmology is stupid, because you can't use the multiverse in Ebberon, even though both are official products.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Zenosaga' wrote:
If you combine the setting with UPS, that rule will have to apply to all of reality because it is an unalterable world-spanning rule created by the beliefs of all mankind

um see thats the thing in PS there is a very easy way to deal with uppity campaigns that have rules like this. cutters just laugh about silly primes thinking that their belief is gona overpower the rest of the multiverse or that they are even special. see there are plenty of material plane worlds where strange things happen but thing is they only happen on that world and in that crystal sphere (I don't particuraly like the crystal sphere part in genaral but that isn't a discussion for here).

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

Now that's just sad. Amethyst CANNOT be included in PlaneScape, as doing so would utterly destroy the setting and all it stands for. Ebberon is just wrong and only proves that WotC is stupid and evil.

You shouldn't feel compelled to merge Amethyst and UPS just because other people do. There. Problem solved.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

That, or just have the magicians from there use magic that way, and the mages from everywhere else work their way. Just like Torillean mages still use the Weave and Shadoweave on the planes, and Athasian still magicians suck out the life of nearby organisms.

And they're all very confused when they run into each other, and the planars smirks knowingly.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

Look, I linked to Amethyst so that it could be used as an inspiration for the UPS. But if you want to merge the real world of Earth (which Amethyst is a future version of) with the UPS, then be my guest, even though you really shouldn't since there is a large amount of religious baggage (all real world religions still exist in Amethyst relatively unchanged).

P./S. I don't like the idea of Crystal Spheres/Phlogiston and hope they aren't used in SJ 3.5. Other than that, things such as The Arcane, Beholders, Dwarven Citadels, Giff, Neogi, Pirates of Giff, Scro, and Giant Space Hamsters are just fine.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

P./S. I don't like the idea of Crystal Spheres/Phlogiston and hope they aren't used in SJ 3.5.

Uh... I may be mistaken, but I could have sworn that the Crystal Spheres and Phlogiston were major parts of the setting. I mean, its like saying that you would rather see PS without portals and divine realms. Can it be done? Probably. But it takes away a lot of the setting with it.

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Fidrikon' wrote:
P./S. I don't like the idea of Crystal Spheres/Phlogiston and hope they aren't used in SJ 3.5.

Uh... I may be mistaken, but I could have sworn that the Crystal Spheres and Phlogiston were major parts of the setting. I mean, its like saying that you would rather see PS without portals and divine realms. Can it be done? Probably. But it takes away a lot of the setting with it.

You should read the flipside of Dungeon #92, which has a very well written 3rd edition Spelljammer setting that uses conventional star systems and "the cold merciless vacuum of outer space" instead of crystal spheres and phlogiston. That makes it better in my opinion and easier for new generation players to understand and reference.

Bob the Efreet's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Zenosaga' wrote:
P./S. I don't like the idea of Crystal Spheres/Phlogiston and hope they aren't used in SJ 3.5.

I like the phlogiston as a kind of 'hyperspace', but I've always thought the crystal spheres were silly. I think they were only introduced to explain how Krynn's star systems are so weird.


Pants of the North!

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

'Bob the Efreet' wrote:
I like the phlogiston as a kind of 'hyperspace', but I've always thought the crystal spheres were silly.

Maybe you have too SF-ish view of spelljammer. It's fantasy in space as imagined by the philosophers of old Smiling

See this:

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

To bring this back on topic, as I have said before, Amethyst is an inspiration for the UPS, nothing more and nothing less. If you were to merge it with UPS, there would be numerous rules problems (magic affecting technology, etc.), religious baggage (all real world religions exist in Amethyst completely unchanged), copyright problems (Amethyst belongs to Chris Dias, and as written infringes on several copyrights of various natures, mainly artwork- and D&D-related, and is totally unofficial with regards to D&D), and whatever else comes up.

So just use it as an inspiration for your little UPS, nothing more and nothing less.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

I think the topic is no longer about actually integrating it with UP. Will it be added? I dont think so. Should it be added? Not in my opinion.
But could it be added?
Thats where we are right now. I dont think it will be added. It might be used for inspiration. But by saying that a setting can not be added to a multiverse specifically designed to be compatible with nearly any setting available... well... you have to accept that a few people are going to try and show how such a thing can be done.

And before you repeat yourself:
Yes, I realize that in this setting magic destroys tech, and that all modern religions are still around and unchanged (which seems a little odd to me, considering how much some religions have changed in the last few hundred years, when this is supposedly thousands of years in the future)

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

only problem is that there were still plenty of referances to high technology making it not really fantasy in space and such.

Crystal spheres are the only way to include krynn in anything without some very strange mechanisms in place to change the stars around. course in some of the books (late chronicles) it was hinted to that perhaps krynn was supposed to be in a PS setting.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

[admin hat]
If the tone of this thread gets much more confrontational I'm going to have to pull out the cold water hose and cool it down. Please don't make me do that - I always have to mop the water off the floor afterwards.
[/admin hat]

Zenosaga's picture
Joined: 2006-06-23
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

I'd like to request having this thread deleted, since I am currently unable to do it myself.

WithoutNationality's picture
Joined: 2006-05-28
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

How the hell did this become such an emotive issue? It's just a game, and games should be taken lightly. We're not soccer fans here.

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
Amethyst d20 (D&D 3.5/d20Modern) - A possible inspiration for th

least we can't headbutt each other in the chest.

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