Aluncian Creations

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Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

This is a thread mainly for my players, so they can have a look at the worlds that are in creation and thier inhabitants, but also, it's a contribution to Planescape as well, I'll be posting monsters, items, classes, races and the such, all of wich could be used in either GreyHawk or Planescape becuase there will be no change in the overall way that these will be created (other than they'll be created in regards to the current 3.5 edition rules)

If I could get feedback on the things posted that would be greatly appreciated Laughing out loud

I'll have something to post by tommorow!

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

This is a creature I created to propose a challenge to epic characters- and to scare my players a little lol, but it's powerful for a reason and is actually pretty balanced, 4 level 42 characters could actually have a very good chance of defeating it, and even 1 level 42 could propose a threat towards it... but anyway, tell me what you think ^_^

Aidrahl Sand Wyrm
Colossal Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 74d10+1110 (1517)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 20 ft. (4 squares), burrow 50 ft., swim 40 ft.
Armor Class: 51 (-8 size, 59 natural), touch 2, flat-footed 51
Base Attack/Grapple: +74/+113
Attack: Bite +89 melee (6d8+23/19-20) or tail slap +89 melee (4d8+23/19-20)
Full Attack: Bite +89 melee (6d8+23/19-20) and tail slap +89 (4d8+23/19-20)
Space/Reach: 30 ft./ 20 ft.
Special Attacks: Frightful presence, improved grab, swallow whole
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 20/shock, immunity to poison, disease, energy drain, and ability damage, natural survival, regeneration 40/shock, scent, spell resistance 60, tremorsense 120 ft.
Saves: Fort+54 Ref+39 Will+24
Abilities: Str 57, Dex 10, Con 41, Int 6, Wis 11, Cha 40
Skills: Sense motive +77, swim +23
Feats: Power Attack, Cleave, Great Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, Awesome Blow, Improved Natural Attack (Bite), Improved Critical (Bite), Improved Critical (Tail), Improved Natural Armor (+15), Endurance, Diehard
Environment: Aidrahl Dessert (see text)
Organization: Solitary
Challenge Rating: 42
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 75+ HD (Colossal)

This scaly, thick skinned, colossal wyrm has a huge three part mouth. The jaw is separated into two parts while the top of the mouth is similar to a beak, which is actually an extension of it's large carapace. It has a long body, which half of it is made up by a tail, and it's carapace covers the half of the body that isn't it's tail. The carapace seperates into two pieces at the neck to remove any hinderance to it's flaxability or movement. The first piece is to protect it's head, and the second piece protects it's back, extending from the end of it's neck to the base of it's tail. It also has two fin-like appendages on each side of it's body.

The wyrm is better known as the Aidrahl Guardian. It protects the several caves amongst it's sands and the Aidrahl Oasis that is in the center of the desert. It is usually seen burrowing through the desert's sands, or swimming in the vast waters near it's borders, and unless forced, either never leaves the desert, or doesn't go far from it. The wyrm often feeds on the aquatic life in the waters that surround the Aidrahl desert. Only one of these mysterious creatures exists.
The wyrm usually has a sleep cycle that lasts for 1d6 weeks every 4 months, it spends this cycle lying in front of the caves, blocking their entrances. During every 10d4 sleep cycles it sheds a layer of it's carapace which just as quickly strengthens and regrows.
The wyrm is about 140 ft. long and weighs 220 tons
The Aidrahl sand wyrm can't speak, but can comprehend Common

The Aidrahl sand wyrm is not entirely aggressive. It only attacks when it has determined that whatever has wandered into it's territory is a threat, or has the motive of going towards or inside of the caves, it uses it's sense motive skill and it's ability to comprehend Common to do this. If the creature is a threat than it attacks by trying to push them away with awesome blows at first, but will quickly resort towards completely destroying or eating the threat. The last place you ever want to be is inside of it's stomach.
The Aidrahl sand wyrm's natural weapons are treated as epic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction
Frightful Presences (Su): The Aidrahl sand wyrm can inspire terror while attacking. Affected creatures must succeed on a DC 62 Will save or become shaken, remaining in that condition as long as they remain within 60 ft. of the Aidrahl sand wyrm. The save DC is Charisma based.
Improved Grab (Ex): To use this ability, the Aidrahl sand wyrm must hit a Gargantuan or smaller opponent with it's bite attack. It can then attempt to start a grapple check as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity. If it wins the grapple check, it establishes a hold and can try to swallow the foe the following round.
Natural Survival (Ex): The Aidrahl sand worm knows it's own natural environment so well that as long as it is on it's natural environment it can never be lost. If it is somehow forced away from it's natural environment it gains an intuitive direction as to where it needs to go to get back to it's environment, and gains a +15 towards it's survival check.
Swallow Whole (Ex): The Aidrahl sand wyrm can try to swallow a grabbed opponent of Gargantuan or smaller size by making a successful grapple check. Once inside, the opponent takes 3d8 +11 points of crushing damage plus 3d8 +7 points of acid damage per round from the Aidrahl sand wyrm's digestive juices. A swallowed creature can cut its way out by dealing 80 points of damage to the Aidrahl sand wyrm's digestive tract (AC 39). Once the creature exits, muscular action closes the hole; another swallowed opponent must cut it's own way out.
The Aidrahl sand wyrm's gullet can hold 2 Gargantuan, 8 Huge, 32 Large, 128 Medium, or 512 Small or smaller.
Regeneration (Ex): The Aidrahl sand wyrm is always dealt nonleathal damage from attacks, unless if those attacks are shock based. The Aidrahl sand worm is also unaffected by all spells unless if the spell has an electricity base to it, for example the spell lightning bolt. If it fails a fortitude check on a spell that would normally cuase immediate death, it instead is dealt it's full normal hit points +10 (or 1527 hp) in nonlethal damage. Due to the fact that thier regeneration rate is so high they are also immune to any diseases or effect that would otherwise cuase incurable or bleeding wounds, such as mummyrot, or a sword with the wounding ability.
If the Aidrahl sand wyrn loses a limb or a bodypart, the portion re-grows in 1d8 minutes, or it can instantly reatach the severed limb by pressing it's body against the severed limb

If anyone wishes to use this creature then they may. My suggestion for using this worm is to make it's natural enviroment a dessert of some sort, or a plane that is nothing but a huge dessert, and replace it's name (Aidrahl) with the name of the plane or dessert that it resides in. Another suggestion that I have is to give it something to protect to get the full effect of the creature. This creature is not meant to be just a nomadic monster with no purpose, it has a personality and isn't aggressive towards anyone unless if they have the intention of taking destroying (or anything to that effect) what it is protecting... but you don't neccisaraly have to listen to my suggestion, after all, it is only a suggestion. The one thing that I worry about the most is that you have fun with it

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Aluncian Creations

Dude, that is powerful beyond belief.
Maybe ven will create a forum to plan a hunting party to go after this guy Eye-wink

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

lol that would be interesting to see ... why don't we propose the challenge? lol nevermind, it'll just end up in another one of those huge arguements... although this thing is killable- you just gatta be an extreamely high level to do so *shrugs* and you better have a shock based attack otherwise you'll never defeat the thing Sticking out tongue

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

I'll try and get more creatures up by tommorow, hopefully maybe a couple or more- the other creatures won't take me as long becuase they aren't as powerful, so I won't have to choose 23 feats and somehow plug in 77 skill points and calculate the average hit points for 74d10 HD, and look at good saves past the epic mark and-... lol you get the point

Oh I also want to add that the reason why I put in the shedding of it's carapace, is becuase I want to introduce an armor made from it ^_-

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Aluncian Creations


sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Aluncian Creations

kinda reminds me of that worm from the tremors movies does it have mabye theres can only be one "worm" form but other lesser forms that can possibly grow into a worm if that one is killed. it could also have these lesser forms be prey that it feeds on when not guarding a location Puzzled:

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

I sort of got a bit of inspiration from Dune and Tremors- but it looks nothing like them and I didn't take they're ideas, I just wanted a creature that could propose a challenge to epic level characters, and after watching Dune I came up with the idea to have it live in a desert, and to be the desert's guardian... I don't really want lesser forms of it, becuase of the fact that it truely is so powerful that only one should exist, but there are other creatures in the desert, I just have yet to write down thier stats... as for the food thing- it feeds off from the aquatic life in the waters surrounding the desert (wich is why it has a swim speed, it usually eats large aquatic life, something the size of a couple whales could probably satisfy its hunger for the day... but thanks for the idea- it is a very good idea, but I won't create a lesser type of this creature without you helping me- after all it is your idea...

unfortunately I won't beable to get another creature in by tommorow like I hoped- there were to many things happening today, so hopefully the day after there will be some progress ^^;;;

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Aluncian Creations

I like it, and the idea that humongous monsters should have a boat-load of hitpoints. For example, giants in my game have 500-800 hit points. I think a lot of creatures in D&D have too low hit points in comparison to their size. I mean if a 6-foot tall human can have 100-150 hitpoints, giants should have several hundred at least. Dragons even more.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

I like it, and the idea that humongous monsters should have a boat-load of hitpoints. For example, giants in my game have 500-800 hit points. I think a lot of creatures in D&D have too low hit points in comparison to their size. I mean if a 6-foot tall human can have 100-150 hitpoints, giants should have several hundred at least. Dragons even more.

I agree with you creatures should have alot more hitpoints. but when creating monsters they only allow up to twice thier challenge rating in hit dice. and to tell you the truth the reason why creatures don't have so many hit points is becuase weapons can still only have a +5 enhancement bonus to damage plus thier strength mod for melee or dex mod for ranged so there really isn't much room for a ton of hit points when characters can only do so much with a weapon... even with power attack you still have to limit how much of your BA you are trading for damage becuase using too much will keep your character from hitting the monster at all *shrugs*... hey if you want the HP in the parenthises are only it's average and what you could do is act as if it has maximum HP. for example the Aidrahl sand wyrm has an average of 1517 but if you maximize it then it has 1850... but I do agree with you. sometimes I feel that monsters sometimes need more HP than suggested

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Aluncian Creations

I agree I mean a hydra has become an easy kill for those with the eqiupment heck even a pack lord should be a higher in hit points it only took my PC's about 10-20 rounds to kill it and none were above level 5

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

there is 1 major flaw to the wurm gaurding those dang caves Tenshi, it being too slow to catch up with extremely fast characters like centaurs w/ run feat or anything else w/ an expiditious retreat spell handy


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

frightful presence needs to be edited, you need to say how long before a character who saves succesfully is affected again, usually 24 hours


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

there is 1 major flaw to the wurm gaurding those dang caves Tenshi, it being too slow to catch up with extremely fast characters like centaurs w/ run feat or anything else w/ an expiditious retreat spell handy

It's not meant to be unbeatable, and there are other creatures in the desert, not just the worm! I'm still trying to create those creatures. heh I already have an idea, just gatta write it's stats down like I said before

frightful presence needs to be edited, you need to say how long before a character who saves succesfully is affected again, usually 24 hours

and I quote my entry
"remaining in that condition as long as they remain within 60 ft. of the Aidrahl sand wyrm" this is how long it takes effect for "As long as they are within 60ft." this means "every round they are within this radius" and yes this is legit, it's not only simular to the Tarasque's but also Dragons... trust me, I double check everything...

The 24 hours this isn't a usual, it is what it is, but thats if they succeed on thier check, then the creatures presence can't frighten them for another 24 hours... I don't have to post this in it's entry becuase it's in the back of the MM, and if you don't believe me you can check any creature that has this special ability and look it up in th MN glossary...

G'day sir

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

Sorry if I seemed a bit snappy... but shiido, who is my brother, likes to second guess me constantly- and yet then he decides to ask me about things that he doesn't know and give him the answers- the odasity!... now don't get me wrong, I don't mind if people second guess me or ask me questions, I am always willing to help and answer questions, and also if I am proven wrong then I accept it and move on, no more arguement... but my brother drives me insane... So to those of you that I might have been a bastard toward, I apologise...

Fridrikon and I came up with an interesting monster, that for now we've just called it the Aluncian Rock Thrower, I know it's a pathetic name, but for now it works lol... and I should be submitting it very soon seeing as I only need to make a few touch ups... I want to ask, after I submit it, could somebody find a better name for it, becuase to put it bluntly, our name sucks lol...

Oh and before I go, I would also like to add that I'll soon be submitting some artwork for Fidrikons J'tok race, he asked me to draw it for him and I accepted the task... and I want to thank Fidrikon for asking me, it's my first work as a concept artist... uh but Fidrikon, you have a scanner right? isn't it by your dad's com?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Aluncian Creations

Yea, theres a scanner waiting for it.

By the way, If a picture is created for the J'tok, would it be sent to Artists ally, or could is possibly be posted with the actual creature?

Or would I have to ask whoever ran that part of the site?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Aluncian Creations

Probably need to send some PMs about to check on that.

Fonikin Featherbottum's picture
Joined: 2005-02-14
Aluncian Creations

Hey Tenshi I think that creature seems pretty cool I want you to post the rest of those other creatures that you talked about. Hopefully they are cool and I think we should fight some of them when we have an adventure over the vacation coming up Laughing out loud

shiido's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

Bull****, Tenshi, you tell me to "F*** Off" and get all pissy w/ me whenever I prove you wrong about something in DnD, or when I question you about something that I think might be wrong you flip

My apologies to every one else for going off topic, and the starred out profanity


"I am the professional. Failure is not an option and there is no question you will not answer... whether you're willing or not."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Aluncian Creations

Take it to PM. Or off the board. Sibling rivalry or not - this is *not* the proper location for it.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

*bows down in respct and apology to Clueless*

a small update: Recently I have been working on the picture of Fidrikon's J'tok, but of course with his guidance and support, it may take some time before it becomes completed, and I want to ask Fidrikon if he could draw me and example of the J'toks religious symbol for thie god, If you can than I could have the pic done within the week... If I don't get wrapped up in Torment again lol... I've also drawn a picture of a Tiefling, and I just need to get it scanned then I'll try and submit it... As for the rockthrower, that has slowed down a bit, but I'll try my best to get it done as soon as possable, I have plenty of other creatures I would like to create as well =P

*Runs off to the field like the happy- not feeling so well- but happy chocobo he is! KWEH!*
*and plays Torment*

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

I know this thing is going nowhere lol, but Fidrikon and I have been creating some new classes, and soon we'll be submitting them to plane walker- they deal with the manipulation of time- Chronomancy if you will- except the one that I'm finishing up doesn't use spells but rather learns how to slow time and use it to it's advantage (for a certian amount of times per day for balanc)... but hopefully those should be up soon ^^

Mirabel's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Aluncian Creations

wow its been awhile, eh? well jsut awonderin if your gonna post that one race you were showin me, the animal humanoids. sry i forgoted the name :oops: oh and i question i been a meanin ta ask... did you get your name from muyo? cause i LOVE that show. but they dont have it on anymore and fonikin tells me your a fellow anime manga freak Laughing out loud estatic am i. if it isnt from this show.... this conversation... never happend.

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

wow its been awhile, eh? well jsut awonderin if your gonna post that one race you were showin me, the animal humanoids. sry i forgoted the name Embarassed oh and i question i been a meanin ta ask... did you get your name from muyo? cause i LOVE that show. but they dont have it on anymore and fonikin tells me your a fellow anime manga freak Very Happy estatic am i. if it isnt from this show.... this conversation... never happend.

Lol I get that all the time, no my name isn't from muyo XD ... that's Tenchi hehe... Tenshi is actually the Japanese word for angel (NERD CHECK! ^^;;)... uh, I have no idea why I chose it for a name, but oh well! Yep I'm an anime and manga freak, used to watch Tenchi Muyo as well, along with the good ol' toonami line up of overly edited anime (Yep, definately succeeded on the nerd check *looks to see that he rolled a 20*), then I moved on to unedited anime in japanese with english subtitles, I watched all of Love Hina, Chobits, Final Fantasy Unlimited, Serial Experiments Lain (the freakiest anime ever), Hellsing, and I started to download all of Fushigi Yuugi, but as soon as I reached episode 32 I couldn'd get anymore T.T *sobs and sniffles* ... does that qualify me as an anime freak lol?... anyway *coughs* Yeah I'll be posting the Spirits, but I'm gunna have to post two different versions, banished and normal, it might take awhile, but I will get it posted.

P.S. nope not from the show, this conversation most definately, didn't happen... *shifty eyes* damn squirrells, always watching they are...

blackthornes's picture
Joined: 2005-04-21
Aluncian Creations

The giant wurm is interesting, it is a very strong creature, and man do i wish i had the epic level handbook now! *Sobs* Oh , well guess i need to work on that one *(please Bel, Give me a better Job!)*

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20
Aluncian Creations

*sighs* I really gatta update this thing and finally put in new creatures (damn you busyness and... stuff... >.< )

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