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LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30

I was reading through a discussion in another section about giving stats to the super powerful stuff like powers and the Lords of Nine and saw the term "Altroloths".

What is an Altroloth?

I haven't seen a reference to these in any of my Planescape Materials.

I don't have a complete Planescape collection though, so I suspect it would have to be mentioned in either The Planes of Conflict, Dead Gods (I hear there is some new creature in that 128 page adventure), or The Blood War, or doubtfully, Faction War, because those are the four "Big Items" I am missing. Oh, and I have none of the Monstrous Compendiums other than those included in the main box, the chaos box, and the law box.

They aren't even mentioned in Faces of Evil.

So . . . what is an Altroloth?

Are they more powerful than the General, who I always thought was the most powerful loth besides the baernoloths (spelling on that had to be wrong . . .)?

Where are they "in the grand scheme of things" is what I really want to know?

I'm assuming higher than your "standard" Ultroloth, although Faces of Evil left me believing that there was nothing past Ultroloth as far as new forms to evolve to go.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: Altroloths?

"LegatoX" wrote:
I was reading through a discussion in another section about giving stats to the super powerful stuff like powers and the Lords of Nine and saw the term "Altroloths".

What is an Altroloth?

I haven't seen a reference to these in any of my Planescape Materials.

I don't have a complete Planescape collection though, so I suspect it would have to be mentioned in either The Planes of Conflict, Dead Gods (I hear there is some new creature in that 128 page adventure), or The Blood War, or doubtfully, Faction War, because those are the four "Big Items" I am missing. Oh, and I have none of the Monstrous Compendiums other than those included in the main box, the chaos box, and the law box.

They aren't even mentioned in Faces of Evil.

So . . . what is an Altroloth?

Are they more powerful than the General, who I always thought was the most powerful loth besides the baernoloths (spelling on that had to be wrong . . .)?

Where are they "in the grand scheme of things" is what I really want to know?

I'm assuming higher than your "standard" Ultroloth, although Faces of Evil left me believing that there was nothing past Ultroloth as far as new forms to evolve to go.

There are other forms for the loths to evolve to after ultra but by then they get the complete custom deeleo

Shemeska the Marauder's picture
Joined: 2004-04-26

Altraloths are a deviation from the standard 'loth heirarchy. They exemplify power over purity, a very large deviation from the standard 'loth creed of purity is synonymous with power.

This all came about in an article by Ed Bonny in the Dragon magazine Annual #2. Altraloths are yugoloths who bargain with a powerful cabal of night hags. For some specified period of time, or specific actions, the hags pool their collective power and give it to the 'loth, creating a champion of sorts. The 'loth is bound by the agreement with the hags but is massively empowered and given a unique form by this act. This also leaves the hags weak and vulnerable for a prolonged period of time during which they are dependant on the 'loth for protection. It's not something done lightly by the hags, and there's a fair risk of death in the process for the 'loth.

Known altraloths include:


After the 'loths contract is up, he's free to do as he wishes. And for Xenghara, who takes the form of an ash gray Solar, he chose to slaughter the hags who made him. Since then the hags have been wary about creating more altraloths given the nature of the 'loths in question.

Any 'loth can become an altraloth regardless of their caste previous. Bubonix is thought to have been an arcanaloth. Taba was a nycaloth. Typhus may have been a mezzoloth.

And no, they're not more powerful than The General. Some have suggested that The General is one as well, but it doesn't fit what is known about him at all, nor that the Baern treat him as a favored child, plus that the General predates the night hags. Of note, the new Oinoloth, Mydianchlarus is -not- an altraloth, but 'just' a supremely powerful Ultroloth.

Anarch's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19

"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
Of note, the new Oinoloth, Mydianchlarus is -not- an altraloth, but 'just' a supremely powerful Ultroloth.

For a moment there I thought fandoms had collided and that the new Oinoloth was Midichlorianus.

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30

Ah cool, thanks for clearing it up (I've never been a reader of Dragon/Dungeon or any of those publications, no wonder I never heard of them).

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11

"Anarch" wrote:
"Shemeska the Marauder" wrote:
Of note, the new Oinoloth, Mydianchlarus is -not- an altraloth, but 'just' a supremely powerful Ultroloth.

For a moment there I thought fandoms had collided and that the new Oinoloth was Midichlorianus.

Cloaked and hooded night hag: "You have done well, my apprentice."

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