Alternate Planescapes

Gerzel's picture

What alternate versions of Planescape would you like to see?
Here are some general catagories to get a headcount on.

Deckers, runners, riggers, juicers and street samurai. All of em high teck and low life.

Post Apocalyptic
You are the last of the multiverse…who cares about gold when there is no water or food left?

The old empires have fallen. We pray for forgiveness of our sins.

Friends, Planars, Primemen! Lend me your ears!

Steam Age
The steam engine has come to pass. Steal and coal roar across the planes in the name of progress.

Modern/Near Future
Not too different from today

Mobsters and Flappers
This is Lovecraft's era too…

Pulp Era
Forgotton ruins, fast planes, vixens and dames, don't forget your hat

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Alternate Planescapes

I voted for the LEAST obvious choice, simply because nothing like it has been done before.

A Greek/Roman interpretation of Planescape would certainly be intriguing. As an example, imagine that in place of factions of belief, we could have factions of elements... At their heads would be pre-Socratic-type sages of worldy wisdom.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Alternate Planescapes

For a Graeco-Roman planescape, I'd imagine the factions being replaced by a selection of cults - the cult of Bacchus, the Cynics, the cult of Persephone...

And why do I find myself imagining a Baatezu's triumphal procession?

Hecruel's picture
Joined: 2005-02-14
Alternate Planescapes

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
For a Graeco-Roman planescape, I'd imagine the factions being replaced by a selection of cults - the cult of Bacchus, the Cynics, the cult of Persephone...

And why do I find myself imagining a Baatezu's triumphal procession?

Heh heh. Quite. I can think of good ideas for every one of the eras listed.. Stone age, Egyptian, messopotamian...heck you could do a PS setting with the old russian fairy tales as the central theme.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Alternate Planescapes

And those cyberpunk and modern options look exciting... someone should really do something about those. Smiling

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Alternate Planescapes

"Persephone Imytholin" wrote:
For a Graeco-Roman planescape, I'd imagine the factions being replaced by a selection of cults - the cult of Bacchus, the Cynics, the cult of Persephone...

And why do I find myself imagining a Baatezu's triumphal procession?

That has an almost Mage: The Ascension quality to it...

FyreHowl's picture
Joined: 2003-12-28
Alternate Planescapes

Now I like the idea of old potentially creepy fairy tales mixed with Planescape. That just sounds downright ridiculously nifty!

ALthough I have to say, while everything sounds pretty good, I really dont see a post-apocolyptic being ...well. that enjoyable? Planescape can be pretty darned dark without being post-apocolyptic.

Then again, just having come off Shemmy's dark as midnight planescape campaign I may well be biased.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Alternate Planescapes

Just thought of an idea for another PS Alternate.

Turn most of the outlands into an Ocean. Have the gatetowns each have harbors that can dock a ship in sigil or into the respective plane. Throw in some continents pirates ect and you have the nine seas of planescape!

eldersphinx's picture
Joined: 2004-12-06
Alternate Planescapes

"Gerzel" wrote:
Just thought of an idea for another PS Alternate.

Turn most of the outlands into an Ocean. Have the gatetowns each have harbors that can dock a ship in sigil or into the respective plane. Throw in some continents pirates ect and you have the nine seas of planescape!

Ooooh. Ooooh. Oooooooh.

This sparked a thought on Alternate Planescapes: the Harold Shea style of planewalking/universal transference, which is essentially that you get to a different universe by believing you're not in Kansas anymore. I've got this sudden absolutely delicious vision of a bunch of mystic piratical types who get from place to place in the 'canon' PS strangely quickly, and without using any of the standard portals... because they simply transpose themselves into the Worldocean alternate and hoist sails to their destination...

LegatoX's picture
Joined: 2005-01-30
Alternate Planescapes

Post-Apocalyptic just seems like you are playing Dark Sun with more room to run around. In other words, it doesn't sound fun Smiling (I despise Dark Sun . . . you can only take so much desert wandering and gladiator fighting and being poor . . .).

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Alternate Planescapes

I don't interpret it that way.

Post-apocalyptic could be combined with any number of the other themes mentioned in this thread so far. For instance, you could have a combined Cyberpunk/Post-apocalytpic Planescape setting were a multiplanar war has ravaged the planes and left only a few cyber-resources for those who remain to fight over. Like a planar-wide ethereal-net for example...

Elements from both, can be combined to give the setting more depth. Just because you're choosing a theme for the game, doesn't mean you have to borrow from it completely.

Worlds are organic places. History is the fluid. Nothing ever occurs completely true to what theories, models, or templates suggest. This is true moreso for Planescape, than nearly every other setting ever published.

Korimyr the Rat's picture
Joined: 2005-03-01
Alternate Planescapes

Mobsters and Flappers: 1920s Noir Planescape.

Obviously, with Sigil being the biggest city anywhere, it has room for New York, Boston, and Chicago all rolled into one. Throw in a dash of New Orleans voodoo sensibilities, and stir.

Nattily dressed tiefling hustlers hang out in seedy, smoky pool halls, trying to scratch up enough jink to buy their way into one of the big Baatezu syndicates... or maybe they're just trying to stir up enough trouble to get noticed by the roving bands of Tanar'ri.

The Blood War has spread to the back alleys and gutters of Sigil, with the Baatezu's organized cartels trying to protect their slice of the black market from hostile takeovers by the insane, violent Tanar'ri. Celestials either try to enforce the law or to protect the average berk from its excesses, depending on their own inclinations.

The Harmonium's Prohibition Enforcement wing tries to shut down these pool halls, since they're fronts for criminal activity and bootlegging-- liquor, and if you believe the rumors, other, more terrible things-- and most normal cutters just try to avoid getting caught, or caught up.

Bashers too amibitious for their own good find themselves on the wrong side of the law, and oftentimes the wrong side of the fiends, and they gotta lay low in the Gate towns-- though if either side wants them bad enough, there's nowhere in the Multiverse they're really going to be safe.

And in between all of this, the Planes are still run by belief-- but philosophy's a luxury in Sigil's mean streets. The factions are still around, but membership is down as most berks seek solace in the bottle or the other pleasures of the speakeasies. Planewalkers can make a good bit of jink working for the factions, or working for the syndicates, or even working for the law-- as long as they don't get their names written in the Dead Book with a tommy gun.

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Alternate Planescapes

Wow. Very very nice!

sphagetti man's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21
Alternate Planescapes

I'm surprised you didnt put steampunk there that be something different
but I prefer the greek/rome style as well

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Alternate Planescapes

Knowing Gerz's reading habits I think that was implied with the Steam option actually. Eye-wink

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Alternate Planescapes

"Korimyr the Rat" wrote:
Mobsters and Flappers: 1920s Noir Planescape.
YAY! Finally someone else who sees it the way I do! Smiling I just wanna play a hard on his luck, out of work, bariaur private eye (with fedora)....

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Alternate Planescapes

"Clueless" wrote:
Knowing Gerz's reading habits I think that was implied with the Steam option actually. Eye-wink

Steam Age I put down because it is more general than Steam Punk. At least to my thinking.

Persephone Imytholin's picture
Joined: 2005-02-02
Alternate Planescapes

"Clueless" wrote:
YAY! Finally someone else who sees it the way I do! Smiling I just wanna play a hard on his luck, out of work, bariaur private eye (with fedora)....

And would this hardboiled bariaur detective be trying to track down the Menausus Falcon?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Alternate Planescapes

*innocent look* Just think. When the love interest has four legs you get twice the sexy saxaphone music on a pan from toe to head...

Gerzel's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Alternate Planescapes

"Clueless" wrote:
*innocent look* Just think. When the love interest has four legs you get twice the sexy saxaphone music on a pan from toe to head...

Yes but which toe? And what end are the fiddly bits on? Do the succubi charge em extra for the odd position?

Fell's picture
Joined: 2004-12-07
Alternate Planescapes

"Clueless" wrote:
"Korimyr the Rat" wrote:
Mobsters and Flappers: 1920s Noir Planescape.
YAY! Finally someone else who sees it the way I do! Smiling I just wanna play a hard on his luck, out of work, bariaur private eye (with fedora)....
"Spare some change friend?"

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