Since the Far Realm has absolutely no alignment trait, vis-a-vis the mildly neutral alignment trait of all in-multiverse planes other than those aligned to other alignments, could it support alignment based lifeforms? That is to say, could an alignment exemplar (e.g. a baernaloth) enter the Far Realm and stand as much of a chance (if not more) than any other berk trying to fathom the unfathomable? Or would it simply be unable to enter the Far Realm at all, due to its strongly alignment based existence?
Thank you!
Alignment Exemplars & the Far Realm
Tue, 2007-11-20 16:38
Alignment Exemplars & the Far Realm
One might question whether the nature of the particular Far Realm it enters would be changed by the baernoloth's presence, or whether the baernoloth's nature would be changed by the action of the Far Realm.
The idea of high-up yugoloths being horribly horribly corrupted (by yugoloth standards) by exposure to a Far Realm is very appealing... for that would threaten to change the very nature of evil itself (roar!) and would be one of the few things that would creep them out.
BoGr Guide to Missile Combat:
1) Equip a bow or crossbow.
2) Roll a natural 1 on d20.
3) ?????
4) Profit!