Alignment and player actions question

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Pale Night's picture
Joined: 2008-01-02
Alignment and player actions question

Wasn't sure of the correct forum for this but it is related to my campaign and I need some advice.

Some background:
The party is made up of a Thief/Mage (TN), Fighter (CN), Priestess of Selune (CG) and a mage (CN).
The situation revolves around the mage. She spent most of her teenage years as a slave being sold on from owner to owner, was frequently sexually abused and mistreated, and eventually escaped slavery by killing her last master. Recently she found documents while searching the home of another (otherwise unrelated) slaver that gave the location of her first owner.
The party went to this persons home and broke in in the middle of the night. They found out that the slaver was now an old man with an incurable wasting disease and on his death bed. This man never sexually abused the character but was still very abusive to her. When she went into this man's room and saw him lying there near death she simply walked straight up to him and killed him without a word! The rest of the party was shocked by the actions as they were expecting her to talk only. I was surprised at the action as well which was essentially murder.

So my question, how well does this fall in with her alignment? She is CN. What about the rest of the party? The priestess of Selune was the only direct witness to the act, the other party members were watching the old man's wife to make sure she didn't try and call the watch.
In the end they cast a sleep spell on the old man's wife and fled the city as they recognised the act for what it was - a murder.

I was cursing because the old man was going to introduce a subplot that would have ended up (after several more encounters over the course of the campaign) in running Dead Gods (I was going to add the twist that the party would have a motivation for Orcus to return because a priestess of Kiaranselee was behind the mage becoming a slave in the first place). I can easily work around it and introduce the subplot later, but the way which events played out has me wondering. The murder was pretty cold blooded, but, given the character history, not entirely uncalled for. In her defence she was not intending on killing the old man but was overtaken with rage when she saw him again, and later regretted her actions.I am wondering about the most is what of the other characters? Especially the CG priestess? I feel I really need to address what happened in the context of the campaign and am after some suggestions on how this might be accomplished.

So, if this was your campaign how would you handle what happened?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Alignment and player actions question

That's an interesting problem you have there.

Personally, I think the Mage's actions were perfectly within her alignment. If it had been just some random guy she killed, then yes, that would be a good step towards evil. However, considering her history and the fact that this man could be seen as one of the main contributing factors, I think that succumbing to her emotions is a very CN act. She acted on impulse without considering how it would affect anyone, even herself, as shown by the way she regretted it later. As long as she doesn't make a habit of this, I'd say it was a very dramatic and character defining moment with a lot of promise for future development.

As for the rest of the party, I don't think the CN Fighter would have much of an issue (given, I don't know the player's outlook on the subject) as long as he is also aware of the facts in the case. The TN Theif/Mage would probably see this as more of a tit for tat sort of situation, which while it might shift the balance in the opposite direction a little far, was not completely uncalled for.

The CG Priestess is the only one I can see having a real problem with this. As a priestess of good intent, she would probably feel obligated to report the death, or somehow recompense the man's wife, or somehow make some good of the situation. I don't think it's exactly a 'crisis of faith' sort of situation, but she did witness a murder perpetrated by a close companion. More than anything I think she would try to convince the Mage to atone somehow, but the specifics of that sort of thing are beyond what I can speculate at right now.

Wow. That was a long one. If any of that made any sense, then you're pretty lucky. Disregard any useless ramblings. I've got a headache

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Alignment and player actions question

As above, that's how I'd expect it to play out unless the players surprised me again.

Depending on the society she's in the regret may change how the crime is treated. AFAIK intent to kill is the difference between murder 1 and murder 2 after all, and in a more primitive society the code of laws may be up to heavy reinterpretation by the local lord. Guy doesn't sound like too nice a guy anyways. If you're society has a viking flare to it she may just have to pay weregild.

On the other hand - in the back of my head beyond all the mental fumbling trying to figure out how to handle this... I'd be cheering for your players. They've done a delightful thing: They've let the characters take over the actions. So, you've got a healthy game and another plot hook and a bevy of players ready to roll with it. Go you! Smiling

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Alignment and player actions question

Interesting dilema. From Lawfulll point of view it murder but from Chaotic point of view it is revenge and it can even be considered euthanasis, I mean she relived the man out of his misery. But I guess that you should tallk to all players (especialy the mage player) about this: what do they think and feel about that act.

But since the avereage aligment of party is CN (with good tendencies) I think that the soon they will realise that they heave done the man a favor by killing them and if the man was evil the mage player should have some satisfaction from fact that his petitoner is roasting in one lower plane or another.

About your plot to introduce preistes of Kiaranselee here is some ideas: preistes learns that the man who sold her the mage is brutaly killed, so she wants to investigate how much dark he spilled. So she wants to know if characters are coming after her and first she harases slavers widow and then she steals man's corpse to cast speak with dead. Anyways she did learn that killer is one of her slaves and prehaps she would want to return the good ol' times, or even start haras them from shadows. Having unknown enemy is great way to have PCs starts wandering where they have messed up this time.


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Pale Night's picture
Joined: 2008-01-02
Alignment and player actions question

you guys rock! Thanks for the replies Smiling

Initially I was quite thrown by her actions - in the past we have always had a majority good aligned party, but this time I encouraged them to go with neutral alignments so we could explore darker subjects, and as soon as they start exploring I fumble the dice! But in retrospect I am pretty happy with the way it all played out.

Squaff - thanks a lot for the suggestion, I will most definitely yoink that plot to bring my priestess of Kiaranselee quickly back into the picture. It's a heaps more natural story progression than trying to introduce another past slave master of the mage or similar heavy handed tactic.

Clueless - yep, I'm pretty much cheering. The person who plays the mage told me that he (yep he!) put a lot of thought into what to do, and it shows. The discovery was made right at the end of the previous session and they acted last session (a down time between games of about 4 weeks). I am really happy with the way the whole party acted. I spoke to the person playing the Priestess of Selune and they plan an travelling to a major temple and speaking with the high ranking priestesses there for guidance. I think I will work in the suggestions of Hymneth there for sure.

Hymneth - thanks mate much appreciated. I think I will have the priestesses of Selune suggest actions such as those you suggested. You are also right about the fighter, he is a battle hungry gladiator who was also once a slave!

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Alignment and player actions question

This is coming months later, but just because the guy was a bastard to her, doesn't mean he wasn't loved by his family. Hitler liked his dogs.

So, what are his kids doing about all this? Start small. Money is spent on scrying spells. Questions are asked in the locale. Did the players spend any time on the Plane in question? Backtracking.

If the kid is only an expert, maybe he was a reasonably wealthy merchant. Perhaps a long stream of mercenaries start following the players, with only a description.

And maybe...just maybe, the Priestess is initially approached by the Widow grieving...who also happens to be pumping for info. And the priestess, bless her heart, will feel guilty enough to say off the cuff, but very damaging information.

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