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Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

Yea, for a story im writting (which, in the end, i fully plan on submitting to planewalker) I need both a phisical description and creature description of an alhoon, as in the mindflayer liches in case i misspelled.

also, does anyone know weither creature that are born on the astral have silver cords? I don't think the githyanki have them, so if a creature was created on the astral, could the githyanki still cut their cord, does the cord even exist?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

thats a good question... by the way, do you want me to help? or are you all set for everything ther than the chord and astral plane?

(I personally think that if they were born in the astral plane then they don't have a chord, unless if they go outside the astral plane itself... but why would they do that?..... I mean other than trying to defeat the Githzerai?)

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

i feel stupid now. maybe i should have posted this on the rakkma forum, but that seems to have died.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Re: alhoon

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Yea, for a story im writting (which, in the end, i fully plan on submitting to planewalker) I need both a phisical description and creature description of an alhoon, as in the mindflayer liches in case i misspelled.

They look like mind flayers with dry, withered skin. Sometimes you can see their bones.

In other words, they look like dead mind flayers. They are to mind flayers as regular liches are to other races. They don't secrete the slimy mucous that living mind flayer skin is able to secrete.

also, does anyone know weither creature that are born on the astral have silver cords? I don't think the githyanki have them, so if a creature was created on the astral, could the githyanki still cut their cord, does the cord even exist?

Only astrally projecting characters have silver cords. It's a ninth level spell; it's called Astral Projection. It splits your spirit (different from your soul, since outsiders are able to use this spell) from your body, and the silver cord connects the two so you can find your way back to your body. Githyanki silver swords are specially designed to sever these cords, killing the astral travelers (or "cord babies," as the planar slang goes).

Characters who enter the Astral Plane in person (through portals, gate spells, or planeshifting magic) don't have or need astral cords. They bring their bodies with them.

Githyanki are almost always in the Astral Plane in person. It's possible for them to go to another plane and cast Astral Projection, but they almost never have any reason to do this. By the time they're high enough level to cast the spell, they're easily able to planeshift to and from the Astral Plane on their own.

Note that almost nobody is born on the Astral Plane. Because time does not pass there, fetuses don't develop in the Silver Void, and children don't grow up. Githyanki are usually born on other planes where they have set up fortresses expressedly for the purpose of bearing and rearing young. When a githyanki becomes an adult, she is brought with the others of her "graduating class" to the Astral to join the other adults.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

Okay, thanks. that makes thing so much easyer
No time eh? so the scret to imortalty is living on the astral. can you still die from poisons, or a curse like mummy rot ( aka can you be infected with mummy rot, run to the astral and stay ther untill you find a cleric with remove curse to help you?

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Okay, thanks. that makes thing so much easyer No time eh? so the scret to imortalty is living on the astral. can you still die from poisons, or a curse like mummy rot ( aka can you be infected with mummy rot, run to the astral and stay ther untill you find a cleric with remove curse to help you?

Yes, but note that time "catches up" with you when you leave the plane. So if you contact a slow-acting poison, hold up on the Astral Plane for a week, and then come back to a plane within Time you drop dead. If you stay in the Astral Plane past your natural lifespan and then return to a plane within Time, you drop dead.

If you're nine months pregnant and go to the Astral Plane, you can still give birth via induced labor or caesarian section. Say you keep your baby with you for ten years, then move to the Material Plane. You both instantly age ten years.

Presumedly, your baby has been developing mentally in the last decade (the Astral is the plane of the mind, to some extent) , but it won't be used to its new ten year old body, and will be pretty clumsy for a while and probably not potty trained or used to eating or drinking anything, since you don't have to do those things outside Time.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

so time catches up with you when you leave. Still, it would be an interesting way to keep someone alive if they have important information that someone things has to be keep safe.
although, any portal out of the astral would be deadly.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22

How about a spell that stops aging?

Of course, that raises a chronophilosophical question: what if you cast it a milion years after you enter the astral? Does the aging before casting still catch up?

If so, what if you cast "cure poison" on the astral? Does the poison that should have coursed before casting still catch up after you leave?

dread pirate swan's picture
Joined: 2004-12-21

if i am chronomancer and in the astral planes will my time manipulation spells still work or would i just be wasting spells?

Tenshi's picture
Joined: 2004-12-20

actually... um Fidrikon and I were discussing that... and yeah, so for it wuold seem so... but it is a spell and even though time is stopped so natural healing isn't allowed, healing from magic is allowed... so there might be a chance... but I can't give you the answer yet

Eternal Zzyx's picture
Joined: 2004-11-15

Where can I get information on chronomancy, it sems quite an intresting subject

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13

Do you want an artistic description or what's in the Monsters of Faerun book? Smiling

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

I read up on liches, but here what I don't get:

when you destroyu the lich's phylactory, does the lich die on the spot? or does it mean the the Lich won't get up the next time someone kills it.
In other words, would a lich have time to make another Phylactory?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

It means they won't get back up. Think of a philactory as a sort of 'lich backup system' - they invest their time, their soul, theirpower into it. Hypothetically they could make another one I suppose, though that's up to the DM depending on what rituals are *used* to make a lich and a philactory. If you have to make a philactory to become a lich it might not be repeatable once you're already a lich. But usually they keep the first one is such a protected place that if it's destroyed, then usually they're already dead by then.

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13

"Fidrikon" wrote:
I read up on liches, but here what I don't get:

when you destroyu the lich's phylactory, does the lich die on the spot? or does it mean the the Lich won't get up the next time someone kills it.
In other words, would a lich have time to make another Phylactory?

A smart lich has more than one phylactery available. They also have a 'fake' phylactery that is usually done up...made to look important, when their real one is actually rather plain and unassuming in appearance.

I should probably post my 'Chain Phylactery' feat from my Stygian #6 article.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Oh - sounds like a good feat - I'm interested. Smiling any chances we'll get it up on Planewalker proper too?

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19

Hmm, a fake phylactory... maybe placed in an almost impossible to break into vault, while the real phlactory is a metal box hidding in a statuethats built into the lich's lair...

wait, when the lich wakes up, is it in a newly created body, or does the old body wake up?
Aka, does the lich get a new body every time it dies?

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13

"Fidrikon" wrote:
Hmm, a fake phylactory... maybe placed in an almost impossible to break into vault, while the real phlactory is a metal box hidding in a statuethats built into the lich's lair...

wait, when the lich wakes up, is it in a newly created body, or does the old body wake up?
Aka, does the lich get a new body every time it dies?

A lich possesses a dead body located within a certain distance of their phylactery, making it their own. This actually take a few days to do, though. Not sure why, but it is my guess to give the 'PCs' a chance to find and destroy the phylactery.

Some liches actually Clone themselves and preserve the body created in order to have something to possess if their current body is destroyed.

I had a PC lich that had the skeleton of a Balor near his phylactery that he planned on using as a new body should he 'die'.

KingOfChaos's picture
Joined: 2004-05-13

"Clueless" wrote:
Oh - sounds like a good feat - I'm interested. Smiling any chances we'll get it up on Planewalker proper too?

If you guys want it, sure Smiling

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30

Heck yes!

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