Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

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Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

A comment on recent article on ( inspired me recently. Mostly the idea that it's impossible to adventure on the elemental planes. I'd like to prove that wrong, by creating an entire adventure path set on the elemental planes.

There's no need to go from one to twenty or thirty or whatever. In fact, focusing more on the lower levels would help to prove the point that the elemental planes are viable locations for adventure, though certainly lower levels would focus on the more hospitable regions of the elemental planes. So I'm think that the earliest adventures will take place in some elemental metropolis such as the City of Brass. Then later the campaign can progress to wilderness adventures in such locations as the elemental plane of air, air pockets in elemental earth, etc. Later on the adventures will take place in more hostile regions of course.

Next thing to think of is the theme or subject that binds all the adventures together. In a regular Planescape campaign this might be a philosophical question of some sort "What can change the nature of a man?" or "Truth is in the eye of the beholder". However, in the Inner Planes, philosophy and belief are of less importance. So that will certainly color our selection of themes. If it is something related to philosophy, then it should be something related to the Inner Planes, perhaps something to do with the conflict between different elements and energies, off the top of my head. We'll also want to think of whether we want on BBEG, multiple conflicting antagonists, or perhaps a conflict not driven by any antagonist, but rather by an event that no one being or collection of beings is responsible for. I personally think we should avoid having the adventure path be resolved by just killing a guy, whether or not the conflict is driven by one main BBEG or not. Likely the climax of the whole path will involve a conflict against one or more antagonists, but will not be resolved wholly by that conflict.

Obviously I'd like to have some help, since it's a tall order to write an entire adventure path by oneself. I'll probably create at least one adventure, perhaps several, but some help would be nice. Also I'd like to leave some "gaps" in the story. Some interludes where the DM can insert they're own adventures, other published, adventures or for more player driven, "sandboxy" adventures. We might create some material for this stage of the campaign, like some side adventures not tied directly to the main plot. So, anybody with me?

Jack of tears's picture
Joined: 2005-12-13
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

It's late and I've been up for way too long, but I once ran an adventure wherein the characters used a magical item to inhabit elemental bodies and move about the plane of fire toward their ultimate goal. They had no access to their normal abilities, spells, and so forth, but instead had a couple different element types to choose from and access to the powers - and naturally, resistances - of those elementals. It was only one portion of a much larger campaign, but much fun was had by all as they got to experiment with their borrowed forms and do things they never could have done as flesh and blood creatures.

Should it strike your fancy, feel free to steal the idea and use it at your leisure.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I just finished reading “Secrets of the Lamp” involving the various genie races. So with some inspiration from there, here is my (weak) stab at an “Elemental Adventure Path”

-While on some side adventure to the Ethereal, a PC comes into contact with some proto-matter and now a part of his body has reverted to proto-matter (describe the “unknown substance” in such a way as to make the proto-mater enticing so that the PC starts poking at it by his own choice). Now, he has to find the means to reverse the condition or else his arm with dissolve when he returns to the Prime
-First trek is to find a scholar (residing in the Ethereal perhaps near a “gap”) who will then explain that the PC must trek to the four elemental planes to restore the individual. Also says that the PC will be fine so long as he remains on the Ethereal or one of the Elemental Planes (perhaps the affected body part will transform resulting in a arm of solid fire while on Fire, an arm of stone on Earth, etc.) but must have the “quintessence” of each of the elements to be whole back on the Prime
-Scholar suggests the second trek to the Plane of Water to obtain a magical means for the party survive on all the elemental planes (the scholar has an inferior magic to allow them to breathe on Water for a while). Minor adventure exploring Water while searching for the marid
-In exchange for the magic to survive the planes, PCs are asked to investigate rumors of an artifact remaining within the ruins of the Elemental Evil of Water. Because of its properties, it is rumored to be especially “damaging” to the marid. The marid potentate (with great difficult) asks for the PCs help to retrieve it so that it can be destroyed. After retrieving it (in a special container), they are given the quintessence of Water they need
-Since it is uncertain to which plane the PCs will go next, the rest of these suggestions have to be flexible. Most likely, the PCs will take a trip to Air next but if they go to Earth, they find the dao, elementals and other natives even more reclusive and secretive than usual. They will make no progress on Earth at present. Behind the scenes, a mysterious figure has promised the dao freedom from the yakmen in exchange for some covert acts.
- If the PCs go to Air or Fire: the dao were told by their mysterious benefactor to kidnap a djinn (or an efreet) but make it look like it was done by an efreet (or a djinn) in an attempt to start an inter-planar war. PCs get involved to solve the mystery of who was really responsible. The PCs will get the quintessence of the current plane (Air or Fire) for solving this mystery
- While the PCs were unraveling the mystery, some angry young djinn (or efreet) took a band of his men (and related elementals) for military actions against their “enemies”. Now the PCs are now asked to find the Sultan of the Efreet (or the Caliph of the Djinn) to try to act as ambassadors to try to prevent the rash acts from preceding event from starting a war; but the ruler is out on a dangerous hunt. PC must travel through area with dangerous predators to reach the ruler. Despite their best efforts, they aren’t believed and the conflict starts to escalate (although the PCs will receive the elemental component they need from the ruler who was impressed with their bravery)
-A water gen or other friend from the earlier adventure on Water tells the PCs that the artifact retrieved in the earlier adventure from Water HAS “damaged” a marid court in that it has corrupted the PC’s former allies to evil. Now there is a civil war among the marid. PCs must deal with attacks from the good marid (as the PCs are known friends of the now evil marid) and with trying to find a way to defeat their former friends while killing/injuring as few as possible. Even after the PCs fetch the evil artifact, this has no effect on the current conflicts in Water which are being aggravated by hidden agents
-Trek into the Plane of Fire to destroy the evil artifact of water. Deal with agents of Elemental Evil who want the item back
-Despite the PCs’ best efforts, war is escalating in Water (civil war) and between Air and Fire. PCs will probably just want to get their last element (Earth) and leave. Upon arriving on that plane, the PCs are surprised to find the plane in chaos as a growing number of dao have joined a new faction that has thrown off the influence of the yakmen. This faction is rapidly growing in power and a LOT of violence is happening on Earth (mostly focused on the yakmen but PCs are probably close enough in physiology for the dao's rage). PCs will find that the center of this violent faction is a prince of Elemental Evil seeking to rebuild his cult
-Incriminating evidence found indicating that all of the conflict on the Elemental Planes has been due to the agents of Elemental Evil trying to rebuild their lost power. Implications that if they are not stopped now then their next point of attack will be the Prime

I think the last stage(s) should involve more of the elementals and less of the genie races; but I’ll leave this higher level stuff to others for the time being

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

In a topic some ways back, I posted a bunch of adventure seeds involving the Inner Planes, including a bunch that could be combined. Though there were some parts that took place on Baator (involving the freeing of Levistus) Though the adventure path would already start at level 5 or so.

I do not recall the exact order, but I believe the first quest involved investigating sacrifices/disappearances of elemental planetouched (turns out they are thrown into pits which have portals in them, where they are sent to an evil Elemental Prince's stronghold to become their servants/slaves) The next quest involves something from my writings-- Quaereim, the Traitor's Fork-- the weapon Chilimba used to murder Brista Pel, the Princess of Fire. The fork gained sentience when it slayed her, and it has yearned to feast on the souls of Imix and Zaaman Rul, as well (after doing so, it desires to feast on the soul of its master, Chilimba-- it already devoured the souls of its forgers long ago, BTW) Zaaman Rul also learns the truth about his mother's murder being the work of Ekhak and Chilimba (up until now he was convinced that Imix murdered her) The players must capture the fork and find a way to destroy it on the Mountain of Ultimate Winter.
At this point the players are at epic levels. This quest is another of my creations-- the players must prevent Cryonax from completing The Winter's Resurrection, an uber powerful artifact rivalling even the Rod of 7 Parts-- should he manage to collect all 999 fragments (he has 989 at this point), he will possess an artifact capable of freezing the entirety or near entirety of the Inner Planes (and thus the entire multiverse). Completing the artifact requires the freeing of Levistus, whose glacier is powered by one of the fragments imbedded within.
The final quest involves preventing the freeing of Tharizdun, which will require negotiating with the Princes of Elemental Good, Crystalle, and also Yan-C-Bin plus Cryonax (the other evil princes cannot be convinced and will remain enemies) (note that the initial quest was part of the buildup to this, and there are also clues in the Quaereim quest that this is coming)

Should the characters succeed, the next batch of heroes may have to deal with the ramifications of a freed Levistus, assuming *very likely* that the PCs were unable to stop Cryonax's minions from releasing him. (BTW, this quest also explains why Cryonax promised to release Levistus from his prison, as mentioned in Dragon Magazine 347)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Oh, and to Palomides: I like your idea. However, I would expand upon it: The party should include a true-neutral druid and a priest of one of the elemental lords (thus having the domain of Balance), and the Princes of Elemental Good are also meddling, hence the civil war (they have taken the opportunity to try and convert the genies to good in order to offset the evil, but they have also gotten ahead of themselves and want to turn all the genies good) The quest may also involve dealing with the Qorrashi genies on Ice, and allying with Crystalle, the Prince of Quasielemental Neutral Mineral, who is worried about the balance of the planes. Working with the elemental servants, druid circles, and priesthoods of the Elemental Lords would be a must.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Some interesting ideas, but I'm not seeing much about lower-levels. What might the adventurers be doing in the first several levels?

Palomides, you're idea is interesting, but rather railroady with respect to the beginning. Requiring player action to even start off the plot is just asking for trouble. We should give a hook that serves as a strong incentive for the PCs to get involved, without forcing specific actions on them.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I don't think low-level adventures are even possible except within the confines of some Air and Water cities, and even then, you'd have to really go out of your way to plot-device the whole thing so that stronger creatures don't get involved.

Even the City of Brass isn't a place for low-level characters (sure, they can survive there, but one false move and a horde of efreet will be opening a can of flaming whoop-ass on the party. Ditto if your players poke around at stuff too much-- the City of Brass is full of crap that can burn them to death and then some)

One option however is to send the characters to a city that is racially segregated, and have the adventure take place almost entirely in the Mephit Quarter >_>
Though if you want to go a much more boring, less exotic route, just have it take place within the confines of a human/elven/dwarven/etc. colony city or town and make it a cityscape quest (yaaawn I hate cities-- both in gaming and IRL)

As for the adventure path I suggested, the initial part (planetouched sacrifices and kidnappings) could or even should take place primarily in two or three dungeons on the Prime, so the players will be raising their levels a bit, there.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Thanks for the defense Hyena.

I'm not too worried about the criticism as a) I just threw together my adventure path to generate some ideas so I'm not that attached to it and b) the criticisms are somewhat justified

Regarding being railroad-y, guilty; but then again most Adventure Paths are somewhat railroady. My only thought was that I was trying to get the PCs to all the major planes without revealing a major threat immediately which the PCs would KNOW that they had to go to all the planes to save the world. I was trying to force them to explore for selfish reasons and uncover the larger conspiracies of war and the Rising Threat by the activities they see while exploring.
Admittedly, if the Adventure Path was designed to only involve one (or only a few) elemental plane(s) it would probably be easier to make something that feels more "organic". I am guilty of letting my mind race to the PCs HAVING to go to all the planes

Regarding the higher levels, Hyena kind of pegged it. I was assuming (unless one wanted to start on Air - or Water, if the PCs are handed water-breathing magic) that the PCs would be starting at the lower part of the mid-level bracket. As I just didn't want to start on Air and since the PCs would be hopping planes, I had no problem with this assumption

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Well, most low-level Planescape adventures are in Sigil, right? So I was figuring the AP would start off with a similar set up, in a Inner Planar city. I wouldn't think the fact that efreet are the primary inhabitants of the City of Brass would be an insurmountable obstacle. After all, some of Sigil's inhabitants are far stronger than Efreet. The idea the PCs shouldn't try to fight every "monster" they encounter and instead find other ways to deal with them, is pretty central to Planescape. As is the idea that the planes should not just be the province of high-level characters. There are alternatives, of course, but I'd really rather we start the campaign as low as it can be.

As for the matter of railroading, certainly they are pretty much all heavily story driven, but the best Adventure Paths, (like the Pathfinder ones) have some room for the players to drive some of the action. But, specifically, requiring a specific player action to set off the events of the adventure path is bad design.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I keep thinking it would be neat to run a grand "Across The Inner Planes" race. Vehicles of different types, having to negotiate with, or evade, the various locals as you cross through a plane. You'd have to work out a compass or arrange guides or something, to ensure that you'd make it to each checkpoint.

There wouldn't necessarily be an overarching theme to the race, just the prestige or prize at the end. But you could have a lot of politicking going on, making temporary deals with rivals when rough situations come up, sabotage. Stuff like that. It could be a lot of fun, if it was presented in the right way. And you'd have a chance to showcase the different planes and highlight the different troubles that a group is likely to come across. Low level parties could be taken on as crew members, higher level groups could try accomplishing the feat themselves.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

The idea the PCs shouldn't try to fight every "monster" they encounter and instead find other ways to deal with them, is pretty central to Planescape.
There's more to it than that, though. Say or do the wrong thing, and the Efreet are likely to attack you. Especially since, like all genies, they are quite capricious.
On Sigil you can ends up in areas or buildings inhabited only by low-level creatures.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Of course the City of Brass isn't the only option. There are others, some of which might be better. However, I think the City of Brass isn't as bad a choice as you think. For one thing there are areas where Efreet are less dominant, such as Avencina, which according to the Planar Handbook, many races mingle. Furthermore, in Sigil if you say the wrong thing to say, a Tanar'ri, he is likely to kill you. One of the main things I think that makes the City of Brass a good choice, is that it is arguably the most recognizable of elemental cities.

However, you definitely have a point. Some city of a more benevolent race, perhaps on one of the other Inner Planes might be a better choice. However, we should definitely give the City of Brass some role in the campaign.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

City of Glass on Water could be an interesting setting. It may not have the immediate recognition that the CoB does, but it's certainly a friendlier city to any visiting PCs.

There's another one that was written up on the boards here, set on Smoke that had some interesting themes going on. I don't recall what it was called though.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

You know, I'm hearing criticisms and vague "Maybe it would be neat if it involved (something vague)..."; but except for Hyena of Ice, I haven't heard anyone else actually propose any ideas for an Adventure Path.

First rule of brainstorming is to let all ideas be heard without criticism, then once you have a good assortment from which to choose...THEN you start chosing the best ones and bringing up the criticisms in an attempt to get a great final result.

So I'm throwing down the gauntlet. Let's hear some creativity instead of nit-picking!

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Set it against the backdrop of the ongoing war between the Efreet and Djinn. The Efreet have been hiring mercenaries from Baator and have been paying for them with slaves. Getting the PCs to stop or disrupt the negotiations between the two groups could feature into one of the adventure points. If you want to avoid Inner/Outer planar mix-ups, then you could change it into Efreet and Dao.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Oh, and though it's optional, the PCs can also attempt to recruit the help of BwimbII and Sun Sing. BwimbII might be convinced to help them, but so much as attempting a meeting with Sun Sing, as always, is a very bad idea. (With the exception of Yanny, none of the other three princes can be convinced that Elder Elemental Eye = Tharizdun. In the case of Yanny, the PCs will have to show some material proof in the form of a very ancient lithograph or some such-- being an obsessive researcher and book nut, Yan-C-Bin can tell if it's the real deal. Cryonax is bitter over the fact that he wasn't included in the Elder Eye's plans and thus doesn't get to reap its benefits, so the PCs merely need to find a way to convince him that the Eye = Tharizdun without greatly offending him *Cryonax is one of his progency, so the idea that he was spawned by a being inimical to the Multiverse is going to be rather offensive-- prettymuch the only way for the PCs to succeed is by earlier learning and explaining that the Eye made the princes as creatures indigenous to and non-dangerous/alien to the Multiverse in order to avoid suspicion.*) All four princes of Elemental Good will aid the PCs, but they'll have to mediate between Chan and Yan-C-Bin, as well as Chan and Ben-Hadar, in order to enlist Chan's assistance.

The final adventure in this path could also lead to some interesting interaction between Zaaman-Rul and Imix-- the former has always been convinced that the latter murdered Brista-Pel, his mother. However, one likely (if not guaranteed) consequence of the Quaereim/Traitor's Fork adventure is that Zaaman-Rul and Chan learn that Chilimba and Ekhak were indeed responsible (in my writings, Ben-Hadar, Cryonax, and Yan-C-Bin were all present at that battle, and Ben-Hadar witnessed the entire thing, while the latter two note that the minions of Vesvolch, the prince of paraelemental evil magma *later killed during Imix's rampage across the fire planes over Brista-Pel's murder-- like Cryonax, he was one of the spawn of the Eye-- he and Cryonax were both created solely as "backups" for Tharizdun's plans in case one of the four elemental princes were slain* were waylaying them, Yan-C-Bin states that few of Imix's minions were present, and that several of his spies corroborate Ben-Hadar's account. Chan refused to believe any of them.) for Brista-Pel's murder, and not Imix. Of course Zaaman-Rul still despises his father, but what will he do if they encounter one another while Imix is attempting to further the Eye's plans?
Oh, yeah, another consequence of the Quaereim quest is that the cat would also be out of the bag about Imix's and Zaaman-Rul's relation to one another.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

You see, when I brainstormed with my brother in my childhood, it mostly consisted of him shooting down my ideas... So I guess I never learned how to do it right.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I'm thinking that the first set of adventures might resolve around an attempt to destroy the City of Glass. This is mostly inspired by the line in the 3e MotP about the glass having been broken once before. I figure that the baddies might be trying to use an eldritch machine to accomplish this, since just breaking the glass won't do much. As for they're motivations, I'm not 100% sure. It could be due to objection to allowing airbreathers in the city. The baddies may have a connection to the bigger players in the campaign.

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I suppose a good starting point would be: What kind of adventure path do you want this to be? Something epic that spans the Inner Planes? Something that showcases each of the planes in turn? Do you want to delve into the various political rivalries that exist on the planes (between the genie races, between the opposite elements, between natives and outsiders)? Maybe you want to touch on all of these aspects, in which case, making the AP into a chase or a race against time would keep the PCs from lingering on any one plane for too long. Or maybe you want it confined to just one or two planes, which would change the whole tone and pace of the AP.

You've already said that you want the PCs to be low level'ish, but do you want them to be planar or prime (or a mix of both)? Each one leads to a much different feel for the game in terms of prior exposure. My own personal inclination would be to make the PCs all prime and use this adventure path as a means of introducing new players to the Inner Planes aspect of Planescape.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Lord Zack wrote:
You see, when I brainstormed with my brother in my childhood, it mostly consisted of him shooting down my ideas... So I guess I never learned how to do it right.

I'm assuming that this wasn't a sarcastic response to my pedantic definition of the term "brainstorming". But this was how the term was explained to me and I thought it had a lot of merit. The reasoning being that while someone might throw out some idea that in itself is impossible/impractical/etc. (e.g. "Hey, let's move basic training to the moon where the low gravity will help the athletes"), one of these odd ideas might get people thinking in some direction they wouldn't have otherwise (e.g. "Hey, what if we moved basic training to somewhere with high altitude so that the athletes can train in thin air and get stronger"). Thus during Stage 1, all ideas are fair game and no (major) censoring takes place.

The idea of a group trying to "break" the City of Glass is somewhat intriguing to me although it seems a little grand for lower-level PCs (Damn! I just broke my own rule - no censoring!) For lower level PCs they might get wrapped up in some preliminary stage of this grand plot. Perhaps there is some intrigue involving a race of "harmonics" that communicate in tones like tuning forks (is there anything like this now? if not, might they be residents of the Plane of Crystal/Mineral?) Maybe some group is kidnapping a number of these beings for unknown reasons.
At low level, the PCs are only able to free one they were hired to free or to clear a friend wrongly(?) accused of being involved in the disappearances. Only later do the PCs learn of a plot to place "harmonics" at key spots around the City of Glass with the intention of them setting off a resonance that will shatter the city

Perhaps other aspects of this plot involve subjecting the city to great stress (possibly caused by spurring an attack on the city by beings of fire or earth? - and once the specter of elemental war is raised, people are likely to forget/not notice the positioning of the "harmonics")
Any other ways to shatter glass?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

The idea of a group trying to "break" the City of Glass is somewhat intriguing to me although it seems a little grand for lower-level PCs (Damn! I just broke my own rule - no censoring!) For lower level PCs they might get wrapped up in some preliminary stage of this grand plot. Perhaps there is some intrigue involving a race of "harmonics" that communicate in tones like tuning forks (is there anything like this now? if not, might they be residents of the Plane of Crystal/Mineral?) Maybe some group is kidnapping a number of these beings for unknown reasons.
Or it could be an inadvertent infestation of tiny glass-eating vermin. That one seems a little more in-tune for low level characters.

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

i have an idea for an antagonist. This is a slaad that some how got stuck in the elemental planes and wants to make it more chaotic, like his homeplane. A way to accomplish this is perhaps beyond the slaad's personal power, perhaps requiring him to find allies, who maybe he more powerful villains of the campaign.

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

What's the relationship between the Inner Planes and the Prime Material? I've always understood it as a metaphysical thing: the Inner Planes represent the building blocks of all matter in the 'verse. They're more than just that, of course. Elementals have intellect, societies, religion (of a sort), and so on, making them more than just the sum of their particulate parts. But my thought for an adventure path through the Inner Planes hinges on my question.

So here's my thoughts...

The players tumble across a world egg. It's quite possibly the last of its kind. And seeing as how there aren't any new worlds (or crystal spheres, depending on how you depict the Prime Material) being made these days, it stands to reason that a quite a few bloods would be very interested in getting their hands on such a rare possession.

What do the PCs do with their treasure? Nothing unless they know what it is. Naturally someone has to tell them, and it may seem a bit like railroading, but that can be avoided by giving them ample opportunity to turn to a different path. So some ancient basher gives them the dark of the egg. They know they can't do anything with it (because they don't possess the knowledge and/or magic to hatch it), and they know that, should anyone find out they have it, someone powerful's gonna come looking for it. Perhaps they get a bit of information from the basher before signs the dead book? Perhaps there's a power interested in the egg, but doesn't want his/her/its rivals knowing about it, and uses subtlety and subterfuge to inform the PCs. Either way, now they know what it is, what it can be used for, and that they can't use it unless they learn the right rituals, or give it to someone who knows them.

This is where the Inner Planes come in: the egg is the unhatched potential for an entire universe of Prime Material worlds. But it needs a bit of raw creation in order to hatch properly. The PCs have to travel to the Inner Planes and retrieve some; but it can't just be your everyday, elemental matter. No, what they need is pure Water, from the very core of the plane itself. Same for the other three; maybe they need more than the traditional elements, like maybe positive and negative energy, in order to give their egg life and death. Maybe they can substitute one of the para- or quasi-elemental matters, though that may skew the evolution of the egg. And maybe the pure elemental matter is something that each archomental guards; maybe that's the reason the archomentals exist; maybe the pure matter is a literal part of their body.

Catalyst: the PCs acquire a world egg, an unhatched universe ripe with potential.
Goal: find pieces of pure elemental matter in order to hatch the egg.
Motivation: whatever the PCs want it to be. They could give the egg over to their god(s), who return it to them with their mission. They could seek to create a universe of their own, which they can shape and mold however they choose. They could decide to auction it to the highest bidder, though without the ritual for hatching it...

__________________|Crossing the 'Verse -- A Planescape Conversion Project|Zombie Roller Derby -- It's roller derby... and zombies... what more could you want?

Lord Zack's picture
Joined: 2006-11-10
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I'm actually running an Inner Planes focused campaign now. Might come up with some ideas from that.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

And seeing as how there aren't any new worlds (or crystal spheres, depending on how you depict the Prime Material) being made these days, it stands to reason that a quite a few bloods would be very interested in getting their hands on such a rare possession.

Is this mentioned somewhere in the canon? Because I find it highly unlikely, especially due to its limitations to the DM.

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

It is not canon, so far as I know.

The first I heard of it was in The Books of Magic (by Neil Gaiman) where the main character finds the item in a goblin's barrow.

But what do you mean by limitations? I'm confused...

__________________|Crossing the 'Verse -- A Planescape Conversion Project|Zombie Roller Derby -- It's roller derby... and zombies... what more could you want?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

It would limit the DM by basically saying that they can't have the PCs engage in an adventure that results in the creation of a crystal sphere if they want to remain true to the canon.

So basically, your adventure suggestion would only work within your own homebrew and would not be compatible with the canon.

Ozymandias's picture
Joined: 2011-10-04
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I see your point. And I don't mean to derail this particular topic thread, but I'm curious about the concept of "canon" as far as Planescape goes. The setting hasn't been in print since 3rd Edition came out. It's been over a decade now. Why would canon matter, unless the DM and players specifically choose it? Or was that the intent of this thread, and I missed it? I probably did -- "I'd like to prove that wrong, by creating an entire adventure path set on the elemental planes." I see it now.

In that case, I'll have to consider the possibilities before contributing further...

__________________|Crossing the 'Verse -- A Planescape Conversion Project|Zombie Roller Derby -- It's roller derby... and zombies... what more could you want?

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I don't think cannon matters (and really it never did) - customize the planes as you wish. You just need to keep in mind that the more you customize something then the more you are speaking your own language.
I have a number of customizations that I like and frequently, they would fit it with or resolve some issue brought up on a thread. But I have to step back and remind myself that my ideas aren't common knowledge so I can't build up some elaborate thing based on my own system and expect anyone to care.
In the interests of sharing, we have to start from the commonly accepted baseline each time. But for throwing out new ideas within a single thread, I try not to shoot anyone down unless the non-cannon idea leads to some MAJOR complications (e.g. gods can disobey the Lady of Pain and enter Sigil)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Don't mind Hyena. He's a stickler for canon. I'll echo Palomides though. The more you deviate from what folks are familiar with, the more you're going to have to explain to get everybody on the same page.

Palomides wrote:
But for throwing out new ideas within a single thread, I try not to shoot anyone down unless the non-cannon idea leads to some MAJOR complications (e.g. gods can disobey the Lady of Pain and enter Sigil)

That sort of thing is good for the Alternate Cosmologies thread however! Laughing out loud

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

I'm not a "he". I try to stick to canon, yes. You can do what you want in your own campaign of course, and you can house-rule whatever you want both fluff and crunch-wise. However, these boards are about Planescape, with the canon in mind. As for being a stickler for the canon, I also write fanfiction, and I do my best to stick to canon and keeping things in-character-- I find it more fun that way, to operate with some constraints. Plus, it's fun to plot-device as to why things are the way they are.

Also, I SHOULD clarify that there are very rare times where I disregard or contradict the canon-- I only do this when I think the canon is stupid, nonsensical/illogical, or poorly thought out (usually all three) I can't recall any examples off of my head other than renaming Coldfire "Coldflow" for several reasons (one being that there are already so many different things by that name in the canon, and more importantly, because the natives of Ice would NEVER refer to it as that-- the very word "Fire" would be offensive to them-- that said, I have it in my writings that green primes refer to it as "coldfire", but they'd sure as hell never refer to it as that around Ice or even Air/Water/Mist natives-- they regard that as blasphemy) However, that really isn't a disregard or contradiction of the canon--
Wait, I do recall an instance where I disregard the canon-- the whole Protogenoi thing from Greco-Roman mythology. For instance, Gaea is a Protogena, and NOT a Titan. Also, Charon is a 'loth, but was born from the Protogena known as Nyx.
How can you tell if a being from Greco-Roman mythology is a Protogenos or a Titan? Simple. Is it depicted as a person, or as a personification of a natural landmass or the like? (For instance, Gaea is depicted as the earth itself. Zeus even impregnated her at one point by getting drunk, passing out in a barren plain, and having a wet dream. Seriously. I think there was a similar instance in Egyptian mythology where one of the gods impregnated the earth by humping a hole in the ground, LOL. Erebus is depicted as a mass of darkness in Tartarus-- also a protogenos. Nyx is a Protogena even though she is sometimes depicted as a person.) In my writings, the Protogenoi also encompass elemental-like beings from other mythologies as well, such as the hermaphroditic Ogdoad from Egyptian myth, and Chauntea, Shar, and Selune-- along with former incarnations of Amaunator from the Torilian pantheon. Many of the beings in animistic/shamanistic/tribal pantheons are Protogenoi as well (e.g. the sun from most Amerindian mythologies, or East Wind and the volcanoes from Chinookan myth)
Admittedly, even with the true titans things can get murky, as many of the titans are also depicted as landmasses. The best way to tell is to look them up on you should take the Theogeny and other Hesiod works over other sources (they tend to be the most classic source and rank among the oldest of the sources-- later sources tended to merge several deities into one, such as Selene and Artemis)
I just though of another area-- albeit minor-- where I contradict the canon-- Uranos's reason for hating his children was not because they were hideous with their many eyes/hands/whatever, but because they were repulsive beings of flesh (some elementals find fleshed ones to be repulsive-- Ooze Paraelementals never do of course.)

Wicke's picture
Joined: 2009-04-24
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

Er...sorry about that. :embarassed:

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adventure Path on the Elemental Planes

It's okay, most people make that mistake.

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