[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

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Zappo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

Hi everyone! Name's Zappo. I'm a veteran at the enworld.org boards, and I've posted a little bit at the wizards.com Planescape board. I registered here some time ago, but I don't think I've ever posted much.

I've written a Planescape 3E adventure which I've played at a gaming club in Manchester while I was living there, and I'm making it available for everyone to read, play and comment on.

It's called Matter of Opinion, and it sees the PCs chasing a mysterious artefact and getting caught in the middle of a clash between several different factions and power groups. For some reason, they can't find solid information on what the artifact is and what it does - and it seems like there's a mastermind behind the struggle...

Get it here in .doc format. Comments, positive or negative, are welcome! Smiling

Edit: you have to right click and "save as...", or copy&paste the url in the browser bar. I'm sorry, the hosting is bad.

SouloWar's picture
Joined: 2004-06-18
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

You need to right click and save file as to download this file.

SouloWar's picture
Joined: 2004-06-18
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

Oh and your abyssal campaign doesn't work... at least for me...

Zappo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

Edit: use http://xoomer.virgilio.it/zappo/adventures.html .
It should fix all problems.

rustcannon's picture
Joined: 2004-05-16
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

i ran my pcs thru it. they loved it. as a dm i love the way it was written with notes as to whats going on else where and possible consequences of the pcs taking different actions.

Zappo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

Thank you! I like adventures with a definite plot, but at the same time I dislike railroading. So I try to plan for a bit of everything. Smiling

Krypter's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

I liked the fluid nature of A Matter of Opinion as well. Got any more adventures there, Zappo?

Zappo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

That's the first complete one I write in English, though I'm also working on the much longer Abyssal Campaign.

I had another adventure about a wizard arms dealer from the Prime who hires the PCs as escorts when she has to travel to Baator on a business trip. The wizard is profoundly lawful evil and when she sees in person the horrors that await her in the afterlife, she decides to go on a pilgrimage to Mount Celestia to seek redemption. Once there, the archons tell her that they can't do anything for her, because she has went there out of fear, not out of guilt. At that point, she decides that if she has to end up in Baator, she'd better be very good at it; she goes postal and starts killing archons. The PCs eventually kill her, but it turns out that she was just astrally projecting...

Unfortunately, I lost it when both my hard drives were destroyed due to a power surge. :cry:

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

How long does it take to run the adventure normally? I am running a couple of Planescape sessions at a small gaming convention this weekend and I was writing an adventure for it. But if yours might fit into the time frame I might run two different adventures rather than just the one I am working on. That is assuming you don't mind me running it at a Con.

Zappo's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

I'd be glad if you ran the adventure at a con, but I'm afraid it is a bit long. The group I played it with did it in about 20 hours, though it was broken down into 6 sessions... with longer sessions, it would probably take somewhat less. I guess it depends on the players.

bonemage's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
[Adventure] Matter of Opinion

Yeah most likely the session I have will be about 5 to 6 hours. Oh well I downloaded it and will have a look at it sometime. I just thought it might be perfect to have your adventure show up right before the Con allowing me to run two unqiue adventures in Planescape with a little less effort.

Oh well.

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