Adventure Hook Junction

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Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

I'm Modron, but that is allright. medium to long

Barmy girl has escaped from Gatehouse and Bleakers need help to find her before she gets hurt. Girl has unusual personality disorder: she think she is modron, and what is more unusual she has strange effect on other modrons (even rouge ones). Each modron that girl meets regards (and obeys) her as its superior. Things gets complicated when power hungry Guverner learns about her "ability" and wants to conduct interesting experiment: he wants to test if primus will obey the orders of "little modron girl".


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

BAAL the Goatlord's picture
Joined: 2007-06-25
Adventure Hook Junction

Knowing the Unknowable. short to medium

A Guvner scholar studying the every swirling chaos of Limbo recently made a historic discovery. He found a book that explains how the apparent chaos of the plane is actually extremely complex applications of universal laws. The Fraternity of Order rejoices at this news and sends a team to retrieve the scholars research. Unfortunately, the Scholar has gone completely barmy. The Chaosmen don't believe a word of this screed and assume that the book is a powerful artifact of chaos. Both factions want the book (the Guvners to study it and the Chaosmen to spread chaos). Of course the Harmonium is concerned about what this item could do so it has to get involved.

The PC's could be members of any of the above factions, or they could be sent by other factions to retrieve, destroy or investigate the book. Members of the Bleak Cabal could seek out the Scholar to insure his new condition is treated (if they can work up the motivation that is).

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

In the Belly of the Beast or Dragonslaying (long):
Rich tiefling merchant is wery ill. His stomach hurts like nine hells. After closer exemination his doctor has reached diagnosis: His patron has rare form of parasite called "Gut Dragon". This parasite is like all dragons: resilient, crafty, and deadly.
Operation is out of question and healing spells don't work, so our PCs are shrinked and must travel trough patient's body, interact with warious other denizens of tieflings body, find and slay the "beast" and finaly find a way out.

Sounds simple, I think not. :twisted:


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

Ah, I'd almost forgotten about this thread. I really like that one Squaff. It's always fun to fling your PCs into the gullet of something and see how they react.

Down the Drain Short Adventure

Another member of some group one or more of the PCs belong to has a problem. They recently purchased an item of great value which they planned to present to their beloved as a proposal of sorts, but the courrier that was to deliver it fell into an Ooze portal in the Hive and vanished. Now, the PCs must find the particular puddle the portal is located in, pass through, find the item and recover it from whatever has it now by any means necessary, and get back before the Daubus manage to brick the puddle over. Possible encounters include greedy and lethargic ooze mephits, sentient otyughs, a very confused and distressed lost merfolk bard, and a (hopefully peaceful) disagreement with the Dabus.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Adventure Hook Junction

Thou shalt not die!

More Election Daze madness!

-Campaign Contribution (short with possible short to medium follow-up)

Sigilan law is really lax, and practically uninforced anyway, when it comes to monitary support to candidates. Every Guild has its own bylaws, of course, though they tend to be more strict than the 'official' law. Judgeships are considered special, but members of Sigilan Advisory Council, as well as district officers, constibles, barristers, and a host of other minor and moderate public offices are bought and sold every election cycle. A 'good' politician is one that stays bought and and remembers her friends (and their jink) once she's in office.

(If PCs are evil/neutral/chaotic)
-The PCs learn about a large pay-off, in the form of a chest full of jinx and merts, that has to make it from one Ward to another. The pay-er is known to be a cheapskate who'll likely not pay a lot for security, so it should be a fairly easy grab .....

(If PCs are do-gooders)
-The PCs learn that the temple of [insert evil nasty] is going to make a huge pay-off to an influential candidate. Stealing the pay-off is double-win, as not only can they thwart the evil temple's plans, but get paid in the process.
-Alternately, they may learn that there will be an assassination attempt on a (too) honest candidate with a lot of popular support. When they eliminate the assassin, they find a powerful item the assassin was carrying. In this scenario, the assassin's guild, while they harbor no ill will toward the PCs (occupational hazard), they want their property back. They are also likely to try again (they already took the money for the hit), and if the PCs are still around will see them as a threat to be taken care of.

Follow-ups: Every action has a consequence ...

1) The [corrupt guild / evil temple / rival Faction or Sect] is not happy that its jink disappeared. They are actively trying to find out who robbed them, and when they find out ...

2) Another group of bushwhackers had the same idea. They either run into the PCs after they are weakened from taking down the guards, or they find out soon after and come looking for the group that took 'their' jink ...

3) The pay-off was highly illegal, and the authorities had a sting set up and ready to go, for a change. They are not too happy about 'their' evidence growing feet. A few gumshoes following the PCs footprints = a fun time (for DMs and players, not PCs).

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Oh such a perfect day! or Groundhog day part 2. medium to long.

The time loop is happening again and probbably becaouse their previous experience with time loops the PCs are unaffected. (see Groundhog day adventure seed).
This time to make things worse here are inevitables that guard time. And they say that they will obliterate loop and anyone and anything inside it unless the loop is fixed.
"Villan" behind the scenes is time traveling wizard that is using time gate to generate the loop around single event in his youth: last perfect day with his love before she dies in monster attack.

This time PC have time limit on their hands, but also they have different solutions on their hands. But they should hurry becaouse clock is ticking.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

85) One Way Tickets are Hard to Find Short Adventure

One morning in Sigil, the PCs are surprised to awake to a woman crashing through their ceiling at an incredible speed, only to land safely on a pile of discarded cloaks and rations. She seems very annoyed to have survived, but when she finds out that they are somewhat skilled in the ways of the Planes she has a proposition for them.

Kill her.

Michaela, formerly of the Doomguard, has a problem. Several years ago she made a bet with a powerful entity that it is possible for anything to die. The entity accepted, and promptly 'blessed' Michaela with incredible luck at avoiding mishaps. Now, the only way that Michaela can win the bet is by dieing herself, but it's prooving difficult. Nooses snap, unexpected large birds save her from falls, swords dull, arrows miss, rampaging beasts choke on her and spit her out, and generous priests passing by decide to heal her wounds out of the kindness of their hearts when she does get close.
The stakes of the bet were quite high, and although she won't say what was wagered exactly, it is imperative that she wins this bet at all costs. Time is running out for Michaela, and only 10 days remain before the bet is called. Can the PCs find a way to kill someone who may actually be impossible to kill, and if they do find a way can they bring themselves to do it?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Astral/Ethereal Emisaries Long

New "village" have apeared on astral plane. Village is located on huge black sphere and it's inhabitants are intelingent "Astral Constructs" (psionic constructs created from astral or etherel matter), the new "race" want's to become the part of planar comunity and establish trade with rest of planes so they welcome anyone in their home. But some guests have more sinister motives: they want to learn secrets of this unusual "new" beings and make profit from it.

DARK: Black sphere is actualy psionic artefact wich encases living remains of powerfull psion who was in life especialy fond of Astral Constructs so before he "died" he decided do give his creations gift of life and sentience.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Boojum's picture
Joined: 2008-02-11
Adventure Hook Junction

Big brother Short to long

A young man asks the PCs for help : his elder brother is sick, and getting sicker. No healer can help him, perhaps experienced planewalkers could find out from what kind of curse he suffers ? Actually, the brother couldn't be worse : he's been dead for three years. However, his younger brother's belief that he was strong and indestructible kept him moving and well. But as the young man's growing up and getting more mature, his belief starts to fade - thus the apparent sickness.

Images of the future Campaign seed

Who ever believed Fell's tatoos were juste tatoos ? The fact is, they are alive and they've been taking over their bearers slowly, very slowly, over the past decades. Now Fell's moved out of Sigil in a city that juste appeared in the Outland - actually, a man bearing one of his tatoos (figuring said city) who was overcome by it. There, in this place that obeys his every whim, he plots his revenge against Sigil. Every one man bearing his tatoos will become one of his tools for this.

Of course, the PC should be wearing Fell's tatoos. They have to fight him and win before they are totally dominated. As the time passes, they will be more and more losing control - awakening in some place where they don't remember going, seeing their tatoos taking substance...

And what if Fell is good ? If he wants to give the city to the forces of the Upper Planes ? Sure, the PC have good reasons to dislike his methods, but isn't it worth it ?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

New Kuo-Toan Empire:campain

It is said that kuo-toa once had great prime empires. And great undead kuo-toan warlock has awoke from its ageless slumber.He did not like what happened to his race and he decided to recreate those days of glory.
Unfortunatly, (for primes that is) he found ancient terraforming satelite in the Mines of Mersilin (Site on Archeron where all destroyed objects from all over the mutiverse end). So backed with this thehnological wonder and powerfull magic, his elemental and prime allies (also this plan has intrigued Doomguards) he wants to rise ocean level and end the age of humans.
Why should this concearn PCs, well their world is targeted for this operation.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

We're close now.

Color Blind: Campaign Seed
There are a few things Prime Archmages should never be allowed to do. Messing up the essential fabric of the Multiverse is probably at the top of the list. Sadly though, It doesn't always work that way, as evidence by the recent events concerning the Fizbush the Mad. Lost and irritated on the Astral Plane, Fizbush made one fateful Wish that the Astral Plane "make more sense." Fizbush's spell did nothing to make him any less lost, but it did help him to finally remember what color pool went where. Mostly because every plane in the Multiverse had had its fundamental pigmentation changed to match that of it's color pool. Every layer and every demon of the Abyss was made purple. Thanatos was an ugly mauve, Pazuzu a nice shade of violet. Celestia was gold, Bytopia was amber (which is more than a little confusing), and Limbo was made a fearsome shade of Jet. Now, even though nothing had physically changed, the shift caused an understandable amount of upheaval. Artists people's sense of individuality was shattered, artists went insane, and the slaadi got very, very confused. Fortunately, brave heroes stepped forth to fix the problem, not that anyone is actually sure how to do that.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Here is 2 new hooks:

Queen Randsom: long or wery long
One of Formian city hives on Nemasus is invaded by baatezu. With scalpel presition their queen is captured and it is held hostage. And formians are forced to do fiends bidding. Queen advisors are searching for outside help in form of PCs. Unfortunatly time is running out becaouse old queen will soon lay egg from new queen will hatch, (and that is what baatezu are after, becaouse they want new subspecies of infernal formians for blood war), to make things worse baatezu are suported by modrons, who search any form of assistance to rid Mechanus of invders.

Soul smuglers: campain
There is new crime empire forming on prime. And they deal in afterlives. These crooks sell bliss of upper planes to rich and coruppt individuals who least deserve that revard. The catch is this: for evil soul to end in upper planes as petitioner, they must "steal" its place in afterlife from good soul in upper planes.
PC must infiltrate organisation (wich is spreading like weed) and must destroy it at any cost. For it is posible that their own places in afterlife could be "for sale".


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

Must. . . Keep. . . Adventuring. . .

93: An Unwelcome Guest Short Adventure

The streets of Sigil hold many strange sights, but even here it's not often that one finds a Kraken stuck in a tavern. The Kraken, Oolwoomlui, was traveling the planes polymorphed into a humanoid shape thanks to a special charm it carried. Unfortunately, it tripped while passing through the tavern and fell into a fireplace, destroying the charm. Within seconds the entire first and second floor of the tavern and much of the street outside were full of confused, angry, suffocating Kraken.

The job of the PCs in this case is pretty much up to them. Do they just pass by and avoid the tendrils as best as they can? Kill the Kraken before it can cause any more damage? Help the creature before it "drowns" in the air and then try to speak with it? Needless to say the owner of the tavern would be quite happy to recompence someone who would help him out, and most Kraken are quite wealthy in their own right, although it may still be stingy as far as rewards go

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Adventure Hook Junction

'Azure' wrote:
Election Daze -Knights of the Pole (short) Due to fears of corruption, certain polling places are hiring poll watchers to guard certain vote-counts in some districts. The PCs are hired to guard boxes of paper balots. Gee wiz, how exciting, they think, and their sarcasm lasts until one or more of the folowing show up:
I'm thinking this should have been called Knights of the Poll, particularly if you make it a humorous adventure...

To continue the theme of Election Daze...

The Sigilian Census

The Sigil Advisory Council has decided to take up a census of the residents of Sigil, supposedly to "better apportion out Council memberships," but really because a few groups have been complaining that they're unfairly represented and the Council's trying to shut them up.

But one barmy has suggested that the Council needs to account for the various dabus working around the city and adjust representation accordingly. Somehow, this idea has found traction among some groups, particularly those with a ax to grind who think they can pick up some extra power without picking up extra votes, and the Xaositects, who just think it's funny and a fine practical joke on the Council.

Likewise, other particularly odd definitions of residents are being mooted, with similar goals. Worse, the Council's being pressured to accept them, so the census's categories of residents are incredibly bizarre, and seem to change from day to day. And to top it all off, each of the factions is trying to slant the "count" in such a way that they gain as much power as possible.

Unfortunately for the PCs, they have been tasked with going door to door in one of the Wards, and complete the census. To ensure that the census-takers don't just make up some numbers, there are several teams working simultaneously in each Ward without being told who the other teams are, and all teams are supposed have representation from multiple power groups in the city.

The PCs have a few options here: they can actually try to count the seemingly uncountable; find the other teams and then attempt to bribe, cajole, and otherwise persuade them to come up with similar numbers; or simply throw up their hands in frustration. The teams also have to find a way to deal with their superiors back at the Factions while this goes on.

-- One group is pressuring the Council to count dead bodies as residents. (seemingly rationalized by the fact that there are undead who are residents, so counting the merely dead is not that much more difficult a hurdle, particularly as they're not up and moving around, plus the dead could become undead...)

-- Another group is campaigning against the Census in general, and is attacking any census-takers they come across.

-- One religion is claiming that their members should be exempted from the Census because the Council should accept the claims made by the priests as to number of worshippers, and failing that, should accept that their adherents on the Prime are "Sigil residents in spirit."

-- The Factions themselves are also members of this circus, as they are variously campaigning against the Census, campaigning for the Census, campaigning for and against the Census, and being generally pig-headed about the entire deal.

P.S. If this sounds Paranoia-esque, I'm glad. This is intentionally meant to be an adventure that drives the PCs up the wall, even before they consider trying to take a census of the Hive...

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
Adventure Hook Junction

In 80 days across the planes
(series of short - or campaign)

A VERY rich and about as clueless noble has read some books, describing parts of the planes. Now he wants go to there, and see for hinself. All the highlights of course. City of Brass, Demonweb Pits, Jangling Hiter, Sigil ...

He bought a trip through a portal to Union, where he meets with the party that was hired as guides and guards. He even provides a (slightly inaccurate) list of portals and keys to use. Unfortunately he already planed his trip home through the portal in Union again, so there is a limited time for him to get through his sightseeing and back to Union.

Problem for the chars is that they have only few preparation time for each stop. If you are a generous DM, the players get the whole list of places to visit at once. Otherwise they are surprised with the new destination every time.

This is a good possibility to show the chars around, taking them to some special places that didn't fit into your normal campaign.

If you want to use this adventure as an introduction to the planes, than the PCs are hired just as guards and guides are bought if needed. All the other time the noble prefers to use his books as guides.

(no, this is definately not inspired by american or japanese tourists in europe. honest! Eye-wink )

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Ghost in the Shell short to medium:
Modrons in Sigil had strange "illnes": they start acting strange (they sing, dance, break stuff and things like that), then after some time they resume normal funkcions without any memories what happened before. Of course Guverners and Pentadrone located in Sigil want to investigate this strange phenomena, so they hire some more creative bloods (PC that is).

Who is behind this? Ghost of Xsaositet who for some reason can only posses modron bodies (but modron lawfull energies soon drives him out).
So PS have to figure first what is going on, then they thave got to figure how to lay this restless spirit (who can't stay focused for a 5 minutes) to its final reward on Limbo.

EDIT: This hook was inspired by Basilisk's dream. I hope it is okay with him.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Adventure Hook Junction


I got to get out of this place

The Great Wizard Fnord has taken quite a bit of time on his Summoning spell. He picked the perfect Prime Material Place; he used the finest and strongest ingredients; the perfect astrolgocial conjunctions.

And he summoned the Party. Between the magical strain of his new version of the spell, too many Ho Ho's and the scary aspect of the party, he croaketh of the Demon Cholesterol.

Unfortunately, Fnord did not make a standard summoning spell: he made an Astral Vacuum (like an Astral Tunnel, it flails around; unlike it, it SUCKS anyone nearby into the current Plane)

Most characters would consider this Not My Problem...except that what gets drawn in stays drawn in until the spell is destroyed (enjoy watching an increasingly frustrated party use spell after spell in the attempt). This is much more complicated then it seems as the castle is magical (perhaps floating and indiscriminent use of anti or dispel magic will interfere with the float mechanism), the problem for which they were summoned (an invading army) is outside, and the interior of the castle is increasingly being filled with a wide assortment of Extra Planer riff raff of various power levels...

Wretch's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Adventure Hook Junction


Lex the Artist made a portrait of one of the PC's. Lex died. Next thing the PC notes is that when someone talks TO the portrait, he hears it and can matter where he is! The PC was unaware of the portrait being made, but somehow s/he caught Lex's eye.

Of course, Lex left a lot of debts (a rich painter?) and his unclaimed portraits were sold off in an estate sale. If the PC blabs, several important people are going to want to analyze how this happens, attempting to capture the painting...and the subject! Plus there is a little matter of HOW the painting was made. Lex's old paints, diaries and other portraits suddenly jumped in value. Everyone is running down these things. Who has the most to gain? Certainly the PC who frequently has folks whispering in his ear at odd times...

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Asylum Break: short
Rich father puts his only son in madhouse just becaouse he joined Xsaositects. Untill he is cured of his madness father is willng to pay extra for any method that will cure his son of his "madness".
But Xaositects want to help their new member and they hire PC to spring him out.
There is only slight problem. This is new asylum for rich folk is located in old maze created by Lady of Pain. So getting in is easy, but getting out is difficult.

Hey, if my count is corect this is 99th adventure hook !!!
C'mon people only one more! Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Adventure Hook Junction

Medium to Campaign
The party is hired to capture a young woman named Percy on her trip from Olympus to the the third layer of the Wastes. They are given a warnign that she is a powerful wizardress and the only way to restrain her from unleashing death and mayhem upon them is to quickly (within 1 round) bind her with a special rope provided by their employer.

The twist: Percy is Persephone, traveling from the domain of her mother, Demeter to that of her husband Hades. The rope is made of parts of the thread that binds Fenris, a trap that may now be weakened with the loss - providing a chance that Ragnarok may soon trigger.

There you go: We've reached 100. Eye-wink Think you can pull all of these together into something edited and formatted for a PDF release on Planewalker? Eye-wink What I was thinking of doing was for the release expanding upon the ideas presented with suggested information on items mentioned or short NPC blocks or small area maps. Things just to get the GM started when they decide to run with the idea.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

Clueless had to remind me before I noticed, but we've reached our target number or 100 hooks. I'll begin formating them into a document now, but it'll probably take a few days for me to get all the editing done. In the meantime, I've started a new thread here, so you folks aren't off the hook yet.

goatunit's picture
Joined: 2009-01-19
The Gears of Chaos - A Long

The Gears of Chaos - A Long Adventure


The PCs meet Gegol Thr'rik, a Githyanki Xaosman who led an unsuccessful raid on Mechanus in an attempt to sabotage one of the massive gears of that plane and see what kind of chaos would be brought about as a result. Fortunately for the forces of Law, Gegol's band of mercenaries were quickly dispatched and the githyanki himself escaped only by slipping between the cogs and falling a great distance into a grotto of pendulums, gears, pullies and the like.

There, Gegol sat to rest for a spell, and in that time he noticed that a nearby pendulum was ticking in time with his heart - a series of gears turned and reversed in perfect rhythm with his breathing -  a complex set of pullies and weights seemed to match up with the blinking of his eyes. Gegol became convinced that he had discovered the purpose of Mechanus, and in that instant his eyes were opened to a greater truth.

Before he could make use of this knowledge, however, he was forced to escape the forces that had finally caught up with him, and rushed away. In the years since then, the 'yanki has regularly hired mercenaries under false pretenses in an effort to find the grotto again. Do the gears of Mechanus control us all? What are the philosophical ramifications of this? Has Gegol become a believer in the ultimate power of Law, or does he see an opportunity here to cause some real damage? Only your DM knows for sure!

Vaxis's picture
Joined: 2007-04-21
sometimes i remember just

sometimes i remember just why i love this site so much.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
We do have a new Adventure

We do have a new Adventure Junction thread here:


If you want to get in on the action Eye-wink

The PDF of Adventure Hook Junction One can be found here:


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