Adventure Hook Junction

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Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

This thread is a place for people to post and discuss adventure ideas.
Rule One: Every post in the thread (even comments on other peoples' posts) must include an adventure seed.

Rule Two: Your adventure idea must be long enough to make sense, but short enough to be read quickly.

Rule Three: List your seeds as Short (can be squeezed into a single session), Long (takes place over multiple sessions), Very Long (extended adventure that takes place over multiple levels -- think Faction War), or Campaign Seed (Forms the basis of an entire campaign). Have fun!

Short Adventure:
Missionaries of the Silver Flame:
Clueless missionaries from the remote Prime World of Eberron have wandered into Sigil and are busy calling everyone they meet either an infidel or a heretic. Good PCs' have to get the missionaries to shut up and go home before they get bobbed or dead-booked. Evil PCs may well decide to bob or dead-book the missionaries themselves.

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
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The Sovereign Host doesn't work that way, missionaries of the Sovereign Host would instead try to find other deities out there, and say that they are different incarnations of a Sovereign Host/ Dark Six deity. Because the Sovereign Host is worshiped in so many other forms and names across Eberron by different cultures.

The Silver Flame might act that way, but they acknowledge deities exist, but only feel that the Silver Flame itself is important.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

Noted. Also, go back and read rule one.

Short Adventure:
Gehenna or Bust:
A Planar merchant by the name of Fliv has been wounded by Khaasta and is stuck in Ribcage unable to travel. Unfortunately, he has a shipment of eldritch tomes that is due in the Crawling City in an hour. The PCs are tasked with getting the books to their Yugoloth buyer before they are all hunted and killed.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
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Short or Medium Adventure:
Hermit of Everchangeing Order:Old hermit that preaches from Book of Everchangeing Order (see: Tales from Infinite Staircase) is traveling Sigil, searching for portal to prime where he will be preaching about Law and Chaos and how they are connected.
BUT, extremists from Xaostitets and Fratenity of Order want to shut up man for good. PC either help old hermit or they try to stop him.
Reward: hermit is a poor man but he posses vital clue or bit of info for PCs.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

ripvanwormer's picture
Joined: 2004-10-05
Adventure Hook Junction

A group of tsochari (from Lords of Madness) discover a portal to Sigil and become determined to infiltrate and conquer it. The first few adventures involve them worming their way into Sigil's high society and making things difficult before the PCs manage to unmask them (with the aid of possibly sinister and self-interested "allies" - or maybe just celestials with their own agenda that doesn't correspond with the PCs' - if they aren't able to figure things out on their own). The PCs gain some new allies from the incident, both helpful and unhelpful, and they feel like they've accomplished something major.

Then things shift. As soon as they're aware of their existence, the capable and experienced cutters of Sigil come up with effective means of rooting them out, and soon the tsochari are consigned to the Hive Ward, where only the absence of effective law enforcement keeps them alive. Their only hosts are the poor and destitute. A group of psurlons, who have lived securely in the Clerk's Ward for generations, approach them and offer them sanctuary in the name of their common patron, Mak Thuum Ngatha. There are nilshai, too, and their high priest is a garmorm. They teach them that as long as they don't rock the boat too much, don't threaten the authorities, they can accomplish whatever they want in Sigil. They can use the city's portals to invade other worlds, for example. What they really want right now, though, is revenge on the PCs who caused their fall. With their new allies, they just might get it.

Another idea: the cult of Mak Thuum Ngatha is growing in Sigil as once Aoskar's more benign cult did, but the Lady of Pain isn't doing anything about it. A dabus has even converted to the faith, sacrificing Fell to his new master in a symbolic show of devotion, and still she does not act. The PCs must figure out what triggered her intervention the last time, and hope it works again.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

Short or Long Adventure:
Insectile Invaders:
A Hive of Formians (complete with a queen) has moved into Undersigil leaving some in the city worried that the bugs are going to steal their jobs, eat their children, or something equally dastardly. The PCs are tasked by the Advisory Council, one of the Factions, or simply concerned locals to find out what the Formians want and, if possible, how to make them go away.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Since I´m curently inwolved with Night Hags project: "Of Darkest Gray", here is one adventure hook involving Hags and Gray waste:

Short Adventure:
Pet Lost, Revard to Finder: Night hag is lost her favorite pet, and she is looking for help in form of PC. She is presenting herself under disguise as old sweet granny, and she fails to mentin that her "pet" is mean tempered nightmare who run away in the first place becaouse hag mistreated her.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Adventure Hook Junction

Sensory Stone Trap: A Sensory Stone is actually a portal AND a key to Plane X. Plane X is where the PC's will interact with personas, retrieve items, and kill things.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Adventure Hook Junction

The Iron(ic) Giant: A wizard's spell goes awry, trapping the wizard's soul in the body of an iron golem he had. Unused to the new body, the wizard crushes "himself" and is trapped unless he can resurect the body and find someone to reverse the spell. Unfortunately, the golem can't talk, so all anyone sees is a clumsy renegade golem carrying around the body of a wizard, causing more and more devistation as his frustration grows.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

Ooh. I like the ironic giant idea

A Capital Venture; Long Adventure

The Planar Trade Consortium has recently acquired a very large and very valuable object in Pandemonium which is only valuable as long as it remains intact and undamaged. The PCs are tasked with finding a portal or series of portals from it's resting place to the destination of a buyer in the Paraelemental plane of Ice. The Consortium is very vague as to the identity of the item, but any portals used must be large enough to accomodate an object at least 17 feet on a side, and the path must avoid any area with a temperature in excess of 100 degrees and any area saturated with the presence of Law.

Kay's picture
Joined: 2006-09-20
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'Trias' wrote:
Sensory Stone Trap: A Sensory Stone is actually a portal AND a key to Plane X. Plane X is where the PC's will interact with personas, retrieve items, and kill things.

I personally like that idea (and the way it is presented). Reminds me somehow of the Sensory Stone Episode in PS:T. Getting trapped in a Sensory Stone is a good way of taking out an absent PC for a session or two or to fill up time in between two sessions. Also, somehow link it to the main campaign.

A lost love: An inventive though not very powerful wizard from some nonsignificant prime world gained acces to a portal to Sigil after the Tempest of Doors. His apprentice and lover has recently vanished. He suspects her family - who wants to give the fair lady to some wealthy (and completely non-magical - since magic does not have a good stand on this world) noble. The wizard consequentially wants to retrieve his apprentice from the estate of her family, and hires the PC due to their reputation in the ward near his portal. A simple deed - if there had not been something else slipped through the wizard's portal.

(hopefully this clishee-ridden story compensates for my imprudent posting Eye-wink )

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

Hey Kay, remember Rule One of this thread is you have to post an adventure seed every time you post. There's really nothing I can do to enforce this, but I'd appreciate it if people went along with it anyway, as it keeps the thread from being derailed.

Short Adventure:
Mail for Moloch:
The PCs have been tasked by an individual of their acquaintance with a message bound for Moloch, the former lord of Malbolge. The PCs must track down the location of the disgraced Baatezu lord or, more likely, one of his servants, and bring the letter to him unopened. If they succeed, they will be richly rewarded.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

I like this thread. I'm gonna drop another one. Come on people, produce!

Too Many Teeth!; Short Adventure

A member of the party is given a tooth by a member of the Ring Givers. The reasons for this are up to the DM. Unfortunately, every morning when the PC wakes up, there are more teeth. Everywhere. They're in his shoes, they're in his soup, they're in his scabbard or spellbook. How do you get rid of the blasted things? Where are they comming from? Who does the original tooth belong to? And why do they need so many teeth?

Trias's picture
Joined: 2006-08-14
Adventure Hook Junction

Interesting ideas everyone! Here's another

Bring Him Back Unharmed: An especially unpleasant fiend that gives new meaning to the word 'hostility' must be captured and bought to persona X for jink/items/information. The catch: the fiend must not be harmed, not even scratched. This idea would work best if the fiend was in hiding, or in disguise. It would also be fun if the one to be captured was an avid planehopper, thus the PCs would be led on a wild goose chase throughout the planes.

Also, of course, the one to be caught doesn't have to be a fiend at all, he/she simply has to be unpleasant enough to attack the PCs on sight. Therefore, traditional diplomacy or intimidation or 'come with us for your sake' approach are out of the question.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Adventure Hook Junction

Love this thread


The PCs rescue a young and attractive member of the opposite sex from some dastardly fate, and she/he falls for one of the PCs. His/her affections are genuine, but there's a hitch. The rescuee is a noble (or elf /aasimar /very rich /already married /immortal exemplar /whatever), and the family does NOT approve of "Tombrobbers, Planewalkers, Mercinaries and Adventurers". There may or may not be another suiter or arranged marrige back home. If the PC is good (twist: true love of an evily-alligned race) and cares for the person in question, some of the family may side with the PC. This is even worse, if one considers how virulent fueds between close relatives can get on occasion.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Adventure Hook Junction

To the Eternal Rest

The PCs are tasked with robbing the grave of a particularly well known cutter soon after his funeral. Unfortunately, the cemetery/mausoleum/funerary structure holding the deceased is very well guarded. The place may be ran by the Bleakers, Dusties, or a god of death, so it's possible that either a Power or a few of the Factions will be very annoyed by the PCs' actions. If they do manage to make it to the grave and dig up the corpse, they will find out that it's not in fact a corpse at all, and the person was using the funeral as a way of hiding out. So now, they're witnesses to the person's status, and even if he doesn't kill them, whoever was the impetus for this person's actions is a possible threat to them.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

Thanks for the Memories; Long Adventure

A wizardess in Sigil has discovered a new, better way to create sensory stones. The sensations are realer, deeper, and more amazing than ever. Not only that, but the stones she sells are not bound to a specific location and may be carried wherever the buyer desires. The downside? To store a memory, the memory is completely wiped from the mind of the donor, along with a large portion of the rest of their memory. The Sensates are up in arms about the blatant disruption of so many experiences and want the wizardess's shop shut down. A second group of Sensates just want the wizardess shut down for good. And a third group only only wants the details of the process

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
Adventure Hook Junction

That Mother is Crazy!

A Hive Mother Beholder has recruited a gang of beholders, who in turn are charming random berks on the street. The ever-expanding group are in fact making a protest march to the hall of speakers. While the beholders' ideas about 'democracy' are a little skewed, their intentions are in fact peaceful (at least initially, unless someone starts poking 'em with shivs). The growing army of humanoid 'marchers' are not really willing participants, but at DM option they may pick up a few citizens who will support the beholders' right to non-violent protest, or even the support of a Faction.

Unfortunately, the Hive Mother is a bit ... off. She's marching to expose some ridiculous conspiricy theory, or to demand that bodies should be banned throughout Sigil and everyone go around with just their heads, or some other perfect nonsense that she is perfectly serious about believing. The other beholders are 110% loyal of course, as is any humanoid that didn't make a will save along the march route, which goes at least half-way across Sigil.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

I refuse to allow this thread to stop. Onward!

Like the Brother I Never Had; Long Adventure

A rash of similar bouts of insanity are being accounted all over Sigil. Someone suddenly forgets all knowledge of one of their siblings/offspring/uncles/etc. and begins to believe that they are some form of imposter or invader. It has been striking members of many races and walks of life, from the Lady's Ward to the Hive. The dark is, these forgotten relatives reallyare appearing out of nowhere, along with all the necessary evidence and mental manipulation on others to 'proove' that they've always been around. Who or what are the invaders and what is their plan? Is there a specific reason that the relative is the only one who can remember not having them around, or is it just a flaw in whatever the process is?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

I really like the way this thread is going, so I'm going to get ambitious. Once this thread hits the hundred hook mark, I think I'll take all the ideas, divide them into categories, and put them all into the first post (with credit given to their authors). From there, I might make it into an article, or even get Clueless to add them to the PSCS, depending on what we decide.

Anyway, to make life easier for me, please start listing your seeds as Short (can be squeezed into a single session), Long (takes place over multiple sessions), Very Long (extended adventure that takes place over multiple levels -- think Faction War), and Campaign Seed (Forms the basis of an entire campaign). See the examples below if you're still confused.

Short Adventure:
Can You Hear Me Now?
A fledgling wizard by the name of Liffed has decided to join the Doomguard. Before he can join though, he has to truly demonstrate his commitment to entropy. To that end, Liffed is using Message spells to whisper creepily into people's ears in the hopes of making them go insane. The PCs are contacted by one of Liffed's targets (who thinks he's haunted and told they will be richly rewarded if they make the voices go away.

Long Adventure:
Lost in the Ether:
Someone the PCs know has gone missing on the Ethereal Plane, and the PCs are the only ones who can help. After the tricky business of getting to the right part of the Ethereal Plane, the PCs will have to search for answers among the local Nathri population and on various demiplanes while fending off the Etherguants that stalk the mists and the more exotic creatures that wander the Demiplanes. Once the PCs find out the location of their lost friend, they will face the even more daunting task of actually getting there.

Very Long Adventure:
Lost Souls:
The PCs will start by trying to track down the soul of a dead friend who was a devout worshiper of the Egyptian Pantheon, but will be informed upon reaching Heliopolis that their friend's soul is "temporarily unavailable." After going to a considerable amount of effort, the PCs will find out that their friend's soul, along with the souls of many others, never reached Heliopolis when they died, and the frantic Aasimon can't figure out why. Over the course of several sessions, the PCs will journey across the Multiverse in search of their friend and uncover a sickness at the heart of the Egyptian Pantheon.

Campaign Seed:
Big Bang:
The PCs, or one of them, anyway, are among the few survivors of an explosion that ripped apart their entire prime, killing millions and leaving only a couple hundred survivors. The PCs must find a new home for their people, keep them from tearing each other apart over old grudges, find out what happened to their poor world, and, if possible, get revenge.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

I'm all for the article idea. There have been some pretty good ideas here, and I'm sure I'll snatch a few for my own games. I'm going to go back and edit my previous posts for adventure length to start with. 100 shouldn't be hard for this lot to reach, especially since it's already at 23. Make that 24

Indigestion; Short Adventure

Whilst travelling inside an Elsewhale (I forget the 2ed name) from the River Oceanus to another body of water, something goes horribly wrong. The whale develops a severe intestinal disease and accidentally swallows the entire party. The PCs will have to deal with a slightly acidic environment and the fear of running out of breathable air while trying to escape the Elsewhale. As an extra turn of events, it is possible that internal parasites causing the illness may attack the PCs, or the whale may have unintentionally dived to incredible depths in its pain.

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Adventure Hook Junction

'Hymneth' wrote:
or the whale may have unintentionally dived to incredible depths in its pain.

"dove" Smiling

From Bad To Worse; Short or Long Adventure
The body of some individual important to the PCs is taken by the Collectors before it can be found. (They could require the body for an item on its person, as part of final rites, to resurrect them, etc.) Unfortunately, upon following the trail to the whereabouts of the body, they discover the only one who knows is a Dustman, but he is not present in Sigil. The PCs discover that for one reason or another (vacation?), the Dustman is somewhere within the Bonecloud in the Astral. The PCs must really consider how important the body is to them. Is the body taken to the Bonecloud too? Not good news, either way.


(If one places this Post-Faction War...) Considering how portals became all confused in the Aftermath, the Mortuary's portals could have simply opened to the Bonecloud as they sent it on its way.

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
Adventure Hook Junction


A Hells of a Party

The PCs have gotten an invite to a rather exclusive party hosted in the Nine Hells. Unfortunately, it's probably doubtful that any have a clue why. So they must figure out why they got the invite in the first place, as well as what they're going to do with it. Being a party in Baator, neither choice may be a particularly healthy option...

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Adventure Hook Junction

The following hook(s) are variations on a theme, really. With some creativity, one might be able to combine them into a string of adventures and possibly a campaign.

Hostile Takeover; Varies

A) The PCs encounter someone, somewhere (DM's call) that seeks their aid in a most urgent matter. As it turns out, this individual has tumbled to a plot involving fiendish creatures intent on slipping his home burg into another plane. The best way for the fiends to accomplish this is by gradually turning the populace into having the same characteristics as the plane they are trying to slip it into. The burg and the planes involved are also up to the DM. As a twist, perhaps the messenger is in fact working to slip the burg over, and the ones the PCs are "thwarting" are actually trying to stop the burg from doing so.

B) A proxy or other special messenger of a particular deity (perhaps one that one of the PCs venerate) approaches the PC(s) with some dire news. A rival deity has taken it upon itself to slowly erode and claim parts of the patron deity's realm into its own. The PC(s) are involved, due to interplanar politics of the powers and other reasons, so that the deity may not notice their involvement (unlike if proxies and the like were to do so). Direct intervention is not possible, here, so the PC(s) are pretty much on their own. However, they may gain the considerable good will of the deity they help, which can be significant in and of itself.

There can be nuances and variations beyond anything I've outlined, of course.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

Short, introduction adventure.

"Bring me a shrubbery": Merchant lord Ni, has acquired new toy: "gardener golem" and he want to put this machine to test, becaouse artifisher who created golem said that it can turn any plant into work of art. So our lord Ni has hired advenurers to bring him a special plant for his golem, and the plant is none other than Sigilian Razorvine.
Problems: Oh, the usual assortment of Sigilian thiefs, beggers , rats and Doomguard wanabees who stop people who want to mess with razorvine. NI !


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
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The Temple of a Thousand Gods Campaign

Within a grand temple, thousands of clerics worship thousands of Powers. It is almost the size of a city, with travellers comings from across the planes to see its glory, the clerics themselves fill all the common urban roles, clerics of wealth are merchants and clerics of battle act as guards.

The cleric of Many-Worlds-Night is found dead, body covered in savage bites.

Can the heroes solve the crime, when every suspect is backed by a Power?

The Pallid Crown Short
The heroes of the tale find a crown that can comand devils or demons or any group of powerful beings.
The story is simple, what do they do with this power?...

Only to find that as soon as they found the crown, they fell into a deep slumber, and that all that happens is a test by a ancient creature of Good.

Two Brothers Long
A young man once found a map to a treasure. He told his elder brother and they set out to find it. After a long journey, they came across the chest the map told of...
The chest was full of gold. The elder killed the younger and took it all.

The grandson of the younger wants what is rightful his and asks you to steal from the elders family, little do the heroes know that the story of the Two Brothers is a deep and twisted thing.

The Path of the Thrashing Dragon Long
There is said to be an ancient woman that does not die, through old age, illness or injury.
She is in Sigil. Screaming, chanting, killing, stealing. The Lady of Pain does nothing. None know why. Its your duty to stop her, though how to is another matter.

Old dark says the immortal stole the first Phoenixes egg, demanded to know its power. The distraught mother told her everything. If only you could find a pheonix to learn the whole story...

The Removal of Waxen Street Short
On Waxen Street, the heroes take rest in a inn.
Suddenly, uncountable Dabus hover over the street and begin taking it apart brick by brick. The street houses a hospital, can the heroes and do they wish to save them before they themselves flee?
Within five hours, the whole steet will be gone, walls built around where it once stood.

Edit: just added the adventure lengths, I missed that post asking us to.

bRA1N-b0X's picture
Joined: 2004-07-13
Adventure Hook Junction

Bound To Be Trouble; Long or Campaign
The heroes are approached by a desperate woman, looking for a means to lift a curse placed on her. Nothing of the usual sort works on the woman. Further adventure and research leads them to a startling discovery: the woman is actually a plane bound into human form! Who bound this plane? Why? Is it an entire layer of the Abyss cursed by an Abyssal Lord? The lost, tenth layer of Baator? How can the curse be lifted? Should the heroes lift it?

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
Adventure Hook Junction

Good going guys! We're up to 35! That's a third of the way.
Short or Long Adventure:
Visit Sunny Nemausus!

Someone, probably the Xaositects of Revolutionary League, have been printing out fake travel brochures and distributing them among the Clueless. The brochures, which are printed on cheap card stock but have unusually good pictures, urge Clueless to "visit sunny Menausus," a "planar paradise of rest and relaxation," and gives them directions to several portals to Arcadia's lost third layer. The flowery words and bright, cheery (and somewhat outdated) pictures make no mention of the Harmonium reeducation camps, the layer's collapse into Mechanus, or the fact that it is the battleground for the second largest war in the Multiverse. The PCs come across one of these pamphlets and have to find the source and shut it down before any more Prime tourists get sent to certain doom.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
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Yawning Memories of War Short
Garouman, a wolf that can take human form, lives deep within the most razorvine covered part of the Hive. One of the few berks to not only survive the Blood War, but still have his wits about him too. He wants the heroes to help him gather the arcane materials needed to create a sensory stone, that others might never want to be part of that great ceaseless evil.

weishan's picture
Joined: 2007-04-16
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The Cloak of Half-Being (Short to long)

A PC discovers a greyish and insubstantial magical cloak that causes powerful physical attacks to pass through him (though his powerful physical attacks do the same to others). Weaker attacks by both the PC and his enemies still have the same effect. Gradually, this cloak begins to weaken the PC and make him incorporeal at inconvenient times (though it also provides many other benifits, like the ability to float a few inches off the ground at all times). The PC also finds that he is persued by other figures wearing similar grey cloaks who seem dead set on killing the PC and fade into puffs of smoke when they are slain.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
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The Shattering Long
Several corpses were found in the Lady’s Ward. Their heads are all bashed in, which wouldn’t be so bad…but a particular healer claims that she examined the bodies, the deadly blows came from inside the skulls.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
Adventure Hook Junction

Just a few ideas I've just had. If anything is spelt badly you'll have to forgive me I'm writing them right now.

A Town called Plenty Very Long
Tradegate, the gate-town, has finally slipped to Bytopia.
In it’s place stands Plenty, a city shaped like two half moons back-to-back, one side filled with brilliant towers and the other covered with humble farms.
The town is only in its youth, with many of its houses still empty, but seems to be doing well.
However there are forces at work trying to swing Plenty away from the dream of Bytopia…and possibly change its gate to lead to somewhere else entirely!

Cradle of Probability Very Long
In the outlands a colossal peak has risen from the earth. Around it all manner of spells can be performed, even by the lowliest of hedge wizard.
Many claim it is the egg of a god, but just what is this rock?
And if belief can shape the very planes…should those over zealous preachers be allowed near this thing?

In the Dead Book Campaign
The heroes travel deep into the Hinterlands.
They return to find years upon years have past. They are thought dead, buried in wealthy tombs.
They lived to be powerful members of Sigil that cultivated a huge amount of jink and many powerful artefacts. But they are not how the heroes wished to have been, some became arrogant schemers and others became paranoid barmies.
Just who lived in their place? What can they do with the legacy they left? Is their a way back to the present?

Skin Dancers Long
A famous magician has died of old age. He was buried in a glass coffin; everyone saw his frail lifeless body. The problem is though, he was a doppelganger.
His apprentice, an incubus, believes he is still alive. He says the magician has fled leaving him with all of his debts to pay.
The daughter of the magician was said to gain the magicians equally famous wand upon his death, but it has gone missing. She thinks the apprentice has it.
Can the heroes find the truth, when so many people surrounding the magician have a thousand faces at their disposal?

The Renewal of the Lord Campaign
An Abyssal Lord has learned a great secret. Every being that calls the Abyss home will one day, no matter what, fall into a place he calls the Deeper Light.
A layer of the plane numbered 7777, the Deeper Light devours, destroying the very essence of the being, a final judgement for the wicked.
The Lord thinks its almost his time and wants out. He has been seen close to the Spire, talking with the Norns.
They have told him to come to the heroes for guidiance...
And ever archon and adventurer in the planes want the glory of his death!

The Lady's Laugh Long
The portals of Sigil are closed. None of the old keys work and every proxie and servant of some deity or devil is getting very, very pissed. Can peace in Sigil last with modrons and angels so far from home? Just how important to trade are the portals? Can they be reopened...and should they?

Give me a Clue! Long
The heroes are famous, powerful...clueless? Someone has spiked their drinks with water from a...river? I forget.
Old foes might attack the heroes as they weaken...and will they stay togethor, no longer having the bonds of the many adventures together?
Can they find the cure before they forget everything from their skills to each other?

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
Adventure Hook Junction

This is actualy old idea for adveture allready posted by me in thread dedicated to Neth HPs, I guess it was aproppiate to post it here where it belongs.

Death of Demiplane Long to Very Long:
Some villan (prehaps doomguard or some entity feeding on death and dying) has casted "Antigenesis" spell or psionic power on Neth (the Living Demiplane), but spell has manifested in form of wasteing illness. Neth is slowly dying and PC must find cure, and if they save it they could get friend in living demiplane.


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
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Sun in Sigil Short
A berk found a sensory stone, a ancient and vivid one. It seems to have been made by Ra, the sun god himself! Now he thinks he is Ra.

But his sister just wants the old Bobat back.

Now a high ranking member of the Sign of One wants him dead and a bunch of barmy Believers of the Source want to further his self belief in his godly nature.

Stop the poor berk from getting himself killed, convince him he's just a lowly thief named Bobat to gain a jink reward...but perhaps he's better off as "Ra".

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
Adventure Hook Junction

This thread shall LIVE!

I love the idea about Ra. Consider it yoinked for future use. . .

Educating the Ignorant Short or Medium Adventure
A Clueless Archmage of relatively high power, but with very little knowledge of the Dark of the planes has recently joined one of the PCs faction. The leaders of the faction decide that as great an ally as he is, he will only embarass the faction if he isn't shown the truth. The PC is assigned to be his 'Tour Guide' and to teach him as much as is possible about Sigil, the Inner and Outer Planes, and whatever else he's mistaken about.

Just imagine the PCs trying to balance correcting his errors with avoiding his wrath by angering him. And just wait untill he manages to insult a room full of Tanar'ri by calling them Devils or somesuch. May not be much of a threat to him, but the PCs will be in trouble. . .

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
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49: Detour Sort or Long
A Baatezu Blood War detachment* tried to steal a march on their Tanar'ri foes by routing through a couple of conduit portals through an Upper Plane. Unfortunately, demonic sappers destroyed the portals while the devils where marching to the second portal. So now they're stranded on the Upper Planes. The Pit Fiend commander doesn't really want to fight Celestials, so now the PCs have an opportunity to defuse things and get the detachment where it was going.
*(mostly Cornugons with a Pit Fiend in command. This was an elite aerial detachment, perhaps 40 or 50 strong. For this to work, 3.5 edition teleport rules have to be in force, so that the fiends can't simply Teleport without Error home).

50: Ethics Short, or possibly Long
The PCs overhear an argument between a Guardinal and an Archon. It seems that a small group of Guardinals entered into a contractual agreement with a similar group or Archons. The Archons delivered their end of the bargain, but now the Guardinals say that they won't be following through on their side, because unforeseen circumstances have made it much more difficult than anticipated. They offer to perform some other service, but the Lawful Archon isn't too pleased with the whole thing. The PCs have an opportunity to get the two calmed down (or riled up, depending on party alignments). Once the two report back to their respective superiors, the PCs may have a similar opportunity between the groups as a whole.

51: Greater Good? Long to Very Long
Representatives of Graz'zt hire the PCs to remove a powerful relic of good from the Abyssal realm Occipitus. Minions of Orcus and Demogorgon try to stop the PCs from doing this. Removing the relic seems likely to advance Graz'zt's plans to take control of the layer. Is it better for the PCs to claim the relic for use against Evil, or should they try to sabotage Graz'zt's plans?

52: Harmony in Chaos Long to Very Long
The Harmonium carves out a small fief in the Abyss. They will get creamed eventually, they cannot possibly stand against the full furry of the Demons in their home plane. What's so valuable to them that they're willing to have their followers risk near certain death in the Abyss?

These next ones were posted by Sciborg (I think) in a thread about the Slaad and the Slaad Lords. The original thread seems to no longer be on the net, since Google can't find it any more, but I had it saved in a file.

'sciborg2' wrote:

Rumors on the Slaad Lords:

Ygorl--Working with Doomguard to determine what Shiva is waiting for before he attempts to destroy the multiverse. Ygorl of course does not plan to be destroyed, but rather become the most powerful being in the multiverse by drawing on the rapid influx of entropy. If successful, Ygorl would only have to destroy Shiva before being able to recreate everything in his own image.

Ssendam--Gatehouse barmies are dreaming about her, Tolly Salmon was said to have muttered something about the "golden shape" before she departed the gatehouse.

Chourst--The slaad lord apparently plans to look into the well of the Norns, to see what his future may be. Those who venerate the triple goddess represented in the crones, as well as those who believe in destiny, are rather worrisome over the prospect. Chourst himself believes that the well won't be able to show his future, as he is the personification of Randomness. In fact, the Slaad Lord hopes the well's power will be destroyed in the attempt, and the sect known as the Fate-Breakers are more than willing to help.

Renbuu--Recently been seen in the Court of Color on Radiance, and having commented that the multiverse has the wrong color scheme. Additionally, there are a lot more orange dragons around, as the Slaad Lord felt they were underrepresented on the multiverse. Whether Renbuu can naturally shift the chromatic dragons between species at will. as he can with the slaadi ranks, is unclear however. However, Tiamat is believed to be rather upset with even the suggestion and has dispatched one of her consorts to assasinate the Lord of Color. Unless, of course, Renbuu started that rumor for his own enjoyment.

I'm especially fond of that last one, so I just had to re-post them here. Sorry, Sciborg. Anyhow, that's 53 - 56.

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
Adventure Hook Junction

Forgot this one
57: Rod of Wonder Short or Long
A Xaositect adventurer returns from a trip to Pandemonium with a Rod of Wonder. He promptly puts it to use to spread a little chaos around Sigil. On it's own, this would simply be slightly annoying, however . . . The PCs come to find out (possibly from the Xaositect himself, he's the chatty type) that the Rod was found in one of the sealed caverns of Agathion. Things don't usually wind up down there unless there's a reason for it. Just how worried should the PCs be? Just what can that Rod do?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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'Darkness_Elemental' wrote:
*(mostly Cornugons with a Pit Fiend in command. This was an elite aerial detachment, perhaps 40 or 50 strong. For this to work, 3.5 edition teleport rules have to be in force, so that the fiends can't simply Teleport without Error home).

Or it could happen after ( Squaring the Circle ) Laughing out loud

Stop That Tower! Short
The PCs require the assistance of Merrist Three-hoof, a Bariaur scholar of some renown who has procured his own walking tower in the outlands. Unfortunately, he's accidentally locked himself out and has been chasing it across the Plane for a week now. He agrees to help with whatever the PCs need, just as long as they can get him back inside the tower, or even just stop it from moving long enough for him to catch his breath.

TheSky's picture
Joined: 2007-09-28
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Tarantula Calls Very Long or Campaign
Deep within the green heart of the Beast Lands, Tarantula, the first of all eight-legged kind, pondered. She hated to do so, but the goddess of drow has taken many of her kin and tainted them with evil. Something must be done!
Tarantula asks the heroes in aiding her to free her children by traveling to the Demon Web Pits to steal Lolth's power over them using an epic spell she has crafted, which will grant Tarantula godhood over her children.
...But Raven has secretly been watching Tarantula for years and has sent word to Hugin and Munin, and they are whispering into the ears of Odin All-Father.
…And all the while the Anansi, King of All Stories wakes from a long, long slumber.

A Real Knower Man Short or Long
The heroes are sat in a run down bar when they over-hear a conversation between two canny berks, one man says,
"Perhaps the Lady represents mental pain...and she gets power from the Factions, people who say why?...But worshippers wouldn't offer this, worshippers never question..."
Then he was flayed! Guts and bones thrown off him and he slummed against the bar, blood spilling everywhere.
Since then every sods been after this man's notes, dairies, anything, anything that was his...because he must of know something, he must of been onto something, right?
The Lady doesn't just flay people, right?
Right? Right.

Militia Long
The heroes have one week to effectly train a town of commoners to prepare for a battle against an army.

I, Gysa Short
Gysa is a half-orc, he loves fire and fire loves him, it grants him powers.
But he is conflicted over his faith. He will ask the heroes what they think fire means, what it wants, then after a quick grunt he'll walk on...but what the heroes say holds weight on the young man.
Does he worship the renewing flame? Or does it wish to consume all? Is it the forge he respects? Or does fire have no will, it merely is? Or if the heroes are charismatic enough, perhaps fire isn't worth the worship?

Darkness_Elemental's picture
Joined: 2006-01-13
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'Hymneth' wrote:
'Darkness_Elemental' wrote:
*(mostly Cornugons with a Pit Fiend in command. This was an elite aerial detachment, perhaps 40 or 50 strong. For this to work, 3.5 edition teleport rules have to be in force, so that the fiends can't simply Teleport without Error home).
Or it could happen after ( Squaring the Circle ) Laughing out loud
Very true. 62) Why that's easy, it's a ... uh... Short A well-to-do Sigilan lady buys a little pet from a planar merchant. 'course, she wants to know what it is, but the question's been stumping graybeards across Sigil. Sounds like a question for some experienced planewalkers, hmm? So? What is it? 63) The Succession of Gith Short or Long In the waning days of Valkilith CLVII's mortal reign, a far sighted githyanki warlock named Duth'Njuk placed records concerning the full succession* of the githyanki throne in the care of a powerful construct, a Living Vault, and launched it into the gulfs of the Astral Plane. After a thousand years of obscurity, records concerning the Vault of Duth'Njuk have at last been revealed in secluded githyanki libraries, and parties of githyanki have set forth to reclaim the lost records. The vault does not simply open up for any githyanki who approaches it, instead it must be destroyed or entrapped somehow. Further complicating matters, it is capable of using Plane Shift or Greater Teleport once every 1d10 rounds. This can concern the PCs in two ways. One, the PCs become involved in the search, either on behalf of the githyanki, or on behalf of those who do not wish to see a new Queen on the Red Dragon Throne. Two, the Vault may simply appear near the PCs or something they care about, with a horde of zealous githyanki seconds behind. *incidentally, the succession records the descendants of various high officers of the Rising, and their order of precedence. I'll post more ideas about the Vault later.

64) Arm Wrestling Short
A Slaad has stolen something, and the PCs have been hired to get it back. The Slaad in question has an affection for arm wrestling, fey wine, and bawdy songs no more than 14 verses long.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
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Mirror, mirror: campain (Planescape/Forgoten Relams crossover inspired by Star Treck)

Rirlmani are unsetisfied with ballance of good and evil on speciffic prime worlds. So they have engaged in uniqe project with Nerra (denizens of demiplane of mirrors). Rilmani want of nerra to create mirror versions of those worlds where champions of good clearly outmach forces of evil, where (*psag* you guesed) good is evil.

So Nera create evil version of Toril where greatest heroes (Elminister, Drizzt, etc...) of world are insane, power hungry, EVIL TO THE CORE maniacs bent on world domination.

But Dark Toril soon suffers from ambitions of its "heroes" and start to break apart. Not wanting to suffer the fate of their world the "heroes" of Dark Toril turn they envious eyes to the rest of the muliverse, and slowly but surely hacth their plans against us...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Lord Xcapobl's picture
Joined: 2007-11-08
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66) Fel Business.

The group receives notice that a Dabus named Fel needs their services. For an appropriate reward they are to enter a portal, seek a rare plant, and take a sample of its juice which might become a special ingredient for a new tattoo ink.
Of course, the portal leads to a very inhospitable place. Such as an undead-demon-infested swampland on an obscure layer of the Abyss, for example.

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Joined: 2007-03-03
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Groundhog Day: short to very long (depending how players are inovative and how quick they figure what is going on.)

PC defeat some monsters in the forest then they go to sell the loot in typical village, done they buisness and go to sleep. When they wake up they found they are back in forest same monsters are attacking them, in the village peaople are also doing the same stuff as yesterday. The next day is the same, and the next... PC enter the time loop that repeats over and over again, exept PC retain their memories of past day.

Figure behind this problem is genial (if not litle crackpot) gnomish inventor who invented time gate, but the gate is jamed when he was testing it and he is stuck in it also... PC must find way to save gnome who only know how to shut machine down, simply smashing it will not work...

This adventure actualy was written by my friend Zharko (he was inspired by the that movie) who has great sense of humor and also is quite sadist in tormenting PC, so this adwenture was fun and frustrating at same time... Laughing out loud
Anyways, this adventure is great oportunity for DMs to practice their tehnobable... Laughing out loud


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Day Labor short

A wizard or sorcerer PC sees an add/ encounters a crier looking for someone with alchemy skill. The job is for one day, peak to peak, and pays fairly well.

The PC will be mixing larged batches of alchemist's fire, in a frenzied, 24-hour effort to churn out as much of the stuff as possible. There are several other spellcasters there, of a variety of races (who may or may not get along). So much firery death might be going to a good cause, or not-such-a-good cause, or it's destination might remain a mystery. Additionally, sometime well past antipeak, mental fatigue should start coming into play, and making a measuring error while mixing batches of arcane napalm would not be good.

On the plus side, the PC might learn how to make various alchemical weapons, or pick up a contact or cohort, or just get paid and go home.

Squaff's picture
Joined: 2007-03-03
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Phantoms of the Opera short to long

It has allways been rumored that Civic Festhall is haunted, but in recent days sightings of strange apparitions are increasing, especialy during opera preformace.
Of course, strange shimmering apparitions are atracting lot patrons and customers who want to see what is this all about, but some Sensate factotums are still woried about this strange happenings, so they hire PC to do some ghost hunting...

Except that "ghosts" are not ghosts, but beings of living sound that have been stranded in Sigil and they are searching for a way home - plane where sound have color, shape, and weight, and where song is act of creation and scream is used as weapon of destruction...


One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."

Mask's picture
Joined: 2007-04-22
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Trick or Treat (short or long)

Some new sort of "rare chocolate" is sold by a shop in Sigil. Unfortunately the chocolate is filled with liquid that has been made from waters of the river Styx. A lot of Sensates have run out and tried this "new experience" before knowing about the side effects. Now the faction is in some disorder and the PCs are asked to find out the dark behind all of this.

Azure's picture
Joined: 2006-05-17
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Election Daze (short one-nighter to medium story arc)

Every three years, a Ward votes for its representative on the Sigil Advisory Council. Many other lesser office elections, for judgeships, guild officers, public advocates, city watchmen, etc., are also held at or around this time.

Technicly, all actual citizens of Sigil in a particular Ward (2 each year, on opposite sides of the ring) vote. In reality few residents are officially citizens, and those that are often have somebody else cast their vote for them, especially if they are in a faction, guild, sect, temple, etc. In order to be a citizen, one must meet one of the following criteria:

a. Own Property.

b. Be an officer-level member (factotum or above) of a property-owning organization recognized by the city. This includes factions, guilds, temples of Powers of intermediate or greater rank, certain recognized sects, and so forth.

There are several Sub-adventures that can be set in the crazy, chaotic, cut-throat world of Sigilan street-level politics. [I invite anybody to come up with more along this theme.]

-Knights of the Pole (short)
Due to fears of corruption, certain polling places are hiring poll watchers to guard certain vote-counts in some districts. The PCs are hired to guard boxes of paper balots. Gee wiz, how exciting, they think, and their sarcasm lasts until one or more of the folowing show up:

-VERY drunk Xaositect fire-mage.

-Mob of angry craftmen armed with tools, whose guildmaster sold their votes for cash then turned 'em stag to lemontrees. "Sorry, guys but it's too late, they've been counted." is not what they want to hear.

-Flamboyant high priest with a hundred followers in tow, only a few of whom can legaly vote. This works really nice if they are a temple of some major dark god, or a priesthood the PCs have clashed with before. The PCs must hold themselves in check, but they may notice some voting irregularities by the priests.

-Group of professional housebreakers, either under the mistaken belief there'd be cash here, or carrying thier own box full of rigged votes.

-Barmy protester who missed the vote by about sixteen hours.

-Power to the Person (medium to long)
The upcoming elections are expected to be hotly contested. The PCs meet the candidate that they support, perhaps a current member of the Council, and she/he makes an impression. Their opponent is unsavory, but has jink, votes, and the support of well-placed individuals.

Ideas for opponent:

-Minder's Guild member (Sodkiller)
-Priest or Paladin of unwavering Law
-Money-grubbing Taker
-Yugoloth , perhaps in disguise, perhaps not

In the run-up to the big election are smaller judgeships and the like, and the unsavory opponent is rigging these to gain more power to win the big vote, perhaps even eliminating the candidates that oppose him. The PCs must either get proof of wrongdoing or find some other way of opposing the nefarious scemes of the opposition.

-The Center Does Not Hold (short to medium)
One major problem in Sigilan elections is The Hive. Who are the rightful citizens? Who actually owns property? The Xaositects are a faction, but are they an organization with officers? No definative census even exists for The Hive. Some districts are more stable than others, but how does the Hive Ward as a whole choose a representative to the council?

The answer was a bit of legal trickery that ended up tricking the tricksters. When the council was set up, it was ageed that if a district could organize its affairs enough to prove the Advisory Council's criteria for citizenship, those votes could be submitted. In those ares of the hive poulated by naught but gutter runners, street-pillows, and slum-shackers, the population would have to submit a voting plan and approve it by eight out of nine votes counted. The votes that district is entited to on the council is one-third of the 8/9 majority, to account for non-property owners. Now, many districts in the Hive are denied a vote because not enough berks can agree even when to have a vote about how to vote. In some districts, however, they have a lot of fun with it. They might hold a footrace, or a silly song contest, or a giant poker game, or a duel to the death between candidates.

Duckluck's picture
Joined: 2006-10-10
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We're at somewhere between 74 and 80 right now, depending on whether you count closely related items as separate hooks or not. Don't worry about the counter too much though, while I will be turning these into an article, it's mostly just for fun.

Moving Day: Short Adventure
The PCs have been asked by a client to move some furniture while her dining room is being remodeled. Sounds simple, right? While, it would be if that client weren't Zadara the Titan, the dining room wasn't half an acre, and the chairs in her solid gold dining set didn't weigh a ton each (and that's not ever counting the table). Somehow the PCs must find a way to move the furniture before the construction crew shows up and without wasting the sack of jink Zadara is giving them as payment.

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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Going out of Business Sale Short Adventure

A powerful wild mage living in the City of Brass has gotten it into his mind that somehow he will die in exactly 11 days. He has the time figured out down to the minute. Since he will be dead anyway, he's decided to have fun with it by making a contest of the whole thing. Anyone who can break into his abode before he dies is entitled to keep anything they can steal, and if anyone can kill him before the 11 days are up, they can have the tower. However, the dangers of wandering around the home of a wild mage on the plane of fire are many and ludicrous. Not to mention that if the mage does not actually die after 11 days, he may decide to recollect anything he lost. . .

jareddm's picture
Joined: 2007-12-12
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All roads lead to the Abyss Medium Adventure

The recent destruction of a massive cult of Abyssal worshipers on a prime world has caused such an influx of souls into the Abyss that the plane has shifted. The result is all forms of planer travel on the prime world and several others near it all lead to the Abyss. The only way to fix the cosmic shift is through the planer orrery on Mechanus. But where is one to find a portal to Mechanus in the Abyss?

Hymneth's picture
Joined: 2006-08-01
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Who's Hand is That, and Why is it On My Wrist? Short or Medium length

After a long night of drinking (or other suitable activity) the PC awakens with a splitting headache and a VERY troubling problem. Apparantly, while unconscious, an enterprising fleshcrafter scavenged their body for parts (this hook works best if the PC is of an interesting race). At least the good doctor was kind enough to replace what it took with suitable replacements, but are 2 left arms really suitable? Or a bugbear's feet? Or the liver of a lifetime alchoholic? One of the only clues the PC has to the whereabouts of their parts is a small amount of sensation from each one. But just how does a person go about retrieving stolen body parts? Will they even be willing to take back their heart from the elderly grandfather that it is keeping alive? Or their eyes from a formerly blind child? Decisions, decisions. . .

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