The first Adventure Hook Junction thread finally hit its target of 100 hooks, so we're going to be starting over with a fresh thread. Hopefully the last thread hasn't exhausted our collective imaginations.
The PDF of Adventure Hook Junction One can be found here: /081225/adventure-hook-junction-i
Rules: Rule One: Every post in the thread (even comments on other peoples' posts) must include an adventure seed.
Rule Two: Your adventure idea must be long enough to make sense, but short enough to be read quickly.
Rule Three: List your seeds as Short (can be squeezed into a single session), Long (takes place over multiple sessions), Very Long (extended adventure that takes place over multiple levels -- think Faction War), or Campaign Seed (Forms the basis of an entire campaign).
With that in mind, each of your hooks should follow this format: [Adventure Length]: [Adventure Name]: [Description of Adventure Hook. No more than a paragraph or two] --[your screen name] (this will save me time when I compile these).
If you don't do all the formatting, no one's going to tar and feather you or reject your idea, but it will mean way more work for me when I put these together, so please follow the formatting (bolding and all).
Guidelines: These are supposed to be short, simple adventure ideas, so don't make them longer than a paragraph or so (the campaign seeds can be a little longer though), and don't make them too in-depth. Simply listing the quest origin and objective, and leaving the individual encounters up to the DM is fine. At the same time though, don't make make them too vague. Saying "a fiend wants the PCs to retrieve an item from one of the inner planes, but isn't on the up and up," is pretty much worthless as adventure hooks go. It's too vague and it forces the DM to do all the hard work. A good hook featuring that setup would look like this:
Long Adventure: A Simple Plan: The PCs are approached by a Cornugon named Lix`drar (he may be in disguise if the PCs aren't the type to talk to Baatezu) and hired to retrieve an enchanted emerald for him from the City of Glass on the Elemental Plane of Water. He tells the PCs he can't retrieve it because the Marids have a grudge against him and would kill him if they discovered him, but the actual reason is that the emerald is the Entropy Gem, a powerful artifact that has the power to instantly kill any immortal being that touches it (including Marids and Cornugons). Lix'drar plans to dupe the PCs into giving the gem to his master, the Pit Fiend Banalos, but the PCs may well have other ideas. Of course, they have to find the gem first. --Duckluck
Adventure Hooks are back!
Short Adventure:
Give Me Back My Dolly: Quadrone TK 421, had strange mission. It had to studdy behavior of gigant's children. For that he vas given guise of mechanical wind up toy. But time has passed and it still has not reported to its superiors from its mission. Now PC are hired to rescue modron from "little" gigant girls bedroom. It is like sealing candy... er, toy from baby, gigant baby that is.
One-eyed, one-horned, flying, purple people eater says: "Monsters are nature's way for keeping XPs fresh."