Adding Color to Pandemonium

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Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Adding Color to Pandemonium

In order to make Pandemonium a little more “fun” to play; I went back to an article that I found concerning making D&D madness into an enjoyable role-playing event rather than conforming to the realistic and unfortunate realities of mental illness. In this spirit, I suggest adding some of the following to Pandesmos, the first (and least anti-social) layer of Pandemonium:
*Areas of alter egos/multiple personalities:
In all of these cases, the alter ego could be permanent (until cured), or it could switch back and forth based on time (e.g. one personality in the morning, another in the evening) or could be triggered by an item or event (e.g. seeing a river or getting angry might trigger a personality shift)

-An area where the afflicted person takes on a second personality with same alignment but otherwise opposite in behavior. (E.g. if the PC is shy then the alternate personality is bold; if the PC is prim and proper, the alternative personality is crude and vulgar; etc. Apply penalties or bonuses based on how well they act this out – the more outrageously played, the better)

-An area where the afflicted person takes on the opposite alignment but in an exaggerated cartoony way (E.g. a paladin turns into a mustache-twirling villain with a maniacal laugh; the greedy thief turns into the cliché hippie that wants to share the world)

-An area where the afflicted person believes himself to be of a different age (e.g. the fighter turns into a lisping child that wants to play tag or the thief turns into a grumpy old man with aches and pains who is always complaining about things – especially those “young whipper-snappers”)

-Area that induces a “creature complex” where the person thinks he is a creature or monster (E.g. the cleric suddenly believes she is a magical unicorn and will nuzzle up to another PC to try to get a sugar cube.)
In this plane of madness, perhaps an afflicted person might gain illusionary powers similar to what he believes he has (E.g. a man who thinks he is a blink dog might APPEAR to have the ability to blink about)

-An area where the afflicted person thinks he is a figure from legend (E.g. the henchman starts giving orders because he now thinks he is Conan or Gandalf) Or perhaps when the PC spots a woman, he suddenly thinks he is a cartoony Don Juan [or Pepe LePew if you prefer]

-An area where the afflicted person takes on a personality with an emotional extreme (E.g. imagine a frail wizard suddenly going into “Hulk Smash!” mode and pounding on doors expecting them to shatter and making “huge leaps” [actually just hops] to travel about)

*Another possibility is an area that induces a form of “personality” amnesia. The affected person basically becomes a blank slate that is extremely suggestible towards a new one (E.g. if another PC says “I wish there were some way to cure him” then the afflicted PC suddenly thinks he is a doctor and starts trying to take everyone’s temperature and look down their throats until another suggestion gets made – note that saying “I wish Gus would act like Gus” won’t have any effect and attempts to reset the afflicted person’s personality just by describing their old behavior shouldn’t work well)

*Another possibility is an area that induces Quixotism. Afflicted persons see all things as wondrous objects or beings. A rock is suddenly seen as the Fabled Gem of Yuwanna. A bunny is suddenly seen as the Dreaded Incisor-Beast of Bunsylvania. It might be very difficult to get the afflicted person to leave this "land of wonders" and perhaps there is a whole city of people wearing pieces of trash believing them to be fabulous armors and beautiful gowns of the finest silks

Does anyone else have some “fun” insanity ideas that we could add to make this plane more interesting?

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adding Color to Pandemonium

For more information on different types of delusions and psychosis, I would suggest the following Wikipedia articles:


Cotard delusion could get VERY interesting if it's just a monothematic delusion *not very likely in most real world cases-- a monothematic delusion is a delusion only involving a single theme or subject, and is generally a result of an organic brain disorder-- such as an injury, tumor, or scarring-- rather than a psychiatric disorder.* and the subject belongs to the Dustmen faction...

(Another interesting scenario would be an asylum patient or otherwise crazy colonist who really DID encounter someone who takes on various forms, is impersonating other members, etc.)
Some of these are a tad more difficult to encorporate into Planescape of course, since most of them involve real phenomena in the D&D world.

This would also be of significance on the Outer Planes and in Sigil:
(a very similar but usually much milder syndrome to Stendhal is seen among some astronauts when they first gaze upon earth from space)

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adding Color to Pandemonium

While we're also on the subject, here is a list of D&D-relevant paraphilias (fetishes). For definitions and names of real-world fetishes, you can easily find glossaries and dictionaries of the stuff online. (Yeah, it's not 100% related to Pandaemonium crazies, but eh)
Some of these also expand upon the real-life definitions of the term, though many are made-up.

--Algamatophilia: aka Galateism; sexual arousal towards statues. In the D&D world, this includes people (most commonly medusae) with the specific fetish of watching victims turn to stone.
--Angelophilia: Angels in particular
--Animal Play: Sex acts where the submissive partner is (sometimes elaborately) treated like a quadruped animal. (known IRL as ponyplay, puppyplay and dogplay)
--Anthropophilia: Attraction or arousal to humanoid/monstrous humanoid type creatures, despite not being a humanoid/monstrous humanoid oneself. Generally, those capable of having this fetish are quadrapeds and other non-bipedal, non-humanoid-shaped creatures, including sentient objects.
--Automasochism: Someone who becomes aroused from inflicting pain or injury upon themselves.
--Automatophilia: Golems, homunculi.... also living constructs (modrons, innevitables, etc.)
--Avianthrophilia: Attraction to bird-like humanoids, such as aaracokra, kenku, tengu, ravenkin, or raptorians, despite not being an avian oneself.
--Balnophilia: 1. Arousal from seeing someone submerged in water 2. Fetish for having sex while submerged in water 3. Fetish for having sex in a bath
--Carnephilia: In the D&D world, this refers to an attraction to flesh-based beings. Elementals, sentient objects, and Living Constructs are generally the only types who possess this fetish.
--Celestial Humiliation: A fetish among some lower planar races, esp. *and almost exclusively* prison wardens, that follows the same train of thought as animal play. It consists of treating a fiend like a celestial. This is also used as a cruel and humiliating interrogation technique. The fiend is usually treated as its celestial opposite (e.g. Baatezu are treated like Eladrin, while Tanar'ri are treated like Archons). The techniques can get quite elaborate and dangerous, and may include forcing the victim to hold or wear sacred objects for several minutes.
--Coprophilia: (you don't wanna know) May also involve otyughs and creature native to the Paraelemental Plane of Ooze.
Deinovetulaphilia: Hags
--Daemonophilia: One with a fetish for Yugoloths, but who themselves is not a yugoloth
--Deinovetulaphilia: Hags
--Demonophilia: One with a fetish for Tanar'ri, but who themselves is not a tanar'ri.
--Diablophilia: One with a fetish for Baatezu, but who themselves is not a baatezu.
--Dracophilia: Dragons, of course. Does NOT include dragons when polymorphed into the same creature type as the partner, and creatures of the dragon subtype are not eligible for this fetish.
--Edgeplay: (knifeplay) Oh, gosh, does this ever have additional uses in the D&D world, from combat to cult sacrifices...
--Elementaphilia: Should be fairly obvious.
--Entymoanthrophilia: Attraction to insectile humanoids, such as Thri-Keen, despite not being insectile oneself.
--Fiendish Humiliation: Same as Celestial Humiliation, except that it involves treating celestials like fiends.
--Formicophilia: Someone who becomes aroused from having hordes of insects crawling over or inside their body. A fairly common fetish among Drow (note: the term literally means "ant-love", though it refers to all insects and also arachnids. It derives from the term "formication" *lit. "anting"*, which is the sensation of insects crawling all over a portion of one's body, and is a common tactile hallucination. It was so named because non-hallucinatory formication almost invariably occurs when one disturbs an ant mound)
--Garnish Pimp or Garnish Whore: Both are unisex terms referring to those (esp. lower planar races) who become aroused by receiving bribes. Which term is used depends on how favorably the speaker views the fetishist. The terms often used as well for a non-fetishist who enjoys or enforces victims to give them bribes.
--Gigantophilia: Attraction towards those one or more size categories larger than the fetishist.
--Heterophagophilia: Arousal from cannibalizing a member of one's own race, or arousal from being cannibalized by a member of one's own race
--Icthyoanthrophilia: Attraction to fish-like humanoids such as sahuagin, anguillians, even merfolk-- despite not being a fish-type oneself.
--Kleptolagnia: Arousal from stealing.
--Magiphallophilia: Fetish for magic rods, wands, or staves (I sense a 1/2E joke coming in!)
--Magiphilia: Fetish for magic or users of magic.
--Magizoophilia: One with a fetish for magical beasts, but who themselves is not a magical beast or animal.
--Mammalophilia: Arousal to mammalian individuals, despite that the subject not being mammalian themselves.
--Masochism: Arousal from having pain or injury inflicted upon oneself.
--Mortaliphilia: Fetish for committing sexual acts with mortals, often in exclusion to one's own species. Typically, only elementals, outsiders, and living constructs can possess this fetish.
--Mucophilia: Someone who um... is attracted to oozes, or uses them in sexual acts (you knew this was coming sooner or later). Mostly limited to societies where worship of Ghaunadaur or Juiblex is commonplace, and among the truly insane. It's not uncommon for mucophiles to be attracted to aboleths and ropers as well.
--Nanophilia: Arousal to subjects one or more size categories smaller than oneself. *note: sex acts between subjects with one or more size category differences may lead to severe injury without magical augmentation*
--Noctodeinovetulaphilia: Nighthags
--Oneirophilia: In the D&D world, this refers to a fetish for performing sex acts with a recipient while in a Dreamscape.
--Polymorphophilia: Arousal from performing sexual acts while under a polymorph effect, or arousal from having sexual relations with a partner under the effects of a polymorph effect.
--Protodemonophilia: One with a fetish for (Pelor forbid) Obyriths, but who themselves is not one.
--Psionicophilia: Fetish for psionic users or psionics.
--Pyrophilia: (fire) IRL, arousal from watching fires burn. In the D&D world, pyrophiliacs also become aroused by casting fire-based spells and may be sexually attracted to fire elementals.
--Sadism: Arousal from inflicting pain or injury on others
--Sauroandrophilia: Fetish for scalykind races, even though one is a mammal, avian, or some other non-reptilian race.
--Spectrophilia: 1. arousal from an image in the mirror 2. arousal from sex acts with incorporeal undead
--Sthenolagnia: 1. Arousal from a demonstration of strength 2. sexual attraction to unusually muscular specimens of a race *usually one's own* 3. sexual attraction to highly muscular and bulky humanoid/monstrous humanoid races, such as orcs
--Stigmatophilia: Arousal to a partner whose skin is tattooed, scarified, scarred, pierced, etc.
--Symphorophilia: Arousal from arranging a disaster, explosion, accident, or crash. One of the most common fetishes among Yugoloths.
--Teratophilia: Attraction towards deformed, mutated, or disfigured creatures.
--Theophilia: Subject who fantasizes about performing sexual acts with a deity or watching a deity perform sexual acts. Most churches consider this to be pure blasphemy, though some churches of pleasure deities permit or even encourage it.
--Timophilia: Fetish for money or wealth
--Transpolymorphophilia: Arousal from polymorphing into the opposite sex
--Unnecrophilia: Undead, of course (corporeal, only)
--Unnecrosadism: Arousal from inflicting pain and/or injury/damage to an undead partner
--Vore (Vorephilia): Arousal from watching a creature get eaten, devoured, or engulfed by another creature.
--Xenophilia: One with a fetish for aberrations, but is not themselves an aberration.
--Zoomorphophilia: Someone who prefers to perform sex acts while in wildshape or to perform sex acts on a partner who is in wildshape.
--Zoosadism: Sexual sadism towards animals

There are a few definitions I have not included. They're either too graphic (body modification) or too vile (I think you know exactly which ones I'm referring to), and even the former would only be encountered in a D&D setting if you're using Quintessential Temptress/Encyclopaedia Arcane Blue Magic/Valar Book of Erotic Fantasy.

Palomides's picture
Joined: 2010-06-26
Re: Adding Color to Pandemonium

I had thought this was an interesting topic and was a little deflated when no one responded at first. So I appreciate the lists you compiled. I think I’ll have to skip the fetishes as my group isn’t capable of keeping it from becoming juvenile.

I agree, the Cotard delusion (thinking oneself is undead) would be a great for role-playing. I imagine one of the PCs waking up one morning to an individual gnawing on his arm. If nothing else, it would be funny to have one person (briefly) obsessed with “Brains!”

In a world where dopplegangers exist, the Capras delusion (thinking others have been replaced by duplicates) and the syndrome of subjective doubles (thinking there are duplicates of oneself waiting to replace you – or at least causing trouble in your name) could be interesting.
Twisting the classic, “Just because you’re paranoid; it doesn’t mean They aren’t out to get you”; I supposed one could say “Just because I have these delusions; it doesn’t mean the party hasn’t been infiltrated by dopplegangers”

Your mentioning of the Jerusalem syndrome (where a person believes he is a messiah or prophet after visiting a site of religious significance), made me think of something. While there are many sites and realms sacred to the powers, one doesn’t hear (as far as I recall) any affect on visiting mortals (aside from things like "curses" that affect game mechanics).

If the party was to visit a temple in the Grey Wastes sacred to Hades (even for a self-serving reason as looting it), might one of the PCs (or NPCs) become so inspired as to think himself an apostle for the god of death, immediately join the Dustmen and start preaching on street corners? Could your former henchman turn into a recurring foe who feels the party must be "blessed" with death?
If the party visits the Prime Gear of Mechanus, might a visitor be struck with a “religious awe” for law and turn into a cross between an obsessed Guvner and John Nash from “A Dangerous Mind” seeing patterns and structures that aren’t really there?

This seems like to me like it might have possibilities

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adding Color to Pandemonium


At the very least you should look at the "Celestial Humiliation" fetish as it is not a purely sex-based fetish *in fact, nothing in the entry mentions sexual applications at all*, as well as "Garnish Pimp/Whore" since it's been overused to the point that 4 times out of 5, it doesn't refer to the fetish.

As for juvenile, I'm not sure how Magiphallophilia COULD be applied without it getting silly (that's a fetish for rods, wands, and staves. Which of course would include vibrating versions, and probably the line "Time to make your save vs. Rod, Wand, or Staff!" uttered by the villainess... or villain, and plenty of other wand-related puns. LOTS of wand-related puns.)

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Adding Color to Pandemonium

I love the posts in here so far. The original post had lots of fun ideas to add some interesting role playing elements to the Plane of Madness, and Hyena's list of disorders and philias was great stuff. I can see brothels and sex clubs catering to the wide range of desires, which could lead to beautiful, dark, and/or hilarious adventures.

Perhaps there are Sensates who descend into Pandemonium, each time hoping to catch a new temporary madness. Also, I could see a faction dedicated to the various philias, believing that sexual acts offer revelations about the Multiverse. Like all the factions, there are good and evil sides trying to push the faction into one direction or another. Not for every group, given the sensitive nature of sexuality as a topic - not everyone, myself included, might be able to stomach a long campaign arc dealing with sexual slavery - but I think it could be tapered to different tastes.


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Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Adding Color to Pandemonium

Also, I could see a faction dedicated to the various philias, believing that sexual acts offer revelations about the Multiverse.

That's a VERY interesting idea. Certainly there are ideas like that behind the philosophies involved with Tantric sex.

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