Looking at running Dead Gods and The Great Modron March, but I'm not sure if I should pick up the AD&D rules or the AD&D2 ones (or AD&D2.5??). Wikipedia helped a little bit but I'm still confused (I started DMing early 3.0). Could anyone give me some advice based on experience on which is best for planescape and what, if any, "optional" rulebooks I'll likely want?
I think Planescape uses AD&D 3.5 rules, but I could be wrong.
As for supplements, you will want the Tome of Magic and all three of the Player's Option books. There are also quite a few class-based handbook accessories, some of which are better than others (the Ranger's, Druid's, and Wizard's handbooks are very, very good, and the Cleric's handbook has a few guidelines and ideas for creating your own dieties/specialty priests.)
There are a few things that you should be warned about.
2E is a lot harder than 3E, especially Planescape. There are a lot more "save or die" situations, and the Planescape rules are much more difficult.
In 3x, you basically have enhanced and impeded magic, where (IIRC) impeded magic only works about half as well as it would otherwise. For instance, if you're on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, magic with the fire subtype will be impeded.
Now, in Planescape, you have four types of effects (again, I'm going off of memory here). Magic can be mildly enhanced, greatly enhanced, impeded, or not work at all.
For instance, on the Paraelemental Plane of Ice, earth-based magic will only be half as effective (since the earth plane is on the opposite side of the inner planar cosmology), while fire magic doesn't work at all. The only way to get around this is to use something called a 'spell key'. Also, the inner and outer planes in 2E/Planescape arent' connected at all. This means that while you're on the Inner Planes, you're treated as 3 levels lower if you're a divine caster and your diety resides on the outer planes and you try to use your spells.
It also means that you can't summon anything from the Outer Planes while on an Inner Plane and vice-versa. It's worse than that, in fact. You can only summon creatures from adjacent planes. In other words, if you're currently on the Abyss, you can only summon creatures from the Abyss, Carceri, Pandaemonium, the Outlands, or the Astral Plane. Bear in mind there is no fiendish or celstial template in 2E (not that I can recall, anyway), so you're more limited in what you can summon.