Action points in your PS game

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Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Action points in your PS game

Ok so far I have used them in my ebberon game to good effect (I also like the rules that are in that book about them anyway). The hard part is trying to have every one rember that they have them.

So how would you think they would work in a PS game.

I can have a few ideas for feats that would work in PS with them.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Action points in your PS game

I wouldn't bother, someone my complain that you're mucking up the system. But then again, Action Points, Force Points, and Belief Points are really the same mechanic.....Yeah, there's several people who'd trounce your work, but I'd like to see them.

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Action points in your PS game

Well right now im doing monster stuff (updateing some of the ones I posted). As well hoping to start my newer ebberon game.

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
Action points in your PS game

"Emperor Xan" wrote:
I wouldn't bother, someone my complain that you're mucking up the system. But then again, Action Points, Force Points, and Belief Points are really the same mechanic.....Yeah, there's several people who'd trounce your work, but I'd like to see them.

People aren't "trouncing" the idea of using belief points. They aren't even "trouncing" the idea of using belief points in the very specific way that you use them. They're just saying that they shouldn't necessarily be a requirement, as they are in your faction system.

To answer law's question: yeah, belief points, or action points, or hero points or whatever work in Planescape. I know Monte Cook used them in his own Planescape campaign.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Action points in your PS game

Now I know none of you have read my posts ever. I never made Belief Points a requirement. I've posted the templates several times on the PS mailing list that show how to use templates without using Belief Points, but again, you've never seen them, which suggests either you don't subscribe to the mailing list, or you deleted the posts.

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Action points in your PS game

Well mostly the PCs will have action points anyway (NPCs need a feat to use em).

Emperor Xan I have only just got back into PS (like the last few days since my about 6th month ebberon only run). Plus I have never been on any real mailing list anyway.

Emperor Xan's picture
Joined: 2004-06-29
Action points in your PS game

Law, the comment was directed at the detractors of my system who've seen it but not paid much attention to the details.

Rhys's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Action points in your PS game

...let's not open up a new front into this faction issue, shall we?

Law, I think action points could work just fine in Planescape. You may want to check out Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed alternate setting/rules set. It has some pretty well expanded rules governing action points. In that setting, you don't usually use it to simply add to a roll, but rather to emulate a feat for a round or to do something truly heroic. I'd get into details, but, frankly, I've forgotten exactly what else you can do.

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Action points in your PS game

"Rhys" wrote:
...let's not open up a new front into this faction issue, shall we?

Law, I think action points could work just fine in Planescape. You may want to check out Monte Cook's Arcana Unearthed alternate setting/rules set. It has some pretty well expanded rules governing action points. In that setting, you don't usually use it to simply add to a roll, but rather to emulate a feat for a round or to do something truly heroic. I'd get into details, but, frankly, I've forgotten exactly what else you can do.

I do have that book. Yes they do the same thing just this you can get more use out of it (I have sean my players burn half in one fight, then again they do not use them when they are needed as well some of the time).

There is much that could be said in allways of doing it. Story awards to me are hard to give that kind of award (they are lucky I give them bonus XP every now and then).

But I have found spellfire to be more of a problem then action points (I do not realy notice they are there myself most of the time). To me they add to the game (and comming up with faction favered feats that use them would be fun but I would really need to look at each faction).

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Action points in your PS game

Spellfire can be abused (seen in action in a game) but then nearly anythign in the right combination of player and GM can be abused. Thankfully good communicaiton between the two can usually avoid the worst of it.

I think action points are a great way to give the GM an excuse to let the players pull off something spectacular with their characters. It makes the story that much more 'cool' when they can burn something for an emergency. Sort of like burning willpower in WWolf systems, or Karma in Shadowrun.

Admittedly - most systems that don't have something like that in place already, I actually don't tend to feel the need to add it. Not enough of my players feel a drive for that sort of need and I can generally adjust my style of game to give them the cool effects anyways. In a way, at least the way I look at it, the numbers of a system can be considered as much a prop as character story, mini or map. They just give another aspect of enjoyment for those who like feeling that adreniline rush of 'Will I make the next roll or not?'

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
Action points in your PS game

I like action points. Gives DM a good opportunity to grab his head and say "please use the action point" Laughing out loud

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
Action points in your PS game

Various posts regarding Faction Templates and sundry moved to: /forums/viewtopic.php?t=326

This way Law's question can get answered and the debates can continue elsewhere.

Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
Action points in your PS game

"But I don't have enough points to raise the dead!"

Law's picture
Joined: 2004-06-16
Action points in your PS game

Fidrikon you never will. Unless you use them to get another use of one of the spells that can for the that day. Kinda of a wast of the points in my eyes. Plus if I did allow that youi would never have anough of them to do it at once trust me. Eye-wink

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