About Mazes

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remi's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
About Mazes

I'd like to know which conception of Lady's Mazes everybody's have.
In a first place, I imagined that when somebody was thrown into one of it, the Lady duplicated the aera where the guy was as nobody was looking at it. Then, this sod was surprised not to recognize the next corner, the next street of the Cage because it has suddenly became a copy of the area duplicated. Step by step, this berk was horrified to discover that his prison was growing, always with the same buildings, the same streets, the same rooms...

I was surprised of the shape of the maze in the video game "Torment" or in the novel "Pages of Pain" where the maze was more like a traditional labyrinth.

I think I prefer a version more inhuman of the mazes. I think the movie "Cube" or the novel "House of Leaves" by Danielewsky could be good inspirations to create new ideas of mazes

Have you some ideas to share?

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
About Mazes

I think that the mazes probably start out as a copy of Sigil. There are houses and maybe sometimes people there, but as times go by the houses fades. The walls grow more and more alike and at the end its all the same. Just walls standing up from the ground with nothing to distinguish between them.

Maybe the mazed walks deeper into the maze and end up in something more basic about the maze itself or maybe the maze is a metaphore of the state of the mind.

Another idea might be that the maze is actually a mental construct.
The lady puts the maze into peoples heads, making them believe they are in a maze. After a while of wandering the streets of Sigil, acting like madmen, they get picked up by bleakers that bring them to the gatehouse. It would probably contradict some canon though.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
About Mazes

Agreed - I would have liked to have seen a different representation for the maze. The way I view it they should be complex - almost dungeon like Sigil-city environments, where things shift behind you as you walk... A simple labyrinth just wasn't satisfying to my expectations. Though I'll admit it made sense why the game designers couldn't put something like that together.

remi's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
About Mazes

I am seduced by the idea that it's a projection of the victim's mind

Kestral's picture
Joined: 2006-03-27
About Mazes

Actually, I had a thought. What if the Dabus are the people the Lady mazed? They lose themselves in a maze within their own mind, and wander the city, slowly becoming Dabus. The reason the Lady would then "protect" the Dabus is because being a Dabus is meant to be an eternal punishment, and killing them is something of a favor to them. Why would they speak in rebuses? Who knows...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
About Mazes

I'd think the Lady would be able to make mazes all her own way... customized. So sure - a metnal maze works. Eye-wink It's not like the majority of the population would recognize that the hapless victim was mazed, so it wouldn't be a popularly recognized happening. (I mean, she did sort of nail the Indeps with that Plague awhile back...)

Could this be the start of a wonderful module idea for U.Planescape? Someone notices an unsualyl high number of mental patients being admitted to the city hospitals?

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
About Mazes

2nd ed Planescape - In the Cage - A Guide to Sigil
A Tout's Guide to Sigil
Wards and Mazes
Fourth Paragraph

"The other reason the boudaries between the wards seem to shift over time, of course, is that the Lady of Pain creates mazes, sections of the city that're somehow spun off into the deep Ethereal to rid the city of those who refuse to keep the Lady's peace."

Daylen's picture
Joined: 2006-04-16
About Mazes

also there is good material in Planescape Campaign setting (I think what I have is the ebook version, not sure if the traditional one is set up differant) under:
-Sigil and Beyond
--Keeping the peace

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