Aasimar Physical Traits?

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Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Aasimar Physical Traits?

Has anyone compiled a list of 20+ aasimar traits, similar to the table of random tiefling traits from the Planewalker's Handbook?

Anetra's picture
Joined: 2009-04-03
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

If you're interested in Pathfinder resources, Paizo recently released 'Blood of Fiends,' a supplement aimed toward Tiefling PCs, with all manner of tiefling-only feats, traits, sorcerer bloodlines and the like, including an updated version of that table for 3.5/PF.

Next month, they're releasing 'Blood of Angels,' the same idea but for Aasimar. It will include a table of alternate spell-like abilities for Aasimar in it.

sciborg2's picture
Joined: 2005-07-26
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

Blood of Angels <- Good to know, will have to mention it in the Upper Planar issue o' the zine!


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Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

Thanks for the tip, but it's not worth buying a PF splat just for a table.

I think I can use a few items from the tiefling table, now that I think about it. Thanks to the guardinals, animal traits should be reasonable for aasimar. Eye-wink

kwint's picture
Joined: 2005-12-28
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

There was Warriors of Heaven which IIRC was originally developed for Planescape but was released as a generic product during the AD&D 2.5 era.


Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

Hm, nothing much helpful in WoH.

Hyena of Ice's picture
Joined: 2009-09-25
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

Just look at the various celestial races and give them less-visible versions of some of those traits. Here are the ones I thought of:

--eyecolor is abnormally vivid (e.g. emerald green, blue like a deep tropical sea, vibrant reddish brown)
--eyes are pure silver (lack irises or pupils)
--eyes are pure white (lack irises or pupils)
--irises of eyes possess play of color like opals
--glittery appearance to hair
--Golden hue to skin
--Hair possesses metallic shine
--Multicolored hair
--Unusually pale skin
--Silvery hue to skin
--Vestigal feathered wings (which slowly grow with levels of Favored Soul)

--Fiery-like hair
--glittery appearance to hair
--Hair with black goldstone-like appearance (black or dark blue with glittery white spots like stars)
--Nacre-like hair (hair with the color and shine of pearls)
--Pointed ears
--Silver hair
--slender body features
--Vestigal fairy wings (which slowly grow with levels of Favored Soul)

PART GUARDINAL (select which guardinal the character descends from and select one or more traits that fit)
--Beard resembling a lion's mane
--Beard resembling a wolf's mane
--Body covered in short or long hair
--10~80% of body covered in feathers instead of hair
--Long, beak-like nose
--Equine tail
--Leonine tail
--Long eyebrows
--Lower half of bipedal body like that of a horse
--Lupine tail
--Sharp claws or talons (inflicts 1d2 dmg)
--Sharp teeth
--Thick eyebrows
--Vestigal eagle or hawk wings (which slowly grow with levels of Favored Soul)
--Yellow or blue wolf-like eyes

catland93's picture
Joined: 2004-09-09
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Has anyone compiled a list of 20+ aasimar traits, similar to the table of random tiefling traits from the Planewalker's Handbook?

Not all aasimars are alike. Remove daylight and
cold/electric/acid resistance 5 from the standard aasimar in MM1.

Roll 1d% 4 times on the table below. Abilities don't
stack; reroll any duplicated abilities.

01-02: DR 1/silver or magic
03-04: DR 1/cold iron or magic
05-07: cold resistance 5
08-10: fire resistance 5
11-13: acid resistance 5
14-16: electric resistance 5
17-18: Can cast spells with celestial component. (BOED)
19-20: Heals twice as much naturally (not magical healing)
21-22: touch inflicts +1 holy damage to evil creatures
23-24: +4 to save vs. energy drain
25-26: +4 to save vs. petrification
27-28: +4 to save vs. mind-affecting effects
29-30: +4 to save against poison
31-32: +2 on will saves
33-34: +2 on fortitude saves
35-36: +2 on reflex saves
37-38: +1 Strength
39-40: +1 Dexterity
41-42: +1 Constitution
43-44: +1 Intelligence
45-46: +1 Wisdom
47-48: +1 Charisma
49-50: +1 natural AC bonus
51-52: bless 1/day
53-54: augury 1/day
55-56: cure moderate wounds 1/day
57-58: tongues 1/day
59-60: speak with animals 1/day
61-62: comprehend languages 1/day
63-66: daylight 1/day
67-68: consecrate 1/day
69-70: detect evil 3/day
71-72: detect magic 3/day
73-74: zone of truth 1/day
75-76: featherfall 1/day
77-78: calm emotion 1/day
79-80: minor image 1/day
81-82: misdirection 1/day
83-84: protection from evil (self only) 1/day
85-86: remove fear 1/day
87-88: sanctuary 1/day
89-90: shield other 1/day
91-92: whispering wind 1/day
93-94: see invisibility 1/day
95-96: mirror image 1/day
97-98: summon monster II (good only) 1/week
99-00: heroism (self only) 1/day



Tequila Sunrise's picture
Joined: 2006-11-17
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

Hyena of Ice wrote:
Just look at the various celestial races and give them less-visible versions of some of those traits. Here are the ones I thought of:
Hey, thanks! That really helped fill out my list.

catland93 wrote:
Tequila Sunrise wrote:
Has anyone compiled a list of 20+ aasimar traits, similar to the table of random tiefling traits from the Planewalker's Handbook?

Not all aasimars are alike. Remove daylight and
cold/electric/acid resistance 5 from the standard aasimar in MM1...

Maybe I should have asked for cosmetic traits, 'cause I'm not messing with mechanics here. But wow, that's quite a table! Did you write it yourself?

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Re: Aasimar Physical Traits?

One of thing about Aasimar with traits that are very Guardinal, always reminded me of the fact that there should be some feat for Shifters (and possibly Hengeyokai) that have Guardinal blood. Since Shifters are not all necessarily "half-lycanthropes".

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