A warning about The Le Games

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mcgihoh's picture
Joined: 2004-11-16
A warning about The Le Games

Stay away from The Le Games.

The Le "sells" online .pdf files.

He also lies about his sales, posts false reviews on himself, and uses the system to steal content from his submitters.

I should
know.  I was one of them.  After providing artwork for several .pdf
files, The Le was found out by RPG Now.  He had been using fake
accounts to post false reviews that praised his work, thus boosting his

And he was found out.

His responce has been to say
"I'm sorry, but lots of people do this."  Yes, it's the other person's
fault that HE has been criminaly dishonest.

Now he is offering
the falsely reviewed files for "free", as a bribe for people to forget
about his deception.  And then use the "sales" to boost his ratings.

actions have damaged Myself, My fellow submitters, RPG Now, game
reviewers, and the entire indipendent gaming comunity.  Weather the
effect is large or small, he has put a stain on the gaming communtiy.

His products are built on lies and daming the careers of those who work with him.  Avoid his work, and please spread the word.

This behavior cannot be tolerated.


"Yes, we have no hosoneas, we have no hosoneas today"  (from a popular Athar ballad)

Kobold Avenger's picture
Joined: 2005-11-18
Personally I felt that the

Personally I felt that the ads indicated that all of the LE Games stuff was not worth my time.

My only reaction to any of their products, was how I suggested there should be a game about subcultures like Punks, Hardcore Kids, Ravers, Gangsta, Hippies, Goths, Indy Kids and Metalheads and prestige classes like True Kultist, Power Metal Crusader, Junglist, Rockabilly, Cybergoth, Skinhead, Straight-Edge Vegan, Goa-Head, Necro-death Extremist and more, in response to one of their advertised products which seemed to indicate a lack knowledge with any modern day subcultures.

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