A strange request to play a mimir

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damienroy77's picture
Joined: 2004-11-25
A strange request to play a mimir

For those of you who played Torment you will know why but one of my player has requested to play a flying skull in the campagne we are starting in January.

This may sound a bit strange but a fighter flying skull was passing itself for a mimir in the game Torment under the name of Morte.

The team of player I play with are very mature and I don't think this will go into a crazy spin. We have used the savage species book to create level5 equivalent players.

So far we have a quiet nice team:
* Chaotic Neutral Air Genasi Fighter, going for weapon finesse,

* Chaotic Neutral (who can tend to evil) Satyre who will become Rogue as he takes more level and reachs puberty (at level 5 a satyre is not adult yet)

* Neutral Evil Human Death-Touched (for those interested it was a nice template provided in Dragon magazine) sorcerer

* Lawful Neutral Githzerai Monk who is hesitating in taking some Psi levels

and the last one was looking into a nice evil priest. There are a lot of races who could completement this, including a drow priestess of Loth which would have been perfect...

However the player has suddenly thought of a mimir. What about a flying skull, inspiring fear and hate around him like a priest of Erythnul.

Well that could work, the player will have no means of delivering touch spells (unless maybe its teeth), also very very little equipement ca be taken.

However I can't find anything about Mimirs, not a single trace of them in the 3.5 edition books (I am coming late in ADD) so I thought one of you guys might know. I don't have any Planescape books, and I thought you might have something somewhere about these damn skulls.

I guess a good AC, probably a very small size too...

Anyway if any of you know please give a shout, it would be great to see how this neutral-evil team fare from plane to plane looking for their cursed artifact.

Thanks a lot.

ceratus's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A strange request to play a mimir

I don't think mimirs have stats as such(correct me if I'm wrong)...they're mentioned briefly somewhere (either the planescape campaign setting or the guide to sigil, I can't remember) and were treated as an item...

And Morte wasn't a mimir...( I won't say what he was and accidentally spoil it for someone), and in my opinion mimirs are pretty fragile things...not really suited for fighting

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A strange request to play a mimir

For the touch spell issue you may be able to make up for it by giving him access to the spell Spectral Hand. I'd also suggest possibly a vulnerability to the shatter spell (like a demi lich) and maybe - VERY maybe, you'd have to look at the game mechanics to be sure, immunity to criticals. Certainly he'll be able to fly, likely he'll be able to not breathe. Would that make him immune to poisons? That's another thing to consider closely so as not to overwhelm the other players.

How strong a pull can he get with his flying? Would he be able to break out of someones grip? That would give an idea of the speed of which his fly is capable. Depending on how much your player is likely to take the numbers and try to abuse his way into a cooler thing than he should have gotten... you'll have to be careful in designing this thing.

Mimirs are tiny constructs - not intellegent, and they repeat back what is told to them. They're tape recorders basically. Morte... was not your usual mimir. (And actually, he wasn't one but I'm not going to spoil that one either. PM me if you wish otherwise.)

Your trick here will be determining HP and making sure they player gets goodies despite the lack of well... anything to equip. A creative player can get around the odd eq issues and get good stuff anyways. (Sayth the chick who played a cranium rat hive once.)

Kaelyn's picture
Joined: 2004-05-10
the dark of space is no place for a fragile human soul

There's a living construct subtype in the Monster Manual 3, and in the Eberron setting. Essentially you're playing a construct imbued with a soul, so its hit dice are derived from its character class like a normal PC, it has a constitution score, it doesn't have any special vision abilities, it's not immune to mind-influencing effects

it is immune to poison, sleep, paralysis, disease, nausea, fatigue, exhaustion, and energy drain, it can't heal damage naturally,

it is not immune to critical hits, effects requiring a Fort save, death from massive damage, nonlethal damage, stunning, ability damage, ability drain, and death or necromancy effects

it can run

it can be healed by cure light wounds and also by spells used to heal constructs (repair light damage), and it's vulnerable to harm spells and the like. Healing spells only work half as well for living constructs

A living construct reduced to 0 hp is disabled, only able to take a single move action or a standard action in each round, but strenuous activity doesn't make things worse. Between 0 and -10 hp, it's inert, but doesn't automatically lose additional damage. A living construct can stay at -5 hp (or 0 hp) for centuries and then be healed and be fine. At =10 hp it's destroyed and its soul departs for the Outer Planes. It could also become a ghost or other undead.

They can be raised or resurrected normally.

They don't need to eat, sleep (they still must rest for 8 hours before preparing spells), or breathe, but they can drink potions and eat goodberries, for example.

damienroy77's picture
Joined: 2004-11-25
A strange request to play a mimir

Thanks for all your answers.

I remembered Morte wasn't a Mimir (and won't spoil it for anyone else either) but I thought if he passes for one maybe that could be a good start.

I am looking now in the direction of undead... simply because a skull is definitly undead, and also because undead advantages and disadvantages might work as a nice platform for this character. Considering he can be turned by good cleric, this will for a start limit its powers.
he won't also be able to heal naturally,
destroyed immediately at 0 HP
not affected by raise dead and reincarnate

good Will save
no constitution
Immunity to all mind-affecting effects
Immunity to slep effects, poison, paralysis, stunning, disease and of course death effects
Immune to critical hits, non-lethal damage, ability drain or energy drain, fatigue, exhaustion
undead do not breath eat or sleep

Also maybe have it as a tiny character (less than 2 Ft)

Now thanks to Kaelyn post I am toying with the idea od construct too...

Reassuring Clueless this player won't abuse his stats, he will likely play his character really well and if something gets overboard a quick word while we put the pizza in the oven and we'll amend the character sheet to reflect what we hadn't forseen.

Other weaknesses would have to be:
- no equipement (maybe a hat :roll: )
- a tiny strength like -10

I'm still playing with different ideas I'll post what I can find and decide later on thanks again.

nick012000's picture
Joined: 2004-05-19
A strange request to play a mimir

No items is a pretty big disadvantage.

Personally, I would give the race Mage Hand at will to allow a modicum of playability.

The Str penalty probably won't be neccessary.

damienroy77's picture
Joined: 2004-11-25
A strange request to play a mimir

the same strength wa for pushing things, a skull of less than 10 kilos doesn't have to be really powerful in the way it handles the force effect allowing it to levitate, move and oush items.

Mage Hand would sound nice in the system and the gameplay but it seems that I'm only putting it here to help the player who shouldn't need it anyway.

Items will be good for fighting and for casting spells I agree but somehow it doesn't feel right, I need to try different things here.

Almighty Watashi's picture
Joined: 2004-11-22
A strange request to play a mimir

The biggest description of a mimir I've seen was in a primer to the outlands. I think it even came with an audio CD of typical mimir responses.

Yes, mimir is just a magical device (i think it doesn't even have to be a skull, altough skulls are the most common), it costs about 1000gp for the clueless and it follows the owner by floating behind him.

Most planars prefer to hold them in a box while they don't use them because they think that primers look stupid while walking around with a skull-shaped tape recorder floating behind them Laughing out loud

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