A Sect: Spire-Breakers

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Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
A Sect: Spire-Breakers

(The Breakers, the Low Men)

Sect Symbol: A burning red eye.

Sect Philosophy: The Great Wheel is an abomination. It holds the planes captive in a neatly balanced ring. It imprisons planewalkers that travel the Hinterlands. It hides the true infinity, offering us a false one. Free yourself! Shatter the wheel! Sunder the spire that holds it in place and the Beams that support it! Cut the planes loose into the swirling mass of overlapping realities, unshackle sentient beings to explore and inhabit them, herald the age of truly endless possibilities for all!
"The Spire is strong, friends. It was built in ages past by the ancestors of the pretentious race of fools that defend it today. It is cleverly designed to nullify all magic, but it is not invulnerable. It chains the sixteen planes, holding them in place by invisible and heavily guarded Beams, but it is also supported by those Beams. And therein lies its weakness, friends. For whenever we defeat a Guardian and break a Beam that connects a plane to the Spire, its defenses crumble a little more. The rilmani of this age are weak and ignorant, friends. Their mighty forefathers were so cagey that much of their lore lies forgotten, and thus they are unable to repair the Beams we break. All they can do is sit around their accursed Spire, trembling in fear, waiting to hear the sound of the last Beam breaking. And that sound will be heard soon, friends. Several Beams have already been crushed by our efforts, their Guardians slain. Others we are working on at this very moment, and yet others are still hidden from us. But when they are found, they will fall friends, there is no doubt. The unsupported Spire will sway, defenseless, and we will be there to tip it over. And then what, I hear you ask? Anything, my friends. Anything you can imagine, and more..."

Primary Plane of Influence: Outlands, more specifically Hinterlands. The sect also has relatively strong support in Limbo, Pandemonium, and Hades.

History: The Spire-Breakers appear to be a newly founded sect, and are often disregarded as yet another barmy bunch with a conspiracy theory and ideals of liberation through cataclysm. However, a closer look at some historical records shows that surprisingly similar movements have risen in the past, every several centuries or so. Each time their voice has been silenced by a strategically appointed cuprilach or two, but apparently the rilmani have been unable to permanently silence the Breakers.

Allies and Enemies: Breaker ideals are fairly popular among Anarchist and Sinkers, to a certain extent. Usually, Xaositects might also be considered allies, for what it's worth... The Hardheads have little knowledge of the sect, but enough to oppose them vehemently. Rilmani strive to root out Breaker beliefs without mercy, whether by word or by blade. Yugoloths deny all involvement in their recognizable “wink-wink, nudge-nudge” manner that implies that they want to leave the impression that they are, as usual, behind it all.

Members: Visionaries become Spire-Breakers. Those who feel that there is more to the planes then what is commonly known, or that there should be. Those who have seen the Far Realm and came back to tell about it. Those ex-Anarchists that have become too cosmologically-bent to focus on their political agenda. Those ex-Sinkers that strive to promote Entropy more effectively than by setting fires and starting wars.

Movers & Shakers:

- Randal Flagg: A tall, dark tiefling or cambion, his age impossible to ascertain. Dressed in simple black clothes, wearing an old, battered backpack stuffed with fifty different types of conflicting literature-pamphlets, he walks the Great Road, humming some cheerful melody to himself. His expression is that of a hatefully happy man, radiating a horrible handsome warmth.
Randal Flagg is the de facto sectol of the Spire-Breakers. He appears at practically all sect meetings, even though nobody knows who invited him. His charisma overwhelms new members, and scares away the weak. He is often accompanied by several fiercely loyal bodyguards ("My life for you!" ), although he seems to be able to handle any threat personally, usually with a quiet word and a frightening smile. He has never been seen in the presence of a rilmani.
Who and what Randal Flagg really is, nobody knows for sure.

- Merwin "Trash" Elbert: A ruin of a man, obviously mad, dressed in tattered rags. He spends most of his time on Thuldanin, scavenging for the sect. Trash apparently has an uncanny ability to locate tools of destruction in the refuse layer of Acheron that can still be put to use. He marks the spot, and the sect sends in retrieval teams.
Trash is obviously unable to protect himself from the hazards of the Lower Planes, but he seems to manage somehow. The chant among his fellow Breakers is that Flagg had placed his sigil upon Trash, and no fiend will harm him.


Fidrikon's picture
Joined: 2004-12-19
A Sect: Spire-Breakers

This could be intesting idea for a quest. Why save the world when you can save the multiverse?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A Sect: Spire-Breakers

*a card is slipped under Nemui's door, on it is enscribed in a spidery script written in golden glowing ink:
An Ideal My Planewalker Submission: Good for one round at the bar of the Bariaur and Peg*

* Bariaur and Peg does not endorse or quantify the quality of their liqour, see other side for details regarding "Mysterious Liqour"

Nemui's picture
Joined: 2004-08-30
A Sect: Spire-Breakers

"Clueless" wrote:
*a card is slipped under Nemui's door, on it is enscribed in a spidery script written in golden glowing ink: An Ideal My Planewalker Submission: Good for one round at the bar of the Bariaur and Peg*

* Bariaur and Peg does not endorse or quantify the quality of their liqour, see other side for details regarding "Mysterious Liqour"

Well thanks, but I was hoping for some feedback before I submit this.

They do not endorse their own liquor? How's that working for them?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A Sect: Spire-Breakers

Well, worse comes to worse you can always pester me to pull it down so you can put up another version - I'm fine with that. Eye-wink I just hate to see when a really nice entry falls to the wayside because it gets forgotten about. Eye-wink Hence, I pass out reminder cards fairly routinely.

And not too well for them - they already had a gnome's wife sue them about a razorvine wine related poisoning. Eye-wink On the other hand I'm sure you can handle it. *GRIN*

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