A scenario for some Clueless

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Roxolan's picture
Joined: 2006-05-24
A scenario for some Clueless

Hi people, I'm new to Planewalker.com (great site by the way, lots of useful materials and funny stories). I'm a French gamemaster (living in Belgium) and I play in a universe of my own. My intend was to use the basic D&D cosmology as described in the Gamemaster Guide, and I want to play a single scenario on Sigil and possibly the planes. However, the problem is : my players know nothing of the planes. Sure, they heard a bit of the elemental planes (where do these fire elementals came from anyway ?) and a couple of them know that most incorporal creatures are in fact staying on the etheral plane. Sure, most understand the concept of planes (as "parallel dimention") and know that there are other "worlds" out there somewhere. But that's it. I myself have read the description of the main plains in the Gamemaster Guide and the Planar Handbook, and I have played "Planescape - Torment" which does give a general overview.
I am thus looking for a scenario designed for a visit of a bunch of clueless on Sigil and the planes, but I can't find any (and I don't like writing scenarios myself, to be honest). Can someone help me ?

Another thing : we're playing in French of course, and most of the Sigil jargon is not translatable. Of course, they're not supposed to understand things like "rattling your bone-box", but it cannot sound like a foreign language. Anybody know where to find a translation ?

Roxolan's picture
Joined: 2006-05-24
A scenario for some Clueless

Thanks for the help, but I have not made my meaning clear. I wish my players to visit Sigil as Clueless from the Prime, not locals. And as all the scenarios (that I've read anyway) of this site are made for inhabitants of the planes...

By the way, the italic command does'nt seem to be working. Maybe it's just my PC but...

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A scenario for some Clueless

We have a section on the site called 'Hooks' - it's for small game ideas just the sort of thing that you're looking for.

I'd suggest perhaps: The Revenge of Pettiness, Surprise! or Life of the Party

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
Introductory adventure

I've created an ********* in the encyclopdia. I thought the community could help out creating a good adventure, either by altering what I've written or deleting it and create something new.

Anyway. Its pretty basic, but should help you in using the encyclopedia to discover the planes. Add to it if you use it. Maybe it'll get good enough to be up there one day?

Edit: Ignore this post.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A scenario for some Clueless

Check your profile - doesn't look like you're setting your settings so that BBCode is automatically turned on.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A scenario for some Clueless

I would strongly suggest moving that into a submission so we can put it on the site properly and get people contributing to the hooks section again. The Encyclopedia is intended as a resource for canon materials. Smiling

taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A scenario for some Clueless

Yup. Thought as much.

Worth a shot anyway...
It was just too much bother to create all those links into the encyclopedia so I thought I'd just do a fast one. I'll delete it right now. Cool

Roxolan's picture
Joined: 2006-05-24
A scenario for some Clueless

Actually, I liked it being in the Encyclopedia. It made read all articles related and all articles related to the articles related... I spent about half an hour looking at it while I was supposed to do my homework (and it's quarter past 23 here in Belgium...). Nice idea. It makes my players make a visit to two planes and then send them to wherever I'd like to. However, I'd have like a scenario with most of it going on in Sigil.
I'm being too dificult there (don't know if the expression exist in English), I guess I'll have to write my own scenario after all. I'll have a look on the old published adventures though (but it'll probably need a lot of work to convert them in 3.5). Any good one to advise to me ?
Oh, why did'nt Wizard make a 3.5 edition of Planescape... You're doing a great job out there converting the rules, but I guess there isn't any plan to write a full detailed scenario like the ones published by WotC, is there ?

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A scenario for some Clueless

Let me know once it's up and I'll push it through, the submission system is becoming one of those things that I think i'm the only one babysitting anymore.

Clueless's picture
Joined: 2008-06-30
A scenario for some Clueless

'Roxolan' wrote:
You're doing a great job out there converting the rules, but I guess there isn't any plan to write a full detailed scenario like the ones published by WotC, is there ?
It's not so much that there isn't a plan, as there aren't the people. We're purely volunteer, so without the volunteers... there's no modules. Sad

OpheliaWhispers's picture
Joined: 2005-05-27
A scenario for some Clueless

Roxolan.... is there any old French slang words that were used around the 19th century? That would be a good way to bring the "Sigil-speak" into the game. Just my two coppers Laughing out loud .


taotad's picture
Joined: 2004-05-11
A scenario for some Clueless

'Roxolan' wrote:
I'm being too dificult there (don't know if the expression exist in English), I guess I'll have to write my own scenario after all. I'll have a look on the old published adventures though (but it'll probably need a lot of work to convert them in 3.5). Any good one to advise to me ?
I'd download the "Well of Worlds" adventure path. Its only $ 4 and features many good adventures. None of them in Sigil, but many leading to and from it. You should find the new monster stats by googling or checking their 3rd edition sources on the Encyclopedia. Its really easy to convert nowadays. Most things are found in one version or another on the net.

remi's picture
Joined: 2005-01-31
A scenario for some Clueless

Hi, Roxolan. I'm french and did some translations of planescape in french. Sorry, anlo-saxons fellows, but I'm gonna talk to Roxolan only (I hope it will be helpfull for him):
Il se peut que j'ai des scenarii fait maison qui puissent te convenir.
Je pourrais aussi t'aider pour les traductions de jargon. Là en l'occurence, "to rattle one's bone-box" se dit en français "branler son râtelier", c'est à dire ouvrir un peu trop sa grande gueule...
j'ai un blog sur planescape, et si t'y laisses tes coordonnées, je te recontacterai et je pourrai t'envoyer pas mal de trucs par mail (petits scénars pour découvrir Sigil, traductions des aides de jeu sur Sigil).
Cet été, je vais créer un site où je mettrai en ligne mes traductions, je te mettrai au courant si tu veux.
Pour l'instant voilà l'adresse du bloghttp://spaces.msn.com/remiplanescape/
Aventurier des Plans

Roxolan's picture
Joined: 2006-05-24
A scenario for some Clueless

Merci, j'y cours.

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